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Rgiii Robert Griffin Iii Pro Day Live Viewing @ 12:00 Eastern Espn3


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So did anyone watch it?

I am watching in, typical Pro Day... but his WR's are making some very good catches. Wright just snagged a one handed grab on a bomb. RG3 is 62 of 63 I think so far, but his receivers are really the ones standing out iMO. It's a good day for all Baylor Bears.

RG3 is a very good player.. And Wright is a definite 1 st round pick.

Luck is still a Colt tho.

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He threw well. Only missed on about two throws out of 80+, showed good footwork on the run, looked smooth dropping back from center, had good touch, threw quite a few effortless 50 yarders, caught a deep ball from Kendall Wright, and was incredibly relaxed and had some fun with it all.

It was a joy to watch but at the end of the day a lot of QBs have had real impressive pro days. A controlled environment and scripted throws don't translate well to gameday in the NFL.

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Well ive switched my pick from Luck to RG3. I say if you have balls enough to cut a hall of fame Qb, then we have balls enough to take a chance on a guy like Griffen. I dont even compare this guy to Vick. I think he is pocket who has the unremarkable ability to scramble if needed and he has one of the prettiest deep balls i have ever seen. I think this guy has the (IT) factor, what ever you take that to be. Sure I think Luck is the safe pick, but im not happy with safe since we just blew up our whole team. I say we pull down our pants and show the NFL just how big our nuts really are!! Hey Jim pull the trigger and let it fly. Lol its only one of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make. Hey you made the right one about 14 years ago. RG3 BABY!

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Wow really Jase? My thing with RG3 is he has the same build as Vick, but just a little taller. And his main weakness is feeling pressure, those two things don't mix well in the NFL. I hope I am wrong but I could see him as injured a lot. He has to get a better feel for pressure or he will be toast.

Yes he is a GREAT passer, but he takes a lot of shots when he stands in the pocket. that won't last long in the NFL.

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How many of these hybrid qbs have we seen do good in college/pro day and not work out. We would be foolish to pass on luck. He is mobile and very athletic just like rg3 but more nfl ready,good under pressure and has great knowledge of the game and can take control of an offense. I'm not saying rg3 isn't any of those but in my opinion he's not going to be anything big. Luck has been consistent his whole football career.

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Well ive switched my pick from Luck to RG3. I say if you have balls enough to cut a hall of fame Qb, then we have balls enough to take a chance on a guy like Griffen. I dont even compare this guy to Vick. I think he is pocket who has the unremarkable ability to scramble if needed and he has one of the prettiest deep balls i have ever seen. I think this guy has the (IT) factor, what ever you take that to be. Sure I think Luck is the safe pick, but im not happy with safe since we just blew up our whole team. I say we pull down our pants and show the NFL just how big our nuts really are!! Hey Jim pull the trigger and let it fly. Lol its only one of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make. Hey you made the right one about 14 years ago. RG3 BABY!

I get the feeling that if you were choosing between RG3 and a 22 year old Peyton Manning, you'd still pick RG3 over Peyton. I think it's a huge mistake to judge a QB prospect solely on his physical and athletic ability.

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Wow really Jase? My thing with RG3 is he has the same build as Vick, but just a little taller. And his main weakness is feeling pressure, those two things don't mix well in the NFL. I hope I am wrong but I could see him as injured a lot. He has to get a better feel for pressure or he will be toast.

Yes he is a GREAT passer, but he takes a lot of shots when he stands in the pocket. that won't last long in the NFL.

you think that RG3 has a hard time feeling pressure. He is the best I have seen escaping pressure. I have seen multiple times he has stiff armed a lineman to get away, u don't see that from qb's.
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I get the feeling that if you were choosing between RG3 and a 22 year old Peyton Manning, you'd still pick RG3 over Peyton. I think it's a huge mistake to judge a QB prospect solely on his physical and athletic ability.

It's not solely about physical and athletic ability, though. What RGIII possesses in terms of accuracy and what's between his ears is impressive enough to warrant his being a top prospect even if you toss out the athleticism. That's why this shouldn't be as clear cut a choice for you guys as some people make it.

That said, Luck is still probably the guy.

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you think that RG3 has a hard time feeling pressure. He is the best I have seen escaping pressure. I have seen multiple times he has stiff armed a lineman to get away, u don't see that from qb's.

feeling pressure is different from escaping it. It's the difference of running away from it for 5 yards and being able & knowing when to step up in the pocket to make a good pass, throwing for 50 yards.

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In ten years, we will al know that Andrew Luck was the better choice!

I remember a time when the talking heads were saying that Charlie Batch was better than Peyton Manning based on his initial production and lower draft order with the Lions.............how foolish do they look now!?

Those same talking heads thought that the "upside" and "physical tools" that Ryan Leaf possessed made him a better NFL QB than Manning as well............similarly, I bet they feel really foolish 14 years later!

Athletic ability, talent and "potential" do not equate to cerebral knowledge nor does it account for 4 years of production instead of one or two years...............its no different than someone performing well during their contract year and reverting back to the mediocre player they really are after getting paid on a new contract!

RG3 is a talented kid............but if I am starting fresh as the Colts are, I start fresh with Luck and his production, intelligence, savvy and pedigree!

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you think that RG3 has a hard time feeling pressure. He is the best I have seen escaping pressure. I have seen multiple times he has stiff armed a lineman to get away, u don't see that from qb's.

Escaping pressure is all about athletecism, feeling it is another thing. When he is locking on down field he has a hard time noticing when he is about to get clocked. In college that isn't as noticable, because the athletes aren't as fast so with him being a better athlete than anyone on the field he is able to escape it, and I can garauntee you he won't be stiff arming DL in the NFL. Read this breakdown from Colts Authority and it hightlights the issue really well.

NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2012-archives/march/five-plays-and-the-draft-robert-griffin-iii-in-the-alamo-bowl.html

Again, i have nothing against RG3 and would love for him to be our QB if we decide he truly is the better choice than Luck, but as I said before his stature and the fact that he does have trouble noticing pressure, really makes me wonder if he won't spend time injured, at least in his first couple of years.

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good video I am talking about a big lineman not a linebacker. Thanks for the video, I think either qb is a good choice. Just tired of every one thinking RG3 is not good enough to be a 1st pick.

Again never said he wasn't worth a #1 pick. Just that I prefer Luck as a bit of a safer pick to RG3.

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If anyone seen ESPN today with Bill you can tell he favored RG3 over Luck with the way he danced about in his words trying to be careful not saying he was better than Luck. He also included Jim stated Luck from day one. I guess we can assume they had difference in opinion that could of led to his firing. By the way Polian's specialty was drafting QBs. Jim Irsay just road on Bill's decisions for the past how many years. Who do you trust more Irsay or Polian?

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If anyone seen ESPN today with Bill you can tell he favored RG3 over Luck with the way he danced about in his words trying to be careful not saying he was better than Luck. He also included Jim stated Luck from day one. I guess we can assume they had difference in opinion that could of led to his firing. By the way Polian's specialty was drafting QBs. Jim Irsay just road on Bill's decisions for the past how many years. Who do you trust more Irsay or Polian?

I think that's a very strong possibility. I also think Irsay wasn't interested in Chris Polian taking over as well.

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If anyone seen ESPN today with Bill you can tell he favored RG3 over Luck with the way he danced about in his words trying to be careful not saying he was better than Luck. He also included Jim stated Luck from day one. I guess we can assume they had difference in opinion that could of led to his firing. By the way Polian's specialty was drafting QBs. Jim Irsay just road on Bill's decisions for the past how many years. Who do you trust more Irsay or Polian?

If this is true, thank the heavens for Jim Irsay.

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If anyone seen ESPN today with Bill you can tell he favored RG3 over Luck with the way he danced about in his words trying to be careful not saying he was better than Luck. He also included Jim stated Luck from day one. I guess we can assume they had difference in opinion that could of led to his firing. By the way Polian's specialty was drafting QBs. Jim Irsay just road on Bill's decisions for the past how many years. Who do you trust more Irsay or Polian?

My favourite was Curtis Painter......

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What is the point of these 'pro days' please? Scripted pantomime? Surely 'real' playing time evidence is all that is needed? What am I missing?

Real playing time is king. But what the prodays are for is to show a player is capable of learning and improving on his weaknesses in a short period of time. People think an agent goes in an argues with a team to get the best contract for his player and that's it. But at this stage an agent gathers feed back from teams about his player(s), he then sends his player off to whatever combine (proday) camp they have established with instructions to work on and improve in these areas.

Now with RGIII since he played in a spread/shotgun offense, what teams wanted to see is how does he look standing under center and dropping back 3 steps, 5 steps, 7 steps. It's not about he completed 77 of 80 passes, it's about did his feet do the same thing 77 out of 80 times, how smoothly did he transition from dropping back to proper throwing position, how were his mechanics after the drop back, they watch his head move back and forth going through his progressions, etc.

So, I agree 100% game film is what teams should (and most do) base the bulk of their decision about a player, but the combine and prodays do serve a purpose.

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Real playing time is king. But what the prodays are for is to show a player is capable of learning and improving on his weaknesses in a short period of time. People think an agent goes in an argues with a team to get the best contract for his player and that's it. But at this stage an agent gathers feed back from teams about his player(s), he then sends his player off to whatever combine (proday) camp they have established with instructions to work on and improve in these areas.

Now with RGIII since he played in a spread/shotgun offense, what teams wanted to see is how does he look standing under center and dropping back 3 steps, 5 steps, 7 steps. It's not about he completed 77 of 80 passes, it's about did his feet do the same thing 77 out of 80 times, how smoothly did he transition from dropping back to proper throwing position, how were his mechanics after the drop back, they watch his head move back and forth going through his progressions, etc.

So, I agree 100% game film is what teams should (and most do) base the bulk of their decision about a player, but the combine and prodays do serve a purpose.

Thanks Coffee, appreciate the answer. Certainly sounds like to the ordinary fan it doesn't really mean much....

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Luck throws tomorrow doesnt he?

I believe one of the ESPN channels will have that on at 4pm EST but don't quote me on that. I'm hoping Luck looks sharp :)

Thanks Coffee, appreciate the answer. Certainly sounds like to the ordinary fan it doesn't really mean much....

It means nothing at all to the average fan beyond what the sports media chooses to make of it later. For those of us who do a fair amount of homework on prospects ourselves and perhaps secretly wished we worked in a front office somewhere, it's pretty good stuff. You won't see anything earth-shatteringly awesome but you do get to see prospects try and prove that they can do things that their college game tape perhaps didn't show a lot of. It's much more important for some players than others.

Baylor's pro day meant a lot more for Wright, Ganaway, and the other Baylor prospects than it did for RGIII.

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If this is true, thank the heavens for Jim Irsay.

You can say what you want about Bill, but his talent is QBs. He got Kelly, Collins, and Manning. Two of those three are hall of famers, and the other lead a good career.

My favourite was Curtis Painter......

Credit to Painter he was going in the first round a few months before the draft by some analysts. Plus 2009 was when Chris started taking over.

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I never liked the pick of Curtis Painter but I can understand drafting him.

The guy has an incredibly strong arm, showed excellent touch an accuracy on all his throws. knew the playbook inside and out and never made a bad decision.... in practice. He just could not take it to the field with him. 6th round, I'm sure they were thinking, "You know 3 or 4 years studying behind Manning and this kid will learn how to take the practice game to the actual game." Sadly that did not happen.

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good video I am talking about a big lineman not a linebacker. Thanks for the video, I think either qb is a good choice. Just tired of every one thinking RG3 is not good enough to be a 1st pick.

I think it is easier to outrun a lineman than a linebacker. Hey, maybe that's just me.

I'm tired of people making over-generalizations about RG3 that he is the only QB that can do this or do that.

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Jim Irsay just road on Bill's DECISION for the past how many years. Who do you trust more Irsay or Polian?

Polian had two brilliant draft picks, Manning over Leaf & Edge over Williams, other than that I'd say his drafts were pretty average, sure he got some late round gems, but all teams get lucky on a late rounder every once in a while... Polians philosophies & stubborness got us into a 2-14 season, either that was BRILLIANCE, or a bad situation brought on and exposing Polians mishaps for the past 3-4 seasons...

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If anyone seen ESPN today with Bill you can tell he favored RG3 over Luck with the way he danced about in his words trying to be careful not saying he was better than Luck. He also included Jim stated Luck from day one. I guess we can assume they had difference in opinion that could of led to his firing. By the way Polian's specialty was drafting QBs. Jim Irsay just road on Bill's decisions for the past how many years. Who do you trust more Irsay or Polian?



"But if he can play, he could do that for us this season and then he'd have the choice of whether to retire, with his number retired, the statue built and the whole thing. If he's healthy, he'd handle 2012 better than Andrew could.

See ya later Bill. Your drafting has sucked lately anyway.

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Polian had two brilliant draft picks, Manning over Leaf & Edge over Williams, other than that I'd say his drafts were pretty average, sure he got some late round gems, but all teams get lucky on a late rounder every once in a while... Polians philosophies & stubborness got us into a 2-14 season, either that was BRILLIANCE, or a bad situation brought on and exposing Polians mishaps for the past 3-4 seasons...

I'm pretty sure Jim was the one that led Tony promote a friend, not a great football leader, as a head coach instead of finding a a better coach. Jim was the one who let Bill promote his son to the GM. Jim showed no leadership qualities when he had to in 2009. Instead he let Bill and Tony do his work.

Also Freeney, Mathis, Wayne, Sanders, and Clark mean nothing?

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you think that RG3 has a hard time feeling pressure. He is the best I have seen escaping pressure. I have seen multiple times he has stiff armed a lineman to get away, u don't see that from qb's.

You won't see it so much in the NFL either.

College , especially against Baylor's competition, is not the NFL.

The guys are bigger, faster, and stronger. Alot of his "advantage" will be nullified against NFL competition.

Its a totally differnt ball-game.

I'm sure he had NO competition in high school. It gets progressively more difficult as you progress thru higher leagues.

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