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Irsay Tweets On Manning's Clearance

Tony Sullivan

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If I remember correctly, they were planning on not clearing Manning until the deadline so he can continue to rehab and use the team facilities, if he was cleared, he would be on his own.

This is true,

I just find the timing (1:30 am, just hours after Peyton's doctor gave him clearance) to be more than coincidence.

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It demonstrates that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

I think it (Manning's cleared) was rather a media-hoax again... StampedeBlue analyses this whole mess:


I'm pretty upset. Why aren't they dealing with XLVI SuperBowl???

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I thought Irsay wasn't going to talk about Peyton this week?

With that said, I think the Colts are going to say what people who have really been doing their homework on this have been saying. The neck isn't the issue and that is all that was cleared by the doctors. It's the nerve in his arm and the status of that remains unknown and till it recovers it doesn't matter how good his neck is he isn't playing football and there is no way of knowing when, how much, or if the nerve will come back.

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I thought Irsay wasn't going to talk about Peyton this week?

With that said, I think the Colts are going to say what people who have really been doing their homework on this have been saying. The neck isn't the issue and that is all that was cleared by the doctors. It's the nerve in his arm and the status of that remains unknown and till it recovers it doesn't matter how good his neck is he isn't playing football and there is no way of knowing when, how much, or if the nerve will come back.

I think Peyton forced his hand. Why would Peyton let his doctors talk right in the middle of SB week unless he has an agenda?

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I think Peyton forced his hand. Why would Peyton let his doctors talk right in the middle of SB week unless he has an agenda?

That was ment more with sarcaism. Also who knows who leaked this? It could have been Manning or a doctor but it could have also been someone else close to Peyton. It's worth pointing out one of these doctors who cleared Peyton was the Colts team doctor so if he's the one that leaked it Irsay needs to have a talk with him since he cuts his check.

I am not sure this one is 100% Peyton's fault. It's not like he held a presser or went on national TV and said the doctors cleared me. The word got out to ESPN by someone (again could very well be in Manning's camp) but just about anyone who is worth their salt on this one and isn't just throwing out a major headline said right away this isn't major news because of the nerve and that's the real issue.

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That was ment more with sarcaism. Also who knows who leaked this? It could have been Manning or a doctor but it could have also been someone else close to Peyton. It's worth pointing out one of these doctors who cleared Peyton was the Colts team doctor so if he's the one that leaked it Irsay needs to have a talk with him since he cuts his check.

I am not sure this one is 100% Peyton's fault. It's not like he held a presser or went on national TV and said the doctors cleared me. The word got out to ESPN by someone (again could very well be in Manning's camp) but just about anyone who is worth their salt on this one and isn't just throwing out a major headline said right away this isn't major news because of the nerve and that's the real issue.

I agree it's a nerve issue but the doctors who worked on Peyton can't say one word without Peyton's permission. It's the law. Even if he didn't leak it he had to give permission for them to talk.

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I think it (Manning's cleared) was rather a media-hoax again... StampedeBlue analyses this whole mess:


I'm pretty upset. Why aren't they dealing with XLVI SuperBowl???

Yes, it certainly appears so. Now the interesting question....who allowed this to be issued?

From my understanding, under HIPPA, a patient's medical records cannot be released without the written consent of the patient. Or is there some NFL or Colts exemption regarding this?

If the ultimate source is Peyton, this is campaigning by a master politician.

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Yes, it certainly appears so. Now the interesting question....who allowed this to be issued?

From my understanding, under HIPPA, a patient's medical records cannot be released without the written consent of the patient. Or is there some NFL or Colts exemption regarding this?

If the ultimate source is Peyton, this is campaigning by a master politician.

I think it was a kind of remixing information those we already have, not a really leak. On the other hand it also could be a leak test again. I'm just guessing, I really don't know whats going on, but this is stealing some media attention from SB, that is obviously important for Irsay.

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What if Peyton gets cut two days before the SB?

I don't like all this and have not since day 1.

It would result in the campaign gambit.failure, by calling the hand.

However, I don't think that is likely. What is more likely is the continued campaign gambit, met by retaliatory press releases, up until the principals meet to seek armistice and negotiate the outcome.

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Don't think you have to worry about that. Irsay wouldn't drop that bomb BEFORE the SB. At least I think.

I don't think so either but I use the word think too. I hope it does not happen. But, I feel like Team Peyton has backed Team Irsay into a corner to make a decision sooner then later.

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It would result in the campaign gambit.failure, by calling the hand.

However, I don't think that is likely. What is more likely is the continued campaign gambit, met by retaliatory press releases, up until the principals meet to seek armistice and negotiate the outcome.

I've said this many times.......;)

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"Peyton has not passed our physical nor has he been cleared to play for The Indianapolis Colts. Team statement coming on Friday."


Seems like Irsay is the politician. Isn't there an old saying that goes something like the flaws you see in others are really the flaws you have about yourself?

huh??? I guess a 28m dollar potential "flaw" is worth at least checking out ... fully? By all doctors, and not just Manning's. Which are who cleared him.

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huh??? I guess a 28m dollar potential "flaw" is worth at least checking out ... fully? By all doctors, and not just Manning's. Which are who cleared him.

not true! if you read the whole story, the doc who performed the surgery is ONE of the two doctors who cleared him, and the other is THE COLTS TEAM DOCTOR...and the team doc is the one who was quoted as saying "If Peyton were my son, i would tell him to get out there and play ball."

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not true! if you read the whole story, the doc who performed the surgery is ONE of the two doctors who cleared him, and the other is THE COLTS TEAM DOCTOR...and the team doc is the one who was quoted as saying "If Peyton were my son, i would tell him to get out there and play ball."

link please...

all reports I have read state that Indy's team doc's have not looked at him.

I could be wrong.. but ... this is big info if Colt doctors clear him..

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Mr. Irsay doesn't sound too happy with this at all. He quickly dismissed any positives in Peyton's Favor to save his own face sort of. If people see Peyton is still "unknown" then they will understand Mr. Irsay for letting him go, But if Peyton is Healthy and still gets released.... then that's not good since he gave his word. At the end of it all I think Mr. Irsay wants to draft Luck and start with him and this new coaching staff from day 1. I would love to have Peyton Back, but its just all that money tied up to him and our Salary Cap being awful makes it hard.

My Ideal scenario is Peyton comes back for 2 to 3 years we win at least 1 SB and he rides off to the sunset. Andrew Luck starts in his 3rd NFL year already knowing the system and leads the COlts to another ERA of Domination!

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Mr. Irsay doesn't sound too happy with this at all. He quickly dismissed any positives in Peyton's Favor to save his own face sort of. If people see Peyton is still "unknown" then they will understand Mr. Irsay for letting him go, But if Peyton is Healthy and still gets released.... then that's not good since he gave his word. At the end of it all I think Mr. Irsay wants to draft Luck and start with him and this new coaching staff from day 1. I would love to have Peyton Back, but its just all that money tied up to him and our Salary Cap being awful makes it hard.

My Ideal scenario is Peyton comes back for 2 to 3 years we win at least 1 SB and he rides off to the sunset. Andrew Luck starts in his 3rd NFL year already knowing the system and leads the COlts to another ERA of Domination!

We'll know all too soon exactly where Peyton's arm is at being that he threw to Colts receivers this week. Irsay knows more than us I'm sure and maybe he feels Peyton's arm has a ways to go.

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We'll know all too soon exactly where Peyton's arm is at being that he threw to Colts receivers this week. Irsay knows more than us I'm sure and maybe he feels Peyton's arm has a ways to go.

Yea that is true. The worry went from his Neck to his Arm ugh whats next lol. Colts Players have said that he has been throwing nice quick short passes, but I would like to hear one of the receivers like Collie talk about Peyton Throwing a nice tightly thrown Deep ball. We can only sit and wait ::sighs::

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My Ideal scenario is Peyton comes back for 2 to 3 years we win at least 1 SB and he rides off to the sunset. Andrew Luck starts in his 3rd NFL year already knowing the system and leads the COlts to another ERA of Domination!

I hope Your ideal scenario will come true.

Mr. Irsay isn't happy with this situation, as he stated many times, he will release anything about Manning earliest after the SB. Due to these announcements and news he has to state something.

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Yea that is true. The worry went from his Neck to his Arm ugh whats next lol. Colts Players have said that he has been throwing nice quick short passes, but I would like to hear one of the receivers like Collie talk about Peyton Throwing a nice tightly thrown Deep ball. We can only sit and wait ::sighs::

I know. This whole situation is crazy!

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Let me put this in Layman terms for you.

"I didn't think he would be doing this well, I love andrew luck, and this isn't really a health issue."

I think a real owner's tweet should go, "I'm happy Peyton feels better, i'm glad his physicans cleared him, lets go win some SuperBowls!!!"

Bingo!! Stabbed him in the back for some rookie.

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