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Luck to be placed on IR per Tony Donahue


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7 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

Donahue seems like a pretty reliable Indy source, and this move completely makes sense at this point of a lost season.



6 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

What in the world?



That it is reported that he has/is seeing multiple specialists because of pain and no clear cut reason tells me that he feels it is more than just some lingering pain he didn't think he should at this stage and need not have to play through.  The time frame to get ready ( = > six weeks minimum starting next week if everything was great- which we know is not) has essentially put this season in peril, but Colts and medical team have to continue to look into it, and apply treatments / remedies at this time. 


He is complaining of pain reportedly, and I believe him.  Mothballing him doesn't insure he'll get healthy, either. It appears he's well behind the 9 month recovery timeline and still not practicing.  This isn't a good sign, and not only is his ability to appear again this year in jeopardy, but his ability to do it in the future might possibly be as well.  Fans can shelve him and forget until next year, but the Club and medical team cannot.  They will be as involved as the NFL rules will allow. This does bear watching for any positive signs, but they may be slow in coming... at best at this point.

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It really is a difficult situation. What do you guys think Ballard & the top brass are thinking?  IR him for the rest of this year or if he does recover, play him towards the end of the season just to see what you have?  There are benefits to both options.  I’m torn on which would be better. 

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4 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

It really is a difficult situation. What do you guys think Ballard & the top brass are thinking?  IR him for the rest of this year or if he does recover, play him towards the end of the season just to see what you have?  There are benefits to both options.  I’m torn on which would be better. 

He shouldn’t play in a couple meaningless games at the end of the season

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2 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

He shouldn’t play in a couple meaningless games at the end of the season


It's not a matter of whether he should or should not, it's a matter of whether he can or cannot.  And if he can, he will.  But that hope grows exceptionally dimmer with each passing week Luck does not get well enough to begin to practice again.

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5 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

He shouldn’t play in a couple meaningless games at the end of the season

But could seeing him play this season and how his body recovers, help Ballard with whether he needs to draft a QB in the draft?  Also does anybody know how Ballard & Luck’s relationship is???  Any tension between the 2?

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2 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

But could seeing him play this season and how his body recovers, help Ballard with whether he needs to draft a QB in the draft?  Also does anybody know how Ballard & Luck’s relationship is???  Any tension between the 2?

I’m weary of putting him out there at all considering this season is so done. I’ve no idea of the relationship between Luck and Ballard

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Perhaps a rust factor other than that I agree. If he plays the last 2 games that may help going into next season + ease the fans from thinking he will never play again.

If they were meaningful games, it’d be a little different. I couldn’t imagine the backlash if Andrew plays a couple meaningless games and gets injured again

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4 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

If they were meaningful games, it’d be a little different. I couldn’t imagine the backlash if Andrew plays a couple meaningless games and gets injured again

That's true too, if he plays and we are 3-11 that would look bad if he got injured again. I am just worried about him being rusty going into next season. A year off can cause it. Tom Brady even was going into 2009 after getting injured on opening day.

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15 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

I’m weary of putting him out there at all considering this season is so done. I’ve no idea of the relationship between Luck and Ballard

Trust me. I feel how you feel. I never understood why we played him in the final game last year.  Especially with him eventually needing surgery anyway. Hindsight is 20/20 but the way this season has gone, makes me wonder if we should have canned Chuck just to make sure our young guys get more time and experience.


This is really a tough situation we have going on. Can’t expect Chuck to start playing young guys when he’s coaching for his job. I know most don’t expect it to happen, but I could see Ballard wanting a change this season just to start seeing guys like Mack, Wilson, Basham, & George getting more experience so he can better evaluate them for next year’s draft. 

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1 minute ago, Smoke317 said:

Trust me. I feel how you feel. I never understood why we played him in the final game last year???  Especially with him eventually needing surgery anyway. Hindsight is 20/20 but the way this season has gone, makes me wonder if we should have canned Chuck just to make sure our young guys get more time and experience.


This is really a tough situation we have going on. Can’t expect Chuck to start playing young guys when he’s coaching for his job. I know most don’t expect it to happen, but I could see Ballard wanting a change this season just to start seeing guys like Mack, Wilson, Basham, & George getting more experience so he can better evaluate them for next year’s draft. 

Yeah it’s just not a great situation right now. Maybe that’ll change but only time will tell

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1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

Two completely different things


How so?


A QB we were told would return at some point during the season never did. Despite the many stories peddled to the press of how the QB would play.


If this Luck thing was in a vacuum I don't think people would be nearly as skeptical but they are because they saw this with the guy before him.

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1 hour ago, CF4L said:


Except you are overlooking the fact we have dealt with this before.


We were told Manning was going to get better, he'll come back he never did as a Colt anyways.


So while we may not know the extent of Luck's injuries we know how the Colts PR department operates about this sort of thing


That's what we know more than the team we aren't as dumb as the Colts FO thinks we are.


First....    it's not the PR department.    They take their orders from the front office and ownership.     


And and it's not just the Colts.    EVERY NFL team keeps information close to them.


The health of a player is tricky.   Because everyone heals at a different rate and there are often set backs.   Things aren't as neat and clean as one would expect.


Manning eventually needed FOUR surgeries.    But no one knew that at the start.      Luck was supposed to heal within 9 months.    Doesn't look like that will happen now.      Sucks for us.


Doesn't mean anyone lied...   these situations are often complex.

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10 minutes ago, CF4L said:


How so?


A QB we were told would return at some point during the season never did. Despite the many stories peddled to the press of how the QB would play.


If this Luck thing was in a vacuum I don't think people would be nearly as skeptical but they are because they saw this with the guy before him.

One was at the end of his career with a massive payment due the next season.   A spinal surgery no one knew if it would ever heal. 



One is a young qb with many years ahead.   He is also under contract for a few more years. 


I'm not sure why this is a question?

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7 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

One was at the end of his career with a massive payment due the next season.   A spinal surgery no one knew if it would ever heal. 



One is a young qb with many years ahead.   He is also under contract for a few more years. 


I'm not sure why this is a question?


Because the NFL your career can end at any moment it doesn't matter how old you are. Tom Brady is 40 and still playing. Romo is younger and retired because of his bad back.


And with Manning I always thought the Colts overblew that injury only because many teams lined up to sign him after the Colts parted ways with him.


That being said I don't see Luck being let go that easily unless its a career ender. 


Some of us have long term memories of how the Colts have handled this sort of thing in the past.

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16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


First....    it's not the PR department.    They take their orders from the front office and ownership.     


And and it's not just the Colts.    EVERY NFL team keeps information close to them.


The health of a player is tricky.   Because everyone heals at a different rate and there are often set backs.   Things aren't as neat and clean as one would expect.


Manning eventually needed FOUR surgeries.    But no one knew that at the start.      Luck was supposed to heal within 9 months.    Doesn't look like that will happen now.      Sucks for us.


Doesn't mean anyone lied...   these situations are often complex.



I agree its complex but they still lied because they said he would be back at the beginning of the season.. then midseason and now possibly IR.


Here's a thought: Maybe they should just not say he was going to return and that they are taking a wait and see approach it would be honest but it would also cause them to lose ticket sales. Which is why they lied to begin with.

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4 minutes ago, CF4L said:


Because the NFL your career can end at any moment it doesn't matter how old you are. Tom Brady is 40 and still playing. Romo is younger and retired because of his bad back.


And with Manning I always thought the Colts overblew that injury only because many teams lined up to sign him after the Colts parted ways with him.


That being said I don't see Luck being let go that easily unless its a career ender. 


Some of us have long term memories of how the Colts have handled this sort of thing in the past.

I've been a fan since the mayflower trucks rolled into town.   


If teams were lining up,   they could have traded him.    Unless they did him a favor and cut him to let him pick his team.   Which squashes the idea irsay did him dirty. 


But the situations aren't similar other than they both play QB

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Just now, jvan1973 said:

I've been a fan since the mayflower trucks rolled into town.   


If teams were lining up,   they could have traded him.    Unless they did him a favor and cut him to let him pick his team.   Which squashes the idea irsay did him dirty. 


But the situations aren't similar other than they both play QB



They didn't trade him because nobody wanted that contract for an aging player.


Irsay didn't let him go out of the goodness of his heart he let him go because he didn't think he had anything left at his age and the $$$ was too much.


He chose the future. 


Now the future is in doubt. 


I never thought it was the wrong move because we weren't winning another SB with Manning we did him a favor but that wasn't what Irsay had in mind when he made that move years ago. We were supposed to win another SB not him.

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I've remained pretty cool during all of this, but I'm honestly starting to worry about Luck.  I don't want to think of his career being cut short, but man, I'm begging for some solid info from the colts on his long term prognosis. Sadly, (for us not necessarily for him) I'm fairly certain he's not playing this year.  So it looks like I won't know that he's definitely our franchise until draft day.  The colts will probably wind up with a top 5 pick, and with San Fran presumably no longer in the qb market, if colts trade up (and we may not have to the way it looks right now) for a qb I guess I'll have my answer.........this season, man.......smh.......brutal.......Get well 12......

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4 minutes ago, Sumo63 said:

I've remained pretty cool during all of this, but I'm honestly starting to worry about Luck.  I don't want to think of his career being cut short, but man, I'm begging for some solid info from the colts on his long term prognosis. Sadly, (for us not necessarily for him) I'm fairly certain he's not playing this year.  So it looks like I won't know that he's definitely our franchise until draft day.  The colts will probably wind up with a top 5 pick, and with San Fran presumably no longer in the qb market, if colts trade up (and we may not have to the way it looks right now) for a qb I guess I'll have my answer.........this season, man.......smh.......brutal.......Get well 12......

It's not cut short. Holder confirmed it and said that you shouldn't worry about Luck long term. He's definitely not playing this year, which is good for both the Colts and Luck. Why would the Colts trade up for a QB? Luck is fine. They'll either trade down or pick a generational talent at that spot.

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Just now, IndyScribe said:

It's not cut short. Holder confirmed it and said that you shouldn't worry about Luck long term. He's definitely not playing this year, which is good for both the Colts and Luck. Why would the Colts trade up for a QB? Luck is fine. They'll either trade down or pick a generational talent at that spot.

I hope you're right.  I guess, at this point, I just can't believe he's ok until I see it.  His recovery clearly hasn't gone as expected.  I just hope the organization doesn't know something we negative that we don't. They've been fairly tight lipped......like I said I'm just starting to worry about the kid.

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16 minutes ago, IndyScribe said:

It's not cut short. Holder confirmed it 

a comment like that from holder isnt worth much


hes not a doctor, and the doctors themselves are not sure if luck will play again at this point 


he will probably be back but no guarantee his shoulder will hold up and he can play 16 game seasons anymore 



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