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So If Peyton Manning Wins Multiple Super Bowl Titles With The Broncos...


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wont happen and in truth he isnt the Greatest Of All Time, stats back that up and SuperBowl victories? Tom Brady has more, is he the greatest of all time? likely not, Favre has multiple superbowls and all time records while he has thrown his share of picks (number one in that category as well) he is still the best, stats back that up, teams win superbowls, players earn records, stats and so forth

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wont happen and in truth he isnt the Greatest Of All Time, stats back that up and SuperBowl victories? Tom Brady has more, is he the greatest of all time? likely not, Favre has multiple superbowls and all time records while he has thrown his share of picks (number one in that category as well) he is still the best, stats back that up, teams win superbowls, players earn records, stats and so forth

So let me get this straight...you're saying that the ALL-TIME leader in Interceptions thrown and fumbles lost ( in other words, the all-time leader in turnovers) is the greatest QB of all time??

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wont happen and in truth he isnt the Greatest Of All Time, stats back that up and SuperBowl victories? Tom Brady has more, is he the greatest of all time? likely not, Favre has multiple superbowls and all time records while he has thrown his share of picks (number one in that category as well) he is still the best, stats back that up, teams win superbowls, players earn records, stats and so forth

Wow. I have read too many of your *ic posts. You are no colts fan. Favre won 1 Super Bowl, 0 SB MVPs, turnover machine, and had a much better team throughout his career. No. Peyton will hopefully prove to everyone what he can do with a better team, even of not fully healthy.

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But the best thing to do in all honesty is to not get into these type of discussions and just enjoy the game for what it is arguments can be made in many different direction, I choose the one with the most touchdows and yards

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wont happen and in truth he isnt the Greatest Of All Time, stats back that up and SuperBowl victories? Tom Brady has more, is he the greatest of all time? likely not, Favre has multiple superbowls and all time records while he has thrown his share of picks (number one in that category as well) he is still the best, stats back that up, teams win superbowls, players earn records, stats and so forth

This answer, among many others, make this thread in particular and the topic in general, categorically, mind-numbingly ridiculous. First off, your stats are just simply wrong.

But more importantly, someone can make a very reasoned, rational argument that Manning is the greatest QB of all time right now regardless of the outcome of his final years. Just like someone can make the argument for:

Brady or

Montana or

Unitas or

Marino or

Bradshaw or

Baugh or

Graham or


It is a pointless debate with no ability to truly determine the "winner."

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wont happen and in truth he isnt the Greatest Of All Time, stats back that up and SuperBowl victories? Tom Brady has more, is he the greatest of all time? likely not, Favre has multiple superbowls and all time records while he has thrown his share of picks (number one in that category as well) he is still the best, stats back that up, teams win superbowls, players earn records, stats and so forth

Okay, Favre played 20 seasons. Manning has played 13. Favre has roughly 17,000 more passing yards. Manning would need to average 2500 yards per season to pass that if he were to play the same number of years. Favre has 109 more TDs, so if Manning were to average 16 more over 7 seasons, he'd pass Favre. Looking at numbers blindly isn't the best way of going about this. As for the G.O.A.T. argument, it really holds no water for me. This is a far different era than when Marino and Montana played, and that was a far different era than when Unitas played.

We've been fortunate to watch a truly great player in Manning, and I wish him continued luck in Denver.

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wont happen and in truth he isnt the Greatest Of All Time, stats back that up and SuperBowl victories? Tom Brady has more, is he the greatest of all time? likely not, Favre has multiple superbowls and all time records while he has thrown his share of picks (number one in that category as well) he is still the best, stats back that up, teams win superbowls, players earn records, stats and so forth

If you think Brett 'He's just a kid out there' Favre is the GOAT, then you need your Colts fan card taken away.

I get the Brady V Manning debate. At least Brady is respectable. I have zero respect for Favre, the man and the quarterback.

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agreed, and I am not saying he wont reach them records if he stays healthy and plays that long which I doubt then he could very well get them, I just enjoy the game for what it is, I usually dont get into those arguments lol

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Not Peyton

Since you seem to be the expert on this, let me ask you some questions. What is the standard to determine the greatest player of all time? How do you arrive at giving someone that title? Most yards? Most wins? Most Super Bowls?

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Not the same. History remembers Super Bowls. Peyton wins a Super Bowl with the Bronco he is equally a Bronco as he is a Colt.

I think even if Peyton wins a SB as a Bronco, he will still be remembered as a Colt. I give you that him holding a Lombardi in Orange will be added to the memory bank.

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At one time many people considered Dan Marino the best QB of all time and he only went to a Superbowl, many of those people consider Peyton the best. My point is SBs are not a prerequisite, skill and ability are.

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