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Irsay Says If Peyton Wants To Play Here Next Year, Then That's What Will Happen


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100% Correct. If Peyton wouldn't have had to miss all of this season then our cap situation would have still been a problem. Why is it now all of a sudden we can't afford Peyton and need to restructure?

It's not about being able to afford Manning per se. The problem is paying Manning $28M plus his salary and the salary of a #1 draft pick for Manning to sit on the bench again. If Manning would have been healthy and played we would not have the first pick and the media wouldn't even be talking about it now.

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“I hope that it works out, and that he’s here with us, but like I said, I want to hear from him, and just see what his hopes are in terms of how we work it through with all the salary cap issues,” Irsay said. “But his health is obviously the first concern as well.”

I'm not sure this is saying what the article's headline suggests that it is.

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What bothers me is that it seems like Irsay and Manning are communicating through third parties (the media). I wish they'd keep it to themselves and get back to us when they figure it out. Unnecessary drama.

This is what leads me to believe that most of this is political-style posturing. If it were not, Manning and Irsay would be talking to each other and not to the media. How many times have we heard Irsay say something along the lines of, "I want to sit down with Manning and talk about his future...yada yada yada." If you want to sit down and talk with him, then sit down and talk with him. Don't just keep saying that you want to sit down and talk with him. Do it.

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First of all... there are widely differing medical opinions on the timeline for nerve regeneration and how some patients "plateau" in there recovery.

And secondly, the huge salary cap commitment against an uncertain medical outcome has been Irsay's contention the entire time....regardless of how the story characterized Irsay's comments.

If he's not 100% by March 8th and it is true that there is no way around that monstrosity of a roster bonus..... then Manning should be released.

so u feel that if Manning can't recover in 6 months from a surgery that has a 1 year recovery time then we should release him?

You are absolutely naive to think that Manning being completely healthy enough to play at his expected level of play is still a very large concern.

There is basically 0% chance Manning won't play next year. You are absolutely easily manipulated by the media.

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Its funny how everyone thinks getting Andrew luck is a forgone conclusion lol, The news between these two guys luck and Griffin is just heating up... I wouldn't be surprised if luck participates in ALL of the combine because of Griffin.

But that statement about peyton isn't anything new if peyton is HEALTHY and wants to stay he stays... health first though.

There is no way at all Luck will be in the combine. I dont think RG3 will be there either. But not 100% on RG3.

I dont see where the news is heating up. I still see a handful of fans and media (not scouts or even analysts really) who think RG3 is better. Luck has been the top prospect for 2 seasons, I dont think its changed at all.

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so u feel that if Manning can't recover in 6 months from a surgery that has a 1 year recovery time then we should release him?

There is basically 0% chance Manning won't play next year. You are absolutely easily manipulated by the media.

Grab a clue. I am quite capabale of determining things on my own.

Manning playing in 2012 and Manning playing at his level are two totally different things. And not at all a certainty.

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so u feel that if Manning can't recover in 6 months from a surgery that has a 1 year recovery time then we should release him?

There is basically 0% chance Manning won't play next year. You are absolutely easily manipulated by the media.

I know this question wasn't for me but I'll answer anyway.

Absolutely, without doubt the Colts should release Manning if not 100% healthy by March 8th.

and to your statement. That is about one the most ridiculous claims made on this forum, and thats a large feat. 0% chance, really??? You couldn't make that ridiculous claim about anything let alone something as touchy as nerve regeneration.

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There is no way at all Luck will be in the combine. I dont think RG3 will be there either. But not 100% on RG3.

I dont see where the news is heating up. I still see a handful of fans and media (not scouts or even analysts really) who think RG3 is better. Luck has been the top prospect for 2 seasons, I dont think its changed at all.

Luck has said he is not sure... he very well might.. As for RG3 he is gonna be at the combine... i think there's a 50% chance that andrew performs in ALL of the combine, those two guys are that competitive.


And yea there are NFL scouts who think RG3 is better... also read an article (which i cant find because i read so many articles) that there are teams that dont think Luck is the better QB

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I know this question wasn't for me but I'll answer anyway.

Absolutely, without doubt the Colts should release Manning if not 100% healthy by March 8th.

and to your statement. That is about one the most ridiculous claims made on this forum, and thats a large feat. 0% chance, really??? You couldn't make that ridiculous claim about anything let alone something as touchy as nerve regeneration.

u know a lot about nerve regeneration or just what u have heard in the last couple months on ESPN?

everything quoted from drs who have seen Manning says he is right on schedule, has been cleared, if he was my son i would tell him to play, and so on. people are looking for reasons to say he will retire because that would be the extreme worst outcome and makes the best story. ever watch the news? there arent too many happy stories on there nowadays. people want soap opera style stories and that is what this has become. take out all the speculation and opinions from people who have not operated nor seen manning and you will see where my opinion is coming from.

that being said, i was a little frustrated by people like yourself and 0% is an exageration. there is a chance he could not play, but also a chance eli, tom, rodgers, brees, or Luck might not play next year. it has already been stated that it is no more likely that Peyton gets hurt next year than Eli and there is absolutely no reason to assume the nerves wont regenerate. Even the average person has above 50% chance of full recovery and that is without Peyton's money for rehab, stem cell treatments over seas, or whatever else he needs. Why assume that something will go wrong? with all of todays medical technology and peyton's work ethic to rehab there is a 90% chance he plays next season.. i cannot wait to say I TOLD YOU SO!!!

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everything quoted from drs who have seen Manning says he is right on schedule, has been cleared, if he was my son i would tell him to play, and so on. people are looking for reasons to say he will retire because that would be the extreme worst outcome and makes the best story. ever watch the news? there arent too many happy stories on there nowadays. people want soap opera style stories and that is what this has become. take out all the speculation and opinions from people who have not operated nor seen manning and you will see where my opinion is coming from.

Cleared medically? Yes, to play football. Does this mean that he now has the ability to throw the football like did before the injury? No.

Right on schedule? For the spinal fusion, yes. For the nerve regeneration/muscle atrophy issue? No, there is no schedule for this.

I read the news, and I read it carefully. I suggest you re-read it again to confirm what I have stated above.

that being said, i was a little frustrated by people like yourself and 0% is an exageration. there is a chance he could not play, but also a chance eli, tom, rodgers, brees, or Luck might not play next year. it has already been stated that it is no more likely that Peyton gets hurt next year than Eli and there is absolutely no reason to assume the nerves wont regenerate. Even the average person has above 50% chance of full recovery and that is without Peyton's money for rehab, stem cell treatments over seas, or whatever else he needs. Why assume that something will go wrong? with all of todays medical technology and peyton's work ethic to rehab there is a 90% chance he plays next season.. i cannot wait to say I TOLD YOU SO!!!

OK, thank you for informing all of us that your 0% claim was an exaggeration, of the same kind that many accuse the media of.

FYI, Eli, Brady, Rodgers, Brees and Luck do not have a nerve regeneration issue. PM does. Therefore I doubt the probability of not playing are anywhere close to being the same.

What do average people know about nerve regeneration to come out with a 50% probability?

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Luck has said he is not sure... he very well might.. As for RG3 he is gonna be at the combine... i think there's a 50% chance that andrew performs in ALL of the combine, those two guys are that competitive.


And yea there are NFL scouts who think RG3 is better... also read an article (which i cant find because i read so many articles) that there are teams that dont think Luck is the better QB

Im sure there are some scouts. I still think the majority favor Luck.

Im a fan of Griffin though Smitto. I think he willl be a good pro. II just think Luck will be a bit better.

Either way I think a team is going to get a great QB for the future.

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Cleared medically? Yes, to play football. Does this mean that he now has the ability to throw the football like did before the injury? No.

Right on schedule? For the spinal fusion, yes. For the nerve regeneration/muscle atrophy issue? No, there is no schedule for this.

I read the news, and I read it carefully. I suggest you re-read it again.

OK, thank you for informing all of us that your 0% claim was an exaggeration, of the same kind that many accuse the media of.

FYI, Eli, Brady, Rodgers, Brees and Luck do not have a nerve regeneration issue. PM does. Therefore I doubt the probability of not playing are anywhere close to being the same.

What do average people know about nerve regeneration to come out with a 50% probability?

i have read the news just fine and know what i am talking about. i am sick of trying to break down what i meant for you. you are now starting to just be a jerk and therefor i am done with you. every one of your posts are the same. u r basically a troll. i will never again respond to anything you say and would appreciate you doing the same for me.

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u know a lot about nerve regeneration or just what u have heard in the last couple months on ESPN?

everything quoted from drs who have seen Manning says he is right on schedule, has been cleared, if he was my son i would tell him to play, and so on. people are looking for reasons to say he will retire because that would be the extreme worst outcome and makes the best story. ever watch the news? there arent too many happy stories on there nowadays. people want soap opera style stories and that is what this has become. take out all the speculation and opinions from people who have not operated nor seen manning and you will see where my opinion is coming from.

that being said, i was a little frustrated by people like yourself and 0% is an exageration. there is a chance he could not play, but also a chance eli, tom, rodgers, brees, or Luck might not play next year. it has already been stated that it is no more likely that Peyton gets hurt next year than Eli and there is absolutely no reason to assume the nerves wont regenerate. Even the average person has above 50% chance of full recovery and that is without Peyton's money for rehab, stem cell treatments over seas, or whatever else he needs. Why assume that something will go wrong? with all of todays medical technology and peyton's work ethic to rehab there is a 90% chance he plays next season.. i cannot wait to say I TOLD YOU SO!!!

I only took exception with your 0% chance statement. You can be mad, frustrated, or whatever you want to be at this situation but it will not change the facts. Regardless if Manning's nerve comes back 100% or not, there is really little question that it won't happen before the deadline set by Irsay and Manning, therefore Manning will more than likely be released. Just because I don't fool myself into believing that positive thinking is somehow going to change the dynamics of how the medical world actually works don't mean that im a Peyton hater or anything along those lines. I have been on record numerous times saying that I wish Manning could tutor Luck for a season or 2, but I also know wishes don't come true just because I make them.

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i have read the news just fine and know what i am talking about. i am sick of trying to break down what i meant for you. you are now starting to just be a jerk and therefor i am done with you. every one of your posts are the same. u r basically a troll. i will never again respond to anything you say and would appreciate you doing the same for me, starting now.

NP. ignore me as you wish. However, I will not stop calling you or anyone else who claim outrageous things as fact, based on nothing more than their wishful thinking.

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I only took exception with your 0% chance statement. You can be mad, frustrated, or whatever you want to be at this situation but it will not change the facts. Regardless if Manning's nerve comes back 100% or not, there is really little question that it won't happen before the deadline set by Irsay and Manning, therefore Manning will more than likely be released. Just because I don't fool myself into believing that positive thinking is somehow going to change the dynamics of how the medical world actually works don't mean that im a Peyton hater or anything along those lines. I have been on record numerous times saying that I wish Manning could tutor Luck for a season or 2, but I also know wishes don't come true just because I make them.

i completely see where u are coming from. i agree that he wont be 100% by mar 8 and more than likely will be released but i see no reason to believe he wont play again.

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More than aware of that as I stated;

If the Colts feel like it is too risky they have every right to back out.

But I mean, the contract was set-up for the scenario that Peyton wouldn't be healthy and the Colts could release him.

This is Peyton forcing the Colts to either make him 'their guy,' or move on from him. I don't envision Peyton playing second fiddle or being very happy about the team building around Luck if they're going to keep him around 4 more years. The 28m is a commitment mechanism. Again, if the Colts don't want to commit they don't have to. But if you read the first post in this thread Irsay is trying to turn this into a money issue. Anything to do with the cap is a money issue.

Right, but you started out saying if the Colts couldn't afford the option the contract should not have been signed. I am just saying the Colts can afford it what they can't afford is the cap hit if they release him if he's not healthy which is why the option is in there. So you are 100% right the contract was set up for if Peyton wasn't healthy for them to release him. It doesn't mean they can't afford the option though. If that was the case the Colts would be releasing him without any regard to his health.

As to your later point. I kinda agree with this. I think Peyton Manning has figured out the Colts are going to draft Andrew Luck rather he is here or not and I don't think Manning likes that for many reasons. I know Peyton has said he wants to be a Colt but I am not sure if he's being honest about that. His actions just don't back that up. He seems to be making it known he's going to be healthy and willing to bend over backwards to help out a new team to sign him. Also he's the one pushing Jim Irsay to get this done sooner rather than later when Irsay is willing to wait till he has to do it to give Peyton as much time as he can to be healthy. I think that could be part of the reason why Irsay called him a politican because he could know Peyton doesn't want to stay here and by saying he wants to be here it just makes Irsay look like the bad guy with the fans.

With that you said sure you can say everything is a money issue and you would be right but I think what Irsay is trying to say is if Peyton Manning is healthy money wont be a problem. So in his mind it's a question of health. To me it's sorta spliting hairs because sure everything has to do with money n some level but to me it's more about Manning's health at least in Irsay's mind.

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Im sure there are some scouts. I still think the majority favor Luck.

Im a fan of Griffin though Smitto. I think he willl be a good pro. II just think Luck will be a bit better.

Either way I think a team is going to get a great QB for the future.

Luck is definitely the most favorable, either one of them are bound to be great QB's in a good system

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“I hope that it works out, and that he’s here with us, but like I said, I want to hear from him, and just see what his hopes are in terms of how we work it through with all the salary cap issues,” Irsay said. “But his health is obviously the first concern as well.”

I'm not sure this is saying what the article's headline suggests that it is.

you should work for ESPN if you're that good at taking a snippet out of context! lol while the quote YOU put on your post may make the headline seem different than what the article suggests, if you read the full article, the headline is spot on

When asked if Peyton will be the Colts QB next season, Jim said

“If he wants to, yes, he will,” Irsay said. “You know, I think that’s the thing. I want to hear from him, and if he wants to be here, and he wants to play here, you know, then that’s what it’s going to be.”

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Luck has said he is not sure... he very well might.. As for RG3 he is gonna be at the combine... i think there's a 50% chance that andrew performs in ALL of the combine, those two guys are that competitive.


And yea there are NFL scouts who think RG3 is better... also read an article (which i cant find because i read so many articles) that there are teams that dont think Luck is the better QB

well if we're taking a QB in the first round, i sure hope that the Colts arent one of those teams! If we release Manning and he goes on to have a great season elsewhere and then we draft RGIII instead of Luck...i think my head may explode! lol

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Everyone keeps using the term "100% healthy". That is so simple minded. He can play gain for us with a contract that is incintive based so that if he can later play NEAR his prior level and lead the team to a successful season, then he gets his money. His nerve can be 90% healthy and he still plays very close to what we are use to seeing. How close was his nerve to being "100%" healthy when he was playing welll during the season before last and then determined after the season was over to go through surgery? His nerve at that time had to be less than "100%" for him to decide on surgery.

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you should work for ESPN if you're that good at taking a snippet out of context! lol while the quote YOU put on your post may make the headline seem different than what the article suggests, if you read the full article, the headline is spot on

When asked if Peyton will be the Colts QB next season, Jim said

“If he wants to, yes, he will,” Irsay said. “You know, I think that’s the thing. I want to hear from him, and if he wants to be here, and he wants to play here, you know, then that’s what it’s going to be.”

LOL, if only we allow the interviewees to determine the headlines instead of the editor, we may have a better representation of the interviewee's real intention, instead of a measure of how many clicks the headline is expected to generate.

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well if we're taking a QB in the first round, i sure hope that the Colts arent one of those teams! If we release Manning and he goes on to have a great season elsewhere and then we draft RGIII instead of Luck...i think my head may explode! lol

Well to each his own, but its gonna be exciting to see how it goes down

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Espn knows nothing,period. They hate the colts because of their success.They hate the Syracuse orange basketball team because of their success.They only assume and guess but really know nothing.ESPN blows.

By your theory, they should also hate the Patriots, but on the contrary, they think the Patriots are the best thing since sliced bread.

If anything, I think ESPN (and the rest of the media) has been giving the Colts too much attention. It's the week before the Superbowl, and yet 35% of the media's articles are devoted to Manning.

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Jim Irsay said saturday night that Peyton Manning can play for the Colts next season, if that's what he wants to do. Provided he's able to play, and wants to stay in Indy, he will be our QB next season, and we will still take Andrew Luck for our future QB once Peyton does retire.

Irsay said that he wants to sit down with Peyton and talk about what Peyton wants to do and what his hopes are as far as working with the salary cap etc.

When asked if Peyton will be the Colts QB next season, Jim said

“If he wants to, yes, he will,” Irsay said. “You know, I think that’s the thing. I want to hear from him, and if he wants to be here, and he wants to play here, you know, then that’s what it’s going to be.”

here is the link to the full story: http://www.wishtv.co...n-remain-a-colt

I'm willing to bet that THIS doesnt get any air time on ESPN or NFL Network, though, because it strongly goes against what they have all been telling us for the past couple weeks.

To me, its good news...shows that Jim DOES want Peyton here, but they just have to talk things through and iron out the details for a new contract instead of sticking with the current one.

I DO want Luck to be here as our FUTURE...but i'm not ready to give up on having Peyton here as our guy right NOW

BLUE man..

Isnt this what he had said or suggested all along?

This is exactly what I wanted to hear...

Irsay is richer than God...

If you think you have the last great QB..and the next great QB....

Sign them both...sit back and let the people you hired work it out ......

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so u feel that if Manning can't recover in 6 months from a surgery that has a 1 year recovery time then we should release him?

Considering the salary cap ramifications and the medical uncertainty.... then my answer is yes.

And I've felt that way since Day 1 of this whole ordeal.

If the CBA does not restrict us from a rework of Peyton's contract that lessens the cap hit.... then I'm wide open to any options they have. But everything I've heard or read is that the CBA does not allow that.

I'm not enjoying this mess Kyle and I hate seeing Peyton's days in Indy end like this if they in fact do.... it just looks like all sides are burned by that contract.

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you should work for ESPN if you're that good at taking a snippet out of context! lol while the quote YOU put on your post may make the headline seem different than what the article suggests, if you read the full article, the headline is spot on

When asked if Peyton will be the Colts QB next season, Jim said

“If he wants to, yes, he will,” Irsay said. “You know, I think that’s the thing. I want to hear from him, and if he wants to be here, and he wants to play here, you know, then that’s what it’s going to be.”

Is ESPN hiring? That sounds much better than what I do for a living now.

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By your theory, they should also hate the Patriots, but on the contrary, they think the Patriots are the best thing since sliced bread.

If anything, I think ESPN (and the rest of the media) has been giving the Colts too much attention. It's the week before the Superbowl, and yet 35% of the media's articles are devoted to Manning.

Unless you ask Patriot fans who universally all think ESPN hates them.

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BLUE man..

Isnt this what he had said or suggested all along?

This is exactly what I wanted to hear...

Irsay is richer than God...

If you think you have the last great QB..and the next great QB....

Sign them both...sit back and let the people you hired work it out ......

yeah, its what Irsay (and Peyton) have said all along...but its not a very exciting story, so ESPN and NFL Network would prefer the "controversy" in Indy...and Bob Kravitz...well, he's just a rat that needs kicked to the sewer ;)

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yeah, its what Irsay (and Peyton) have said all along...but its not a very exciting story, so ESPN and NFL Network would prefer the "controversy" in Indy...and Bob Kravitz...well, he's just a rat that needs kicked to the sewer ;)

can you imagine the TV commercials Manning and Luck can do together to make fun of all this???

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I apologize if I'm repeating what's already been said, but I've been working day and night since Tuesday on Super Bowl activities and completely exhausted now that the game is over. I've had several days to digest the past few weeks and recent interviews and info. The Manning situation seems to boil down to the following:

1) Manning must regenerate enough am strength to be able to throw the ball as he has done in the past. Neck injury is not an issue.

2) Between 2/7 - 3/8 the Colts must exercise the option to commit PM to the last four years of his contract by paying him 28mil.

3) If the Colts let the contract expire without exercising the option they must pay PM 28 mil on 3/11 for not exercising the option. The Colts could then place the Franchise tag on PM and receive compensation from any team that signs him as an unrestricted FA. So, option #3 isn't really an option at all!

4) If the Colts exercise the option with the 28 mil then the next year salary cap hit is 32-35 mil depending on whose number you can believe. With the Colts 2012 cap being estimated at 121mil this isn't feasible for a team that needs to lock in a future QB. Unless, there is some grand plan that can be used in the next few years given that PM would play that long.

5) The Colts release(cut) PM prior to 3/8. This scraps the 28 mil altogether as well as the next four years of the 5 yr contract. The colts can't use the Franchise tag and PM is free to negotiate with any team and no compensation coming back to the Colts.

6) PM said yesterday he would accept a performance only contract.

7) The only way I see PM being a Colt is for him to be released. Negotiate a new contract with Irsay after the new season starts on 3/13 that adds very little to the first couple of years of the salary cap. His cap hit would start the 2012 season around 10mil. and go up with the new contract. The team salary caps greatly expand in the 2014 season. This contract could be delayed for a period of time and possibly made contingent on his achieving the necessary health. This allows the colts to go into the april draft and either lock in Luck(not RG3) or accept a grand offer from some team ready to pay a kings ransom for this years number one pick. That ransom would have to allow an avenue to gain a QB yet in this draft or the next.

8) Workout the rest of the puzzle with the other FAs' and draft picks to have an adequate defense and running game and the Colts make a run at the 2013 Super Bowl next season.

I leave it to you to predict the future from there.

The worst of all worlds would be for PM to go to another team and play in the Super Bowl next year while the colts languish in mediocrity developing a new team. If anything goes wrong in those 3-5 rebuilding years then it would be start over again. That's what happened to the Colts between 1978 and 1998. It was a long twenty years.

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4) If the Colts exercise the option with the 28 mil then the next year salary cap hit is 32-35 mil depending on whose number you can believe. With the Colts 2012 cap being estimated at 121mil this isn't feasible for a team that needs to lock in a future QB. Unless, there is some grand plan that can be used in the next few years given that PM would play that long.

Not exactly true. If the Colts exercise the option with the 28 mil, AND if PM retires before June 1, 2012, then the salary cap hit for 2012 will be 38.4 mil or about 32% of the total team cap. If PM retires after June 1, but before the season starts, the salary cap hit will be 19.2 in 2012, and 19.2 in 2013. If PM plays through 2012, the salary cap hit is $17 mil ($18 in 2013; $19 in 2014 and $20 in 2015).

5) The Colts release(cut) PM prior to 3/8. This scraps the 28 mil altogether as well as the next four years of the 5 yr contract. The colts can't use the Franchise tag and PM is free to negotiate with any team and no compensation coming back to the Colts.

Yes, and the salary cap hit in 2012 due to this release will be $10.4 mil.

6) PM said yesterday he would accept a performance only contract.

It is unclear if he meant this for any team, or the Colts, or any team but the Colts.

7) The only way I see PM being a Colt is for him to be released. Negotiate a new contract with Irsay after the new season starts on 3/13 that adds very little to the first couple of years of the salary cap. His cap hit would start the 2012 season around 10mil. and go up with the new contract. The team salary caps greatly expand in the 2014 season. This contract could be delayed for a period of time and possibly made contingent on his achieving the necessary health. This allows the colts to go into the april draft and either lock in Luck(not RG3) or accept a grand offer from some team ready to pay a kings ransom for this years number one pick. That ransom would have to allow an avenue to gain a QB yet in this draft or the next.

It is unknown how greatly the team salary cap will expand in 2014. Many analyst project about 10%., or roughly $12 mil.

Any new contract will hit the 2012 cap on top of that $10.4mil that resulted from the release before 3/8.

If you have a draft structure, I would like to see it, and I would be happy to tell you what the effects on the cap will be from that structure.

You must realize that any team can offer the same structure you suggest for PM, and would be in a better position to get PM, due to the $10.4mil the Colts must factor in that other teams do not have to.

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I think that Irsay would love to have Peyton back. But, he has decided that he wants Peyton to take a drastic cut in Salary. I am fine with that. Peyton should have to take a cut. Maybe a contract with alot of bonuses for certian objectives he has to hit. I think Peyton should do that. It would show alot of character to do that. Either way, I hope he is here next season.

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You know there are people in the FO that are paid big bucks to figure out the cap issues so I 'm not worried about it because if it's going to get worked out it will. Irsay pays OP lots of money to take care of this and he over sees it I'm sure. JMO of course. :hide:

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Jim Irsay said saturday night that Peyton Manning can play for the Colts next season, if that's what he wants to do. Provided he's able to play, and wants to stay in Indy, he will be our QB next season, and we will still take Andrew Luck for our future QB once Peyton does retire.

Irsay said that he wants to sit down with Peyton and talk about what Peyton wants to do and what his hopes are as far as working with the salary cap etc.

When asked if Peyton will be the Colts QB next season, Jim said

“If he wants to, yes, he will,” Irsay said. “You know, I think that’s the thing. I want to hear from him, and if he wants to be here, and he wants to play here, you know, then that’s what it’s going to be.”

here is the link to the full story: http://www.wishtv.com/dpp/sports/colts_and_nfl/jim-irsay-peyton-can-remain-a-colt

I'm willing to bet that THIS doesnt get any air time on ESPN or NFL Network, though, because it strongly goes against what they have all been telling us for the past couple weeks.

To me, its good news...shows that Jim DOES want Peyton here, but they just have to talk things through and iron out the details for a new contract instead of sticking with the current one.

I DO want Luck to be here as our FUTURE...but i'm not ready to give up on having Peyton here as our guy right NOW


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well according to Schefter and Mort, Peyton is willing to sign a new contract that includes ZERO guaranteed money and have it ALL in the form of "bonuses"...such as he gets a "bonus" each year if he's the starter on opening day and then another at the end of the season based on how many games he played and how he performed and then again for the playoffs and performance...and according to them, this type of contract IS allowed by the new CBA. So with that said, no one needs to freak out when we dont pay the option bonus on March 8, because its more likely that he will play for a completely new contract anyhow.

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