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We should sign Eric Reid

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1 hour ago, cgi4life said:

I agree with you that a stance that would have made most people comfortable would be easier to handle but would we be talking about it a year later?  The march in Selma, the bus boycotts in the south, and the sit-ins that took place in the 60's was all peaceful demonstrations and most of America was against them.   Those events made this country better.  Our country was founded on protest and they was not always peaceful and comfortable but we don't look at them as being wrong or wish they would have did it a different way.

That's the thing. Historically, effective protests were ones that went against societal norms and made people uncomfortable. If it's just a group of people protesting in front of a building, you can drive or walk past it. If it's a commercial, you can just change the channel. While it ruffled feathers, kneeling was an effective means of protest. It got a LOT of attention.

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11 hours ago, Shive said:

The NFL became politicised as soon as the DoD paid them to make teams be on the field for the National Anthem as a means of increasing patriotism/nationalism and as a military recruitment tool. What I gather from your statements is that politicizing is ok, as long as it's something you agree with.

What I gather from you is I don’t give a crap shut up and play football.


go kneel in the graveyards for fallen vets or the cops that protect them as they walk around. 

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10 hours ago, colt18 said:

The proper expression is "I could not care less".


It's pretty ironic for people to to say keep politics out of the league when the league is literally filled to the brim with politics. It's also ironic that the national anthem doesn't even represent everyone (it alludes to minorities and slaves not being equal to whites) but it's a problem when minorities protest it...smh

Oh shut the hell up. It says one nation under God that’s everyone .... ONE not separate .... it doesn’t say blacks, and whites under God or Muslims under God it SAYS ONE! 


Take your Race bait somewhere else

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3 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Oh shut the hell up. It says one nation under God that’s everyone .... ONE not separate .... it doesn’t say blacks, and whites under God or Muslims under God it SAYS ONE! 


Take your Race bait somewhere else

Dude, that's the pledge.... not the anthem.



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3 minutes ago, CheezyColt said:

Dude, that's the pledge.... not the anthem.



Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand,
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation;

Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that has made and preserved us as a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust";
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Regardless of pledge or anthem it says FREE MEN, OR ONE NATION ...... it’s about everyone being one or free. It does not say anything about splitting because of color or religion .... it does not say because your black you can’t be free or if your Asian you can’t be one ..... it’s quite simple but people wanna cry foul and have something to to complain about and bring RACE into everything it’s just beyond stupid! 

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2 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand,
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation;

Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that has made and preserved us as a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust";
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Regardless of pledge or anthem it says FREE MEN, OR ONE NATION ...... it’s about everyone being one or free. It does not say anything about splitting because of color or religion .... it does not say because your black you can’t be free or if your Asian you can’t be one ..... it’s quite simple but people wanna cry foul and have something to to complain about and bring RACE into everything it’s just beyond stupid! 

You can SAY anything, but when actions don't match what is said, there's a problem.


If you aren't a person of color who has to wake up every day worrying about getting pulled over for no reason other than the color of your skin and worrying that when you're pulled over, one wrong move will get you shot dead, you don't have the right to tell people they have nothing to complain about. I'm not, but I sure as hell respect someone's right to stand up for injustices they face, even if I'm never personally affected by those injustices.


20 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

What I gather from you is I don’t give a crap shut up and play football.


go kneel in the graveyards for fallen vets or the cops that protect them as they walk around. 

I love the depth of your insight. Thank you for having so much to add to the conversation.



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12 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Oh shut the hell up. It says one nation under God that’s everyone .... ONE not separate .... it doesn’t say blacks, and whites under God or Muslims under God it SAYS ONE! 


Take your Race bait somewhere else


3 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand,
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation;

Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that has made and preserved us as a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust";
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Regardless of pledge or anthem it says FREE MEN, OR ONE NATION ...... it’s about everyone being one or free. It does not say anything about splitting because of color or religion .... it does not say because your black you can’t be free or if your Asian you can’t be one ..... it’s quite simple but people wanna cry foul and have something to to complain about and bring RACE into everything it’s just beyond stupid! 

So where, in the text you provided, does the anthem say one nation under god? The only thing I said was that line was in the pledge, not the anthem, as you attributed it in your response to colt18's post.


I will say that while in writing we may be all about equality, in practice we have not been clear. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you believe that more gun laws won't help because criminals don't follow the laws. It's the same thing with equality for all. Just because it's written down doesn't mean it's happening.


Methinks thou doth protest too much.


In regards to the actual OP, Reid is good and I'd be just fine signing him, but I don't think he's a priority for us right now. There are other positions I'd prefer to spend on since we appear to be wanting to spend only to the cap floor (or thereabouts) this year.

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4 minutes ago, Shive said:

You can SAY anything, but when actions don't match what is said, there's a problem.


If you aren't a person of color who has to wake up every day worrying about getting pulled over for no reason other than the color of your skin and worrying that when you're pulled over, one wrong move will get you shot dead, you don't have the right to tell people they have nothing to complain about. I'm not, but I sure as hell respect someone's right to stand up for injustices they face, even if I'm never personally affected by those injustices.


I love the depth of your insight. Thank you for having so much to add to the conversation.



98% of the people who were shot dead were not listening. Listen to the police when they say stop or get down! I DONT CARE WHAT COLOR YOU ARE ..... do what your told, my 2 year old listens better then everyone who cries foul but they forget to mention they weren’t listening, or they continued to head to their car or they didn’t stop moving .... they don’t mention those things WHY? Because death by cop and race pays the bills. And also more whites and Hispanics die from police every year then people with darker skin color why do you forget to put those Statistics in? It’s so one sided it’s funny .... race is played like a tool when it’s convenient.

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6 minutes ago, CheezyColt said:


So where, in the text you provided, does the anthem say one nation under god? The only thing I said was that line was in the pledge, not the anthem, as you attributed it in your response to colt18's post.


I will say that while in writing we may be all about equality, in practice we have not been clear. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you believe that more gun laws won't help because criminals don't follow the laws. It's the same thing with equality for all. Just because it's written down doesn't mean it's happening.


Methinks thou doth protest too much.


In regards to the actual OP, Reid is good and I'd be just fine signing him, but I don't think he's a priority for us right now. There are other positions I'd prefer to spend on since we appear to be wanting to spend only to the cap floor (or thereabouts) this year.

I posted the anthem .... it’s the fourth verse or didn’t you know it hard more then 1? 


And i I see exactly where you stand on everything .... a little too far on the left I imagine. good day, no point in arguing with you sheep.

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Let’s not forget this little fact either. During Colin  Kaepernick’s first “protest” he didn’t kneel. He sat on the bench with his headphones on while they sang the National anthem... that was completely disrespectful there is no advocating social just with that.

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12 minutes ago, HectorRoberts said:

Let’s not forget this little fact either. During Colin  Kaepernick’s first “protest” he didn’t kneel. He sat on the bench with his headphones on while they sang the National anthem... that was completely disrespectful there is no advocating social just with that.

And then he adjusted his protest so as to not be disrespectful after speaking to a veteran. People still wanted to be offended.

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28 minutes ago, CheezyColt said:

And then he adjusted his protest so as to not be disrespectful after speaking to a veteran. People still wanted to be offended.

People are easily offended. Like I really don’t care about the player protest or have a problem with it. I just want to watch a football game 

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23 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Do it somewhere else ..... football is not a social platform. You get paid to play not talk. Wanna change stuff become a politician. 

Are you a politician? If not shut up and keep flipping hamburgers. Just because they are athletes doesnt mean they cant voice their opinions..... 

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23 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Do it somewhere else ..... football is not a social platform. You get paid to play not talk. Wanna change stuff become a politician. 

Let’s see.. Lebron James plays basketball but still changes stuff, sends thousands of kids to college, builds schools.. something politicians would never do out of their pocket. There shouldn’t be an issue with bringing social issues on a football platform or a sports platform.

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33 minutes ago, runthepost said:

Let’s see.. Lebron James plays basketball but still changes stuff, sends thousands of kids to college, builds schools.. something politicians would never do out of their pocket. There shouldn’t be an issue with bringing social issues on a football platform or a sports platform.


There isn't,  there is a problem with kneeling during the National Anthem. 

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2 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Oh, thus be it ever when free men shall stand,
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation;

Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that has made and preserved us as a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust";
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Regardless of pledge or anthem it says FREE MEN, OR ONE NATION ...... it’s about everyone being one or free. It does not say anything about splitting because of color or religion .... it does not say because your black you can’t be free or if your Asian you can’t be one ..... it’s quite simple but people wanna cry foul and have something to to complain about and bring RACE into everything it’s just beyond stupid! 

Oh baby

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2 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

It does not say anything about splitting because of color or religion .... it does not say because your black you can’t be free or if your Asian you can’t be one ..... it’s quite simple but people wanna cry foul and have something to to complain about and bring RACE into everything it’s just beyond stupid! 

Thats the thing, it doesn't say anything about splitting people up by colour or religion, or anything about changing freedoms based on colour, but, yet, that's what happens. Black lives are being neglected, they aren't valued the way other lives are. It's not crying foul when it's a pressing issue in society, and to say that you are bringing race into it when that is the very divide which is creating the issues, the protests, etc.. is just disgusting. 


It's clear you don't care about peoples rights, freedoms, liberties or else you'd care that police are killing unarmed black men every day, let alone getting ANGRY at the fact that a player stands UP in any way possible to make an impact. Truly disgusting.  

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6 hours ago, cgi4life said:

Unfortunately it's not a stretch, like myself many people of color feel this way.  I don't want to sound selfish, but if it takes people to feel uncomfortable because of a peaceful kneeling at a football game to make changes and for every American to be treated fairly and protected, it's worth it.  I love this country and gave 22 years  and my wife is currently at 19 years of military service.  I have my own encounters with the police and we worry about our two sons 16 and 25. For the right price I would sign Eric Reid.  One of biggest weakness to out defense was covering RB and TE.  I know we are planning to play more of a Cover 2 this year but we can never have too much depth...for the right price.


First, thank you and your wife for your service.   I respect your point of view, the problem I have with the kneeling is that it is disrespectful and because of that I and others will discount the message they are trying to get across.   However, if they used a different way to protest the inequality,  a more respectful way, I would be much more inclined to not only listen but support their message.  In this case they cannot get me to support their cause by being disrespectful,  it actually has the  opposite effect.

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44 minutes ago, runthepost said:

Let’s see.. Lebron James plays basketball but still changes stuff, sends thousands of kids to college, builds schools.. something politicians would never do out of their pocket. There shouldn’t be an issue with bringing social issues on a football platform or a sports platform.

Lebron James is an egotistical joke and only cares about building his name when it’s conveninet ..... nobody brings it up until there’s a breaking news story then it goes away. Get your name in it build your brand up then slip back .... they all could do much more IF they actually cared. Just like politicians it’s all used to their convenience.

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6 minutes ago, RealityIsLuck said:

Thats the thing, it doesn't say anything about splitting people up by colour or religion, or anything about changing freedoms based on colour, but, yet, that's what happens. Black lives are being neglected, they aren't valued the way other lives are. It's not crying foul when it's a pressing issue in society, and to say that you are bringing race into it when that is the very divide which is creating the issues, the protests, etc.. is just disgusting. 


It's clear you don't care about peoples rights, freedoms, liberties or else you'd care that police are killing unarmed black men every day, let alone getting ANGRY at the fact that a player stands UP in any way possible to make an impact. Truly disgusting.  

Don’t cry foul here ... we live in America where every color, race, or religion has any opportunity as anyone else ... go to any other country and cry and you’ll be killed where people TRULY don’t have what we have here .... what we have here is people’s opinions and feelings get hurt because they’ve been given too much and think they are deserved instead of earned. More Hispanics and whites are killed by police every year in America then blacks so don’t pull those stupid statistics unless you want to provide the WHOLE truth. Not just the race baiting conveniency of blacks are killed every year by the police .... what a joke

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38 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Lebron James is an egotistical joke and only cares about building his name when it’s conveninet ..... nobody brings it up until there’s a breaking news story then it goes away. Get your name in it build your brand up then slip back .... they all could do much more IF they actually cared. Just like politicians it’s all used to their convenience.

LeBron James fights for what he believes is right, he fights against racism, sexism, poverty, etc. He uses his voice for those that don't have a platform to share similar views. None of that is to build a brand. This is just gross. Why would anyone do anything in this thought process? To build a name. Wow. 

33 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Don’t cry foul here ... we live in America where every color, race, or religion has any opportunity as anyone else ... go to any other country and cry and you’ll be killed where people TRULY don’t have what we have here .... what we have here is people’s opinions and feelings get hurt because they’ve been given too much and think they are deserved instead of earned. More Hispanics and whites are killed by police every year in America then blacks so don’t pull those stupid statistics unless you want to provide the WHOLE truth. Not just the race baiting conveniency of blacks are killed every year by the police .... what a joke

Not even going to try to respond to this. :facepalm:

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2 hours ago, RealityIsLuck said:

Thats the thing, it doesn't say anything about splitting people up by colour or religion, or anything about changing freedoms based on colour, but, yet, that's what happens. Black lives are being neglected, they aren't valued the way other lives are. It's not crying foul when it's a pressing issue in society, and to say that you are bringing race into it when that is the very divide which is creating the issues, the protests, etc.. is just disgusting. 


It's clear you don't care about peoples rights, freedoms, liberties or else you'd care that police are killing unarmed black men every day, let alone getting ANGRY at the fact that a player stands UP in any way possible to make an impact. Truly disgusting.  


Folks like the guy you are responding to are so unreasonable that it is best to ignore them. His posts demonstrate that he has no capacity to appreciate anything outside his reality. It is an exercise in futility.

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2 hours ago, RealityIsLuck said:

LeBron James fights for what he believes is right, he fights against racism, sexism, poverty, etc. He uses his voice for those that don't have a platform to share similar views. None of that is to build a brand. This is just gross. Why would anyone do anything in this thought process? To build a name. Wow. 

Not even going to try to respond to this. :facepalm:

Lebron James only speaks out when his name can gain something from it. 


You have nothing to respond to it because it’s true. That crap might work in the Middle East, Korea, China or Africa where people don’t have rights and die if they break the rules .... but like PLENTY people of color have said the only reason racism exists is because it’s sells and sets a narrative ... quit talking about it and bringing it up to sell a point and it’ll go away. 

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On 3/24/2018 at 5:10 PM, Briggs32 said:

We could get a good deal on him. 3/4 years and he’s only 26. He’d compliment Hooker well as our SS. 

This. There are only two questions here 1) would he make the team better 2) can he be brought in at a cost that Ballard would accept? I think all would agree that the answer to the first part is yes, and the second part is the mystery. 

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14 hours ago, BOTT said:

That's a stretch

“And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave,
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave.


it's not a stretch by any means. 

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8 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Oh shut the hell up. It says one nation under God that’s everyone .... ONE not separate .... it doesn’t say blacks, and whites under God or Muslims under God it SAYS ONE! 


Take your Race bait somewhere else



you can't be this dense. it says one nation under god and then references slaves in the same anthem....it may not outright reference race but I wonder which race was enslaved during this time? or am I race baiting by bringing up the fact that the anthem is pro slavery? 

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6 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

we live in America where every color, race, or religion has any opportunity as anyone else ...

See and that sounds fantastic, but it's just not the reality of our society. 



go to any other country and cry and you’ll be killed where people TRULY don’t have what we have here ....

Have you been outside of this country or do you rely on biased news outlets to tell you how the rest of the world operates?



More Hispanics and whites are killed by police every year in America then blacks so don’t pull those stupid statistics unless you want to provide the WHOLE truth. Not just the race baiting conveniency of blacks are killed every year by the police .... what a joke

The raw statistics of total number of individuals killed by police isn't truly representative of the reality. There's a LOT more white people and hispanics in the US than black people, so naturally they would have a higher number of deaths via police. What is being argued here is that of the blacks that are killed by police, a large amount of them are unjustly killed. They are also victims of unjust police brutality more often as well.


1 hour ago, colts52761 said:

didn't he play LB the end of last year because he wasn't very good at safety?

I believe he played LB because of their shortage at LB and his ability to fill that role.

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8 hours ago, Cynjin said:


First, thank you and your wife for your service.   I respect your point of view, the problem I have with the kneeling is that it is disrespectful and because of that I and others will discount the message they are trying to get across.   However, if they used a different way to protest the inequality,  a more respectful way, I would be much more inclined to not only listen but support their message.  In this case they cannot get me to support their cause by being disrespectful,  it actually has the  opposite effect.

Thank you for your appreciation.  I understand what you are saying and see your point of view.  The founding fathers of this nation burned flags, refused to pay taxes, protest/riot, and killed all in the name of fair treatment, a better life for their family, and freedom.  Today we view them as heros and great people and we look pass their methods and tactics and only focus on their message.  What if they just gave speechs and published articles when it was appropriate and comfortable....our nation's history may be different or non existence.  Once again thank you.

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3 hours ago, colt18 said:



you can't be this dense. it says one nation under god and then references slaves in the same anthem....it may not outright reference race but I wonder which race was enslaved during this time? or am I race baiting by bringing up the fact that the anthem is pro slavery? 

Gtf over it .... slavery was over 100-200 years ago. It happened can’t change it. Doesn’t mean you need to bring it up every time something bad happens to people of color. 

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3 hours ago, Shive said:

See and that sounds fantastic, but it's just not the reality of our society. 


Have you been outside of this country or do you rely on biased news outlets to tell you how the rest of the world operates?


The raw statistics of total number of individuals killed by police isn't truly representative of the reality. There's a LOT more white people and hispanics in the US than black people, so naturally they would have a higher number of deaths via police. What is being argued here is that of the blacks that are killed by police, a large amount of them are unjustly killed. They are also victims of unjust police brutality more often as well.

O but you forget to account for the fact that Africans Americans make up 56% of crime compared to whites and Hispanics. 


Plus .... 93 percent of black victims were killed by blacks. So don’t give me the white vs black crap and race .... go preach to African Americans who kill their own race before you start preaching racism. 

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  • Nadine locked this topic

This thread became too political with some people being decidedly uncivil.

Been reading a lot about colonial American recently.  For people who want to understand why the Star Spangled Banner is considered racist, google it.

As far as I know, the NFL as a whole united and found a way forward on this issue.  

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