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Thank You Reggie


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Guest Arrow218

Classy, classy, classy. I had accepted that he would leave and Garçon would stay, but it was flipped! Love him even more now!

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just so you know, Reggie had a chose of six (6) teams, but he chose to come back to the COLTS. You guys wanted to throw him under the bus, just because he voiced some opinions during the season. Reggie has been with the Colts, loyal to the Colts for eleven (11) seasons, he has earned the right to speak up every now and then. I remember several colt fans saying "shut up Reggie and Play", he had a right to speak up about his job. He has not missed a game since 2002, he has been there for the Colts through thick and thin. He love the Colts,it has said over and over that he wanted to retire a colt, now maybe he will.

Remember he is coming back to a team that does not even have a "PLAYBOOK". Give him the respect he deserves!!

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Thank you Reggie, this was extremely classy of you. Agreeing to be part of a rebuilding Colts franchise and for cheap(for Wayne)! I will love seeing Reggie back, I think I know what my next jersey is...


just so you know, Reggie had a chose of six (6) teams

6 Teams? where'd you get this info? I agree though, 87 is a class act, love to see him stay with the Horseshoe.

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Classy, classy, classy. I had accepted that he would leave and Garçon would stay, but it was flipped! Love him even more now!

Agreed, I thought the same thing. Very happy to hear this and Wayne didn't even take that much money, actually very affordable for a player of his level. I guess the guy truely likes playing here.

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I love that reggie is staying but this makes zero sense to me actually. Why do they force all of our other guys out the door, like Clark and the rest and fork over $17 million to Reggie? Don't get me wrong, I am psyched, but he is never going to see a pass. Poor luck is going to be on his back most games because their line is depleted. He will of course train Luck but I feel like Peyton would have stayed for not that much more if they let him. I wish I could listen in on these closed door meetings! I guess we just have to trust that they have a plan for continued success and our boy Reggie doesn't regret his decision. I am still holding out hope that Peyton visits all of these teams and says "the heck with it, I'll play for free in INDY!" One can dream, right? LOL

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just so you know, Reggie had a chose of six (6) teams, but he chose to come back to the COLTS. You guys wanted to throw him under the bus, just because he voiced some opinions during the season. Reggie has been with the Colts, loyal to the Colts for eleven (11) seasons, he has earned the right to speak up every now and then. I remember several colt fans saying "shut up Reggie and Play", he had a right to speak up about his job. He has not missed a game since 2002, he has been there for the Colts through thick and thin. He love the Colts,it has said over and over that he wanted to retire a colt, now maybe he will.

Remember he is coming back to a team that does not even have a "PLAYBOOK". Give him the respect he deserves!!

You are completely correct, and im just as guilty as the next guy too. I checked nfl.com nearly every day looking to see where he went. I literally read the article on there saying he wasnt waiting for peyton. I then popped here n read that and i cant even explain how happy i am to be wrong.

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i was just listening to ESPN radio to Hasselback (not the one for the titans) talk to the host and he is completely perplexed why Reggie signed with us and why Indy would want him since we are completely rebuilding. Kept saying it over and over. Both of them were baffled. I think this is a great move because you have an established veteren (who has a ring), able to help out a rookie QB with all the ins and outs, I think it's tremendous and to get him at that price, also tremendous.

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people are saying that they dont understand why we keep reggie wayne and let go of people like clark and garcon but you look at everything that wayne has done for us in the last 10 years even in the last season when players were not playing like they should have because of manning being out. some of the players we have let go of is a blow but they havent been putting it down like wayne has. thank you reggie wayne and colts management you have made a very smart decision

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people are saying that they dont understand why we would keep reggie wayne and not clark or garcon, look at the stats clark hasnt been doing well and before the decision was even made about manning garcon made it clear he wouldnt stay if manning wasnt there, we dont need players that are not true to the colts

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Thank you Reggie You're just the good news we all needed right now.

Glad you stayed on board. Looking forward to the season.

Thank you Reggie indeed and if anyone disapproves this messages you better take it up with Michael Myers, BUT I advise you that will be a bad idea...........


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I always try to see the logic in any decision, but been coming up empty......Addai, Gonzo, Garcon, Clark, Tamme (?) Collie ( past issues) ........Have to have someone to throw the ball to......Think the Colts's wanted Garcon, he was offered a contract first and the feeling wasn't mutual, Reggie was plan B and a move they made out of desperation............not understanding it from Reggies's perspective, by the time this team has a winning record , Reggie will be gone???

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I always try to see the logic in any decision, but been coming up empty......Addai, Gonzo, Garcon, Clark, Tamme (?) Collie ( past issues) ........Have to have someone to throw the ball to......Think the Colts's wanted Garcon, he was offered a contract first and the feeling wasn't mutual, Reggie was plan B and a move they made out of desperation............not understanding it from Reggies's perspective, by the time this team has a winning record , Reggie will be gone???

I knew you would feel this way, Ken, and you bring up good points, ~~ as a Colts' Fan, I am happy Reggie is still here, whatever his reasons.
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people are saying that they dont understand why we keep reggie wayne and let go of people like clark and garcon but you look at everything that wayne has done for us in the last 10 years even in the last season when players were not playing like they should have because of manning being out. some of the players we have let go of is a blow but they havent been putting it down like wayne has. thank you reggie wayne and colts management you have made a very smart decision

A. Reggie will now be "The Man" in Indy. :cool:

B. Unlike Clark and Garcon - we know Reggie will catch the ball 99% of the time.

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Maybe Reggie really wanted to stay here in Indy, or had a change of thought? I don't think I heard his name saying that he was interested any other teams besides the Colts. Other then on the Manning watch?

Even with rebuilding mode he decided to stay that is loyal. Of course there is something about Reggies here in Indiana that stays loyal to their team. There was Reggie Miller that stayed with the Pacers all throughout his career and retired as a Pacer. Then there is a Reggie Wayne that looks like he will retire as a Colt. Thank you Reggie and welcome back to the stable. :). Seems like all Reggies here in Indiana are good Reggies they stay loyal to their teams.

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