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Updated: Colts hire Shane Steichen as their new HC (Merged)


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17 minutes ago, CR91 said:


For me, it's just hard to differentiate because it wasn't a regularity for Stroud so yes when it came and he wasn't expected it, he was in uncharted territory. The only reason I bring up the Georgia game is because that is Sunday talent and I think he understood that the same comfort he's use to, he wasnt gonna get and needed to do more and he did.

We will see in due time I guess. This draft class has good variety of style of QBs and different levels of readiness to play in the NFL so it will be interesting to see what happens with all of them. I will have my favorite prospect in the class, but I'm usually pretty bad at evaluating QBs so I'm pretty open-minded about them and whoever Ballard and Steichen(?!) decide to pick, I will be happy with and will be rooting for the guy to be the best QB in the league. :thmup:


The good thing is that Steichen has experience coaching variety of different QBs and has had success with all of them. 

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5 minutes ago, CR91 said:


Didn't mean to derail. Conversation just went in that direction when we were talking QBs for Steichen 


No worries, I derailed it as well but Coaches and QB's are the 2 most important things in football. I don't think discussing who we draft as QB on a coaching thread is worth getting anyone's underwear in a bunch because both have to meshchuckling homer simpson GIF

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28 minutes ago, chad72 said:

The true question is - why did the Colts have to inform the other candidates before the SB that they’re not in contention? Couldn’t they not have done it Monday knowing the timing ramifications?

Just seems like word may have leaked on Steichen in Coaching/Agent circles, and the Colts may been compelled to make the announcement on the eliminated coaches. Prior to this, the search was very tight-lipped except for comments on  the candidates interviewing very well. There was no upside for the Colts.

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11 minutes ago, CR91 said:


Didn't mean to derail. Conversation just went in that direction when we were talking QBs for Steichen 


We can get back on topic after I post this but I seen your Suns got Durant GIF by NBA- I think they win it all now. He and Booker + CP3, wow!


Back on topic - I would be extremely happy if we hired Shane

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Steichen's worked with Rivers, Herbert, and Hurts


He's very good at making gameplans to make sure his QBs are using their strengths


When Ben Johnson and DeMeco Ryans went off the board, Steichen was the one I wanted


The Eagles offense took off when Sirianni handed playcalling over to him


Let's hope the contract gets signed

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We can get back on topic after I post this but I seen your Suns got Durant GIF by NBA- I think they win it all now. He and Booker + CP3, wow!


Back on topic - I would be extremely happy if we hired Shane


Crazy how that happened. Best chance my suns to ever win a championship.

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1 hour ago, Fat Clemenza said:

I just can’t get behind the timing of this news/ distraction hours before Steichen’s team plays in the Super Bowl.

I wish Irsay and Ballard kept this under their hat until tonight, just gives me a bad feeling.  

Media leaks its Shane so he gets mad and backs out leaving Jeff to come in. LMAO I'm happy either way but would be funny kinda. 

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2 hours ago, DougDew said:

Yes, under normal circumstances a coach that endures two interviews does so because they are interested in the job and would accept it if offered (barring compensation issues).   To use the Josh thing is a really one off occurrence that shouldn't really change the way you think a NORMAL person would look at it.


I would assume he wants the job, so now its onto specifying contract talks.


At this point, Steichen has probably talked price with his agent and gave his agent a set of conditions to work out with Ballard.  The "targeting" comment means that Ballard and the Agent are talking contract terms right now probably.  Steichen finishes with the SB and looks it over and then signs, then its announced.  Just the way I would think it would work. 

We are in agreement 

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1 minute ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

This gets finished next week and Ballard can start looking at this roster and seeing if he wants to bring anyone back. With Bradley looking like he will stay maybe yannik gets brought back. Then of course Campbell and Okereke. Okereke will probably test FA.

Probably to Bears?

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24 minutes ago, Bert Johns said:

Surprise Surprise. As i posted the other day Irsay tipped his hand saying we will name a new coach in a few day not hours. After that everything pointed to Steichen. Shefty should give me his paycheck this week. I  broke that news earlier this week not him. Lol

Actually day could have been Jeff with his riddle.

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1 hour ago, stitches said:

He did! I cannot take that away from him. He showed great heart and he did everything in his power to win that game. But IMO even in that game his scrambles don't look athletic and dynamic... they look like the product of a player with a big heart, but they look somewhat awkward. The question is can he do that with regularity and have similar result with regularity? He didn't do it in college... except for that one game. I just don't think he can... I don't think he's dynamic enough... I don't think he's athletic enough. If we thought he was Justin Herbert(or close) athletically and playmaking-wise he should be unquestionably no. 1 pick in the draft and we should not spare any resourses to get him. 


Of course, I could be wrong and if I'm wrong he will be a completely different animal in the league and whoever gets him will be very happy with that pick. 

What is everyones obsession with whether a qb runs or not. Peyton manning rarely ran and he was great. Tom brady as well. Stroud does not have to be hurts, lamar jackson, or michael vick to be successful. If he navigates the pocket well and makes accurate passes he will be fine

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Just now, Stephen said:

What is everyones obsession with whether a qb runs or not. Peyton manning rarely ran and he was great. Tom brady as well. Stroud does not have to be hurts, lamar jackson, or michael vick to be successful. If he navigates the pocket well and makes accurate passes he will be fine

His career might last longer than the running QBs. 

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

2 huge keys will be, Taylor will  be 100% healthy next season and I also think Leonard will be as well. We do need a LT though. 

I’m pretty sure Alabama has nutritionist for their athletes (I’m being nice, they do).


He played at the NFL training center for future NFL players. If the dude could put on 15 LBS, he would have already. 

I totally understand hoping he can, just seems like the wrong hand to go all in on.

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Sorry all. My bad. I asked which QB in the draft would Steichen prefer and it has evolved into a QB thread. 


1 hour ago, csmopar said:

You all realize that there is a whole draft thread for the QB discussion right?


You realize this happens all the time on almost most threads. All you need to do is bring the conversation back to Steichen and the rest will follow. 

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I think we are getting Frank part 2 with this guy. Frank might've been fine if he relinquished play calling duties and actually been head coach. Like it or not I think we would've known what kind of team we actually had under Jeff. Still don't see a break out QB in this draft. McKee or Tennessee QB in 2nd maybe. 

Sign Saturday to 1 year I think was our best for our future.

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Just now, Matabix said:

I think we are getting Frank part 2 with this guy. Frank might've been fine if he relinquished play calling duties and actually been head coach. Like it or not I think we would've known what kind of team we actually had under Jeff. Still don't see a break out QB in this draft. McKee or Tennessee QB in 2nd maybe. 

Sign Saturday to 1 year I think was our best for our future.


What makes you believe Steichen is Frank Reich #2?  


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4 minutes ago, Matabix said:

I think we are getting Frank part 2 with this guy. Frank might've been fine if he relinquished play calling duties and actually been head coach. Like it or not I think we would've known what kind of team we actually had under Jeff. Still don't see a break out QB in this draft. McKee or Tennessee QB in 2nd maybe. 

Sign Saturday to 1 year I think was our best for our future.

Glad that didnt happen

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2 hours ago, t-rex said:


I strongly disagree.


We kept what worked. We changed what didn't.  I think the Colts did a good job. It was a strange path to get here. But what we have now can work.


This is the best I have felt in a long time.

I agree with just about all of this, except the D. I get it wasn’t among the top concerns, but I do wish they would have got a new DC. Not a major scheme overhaul, but switch it up a little. More aggressive, more blitzing.


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Just now, Btown_Colt said:

I agree with just about all of this, except the D. I get it wasn’t among the top concerns, but I do wish they would have got a new DC. Not a major scheme overhaul, but switch it up a little. More aggressive, more blitzing.


They dont need a new dc to do that. Bradley just needs to blitz more

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9 minutes ago, Stephen said:

They both run the rpo offense


Many coaches do. There is a lot more to coaching. 


I say give the new coach a chance. He has had success as an assistant with other teams and he has learned from working with winning teams. This seems like a good hire.


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