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Chris Ballard press conference 1/30


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24 minutes ago, Tsarquise said:

Funny how he said defense wins championships and referenced the Bears as proof, yet they lost to the Colts due to a lack of offense. 


Seems like a good guy. 


well the fact that they made it to the SB with a lack of offense should say something about their defense.   I get what you mean though. :) lol

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Two quick items. We don't have to spend in FA, but with the money we have this year and next year I believe we have to spend in FA. Simply put, Grigson made bad choices so we have very few people we are going to be extending contracts with in the next two years.


Second, read an article about previous interviews he had, and one with the Chicago Bears. This is from Indy paper, but the reason they said he did not get the job was he told the Bears what they he believed they needed to do to get the organization organized, and going in the right direction. He was honest, and they did not want to hear that. For me, that is exactly what I want. Honesty and changing the direction of the franchise back to where it had been!

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I am really excited about Chris! I think he meant what he said  and I like when he said that there is No I, and its always a team effort and when he screws up he will own up to it, and not place blame to the other guy. He seems like a down to earth guy and not arrogant at all. I can't wait to see what he does to the Colts I think he will do great with the Colts and managing the Colts and I think he will get in the right players. He is a whole lot better than Grigson who  was arrogant and did not own up to his mistakes he placed the blame on other people.

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1 minute ago, masnerj said:

Though I did notice him talking about "not being able to buy a locker room" and "growing guys" so it seems as though the Colts aren't gonna be big spenders (atleast not in the big name signings aspect) this year or in future years. But thats a good thing. Great teams don't go crazy in free agency, they resign their own. 


I can see him making one "big" defensive signing and then a bunch of stuff to shore up our depth and go hard in the draft (I have a gut feeling we might be drafting down somewhat to pick up extra picks!). 

I think he's right that you can't "buy the locker room". Think "dream team"...how does that ever work out? If you have to spend big on free agents, it probably means you haven't done a great job drafting.

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Nothing we didnt know already and generic "We are going to build a team that is competing for the championship year in and year out etc etc...."

Also, side note: I really dont like the way he sucks his teeth when giving a presser.... Kind of annoying :) 

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30 minutes ago, masnerj said:

I think as a Colts fan we have always been nontrusting of our defense (even in the Peyton Manning days, we would just rely on our defense to "bend and not break"). 


This might be the turning point in our franchise. We go defensive minded TODAY and move forward. And to be honest, thats ok. As long as you give Luck a serviceable offensive line and 1-2 offensive pieces, go ham on the defense. 

A D in Indy? I'll believe it when I see it.  But I'm hopeful at least.

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19 minutes ago, loudnproudcolt said:

Two quick items. We don't have to spend in FA, but with the money we have this year and next year I believe we have to spend in FA. Simply put, Grigson made bad choices so we have very few people we are going to be extending contracts with in the next two years.


Second, read an article about previous interviews he had, and one with the Chicago Bears. This is from Indy paper, but the reason they said he did not get the job was he told the Bears what they he believed they needed to do to get the organization organized, and going in the right direction. He was honest, and they did not want to hear that. For me, that is exactly what I want. Honesty and changing the direction of the franchise back to where it had been!

All of this.

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1 minute ago, 21isSuperman said:

Cliche?  Me?  This is a team forum.  I'm just trying to improve in all phases of my posts.  I'm not here to cry over spilled milk.  I'm just gonna work hard and get better.

Keep choppin that wood, grindin..... Keep on truckin and just follow the process. 

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2 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

Cliche?  Me?  This is a team forum.  I'm just trying to improve in all phases of my posts.  I'm not here to cry over spilled milk.  I'm just gonna work hard and get better.


You, sir, are a rolling ball of butcher knives.

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i didn't catch it and don't have facebook.  did he mention Pagano?  did he answer any media questions?  in other words, what was said about Toub?  overall impressions in 5 words or less if possible.......and don't say "I hate the teeth sucking"...... lol, could have swore i saw that above  :lol:

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Just now, Chucklez said:

Keep choppin that wood, grindin..... Keep on truckin and just follow the process. 

I see you, Chucklez



2 minutes ago, Superman said:


You, sir, are a rolling ball of butcher knives.

Those are the words that must never be spoken on these forums!  "Rolling ball of butcher knives" is the Indianapolis Colts version of Lord Voldemort.  But at the end of the day, we just gotta do what's best for the forum.  We're all horseshoe people.  We're gonna keep grindin' and find a way to fix it

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Just now, chrisfarley said:

i didn't catch it and don't have facebook.  did he mention Pagano?  did he answer any media questions?  in other words, what was said about Toub?  overall impressions in 5 words or less if possible.......and don't say "I hate the teeth sucking"...... lol, could have swore i saw that above  :lol:

He is rolling with Pagano. He was directly asked about this and very firmly stated that he never considered any other coach. 

Whether we believe that or not is one matter, but it is clear he is rolling with Pags for this season at least.

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38 minutes ago, corgi said:

I like him. I think he will do a really good job. What sucks though is that barring a Super Bowl I don't see how you can justify bringing back Pagano. I personally see no way the Colts are a Super Bowl contender next year. I don't understand the logic in bringing back Pagano. Wastes a year of Luck's career and a year of Ballard's contract.

Totally agree!!!

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37 minutes ago, CantBeStopped said:

I think you go NT not safety in fa. That is going to impact the defense more than safety. Parry is decent in the 3rd down pressure role but I'm not fond of him as a run stuffer. We have geathers and resign Butler who played well at safety. They may not be berry but that's not the biggest need 

Why do so many on here act like Saftey isn't important?? Maybe you all are just so used to having safeties that suck. A saftey like Berry would do wonders for our D he will cause turnovers something the Colts rarely ever do now. 

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1 minute ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

Why do so many on here act like Saftey isn't important?? Maybe you all are just so used to having safeties that suck. A saftey like Berry would do wonders for our D he will cause turnovers something the Colts rarely ever do now. 

Mike Adams has had 12 interceptions for the Colts over the last 3 seasons....

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Just now, Colts_Fan12 said:

Why do people insist on bring up average players and coaches to compare them to elite players and coaches?


Oh, so you really don't understand what he was saying in his post. I thought you were actively moving the goal post, but really you just missed the point.

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3 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

Oh % I can't believe we have had a saftey as great as Berry this entire time!!!!

I wasnt saying he was as good... Just pointing out that the has had that many int's... when your argument seemed to be built on the fact that if we brought in berry we would get turnovers that we supposedly werent getting.... when in fact that is false.

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Just now, Chucklez said:

I wasnt saying he was as good... Just pointing out that the has had that many int's... when your argument seemed to be built on the fact that if we brought in berry we would get turnovers that we supposedly werent getting.... when in fact that is false.

No that's not the only reason I would want Berry obviously it would be because he is one of the top 2 safeties in the whole league and a premiere player on the defensive side of the ball 

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20 minutes ago, Chucklez said:

He is rolling with Pagano. He was directly asked about this and very firmly stated that he never considered any other coach. 

Whether we believe that or not is one matter, but it is clear he is rolling with Pags for this season at least.

ok, thank you for that, helps me digest this Pagano thing and just move on.

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15 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

Why do so many on here act like Saftey isn't important?? Maybe you all are just so used to having safeties that suck. A saftey like Berry would do wonders for our D he will cause turnovers something the Colts rarely ever do now. 

That was your argument.... Something we rarely ever do is false.

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What I took from Ballard's press conference is that he definitely believes in having a good defense and being strong up front on both sides of the ball. "Defense wins championships" he said.


Also, he seems to be drilling into everyone's heads that his vision will be all about the team and that he wants players that are the same way. Very important when bringing in players both in free agency and the draft. Would love having more selfless players who are all about team.

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20 minutes ago, Chucklez said:

Mike Adams has had 12 interceptions for the Colts over the last 3 seasons....


18 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

Oh % I can't believe we have had a saftey as great as Berry this entire time!!!!


11 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

No that's not the only reason I would want Berry obviously it would be because he is one of the top 2 safeties in the whole league and a premiere player on the defensive side of the ball 


9 minutes ago, Chucklez said:

That was your argument.... Something we rarely ever do is false.


Not sure what is exactly going on here... but the Colts turnover differential is -5, which put them at like 25th in the league, however, KC is tied for first at +16...


So anyways, glad the new GM played a role in putting together that D... 

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Just now, Buck Showalter said:





Not sure what is exactly going on here... but the Colts turnover differential is -5, which put them at like 25th in the league, however, KC is tied for first at +16...


So anyways, glad the new GM played a role in putting together that D... 

You have quoted a team stat line, where I was directly referring to the position he said that we didnt have someone in producing turnovers in... If he had been talking about a ball hawking CB then it would be an entirely different discussion.

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I loved what Ballard said about welcoming ex-players, ex-Colts, to come in and help our current players and just to have them around.

We have so many great personalities in ex-players and ex-coaches. There are obvious ones like Dungy, Manning, Wayne, and now Mathis. But guys like there are also guys like Brackett, Jeff Saturday, and Dallas Clark. I'd be doing whatever I could to just get those guys around the building.

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Just now, Chucklez said:

You have quoted a team stat line, where I was directly referring to the position he said that we didnt have someone in producing turnovers in... If he had been talking about a ball hawking CB then it would be an entirely different discussion.

Gotcha, like I said, I wasn't following the discussion closely. Just had happened to see those stats the other day, so I thought I'd interject.


Most importantly, I am optimistic that Ballard can finally bring the D!!! Hopefully...

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Well this is the honeymoon period hard to believe but once upon a time people around these parts like Grigson too. 


I did want Ballard and surprised Irsay went outside the Colts to do this. For that I'm glad. I'm a lot more interested in the draft than I was a month ago.

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