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Exactly I think this is a good time to remember what happened in Southern Indiana and if you really get worked up over us releasing Peyton Manning google those stories and read some of them trust me it will quickly make you understand that Peyton Manning being released is far from the worst thing in the world and if it is people really should be grateful for that.

What happened in southern Indiana?

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haha, i'm not sure if you know this but twitter is our owner's new favorite thing

and alcohol was his old.

very clever of you

Funny thing is I don't even have a twitter account at age 31. I feel like everyone is into it now but I am not.

I think it's cute but can be verrrrry bad.

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What happened in southern Indiana?

Tornados pretty much took three very small towns off the map. For the record the first group of people I saw stand up and pledge a major support to these people were Wish TV and the Indianapolis Colts lead by Jim Irsay who made two very large donations to kick start it. All the people bashing Irsay tonight (not saying you are one of them) might want to remember that when they start to call him names.

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Tornados pretty much took three very small towns off the map. For the record the first group of people I saw stand up and pledge a major support to these people were Wish TV and the Indianapolis Colts lead by Jim Irsay who made two very large donations to kick start it. All the people bashing Irsay tonight (not saying you are one of them) might want to remember that when they start to call him names.

Yeah he donated $50,000. Those tornadoes were terrible, there were funnel clouds spotted close to here and heading east my way. I went over to a buddies house because he had a basement. Fortunately central Indy didn't get it so badly at all. Unfortunately, they devastated southern Indy. I wish them all the best down there.

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Yeah he donated $50,000. Those tornadoes were terrible, there were funnel clouds spotted close to here and heading east my way. I went over to a buddies house because he had a basement. Fortunately central Indy didn't get it so badly at all. Unfortunately, they devastated southern Indy. I wish them all the best down there.

Channel 8 also reported he went back and added an extra 25,000 to that 50,000 once he realized just how bad things were. Irsay does that kinda thing all the time and never asks for attention for it. He also sent the cheerleaders and some placers over to Channel 8 to get them to help answer the phones to help raise money for the victums starting last Saturday. Just to give an idea of how quick he responded with kindness the Pacers made a donation today. It doesn't mean the Colts are better than the Pacers in terms of kindness it just means I think Irsay always has an eye out for how he can help. I know people are mad about him releasing Manning but frankly the man has been very very very good to this city and this state and "get's it" when it comes to the community in a way a lot of owners, including his dad, never do/did.

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I know people are mad about him releasing Manning but frankly the man has been very very very good to this city and this state and "get's it" when it comes to the community in a way a lot of owners, including his dad, never do/did.

The difference between Jim Irsay and his dad is day and night.

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The difference between Jim Irsay and his dad is day and night.

Yep it's really hard to believe they are farther and son at times.

I just heard a radio caller call in and go Jim Irsay Bob Irsay Jr. with a lot of other not nice things attached to that and I just thought man if you only knew the man.

As much as we are hurting tonight I'd almost bet you Irsay feels even worse. I really do think Irsay is honestly trying to do what he thinks is best for the long term future of the franchise.

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Speaking of twitter/irsay, how funny would it be if he tweeted this link or these lyrics tonight:


"LUCK be a lady, TONIGHT". Did anyone else catch the other night when he was quoting song lyrics that were about LUCK or pertaining to LUCK. The guy is in love and leaving his old love behind.

It's not a song but I was just thinking today after this news came out, our QB's last name is going to be Luck and we have a horse shoe on he helmet, almost seams ment to be.

Still hate losing Manning but hopefuly the horse shoe/Luck thing is a good omen. Heaven knows we are beyond due for some good luck, and sorry for the pun there.

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Channel 8 also reported he went back and added an extra 25,000 to that 50,000 once he realized just how bad things were. Irsay does that kinda thing all the time and never asks for attention for it. He also sent the cheerleaders and some placers over to Channel 8 to get them to help answer the phones to help raise money for the victums starting last Saturday. Just to give an idea of how quick he responded with kindness the Pacers made a donation today. It doesn't mean the Colts are better than the Pacers in terms of kindness it just means I think Irsay always has an eye out for how he can help. I know people are mad about him releasing Manning but frankly the man has been very very very good to this city and this state and "get's it" when it comes to the community in a way a lot of owners, including his dad, never do/did.

Donating $75000 from a billionaire is like a millionaire donating $75.

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Donating $75000 from a billionaire is like a millionaire donating $75.

How much money have you donated to it? If you have great you are a wonderful person and that's not sarcaism but if you haven't I wouldn't offer an opinion on how much Irsay has but that's just me. Irsay didn't have to give anything and he sure didn't have to partner with Channel 8 the day after it happened to help start a releaf drive for them. It's not like he didn't have a couple of other major things on his plate. If you don't think him helping those in need is impressive enough fine that's your call you don't have too.

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I really do think Irsay is honestly trying to do what he thinks is best for the long term future of the franchise.

Too bad he is really an :flag: when it comes to making football decisions. No Polian, No Peyton= we pretty much sucked almost every year. All this new found trust in Irsay stems from remembering post 1998. After hiring Polian and the team drafting Peyton, he looks like a genius. Before that, there not a lot of love for Irsay among Colts fans. Colts fan absolutely, Irsay fan- not a chance in .....

Only thing I can say is that I hope we strike it rich twice...

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This just goes to show how bad the Colts fanbase is. We have about 60% bandwagon jumpers, and they are all butt sore about this. I can't wait for all these simpletons to jump off permanently so the rest of us can fully appreciate our team.

this is so overused; bandwagon bandwagon bandwagon

name one team in all of sports that this doesn't occur too? Even the patriots have bandwagon fans, who cares, thats part of sports, not just the Colts.

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this is so overused; bandwagon bandwagon bandwagon

name one team in all of sports that this doesn't occur too? Even the patriots have bandwagon fans, who cares, thats part of sports, not just the Colts.

I am not sure how many Charlette Bobcats bandwagon fans there are at the moment or well just fans in general. Just having some fun with you. You are right every succesfull team has bandwagon fans.

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I was sure he would be released but I though he would re-sign. I hope he goes to the Cards. It just seems weird to give up on the best. This team isn't really the same team any more. Coaches, players, GM are all different and done so quickly. It just seems odd to make such drastic changes to what was a very good team 2 years back. Really, the horseshoe is the only thing that hasn't changed. This will take a while to get used to, like a long while.

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How much money have you donated to it? If you have great you are a wonderful person and that's not sarcaism but if you haven't I wouldn't offer an opinion on how much Irsay has but that's just me. Irsay didn't have to give anything and he sure didn't have to partner with Channel 8 the day after it happened to help start a releaf drive for them. It's not like he didn't have a couple of other major things on his plate. If you don't think him helping those in need is impressive enough fine that's your call you don't have too.

I would think a guy trying to win a PR battle might actually ante up a little more considering how much he's about to save by cutting Manning - not to mention he's not out the whole $75000 probably because of tax deductions.

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For crying out loud, nothing Irsay does is good enough for you people. Under his leadership the Colts have experienced unprecedented success. He hired the right football people to make football decisions, and the team and the city owe a huge debt of gratitude for everything Irsay has done for Indianapolis and it's citizens. People complaining that $75 THOUSAND dollars isn't quite enough of a donation? Or that it's not really that much because of tax exemptions? For Christ's sake, ladies and gentleman. He didn't have to give anything at all, but he did. He gave $75,000 of his own money to the people of Indiana.

Jim Irsay wears his heart on his sleeve, and he loves the people of Indiana, he loves the Colts, and he loves his players. Do you think it was a fun decision to make? Do you think he made it alone? He respects Peyton too much to not get his input, and this was the best option mutually for both parties to have continued successes. Cut him some slack. He's a good man who has done immeasurable amounts for Hoosiers and their families. I guarantee you he's having a much worse day than you are.

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Fans come and go, just like players. The only constant in all of this is Irsay's ownership of the entity known as the Colts. I believe he wants to provide a great product that will please fans. Not please me, not please you, but please that ever-evolving, constantly changing group known as fans. I suspect if the Colts start out decently with Luck, and improve each year - their fanbase will be there. It may not include a bunch of people who were in that group yesterday, but the ones that leave will be replaced with new ones. It's just how life goes.

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What did Reed Hastings do? Does what he did compare with what Irsay is doing?

He did something very unpopular, members left the company in droves. stock dropped dramatically.

If you say football is just a business, I disagree. Irsay did something extremely unpopular with a majority of the fan base. If those fans decide to leave, people name call them like fairweather or bandwagon.

When people left netflix, they weren't called bandwagon fans. therefore Football is not just a "business"

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He did something very unpopular, members left the company in droves. stock dropped dramatically.

If you say football is just a business, I disagree. Irsay did something extremely unpopular with a majority of the fan base. If those fans decide to leave, people name call them like fairweather or bandwagon.

When people left netflix, they weren't called bandwagon fans. therefore Football is not just a "business"

Netflix doesn't have fans the same way a football team has fans. Fans don't get attached to Netflix the same way they get attached to players and coaches of a football team. Peyton did a lot for the city of Indianapolis; for example, he donated $400 000 to St. Vincent's Hospital (I think). Netflix has done nothing like that as far as I know. Sure, they are both businesses, but the two situations are very different.

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Netflix doesn't have fans the same way a football team has fans. Fans don't get attached to Netflix the same way they get attached to players and coaches of a football team. Peyton did a lot for the city of Indianapolis; for example, he donated $400 000 to St. Vincent's Hospital (I think). Netflix has done nothing like that as far as I know. Sure, they are both businesses, but the two situations are very different.

so why do people say you have to treat this like a business?

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so why do people say you have to treat this like a business?

Because in many aspects, this is a business. Put yourself in Irsay's shoes. Cam Newton signed a 4 year-$22 mil contract, fully guaranteed. Luck will want the same, or even more if the CBA allows it. Plus, there is Peyton's $28 mil. So you would have ridiculous cap space dedicated to two players, only one of whom will see the field at a time. If you pay your top 2 corners big money, you could make an argument that both are playing at the same time, so they are both earning it. But if Luck or Peyton sits, you will have millions of dollars going to someone for no reason. It's much smarter from a business standpoint and a football standpoint to invest that money in other places to make your team better as a whole

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    • AR has similar if not superior physical traits of AL and I just saw something on his ability to recall is similar to PM.  
    • Ballard does have thick skin.  You just choose to not to see it that way.      Ballard is the face and voice of the franchise.  Irsay’s health does not make him an effective public face of the franchise.  Frank was OK, Steichen less so.   So Ballard does the lion share of teams PR.    And Ballard has always said he’d rather the fans be angry than be apathetic.  Shows they care.  Of course, you know this but choose not to acknowledge it because it undercuts your distorted view of CB.   I don’t know what CBs relationship is with Kevin Bowen who I like.   So let’s say it’s complicated.   But on balance I think Ballard has a good relationship with the local media.  I’d be surprised if he didn’t.  He is loved by national media.  He’s got a personality and a sense of humor.  I’m sorry you don’t care for it.    Of course you have yet to acknowledge that you and Moose literally said that Ballard didn’t know enough about Mitchell to know if he was a good guy.   For a man in your profession, THAT is a whopper.  Why you thought that is a mystery?   By the way, hope you notice that at least twice I’ve now said you’re smarter than you show.  There’s a compliment in there somewhere if you let yourself see it.    But I think you’ve painted yourself into a corner.  You come across as someone who’d rather be right about Ballard being bad even if it means the Colts do poorly than be wrong and have the Colts do well.    The reason Irsay hasn’t fired Ballard for the teams record is because Irsay approved of what CB was doing in real time.   Believe what you want but Irsay has done the GM job himself so he knows how it goes.  And he has chosen to keep Ballard.  Unless you don’t like Irsay too, you might want to consider that.  Life is more fun being optimistic than negative.     Sorry this went so long.  
    • I think it’s backwards.  MPJ is definitely Reggie based on skill set and tendencies.  AD can become Marvin with his explosiveness.   Raimann - I think he’ll be Castonzo.  Ol reliable, underappreciated, majority won’t realize how good he was until he’s gone.   AD - if he becomes what we think he can, Ocho Cinco.  Cocky, competitive, but will perform his butt off and will dance every chance he gets lol   Jelani Woods - Jimmy Graham, fast for his size, walking mismatch.
    • speaking of which, I’m about to win some good money.  I bet that brown would be FMVP, the Celtics would win the series, and it last at least 4 games.  
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