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Colts to Interview McDaniels on Thursday


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15 minutes ago, CR91 said:


Lions never interviewed him. Just patricia. I think they would rather keep their offense the same. Giants and and maybe the titans seem to be our only competition. Staying to take over the patriots would come down to obviously how long BB wants to stay the HC and that doesnt seem to be any time soon 

This is way off topic. I'll admit that upfront...But, I've always wondered what kind of speaker Matt Patricia is? All I really know about the guy is he has a full beard that an entire eco system could thrive in I think [Just Kidding!], has a #2 pencil behind his ear, & he's wicked smart IQ wise.


Highly intelligent people aren't necessarily good communicators or are easily relatable necessarily. There are always exceptions of course. My dad calls them educated id**ts. People who know 1 or 2 things on a genius level & hardly anything else. 


Having said all that, I hold no ill will toward the man, wish him luck, & will own up to the fact that I'm wrong more often than right. 

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9 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

This is way off topic. I'll admit that upfront...But, I've always wondered what kind of speaker Matt Patricia is? All I really know about the guy is he has a full beard that an entire eco system could thrive in I think [Just Kidding!], has a #2 pencil behind his ear, & he's wicked smart IQ wise.


Highly intelligent people aren't necessarily good communicators or are easily relatable necessarily. There are always exceptions of course. My dad calls them educated id**ts. People who know 1 or 2 things on a genius level & hardly anything else. 


you honestly cant gauge the guy because hes either a really good DC or a product of BB

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3 hours ago, J@son said:


I don't get the "like most of you" part. I think you're literally the first who's said you think that. 

Are you kidding?  I have heard people all over talk radio saying the same thing. He's not the first coach to ever say he wants to get hired before the team finishes a playoff run. No one's ever going to answer the question that I asked in the first place if not him then who else???

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3 hours ago, CR91 said:


There are such a things as second interviews. Unfortunately, we can't talk to him again until the pats are out of the playoffs or until super bowl bye week

You guys must be in a crappy mood or something.  I never seen so much nonsense over a single post that was a speculation. I use the word assuming in capital letters. My God leave it alone

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5 minutes ago, CR91 said:


you honestly cant gauge the guy because hes either a really good DC or a product if BB

Exactly man. Nobody has the foggiest clue how Patricia would run football operations as an HC. 


I still feel bad that Jim Caldwell got fired in Detroit. His record didn't warrant a dismissal yet IMO. The Lions played hard for Jim to the bitter end. Just like Jack Del Rio deserved more time in Oakland. Sigh. I know owners can do whatever their heart desires. 

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Just now, indyagent17 said:

You guys must be in a crappy mood or something.  I never seen so much nonsense over a single post that was a speculation. I use the word assuming in capital letters. My God leave it alone


nope im fine. just answering your post.

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1 minute ago, southwest1 said:

Exactly man. Nobody has the foggiest clue how Patricia would run football operations as an HC. 


I still feel bad that Jim Caldwell got fired in Detroit. His record didn't warrant a dismissal yet IMO. The Lions played hard for Jim to the bitter end. Just like Jack Del Rio deserved more time in Oakland. Sigh. I know owners can do whatever their heart desires. 


I feel bad for the raiders because I really think Carr's back injury is the biggest reason that offense was so off.

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2 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Exactly man. Nobody has the foggiest clue how Patricia would run football operations as an HC. 


I still feel bad that Jim Caldwell got fired in Detroit. His record didn't warrant a dismissal yet IMO. The Lions played hard for Jim to the bitter end. Just like Jack Del Rio deserved more time in Oakland. Sigh. I know owners can do whatever their heart desires. 

How ya been SW1???


I think Del Rio just fell victim to that blockbuster Gruden deal. His firing was a complete anomaly...



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3 minutes ago, CR91 said:


I feel bad for the raiders because I really think Carr's back injury is the biggest reason that offense was so off.

I totally agree CR91. If your franchise guy is saddled with a back injury, your accuracy declines swiftly. 


I get attached to guys I have followed forever like Jack Del Rio from his Minnesota player days & it always ticks me off when coaches get dismissed way too early especially for a splash hire in Gruden who hasn't coached in almost a decade. It irritates me especially after you gave Jack an extension & then cut him loose after a down yr. It's like divorcing your faithful wife because she's just not attractive enough anymore. Absurd IMO. 

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28 minutes ago, Buck Showalter said:

How ya been SW1???


I think Del Rio just fell victim to that blockbuster Gruden deal. His firing was a complete anomaly...



Hey there Buck. Appreciate the love bro. Thank you. True buddy, Del Rio landed softly. If you want me to be really honest, this Del Rio fire burns me because Jack told you that the silver & black was his favorite team growing up & the owner doesn't care that he's driven to turn the Raiders record around & return them to prominence again. 


Childhood loyalty is an intensity like no other. The drive & compulsion to win in the Black Hole is strong & free flowing & remember Jon Gruden only beat the Rayders because he knew all of QB Rich Gannon's moves & tendencies which Warren Sapp, John Lynch & that defense a massively unfair advantage. So, Chucky's star loses it's luster hire to me personally. JMO.


I never thought Gruden would ever leave the ESPN MNF booth. It was a cushy TV gig where everybody complements you & then you leave it for lousy hours, sleepless nights devising game plans, & the scrutiny of win now or I'll cut your caboose at will. How much money is enough John? Heck, you see what your brother endures in Maryland man? Why return to that NFL melting pot man? It's not worth it dude. 

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22 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

I totally agree CR91. If your franchise guy is saddled with a back injury, your accuracy declines swiftly. 


I get attached to guys I have followed forever like Jack Del Rio from his Minnesota player days & it always ticks me off when coaches get dismissed way too early especially for a splash hire in Gruden who hasn't coached in almost a decade. It irritates me especially after you gave Jack an extension & then cut him loose after a down yr. It's like divorcing your faithful wife because she's just not attractive enough anymore. Absurd IMO. 

I feel like Oakland is trying to increase excitement for the team in its last few years in the Bay Area before they head off to Vegas. Gruden probably does that.


The only thing that stopped Jack Del Rio from leading Oakland deep into the playoffs in back to back years is Carr's injury (well that and a crappy Defense).

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On 1/4/2018 at 8:28 PM, NewColtsFan said:


Luck is, by nature,  a very private person.    He does not like to talk about himself.   He's typically gracious and classy when he deflects credit and is willing to take the blame for things that went wrong that were probably the fault of a teammate or two....    I love that about him.


And I have said to a number of posters here who have wanted more info from Luck,  that Luck is not obligated to give out much medical information.    He can say as much or as little as he wants....    So I have defended him on that.


I just think after 11 and 1/2 months where pretty much everything went wrong,  and nothing went according to plan,  that to come out and face the media and say,  roughly...     That he went to the Netherlands to rehab and workout and not offer more details is not acceptable.     He wouldn't name the trainer,  though he did say the trainer has a facility in The Netherlands.     He wouldn't describe the treatment beyond just "soft tissue" work...     he did say there were no injections of any kind.    I found his answers very guarded at a time when I think the fans DESERVE as much information as he can give.  


The fans were promised Andrew Luck would be ready and good to go in 2017.   And despite Luck assuring fans back in July or August that he wouldn't miss any games,   he missed an entire season.      And the season went to Hell.


I think in thise case,  the fans are owed more.    And I don't think Luck would agree with that.     He's a sharp, intuitive young man.    He gets it.     But I think his presser was tone deaf.     When you intereview some athletes,  you can see the wheels spinning in their eyes....   "How can I answer this question without really saying very much?"    Some athletes are like that.     Most notably here in So. Cal,  Marcus Allen was like that at USC and with the Raiders.    He guarded every word he ever said.     Luck is like that.   


I thought if there was ever a time to break out of his mold and give the fans a full accounting,  this would be it.    And I  was disappointed it didn't happen.


I have often said here that controlling your own message is hugely important in these days of 24/7 media.    And that if you don't control your own message,  someone else will likely control it for you,  and not do as good a job as you can.     They might not have your best intentions at heart.    And that's where I think we are now...   The Indy media seemed to openly question Luck's answers.   I don't think that's happened before.    Luck does not have control of his own message and I think he's smart enough to know better...


Sorry this went so long....


So good.

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31 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

I feel like Oakland is trying to increase excitement for the team in its last few years in the Bay Area before they head off to Vegas. Gruden probably does that.


The only thing that stopped Jack Del Rio from leading Oakland deep into the playoffs in back to back years is Carr's injury (well that and a crappy Defense).

Oh Absolutely, NB. The idea is straight forward--New city, new stadium, new coach with name recognition to sell seats, merchandise, & entice fans to walk thru the door with a ton of other entertaining distractions on the west coast. 


At a bare minimum, Jack deserved 1 more yr at least. We all know when your face of the franchise is not playing well. It negatively impacts everything else & your team is done respectively. It just is. 


I just think Gruden is in for a rude awakening. The game has changed so much since say 2003. Players are consumed with single branding now vs Championship Glory. They want money after their playing days are over via social media now. Plus, Chucky is just like Jim Harbaugh. His angry rants wear out quick within say 3-4 yrs before players start to tune you out & view you as annoying nuisance that they are ready to fight or kill symbolically speaking of course. 


I will admit this though. If Gruden can assert dominance over Philip Rivers early & be regarded as the big brother over little bro early in their new stadium digs...That buys Gruden instant credibility short term. I will acknowledge that openly fan base wise. 

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47 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Hey there Buck. Appreciate the love bro. Thank you. True buddy, Del Rio landed softly. If you want me to be really honest, this Del Rio fire burns me because Jack told you that the silver & black was his favorite team growing up & the owner doesn't care that he's driven to turn the Raiders record around & return them to prominence again. 


Childhood loyalty is an intensity like no other. The drive & compulsion to win in the Black Hole is strong & free flowing & remember Jon Gruden only beat the Rayders because he knew all of QB Rich Gannon's moves & tendencies which Warren Sapp, John Lynch & that defense a massively unfair advantage. So, Chucky's star loses it's luster hire to me personally. JMO.


I never thought Gruden would ever leave the ESPN MNF booth. It was a cushy TV gig where everybody complements you & then you leave it for lousy hours, sleepless nights devising game plans, & the scrutiny of win now or I'll cut your caboose at will. How much money is enough John? Heck, you see what your brother endures in Maryland man? Why return to that NFL melting pot man? It's not worth it dude. 

I hear ya SW. I'm not saying I don't think Oak bailed on Del Rio before giving him a legit chance...


Was that a double negative???


 Anyways, I think the Gruden hire is about more than the average coaching replacement. Oakland is a "different" franchise & their upcoming move makes them an entirely different animal all together. May not be fair, but it is what it is...


I also don't really get the Gruden fascination, at least not as a coach. I will say, however, that I do appreciate the guys optimism. In a day & age where negativity & cynicism reign supreme, Gruden was a positive voice, where he was able to find something positive to say about almost everyone or whatever situation, even if just from the commentators booth. So actually I'll miss him in that capacity.


Anyhow, at the end if the day I'm really just glad that Gruden is out of the running for the Colts now, & who knows While Del Rio may not be my favorite option for DC, it may be a role he is better suited for & the Colts likely have an opening for a coordinator, so maybe it'll work out in the end...

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14 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

It has become a trend in Oakland to fire guys quickly   

 See Tom Cable or Hue Jackson

True. Its one of those weird situations, on one hand I feel like a coach or new regime needs some time to "right the ship" so to speak. But, if you know a coach isn't your guy, better to cut bait as soon as possible...

Anyways, it's obvious they are "all in" on Gruden so more power to them...

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3 minutes ago, Buck Showalter said:

I hear ya SW. I'm not saying I don't think Oak bailed on Del Rio before giving him a legit chance...


Was that a double negative???


 Anyways, I think the Gruden hire is about more than the average coaching replacement. Oakland is a "different" franchise & their upcoming move makes them an entirely different animal all together. May not be fair, but it is what it is...


I also don't really get the Gruden fascination, at least not as a coach. I will say, however, that I do appreciate the guys optimism. In a day & age where negativity & cynicism reign supreme, Gruden was a positive voice, where he was able to find something positive to say about almost everyone or whatever situation, even if just from the commentators booth. So actually I'll miss him in that capacity.


Anyhow, at the end if the day I'm really just glad that Gruden is out of the running for the Colts now, & who knows While Del Rio may not be my favorite option for DC, it may be a role he is better suited for & the Colts likely have an opening for a coordinator, so maybe it'll work out in the end...

I get it Buck. I wasn't really arguing with you perse. I just think it's funny to give a HC an extension & then go sorry Jack, a better prospect with SB jewelry came on the market. Yeah, I know such is life. Fair is a place where folks judge livestock, pigs, poultry, cats, kittens, dogs, & birds right? 


True, Gruden does seem optimistic & I will miss the gleam in his eye when he talked about Spider Y Banana on TV. It was hilarious! Like a lovable, unbalanced guy who was just too attached to that call for his own good. haha


Uh huh. INDY does have a lot of quality candidates who want to work with Luck which rocks for us. Like CBE said in another thread, as long as INDY doesn't hire Tom Cable as our new HC; we'll be perfectly fine. 

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11 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

The thing that worries me about JMcD is that he would leave to replace BB 

Yeah, discussing this Gruden situation also somehow mirrors that, in, like, an opposite, but, equal way...


If that makes sense...

But seriously, I think that could be a legitimate concern...

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Just now, southwest1 said:

I get it Buck. I wasn't really arguing with you perse. I just think it's funny to give a HC an extension & then go sorry Jack, a better prospect with SB jewelry came on the market. Yeah, I know such is life. Fair is a place where folks judge livestock, pigs, poultry, cats, kittens, dogs, & birds right? 


True, Gruden does seem optimistic & I will miss the gleam in his eye when he talked about Spider Y Banana on TV. It was hilarious! Like a lovable, unbalanced guy who was just too attached to that call for his own good. haha


Uh huh. INDY does have a lot of quality candidates who want to work with Luck which rocks for us. Like CBE said in another thread, as long as INDY doesn't hire Tom Cable as our new HC; we'll be perfectly fine. 

Welcome back SW1! I'm praying for McDaniels at this point. Had him as my no1 over even Gruden. I have a feeling he could be the one guy who gets us a SB with Luck. Ballard building the team and McDaniels coaching it. My dream team! Lets get McDaniels and have another great FA and draft!

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

This is way off topic. I'll admit that upfront...But, I've always wondered what kind of speaker Matt Patricia is? All I really know about the guy is he has a full beard that an entire eco system could thrive in I think [Just Kidding!], has a #2 pencil behind his ear, & he's wicked smart IQ wise.


Highly intelligent people aren't necessarily good communicators or are easily relatable necessarily. There are always exceptions of course. My dad calls them educated id**ts. People who know 1 or 2 things on a genius level & hardly anything else. 


Having said all that, I hold no ill will toward the man, wish him luck, & will own up to the fact that I'm wrong more often than right. 


Hmm, some people call it Aspergers.

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16 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

The thing that worries me about JMcD is that he would leave to replace BB 

Nah, assuming Luck gets healthy why would he leave here to go back to the Pats. Pats don't even a Plan B right now at QB. Once Brady retires they better pray they get lucky and Draft a QB that can be good. Lets just give Josh a 5 yr deal/also let him run the Offense and also sign Jack Del Rio as DC. I would be fine with that.

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

This is way off topic. I'll admit that upfront...But, I've always wondered what kind of speaker Matt Patricia is? All I really know about the guy is he has a full beard that an entire eco system could thrive in I think [Just Kidding!], has a #2 pencil behind his ear, & he's wicked smart IQ wise.


Highly intelligent people aren't necessarily good communicators or are easily relatable necessarily. There are always exceptions of course. My dad calls them educated id**ts. People who know 1 or 2 things on a genius level & hardly anything else. 


Having said all that, I hold no ill will toward the man, wish him luck, & will own up to the fact that I'm wrong more often than right. 

Not sure how I feel since I was known as “The Encyclopedia”

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Nah, assuming Luck gets healthy why would he leave here to go back to the Pats. Pats don't even a Plan B right now at QB. Once Brady retires they better pray they get lucky and Draft a QB that can be good. Lets just give Josh a 5 yr deal/also let him run the Offense and also sign Jack Del Rio as DC. I would be fine with that.

He has already done it once

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33 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Welcome back SW1! I'm praying for McDaniels at this point. Had him as my no1 over even Gruden. I have a feeling he could be the one guy who gets us a SB with Luck. Ballard building the team and McDaniels coaching it. My dream team! Lets get McDaniels and have another great FA and draft!

Hey there Jared, I appreciate the welcoming committee & their kind words glad to see my return anyway. Okay, just 2 people Buck & you right now, I'll take whatever I can get. Just Joking. 


I will even admit that Josh is good at moving the ball on offense with Edelman out, Gronk's injure prone self, & basically making a Macgiver offense out of toothpicks & band aids work this yr. Hey man, after this down yr, I'm ready for anybody who can turn the tide ASAP. I'm not naive. I know Ballard needs more time to work his mojo but I agree Josh McDaniels is due to redeem himself after his Colorado debacle. I don't hold grudges...Well, except my pure hatred for the Dallas Cowboys that's it. 


Nice to chat with you as always Jared. I've been watching a lot of Colin Coherd now too. That guy is really growing on me too. NCF, I owe you apology BTW. He's really smart, likes the Colts, & thinks we need to draft a RB to make Luck's life easier at #3 in round 1. 

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3 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Good observation there Supes. Cornerstone franchise, his boss won 2 rings there as a DC under Parcels, & solid ownership at the top. 


Still, the horseshoe is much more attractive from Josh's vantage point: Our QB has a better upside, Ballard is a darn good GM, & his reputation would skyrocket if Luck's number of completions proliferate next yr & we pop like a 12-4 record hypothetically speaking. 


I wanna know what Josh learned from NE's OL coach DANTE SCARNECCHIA who protects Brady so well. Can he find an adequate duplicate? I always remember when Peyton Manning was 1st talking to GM Bill Polian--Explain to me Bill the quality of my protection upfront? 


The Giants are a marquee organization in the NFL, with a tradition of great ownership, in NYC. They pick #2 and will most likely take a QB, they still have Eli if they want him, their GM just put together a SB roster two years ago, and they have plenty of cap space.


I get why you would place the Colts ahead of the Giants, but I see the opposing argument as well. I personally think, because of the Luck uncertainty, the Giants job is the most attractive opening. If we assume Luck is back and ready to go, the Colts job is #1. JMO


As for Dante Scarnecchia, I'm hoping McDaniels can wrestle him away from the Pats somehow.


I'm also curious who he has on his short list for DC. I'm not sure there's a Wade Phillips kind of guy on the market right now. I'm liking the idea of Vic Fangio, but he's already in play for a couple other teams, including staying with the Bears. And that makes sense for him, he's already there and would presumably be a good fit with Nagy. 

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52 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Not sure how I feel since I was known as “The Encyclopedia”

View that classification as a complement my friend because it usually means you know a variety of fascinating facts & insights on a whole host of subjects. You'd probably kill at Trivial Pursuit stuff. 


You are not a Cliff Claven/Cheers know it all bar fly who is pushy, obnoxious, or stroke your ego vanity jerk PT.


I'd probably even place you in the Encyclopedia Brittanica category. In graduate school, whenever I needed a ton of info on say a famous person, rebellion, or historic event for a term paper or thesis. I always looked them up in Brittanica 1st became that publication did a beautiful job of condensing all the relevant highlights.


Here's my point: You strike as very thorough. Never apologize for possessing that trait PT. 

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7 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

View that classification as a complement my friend because it usually means you know a variety of fascinating facts & insights on a whole host of subjects. You'd probably kill at Trivial Pursuit stuff. 


You are not a Cliff Claven/Cheers know it all bar fly who is pushy, obnoxious, or stroke your ego vanity jerk PT.


I'd probably even place you in the Encyclopedia Brittanica category. In graduate school, whenever I needed a ton of info on say a famous person, rebellion, or historic event for a term paper or thesis. I always looked them up in Brittanica 1st became that publication did a beautiful job of condensing all the relevant highlights.


Here's my point: You strike as very thorough. Never apologize for possessing that trait PT. 


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35 minutes ago, Superman said:


The Giants are a marquee organization in the NFL, with a tradition of great ownership, in NYC. They pick #2 and will most likely take a QB, they still have Eli if they want him, their GM just put together a SB roster two years ago, and they have plenty of cap space.


I get why you would place the Colts ahead of the Giants, but I see the opposing argument as well. I personally think, because of the Luck uncertainty, the Giants job is the most attractive opening. If we assume Luck is back and ready to go, the Colts job is #1. JMO


As for Dante Scarnecchia, I'm hoping McDaniels can wrestle him away from the Pats somehow.


I'm also curious who he has on his short list for DC. I'm not sure there's a Wade Phillips kind of guy on the market right now. I'm liking the idea of Vic Fangio, but he's already in play for a couple other teams, including staying with the Bears. And that makes sense for him, he's already there and would presumably be a good fit with Nagy. 

A very good post as usual Superman. Excellent points. Vic Fangio really impressed me in Chicago. That D was a force to be reckoned with. I don't get NFL Sunday Ticket anymore, which allowed me to checkout DCs across the league with ease. But yes, if we land Vic, my god, we're inching closer to a ring. 


Next to the Colts, BIG Blue is my 2nd favorite NFL franchise. That club just has a winning mystique that has always mesmerized me & ownership never panics over a few bad yrs missing the playoffs. I love that. They just go this is our guy & we believe in him. Look at their decision to retain Coughlin thru some lean yrs & bam 2 more rings. Cleveland will never get that. 


If we could hire McDaniels, land Dante, & pull in Fangio, talk about Christmas on stills! Sign me up.  


Wade Phillips isn't leaving the Rams. You're right about that. Aaron Donald would be so fun to coach on defense. The guy is massive, strong, swift, & a game wrecker. Wade goes from Miller to Donald. Wow, great work if you can find it, 

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20 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

A very good post as usual Superman. Excellent points. Vic Fangio really impressed me in Chicago. That D was a force to be reckoned with. I don't get NFL Sunday Ticket anymore, which allowed me to checkout DCs across the league with ease. But yes, if we land Vic, my god, we're inching closer to a ring. 


Next to the Colts, BIG Blue is my 2nd favorite NFL franchise. That club just has a winning mystique that has always mesmerized me & ownership never panics over a few bad yrs missing the playoffs. I love that. They just go this is our guy & we believe in him. Look at their decision to retain Coughlin thru some lean yrs & bam 2 more rings. Cleveland will never get that. 


If we could hire McDaniels, land Dante, & pull in Fangio, talk about Christmas on stills! Sign me up.  


Wade Phillips isn't leaving the Rams. You're right about that. Aaron Donald would be so fun to coach on defense. The guy is massive, strong, swift, & a game wrecker. Wade goes from Miller to Donald. Wow, great work if you can find it, 



Southwest is ALIVE!!      He's ALIVE!!!


And he's POSTING!!!!


Where have you been?!?      And welcome back!!       :thmup:



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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:



Southwest is ALIVE!!      He's ALIVE!!!


And he's POSTING!!!!


Where have you been?!?      And welcome back!!       :thmup:



Cute. I got a kick out of the Frankenstein reference. Mary Shelly's version is my favorite with the Robert De Niro film version. Nothing against Gene Wilder or Al Brooks naturally. I'll send you an e-mail later this week & explain my absence. Not gonna derail this thread anymore than I probably already have. LOL! 


I meant what I said to you earlier. Colin Cowherd on FS1 is really a deep thinker & gifted sports commentator. You were right & I dismissed his sports wisdom too quickly. Mostly, I just like somebody who defends INDY as a quality franchise. He looks deeper than an Irsay tweet, which is refreshing. 


I will always defend you too NCF. You know of what you speak. A poster I respect & deem required reading as well. 

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3 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Cute. I got a kick out of the Frankenstein reference. Mary Shelly's version is my favorite with the Robert De Niro film version. Nothing against Gene Wilder or Al Brooks naturally. I'll send you an e-mail later this week & explain my absence. Not gonna derail this thread anymore than I probably already have. LOL! 


I meant what I said to you earlier. Colin Cowherd on FS1 is really a deep thinker & gifted sports commentator. You were right & I dismissed his sports wisdom too quickly. Mostly, I just like somebody who defends INDY as a quality franchise. He looks deeper than an Irsay tweet, which is refreshing. 


I will always defend you too NCF. You know of what you speak. A poster I respect & deem required reading as well. 


You are, as always,  way, WAY too kind to me!      The money I sent you to buy your loyalty is paying off!!     I need my fan club and you're my charter member!!     Many thanks!      :thmup:


Write when you can....     looking forward to it....       Uhhhh....     I think?!?         :peek:

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32 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


You are, as always,  way, WAY too kind to me!      The money I sent you to buy your loyalty is paying off!!     I need my fan club and you're my charter member!!     Many thanks!      :thmup:


Write when you can....     looking forward to it....       Uhhhh....     I think?!?         :peek:

So, you'd prefer the mean & nasty approach then? Just messin' with ya. If you're around long enough, even your rivals warm to you if enough decades pass by. My dad often said that to me, when he had to discipline me & I said something unflattering back to him in retaliation. 


Lately though, Colin Coherd had this wacky position on the air where he praised Bill Belichick's stance on showing up to work on time during blizzard on the east coast when most meteorologists were telling people to stay off the roads for their safety. Colin raved about BB's demand that his players show up on time no excuses like it indicated resourcefulness & professionalism. What?! If planes aren't on runways taking off & UPS isn't out there, stay the hades home IMHO. That's my rule of thumb personally. 

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33 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

So, you'd prefer the mean & nasty approach then? Just messin' with ya. If you're around long enough, even your rivals warm to you if enough decades pass by. My dad often said that to me, when he had to discipline me & I said something unflattering back to him in retaliation. 


Lately though, Colin Coherd had this wacky position on the air where he praised Bill Belichick's stance on showing up to work on time during blizzard on the east coast when most meteorologists were telling people to stay off the roads for their safety. Colin raved about BB's demand that his players show up on time no excuses like it indicated resourcefulness & professionalism. What?! If planes aren't on runways taking off & UPS isn't out there, stay the hades home IMHO. That's my rule of thumb personally. 


Turns out,  right next door to the Pats stadium and training facility are not one, but two hotels.


So, Bill thinks if you know going in that bad weather is coming,  don't go home and try and make it back during a storm. Go to one of the hotels where you can literally walk to the facility next day no matter the weather.


I didn't know that.


Otherwise, I might be more in your camp.....


Stay in touch....    and we can catch-up...


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45 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Turns out,  right next door to the Pats stadium and training facility are not one, but two hotels.


So, Bill thinks if you know going in that bad weather is coming,  don't go home and try and make it back during a storm. Go to one of the hotels where you can literally walk to the facility next day no matter the weather.


I didn't know that.


Otherwise, I might be more in your camp.....


Stay in touch....    and we can catch-up...


Yeah, I heard that tid bit later on as the story gained more traction too. 


What Bill doesn't seem to grasp though is this: These are grown men with wives & children & if anybody died on the freeway trying to drive to work that puts this franchise into a huge cluster bleep public relations nightmare. Yes, I know professional football is a professional job that requires sacrifice away from loved ones in order to achieve greatness. However, wives need breaks too & if their spouse rolls their SUV off the freeway into a snow bank or off a bridge & EMT specialists can't get to them in time before the unthinkable happens, I personally would reign down holy you know what on Bill & his arrogant stupidity. This isn't some kid who oversleeps & misses a team flight. 


It's just not as simple as saying stay at a hotel Bill, These men are not your Patriot Way slaves Bill. His rings don't give him the right to demand stuff like to me at all & I get so mad when he gets a pass for nonsense like this arrogant stunt. What Bill I might be late for 1 practice so I don't care about the team or it's success? Please...


And another thing, say you don't make that much money salary wise, but a coordinator upgraded to start next week in the Divisional round of the playoffs, how expensive are these 2 motels to reside at? If the price is high & expenses are tight that's not right either unless Kraft agrees to pickup the cost for everybody on the roster for the circumstances that is. 


Sure, you bet my friend. We'll definitely touch base soon. :hat:

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Look, I know the weather can get down right nasty on the east coast with record snow storms. That's not the point. Just plan ahead. Within reason, I can work with that or around that.


But, there is a point where common sense should prevail & Robert Kraft says to his employee "Bill, you aren't being reasonable here because you can get up 3 hours early, clear off your car, drive super slow, get into an accident, & die or suffer life threatening injuries & frost bite for instance. Knock it off. " 


I get exceptions like say you're a reporter working for news network on election night & you need to meet a deadline for your paper & can't go home until the editor has your column & approves it 1st or a blizzard hits your city out of the blue & you're simply stranded at work for a while. 

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19 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Yeah, I heard that tid bit later on as the story gained more traction too. 


What Bill doesn't seem to grasp though is this: These are grown men with wives & children & if anybody died on the freeway trying to drive to work that puts this franchise into a huge cluster bleep public relations nightmare. Yes, I know professional football is a professional job that requires sacrifice away from loved ones in order to achieve greatness. However, wives need breaks too & if their spouse rolls their SUV off the freeway into a snow bank or off a bridge & EMT specialists can't get to them in time before the unthinkable happens, I personally would reign down holy you know what on Bill & his arrogant stupidity. This isn't some kid who oversleeps & misses a team flight. 


It's just not as simple as saying stay at a hotel Bill, These men are not your Patriot Way slaves Bill. His rings don't give him the right to demand stuff like to me at all & I get so mad when he gets a pass for nonsense like this arrogant stunt. What Bill I might be late for 1 practice so I don't care about the team or it's success? Please...


Sure, you bet my friend. We'll definitely touch base soon. :hat:

You know I have had a personal experience with a blizzard. I had several people working for me earning well less than six figures, who had children, making it to work work when they had no business to even try in 1979 (before cell phones and no way to tell them not to try). I was surprised. My challenge was to make sure they were able to get back home safely. So much for millionaires rolling SUVs off bridges into icy waters. This was before SUVs. These people were driving rear wheel drive cars totally unsuited for snow. They loved their families every bit or more than any NFL player. What is my point? What is your point? There are people committed to what they do. Maybe you would just say that is old school. Maybe these friends of mine were foolhardy. Maybe Belichick is along the same line.

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10 minutes ago, Buddy Lee said:

You know I have had a personal experience with a blizzard. I had several people working for me earning well less than six figures, who had children, making it to work work when they had no business to even try in 1979 (before cell phones and no way to tell them not to try). I was surprised. My challenge was to make sure they were able to get back home safely. So much for millionaires rolling SUVs off bridges into icy waters. This was before SUVs. These people were driving rear wheel drive cars totally unsuited for snow. They loved their families every bit or more than any NFL player. What is my point? What is your point? There are people committed to what they do. Maybe you would just say that is old school. Maybe these friends of mine were foolhardy. Maybe Belichick is along the same line.

You really can't grasp my overall point? I highly doubt that, Winning SB rings doesn't warrant unfettered loyalty as a badge of honor simply because a HC might his 6th ring in January. 


By making the argument that these men are professionals totally lets Bill off the hook should any teammate die on the freeway during a once in say 20 yr snow storm of hazardous driving conditions. Thank you for proving my point Buddy Lee. 


We're not talking about smoke jumpers or SWAT team people here who take on real risk as part of their general job description. 

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