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AP on Ernie Simms


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Having arguably the best RB in the NFL say your 1 of 2 guys he hates facing is a nice compliment. Let's hope we get the best piura him.


Down @ the 1:30 timeline.

Says Patrick Willis and Simms are the toughest. the magazine did a nice article on Simms later in the issue as an underrated star.

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Ernie Sims was an absolute beast when he played for Detriot. Listening to sports radio on JMV it was mentioned that he played in a similar system as the Colts, which allowed him to wreck havoc on opposing offenses. Hopefully he plays well for us, JMV stated he fully expects him to start as well, but thats just an opinion.

I have to agree with the above user, Sessions won't likely be missed at all :) .. According to him, the Colts aren't powerhouses in our division. I'm sure the Colts will show us that they still are, atleast in the South.

It would be very nice if they could get a solid run stopping SS, but noone knows how Joe Lefeged will turn out. Lacey also needs to get better if he's going to start or the Colts need to pick up a fairly solid new cb. With the acqusitons in FA, UDFA, and the draft, I'm finally looking forward to seeing the Colts defense in action this year if they can just work out a couple more kinks.

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Ernie Sims was an absolute beast when he played for Detriot. Listening to sports radio on JMV it was mentioned that he played in a similar system as the Colts, which allowed him to wreck havoc on opposing offenses. Hopefully he plays well for us, JMV stated he fully expects him to start as well, but thats just an opinion.

I have to agree with the above user, Sessions won't likely be missed at all :) .. According to him, the Colts aren't powerhouses in our division. I'm sure the Colts will show us that they still are, atleast in the South.

It would be very nice if they could get a solid run stopping SS, but noone knows how Joe Lefeged will turn out. Lacey also needs to get better if he's going to start or the Colts need to pick up a fairly solid new cb. With the acqusitons in FA, UDFA, and the draft, I'm finally looking forward to seeing the Colts defense in action this year if they can just work out a couple more kinks.

All Sims has to accomplish in order for us to not have a drop-off from Session is make about 90 or 100 tackles & defense a handful of passes during the year....and do it with a little authority. That'd match Session's best years in Indy (not 2010) and I'd say that's very doable for him given his in-system experience. All of this while saving close to 30M. Not bad. I like the upside.

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i want a sb can we do it with other teams castoffs

With the right kind of players, yes SB can be had. That's the Colt story. Always drafting guys nobody thinks will amount to much - Freeney & Mathis right off the top of my head. Low round picks & UDFAs all over this team including Bullitt, Saturday, Collie, etc., etc. I like the organization because we're very savvy. We get guys that other teams might not see as starters but they flourish here. Been picking at or near the bottom for over a decade and we still get it done.....and not just with Manning. Compare who we've added this year in the draft and FA = incredible potential as far as I'm concerned. At #22 which is the highest we've picked in years we nab Castonzo which was amazing. Then Lljana. Then Nevis in the 3rd who many thought was a 2nd rounder. And keep your eye on Delone Carter because he's gonna give a boost where we need it.

As for the so-called castoffs....I very much like Sims and Harris because they're system guys that know how things work here. They were both very smart pickups and I believe they can come in and help. I think Sims is a no-brainer he starts day one and may even be more productive than Session. We'll see. With Harris, he was impressive right out of the gate in practices which is amazing.

Point is, yes, the Colts were active in FA this year but that's only because the right players were available. This might not happen quite the same way over the next couple years, but because of the circumstances I believe the team has been strengthened. Can't wait to see the plan in action between the lines.

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that was a question wool

Oh, it was?

Where was the "?" ?

Looked more of a statement to me: quote: "i want a sb can we do it with other teams castoffs"

I guess you missed the "." after sb. And the "?" at the end.

Sorry, my bad. I should have seen that I guess. :wacko: :blink: :sarcasm::thinking::loco::argh: :bash: :pullhair:

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everybody i liked your post it got me charged up for the season. good post!

I'm stoked too. Most of what looked good on paper is starting to pan out on the practice field. It's been one pleasant surprise and good front office move after another this entire offseason. Do things right good things happen.

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simms, brackett, and wheeler? I like that combo

No way man, Angerer is twice the player Wheeler is already and has nowhere to go but up. Pat looked real good for a rookie thrust into starting for us last year and I look forward to him having that year experience under his belt.

I wanted Wheeler to succeed for us but I feel like now he is destined to be a solid special teams player and linebacker depth for his career with spot duty if needed ala Larry Izzo.

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No way man, Angerer is twice the player Wheeler is already and has nowhere to go but up. Pat looked real good for a rookie thrust into starting for us last year and I look forward to him having that year experience under his belt.

I wanted Wheeler to succeed for us but I feel like now he is destined to be a solid special teams player and linebacker depth for his career with spot duty if needed ala Larry Izzo.

naw dude wheeler has the speed and angerer doesnt cover as well I can count on wheeler covering a receiver I cant say the same about pat

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Not to be a party pooper but sims,anderson and harris are question marks imo.They were out there for cheap and we signed them,so who knows.I do know that anderson was a bust and harris has not been good since he injured his knee in 2006.I like everybody else is hoping these guys contribute,but i am not drooling over the signings like others.

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Not to be a party pooper but sims,anderson and harris are question marks imo.They were out there for cheap and we signed them,so who knows.I do know that anderson was a bust and harris has not been good since he injured his knee in 2006.I like everybody else is hoping these guys contribute,but i am not drooling over the signings like others.

I AGREE!! but dont tell the fan judge or he will be rude again

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I dont see pat's brain he's not that good on one on one coverage wheeler is so that's why I believe wheeler will be 2nd string and pat 3rd string unless they put pat on the weak side which I doubt

I guess that's why Wheeler started over Angerer last year... Oh, wait.

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I dont see pat's brain he's not that good on one on one coverage wheeler is so that's why I believe wheeler will be 2nd string and pat 3rd string unless they put pat on the weak side which I doubt

Were you watching a different team last year? :thinking:

Angerer started last year, did an incredible job, and he'll be starting this year. If it weren't for depth issues, Wheeler would've been cut already.

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I think simms is going to be a great addition for the colts we needed a big LB with size,brackett is better against

a team who likes to throw short,but i think simms will benefit us by being able to stop the run threw the middle

something that we struggled on last year.....

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I think simms is going to be a great addition for the colts we needed a big LB with size,brackett is better against

a team who likes to throw short,but i think simms will benefit us by being able to stop the run threw the middle

something that we struggled on last year.....

Simms is a good pass cover lb,but is more of a run around the blocker type linebacker against the run.I think he will play on passing downs for sure.

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I think simms will be a great benefit to the colts,we needed a big LB with size,

gary brackett is best when he plays a team that likes to throw short passes or

screens,but i think simms will be able to stop the run threw the middle better.

sommthing the colts have struggled on for a while....

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I think simms will be a great benefit to the colts,we needed a big LB with size,

gary brackett is best when he plays a team that likes to throw short passes or

screens,but i think simms will be able to stop the run threw the middle better.

sommthing the colts have struggled on for a while....

simms is 6feet and 230 lbs,brackett is 5'11 and 235.

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Were you watching a different team last year? :thinking:

Angerer started last year, did an incredible job, and he'll be starting this year. If it weren't for depth issues, Wheeler would've been cut already.

naw I know what I saw and wheeler was doing his thing when clint sessions wasn't in

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mmmm wheeler was playing the weak side angerer was on the strong side....wheeler started behind clint sessions what are you talking about?

When Clint was down the starting lineup was Angerer, Brackett, Conner. What are you talking about? They had more faith in two rookies, one a 7th rounder, than Wheeler.

Are you related to the guy?

naw I know what I saw and wheeler was doing his thing when clint sessions wasn't in

You must have been watching in your own little world, because no one else saw him "doing his thing".

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I've heard MANY people talk about SIMS (SIMMS) and was told NUMEROUS times that this guy is trailing WAY off and will not help the COlts much at all. I don't want to bust the bubble, please, don't get me wrong here but this guy is going to hurt more than help....he's known as the "Whiffer".... should tell you all you need to know.

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I've heard MANY people talk about SIMS (SIMMS) and was told NUMEROUS times that this guy is trailing WAY off and will not help the COlts much at all. I don't want to bust the bubble, please, don't get me wrong here but this guy is going to hurt more than help....he's known as the "Whiffer".... should tell you all you need to know.

Chris Farley, huh? Not as funny as I remember.

I'm sure you hope you're right too so next year or later this year you can say, "see I told you so". The thing is he was in a terrible system, for his play, with the Eagles and prior to injuries with the Lions' Tampa 2 he was pretty darn good. So I don't see how he can hurt us, if he doesn't play that great than Conner steps in (not Wheeler), simple as that.

Also, who exactly calls him "The Whiffer", your sister's-mother's-son?

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Chris Farley, huh? Not as funny as I remember.

I'm sure you hope you're right too so next year or later this year you can say, "see I told you so". The thing is he was in a terrible system, for his play, with the Eagles and prior to injuries with the Lions' Tampa 2 he was pretty darn good. So I don't see how he can hurt us, if he doesn't play that great than Conner steps in (not Wheeler), simple as that.

Also, who exactly calls him "The Whiffer", your sister's-mother's-son?

I think hes confused with Cato June.

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Chris Farley, huh? Not as funny as I remember.

I'm sure you hope you're right too so next year or later this year you can say, "see I told you so". The thing is he was in a terrible system, for his play, with the Eagles and prior to injuries with the Lions' Tampa 2 he was pretty darn good. So I don't see how he can hurt us, if he doesn't play that great than Conner steps in (not Wheeler), simple as that.

Also, who exactly calls him "The Whiffer", your sister's-mother's-son?

Well, you bring up very good points. He was in a not-so-good-system, terrible? Not sure bout that,,,NFL teams are NFL teams and people get paid a lot of money to not barf chunks when it comes to at least putting a respectable plan in place on game-day.

Your comments notwithstanding and are well taken.

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Well, you bring up very good points. He was in a not-so-good-system, terrible? Not sure bout that,,,NFL teams are NFL teams and people get paid a lot of money to not barf chunks when it comes to at least putting a respectable plan in place on game-day.

Your comments notwithstanding and are well taken.

I didn't mean the system was terrible, I meant it was terrible for Sims playing style.

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