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Luck Comments On His Pro Day

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Stop, we all know you hate that PM is gone and think Luck will stink as a Colt.....and you may be correct? Though you are coming across as bitter with comments like this and to be bitter at your age is really a waste Brother :)

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yesterday during the pro day before luck threw, dilfer said after watching him work out the last couple weeks he sees alot of simularities to manning in his footwork and throwing form. my question is how are his work habits. will he be in the video room at 5 AM like manning was every day even if they win big? or is he going to be a QB who shows up on time and just practices? if this guy is going to fill mannings shoes he needs to be as hard of a worker as manning if not harder to get more rings then manning. just my opinion

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yesterday during the pro day before luck threw, dilfer said after watching him work out the last couple weeks he sees alot of simularities to manning in his footwork and throwing form. my question is how are his work habits. will he be in the video room at 5 AM like manning was every day even if they win big? or is he going to be a QB who shows up on time and just practices? if this guy is going to fill mannings shoes he needs to be as hard of a worker as manning if not harder to get more rings then manning. just my opinion

If you'd been keeping up with Luck interviews and analysis you'd know he's ridiculously hard working. Nobody has any fears about his work rate - in fact his work rate is one of the main things that makes him so well reviewed.

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yesterday during the pro day before luck threw, dilfer said after watching him work out the last couple weeks he sees alot of simularities to manning in his footwork and throwing form. my question is how are his work habits. will he be in the video room at 5 AM like manning was every day even if they win big? or is he going to be a QB who shows up on time and just practices? if this guy is going to fill mannings shoes he needs to be as hard of a worker as manning if not harder to get more rings then manning. just my opinion

During the Fiesta Bowl, the announcers told us about how Whalen struggled with Luck's early bedtime. Apparently, Luck would go to bed at 10:30, so he can get some extra time with the coaches early in the morning.

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I'd like to know how an athlete, particularly one of that calibur pulls off a degree in architecture? I dont see how it happens without drastically altering his curriculum! That course work is pretty hectic with countless all-nighters through a regular school year.

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I'd like to know how an athlete, particularly one of that calibur pulls off a degree in architecture? I dont see how it happens without drastically altering his curriculum! That course work is pretty hectic with countless all-nighters through a regular school year.

Some people are gifted.

I notice that Luck was his high school valedictorian, as well as being the star QB and captain of his football team. I think his academic credentials helped him get accepted into Stanford. His work habits, along with his natural gifts allow him to succeed in the Stanford competitive environment.

I fully expect him to carry that over to the NFL, and hopefully to the Colts.

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Some people are gifted.

I notice that Luck was his high school valedictorian, as well as being the star QB and captain of his football team. I think his academic credentials helped him get accepted into Stanford. His work habits, along with his natural gifts allow him to succeed in the Stanford competitive environment.

I fully expect him to carry that over to the NFL, and hopefully to the Colts.

I reckon if you have never been through an architecture program you wont understand how much time it requires. There are only so many hours in a day and I have little doubt that a great deal of his hours were dedicated to football. I stand by my claim that there is no way he completed the arch program without some major bending on behalf of that arch program!

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I reckon if you have never been through an architecture program you wont understand how much time it requires. There are only so many hours in a day and I have little doubt that a great deal of his hours were dedicated to football. I stand by my claim that there is no way he completed the arch program without some major bending on behalf of that arch program!

No, I have not been through an architecture program, nor have I been through most of the programs offered at Stanford, or at any other university.

However, I think any undergraduate education at a reputable academic institution such as Stanford would be adequately rigorous to provide both challenge and reward to those students who are fortunate enough to be part of their respective degree programs.

From my limited understanding and experience, I think being a Stanford student-athlete requires one to manage ones time efficiently to be successful. :)

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I reckon if you have never been through an architecture program you wont understand how much time it requires. There are only so many hours in a day and I have little doubt that a great deal of his hours were dedicated to football. I stand by my claim that there is no way he completed the arch program without some major bending on behalf of that arch program!

You make it sound like it's impossible. Of course its much more difficult but at the same time he has access to tutors and other sources of help. I doubt Luck is partying every friday night getting trashed or playing Xbox all day. He seems like a really bright kid who has the right intentions. I'm not sure if you're envious or just blindy accusing him because it seems tough.

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I'm not sure if you're envious or just blindy accusing him because it seems tough.

It doesn't just seem tough - I know for a fact that it is as I've been through an accredited architecture program. I too am a pretty bright guy having graduated with a 4.0 with published works at several prestigious universities around the country, but hey I can't deny it sure would be nice to be the #1 overall pick in a major sport. :P

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I reckon if you have never been through an architecture program you wont understand how much time it requires. There are only so many hours in a day and I have little doubt that a great deal of his hours were dedicated to football. I stand by my claim that there is no way he completed the arch program without some major bending on behalf of that arch program!

While getting a real degree versus a "athlete friendly degree" definitely requires a much greater level of intelligence, dedication to studies, time management, etc ... I believe most colleges with competitive sports programs have put policies in place to accommodate the needs and schedules of student athletes including tutors, flexible test schedules, modified attendance, etc ... Look how many students athletes are utilizing some sort of university athletic policy to compete in the NCAA Tourny right now. The architecture program probably bent in accordance with these policies just like the other programs do, and I am sure the architecture program has had other student athletes whether it be football or one of the many other collegiate sports so I am sure they are not unfamiliar with working with these policies.

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There's a student in my youth band who is a senior. He was declined by Stanford but was accepted by Cornell. He's waiting to hear back from Harvard and Yale. Along with having a plus 4.0 gpa, he shreds on guitar, raps (makes his own stuff up), plays good baseball, and is involved in so many activities it blows my mind. He's the goofiest kid I know, and he's a great person, too. Add on that his major in college will be engineering - Some people are just gifted.

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It doesn't just seem tough - I know for a fact that it is as I've been through an accredited architecture program. I too am a pretty bright guy having graduated with a 4.0 with published works at several prestigious universities around the country, but hey I can't deny it sure would be nice to be the #1 overall pick in a major sport. :P

And modest as well ;).....btw, didn't "George Costanza" fake being an Architect?

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It doesn't just seem tough - I know for a fact that it is as I've been through an accredited architecture program. I too am a pretty bright guy having graduated with a 4.0 with published works at several prestigious universities around the country, but hey I can't deny it sure would be nice to be the #1 overall pick in a major sport. :P

But this has nothing to do with Andrew Lucks situation. You're are blindy accusing him based on your own experience, not based on any credible evidence whatsoever. Maybe the kid just really gets it and doesn't struggle as much as the average student.

Devil's advocate, Luck could come out and say architecture is the easiest program in the world and that is why he chose it. He can focus on football while cruising through a program. Obviously that is an objective opinion but it's exactly what you're doing.

To me it sounds like envy, for a guy to be enrolled in an arch program and still be the best quarterback is incredible! So incredible that I must make blind assumptions because no one should actually give the kid credit for possibly just working his tail off.

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yes it is. very true. but I wasn't surprised to see that you were the one that brought it up. we know you hate him. we get it. just like you know that I wanted Manning out of here. ;)

When have I ever stated I hated him? I just don't think he deserves all the praise plus more. He hasn't played in the NFL. He has my full support, but praise is held off until he does something.

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When have I ever stated I hated him? I just don't think he deserves all the praise plus more. He hasn't played in the NFL. He has my full support, but praise is held off until he does something.

I have seen you state that you hate Luck probably as often as I have seen others state that they hate Manning. :)

Now that that is out of the way, allow me to disagree with your position that Luck does not deserve praise. I think Luck deserves a lot of praise for:

1) Not letting the media circus distract his attention from what matters most.

2) Performing admirably while being scrutinized for over 2 years now.

3) Providing the appropriate, level-headed, honest responses to media questions.

4) Being mature through both the successes (annointed #1 overall pick, winning Orange Bowl, MVP Orange Bowl) and relative failures (runner up Heisman 2x; losing Fiesta Bowl).

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I have seen you state that you hate Luck probably as often as I have seen others state that they hate Manning. :)

Now that that is out of the way, allow me to disagree with your position that Luck does not deserve praise. I think Luck deserves a lot of praise for:

1) Not letting the media circus distract his attention from what matters most.

2) Performing admirably while being scrutinized for over 2 years now.

3) Providing the appropriate, level-headed, honest responses to media questions.

4) Being mature through both the successes (annointed #1 overall pick, winning Orange Bowl, MVP Orange Bowl) and relative failures (runner up Heisman 2x; losing Fiesta Bowl).

I have never stated I hate Luck. So I just ignored the rest.

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Having ignored the rest, it is understandable how you misunderstood me.

You should probably go ahead and read what he's saying, then let it sink in for a minute, then maybe you'll understand he was actually defending you.

People don't hate Peyton? If you said Colts fans hating Peyton then I would have agreed with you. :thmup:

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