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Oklahoma RB Joe Mixon turning Pro....

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1 hour ago, jshipp23 said:

He spit in her face before he knocked her out too..He is an animal. .I have ZERO respect for a man that hits a woman...I have no problem giving guys 2nd chances,  but it depends on what they did..I wouldn't want that guy in my organization. .He should have went to prison for that in my opinion...

Watch the video that was posted. She called him the n word, shoved him, spit in HIS face and then slapped him and apparently she was drunk and high and according to witnesses he didn't knock her out.

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1 hour ago, twfish said:

Watch the video that was posted. She called him the n word, shoved him, spit in HIS face and then slapped him and apparently she was drunk and high and according to witnesses he didn't knock her out.

That's what Mixon said. Apparently that's all false

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14 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I try to be hypersensitive to these things.      The 10 guys at Minnesota who took turns having sex with a drunk girl get no sympathy from me.


But if Mixon is denied a chance to make a living,  then what?      Then you potentially flush his life down the drain.      I think he's come a long way since the incident.    I think he's ready to be used as an example of what NOT to do.      He says it's never OK to hit a woman.     I think he's learned his lesson.     At least, I hope so.


And in a weird way,  the higher he gets drafted, the more signing bonus he'll get,  the more money the young lady can sue for.    I know that seems crazy,   but don't you want her to get some $$ out of this?    I do.    Letting him play football is the way to do it.      She suffered terribly.     Let's help her and help him at the same time......


Just thinking out loud.         I'd love to hear from the women in our community....   a female perspective would be helpful.......


I'm a little late to this party, but I disagree completely with the bolded.  I didn't do anything (speaking from the perspective of teams who consider drafting or signing him).  He did this to himself.  There are consequences for our actions and if that means people decide not to hire him, he can only blame himself.  Just my 2 cents.

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12 hours ago, Solon said:

Has nothing to do with gender. If I decide to slap someone in the face, I know I'm getting hit back. Go ahead and start slapping people in the face. I'm assuming we both know what's going to be their reaction.

Good heavens.  And what if a 17 year old girl slaps you in the face?  Then what?  Smoke her!  She deserves it!  She shouldn't come at you like a bro!  Please...There's a difference between being slapped in the face and smashing her face in retaliation and defending yourself because you haven o other means of protecting yourself than to hit her back.  Context matters and you are throwing it out the window. 

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4 hours ago, twfish said:

Watch the video that was posted. She called him the n word, shoved him, spit in HIS face and then slapped him and apparently she was drunk and high and according to witnesses he didn't knock her out.

I have watched the video, he smoked hard her as he could...Who does that?? Somebody will draft him though, New England or Dallas or Oakland..

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2 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Good heavens.  And what if a 17 year old girl slaps you in the face?  Then what?  Smoke her!  She deserves it!  She shouldn't come at you like a bro!  Please...There's a difference between being slapped in the face and smashing her face in retaliation and defending yourself because you haven o other means of protecting yourself than to hit her back.  Context matters and you are throwing it out the window. 


Still trying to make her a victim. She's not.

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17 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:



You're probably right.      That's likely what the Colts position will be on him.      And I suspect a number of other teams may agree.    But I think more than half of the teams will be OK with drafting him.


If I were the GM,  I'd be fighting to make him an exception to the rule.      But I suspect it would be a losing battle with Irsay.



Irsay is the only one allowed to have character flaws......no seriously I would have to have a LOT of background info before drafting the kid....and yes it would have to be later rds. I think the worst of her injuries came from hitting the table but yes the only way this story has a good ending is for the kid to turn his life around...the girl to get money to pay for her bills and the COLTS to get a quality back....but I generally stay away from guys with issues....even if its just one time.

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11 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Right, because you are throwing context out of the window.

You can't go around and slap people in the face. If she would've never slapped him, this situation would've never happened. How's that for context?

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3 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

I'm a little late to this party, but I disagree completely with the bolded.  I didn't do anything (speaking from the perspective of teams who consider drafting or signing him).  He did this to himself.  There are consequences for our actions and if that means people decide not to hire him, he can only blame himself.  Just my 2 cents.

I agree with that....every situation has context and should be handled differently but I agree that its not the people drafting him's fault that he did this. Its on him and he has to own up to the consequences. It's not like the kid can't get a job...he just may not get one in the NFL....big difference.. he is lucky he isn't in prison. Hopefully its a lesson to all young men that you don't ever hit a woman....no matter what. You rise above or you restrain....that culture needs to change...and maybe you learn not to put yourself into bad situations...like parties or bars where drinking is occurring and things of this nature happen a lot more frequently than say in a library or church.

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35 minutes ago, Solon said:

You can't go around and slap people in the face. If she would've never slapped him, this situation would've never happened. How's that for context?

You're still missing a ton of it because you're so focused on the most trivial matter of the whole thing.  It does not matter who started it - and it's debatable who started it.  He went into the restaurant after her and immediately confronted her.  But even then, that doesn't matter.  The only time use of force is justified is when you combat the force used with comparable force.  Unless you're saying a slap in the face from a 120 pound girl is equally as forceful as an uppercut from a 215lb college football player, then what Mixon did is far more egregious.  It'd be different if she drew a weapon, jumped and clawed at him or came at him like a banshee where he could reasonably think his safety was threatened.  That was not the case.


Anyhow, I'm over this argument.  If you can watch that video and say Mixon was justified in doing what he did and how he did it, you're out of touch with reality.




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28 minutes ago, Solon said:

You can't go around and slap people in the face. If she would've never slapped him, this situation would've never happened. How's that for context?

I don't understand why people try to justify stuff like this. Had he not retaliated with EXCESSIVE force he could have pressed charges against her. The fact is when a MAN chooses to hit a woman or child who is much weaker than himself and to use the force of his fist which can be deadly he is using excessive unnecessary force and there is no reason to do so. His life wasn't in danger so he can not justify ever using this type of force. He had a choice to make..even after she made a poor one..and he chose very very unwisely. He literally had many many options he chose basically the worst one. He is lucky she is alive and not dead or paralyzed or something. She is already likely going to be affected for the rest of her life.

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49 minutes ago, Solon said:

You can't go around and slap people in the face. If she would've never slapped him, this situation would've never happened. How's that for context?

If he would not have followed her in the place then this whole thing would not have happened either. 

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At 17, and in a culture that no longer involves youth's in boxing, or has tried to eradicate any type of playground scuffle, a kid does not automatically know how strong he is and what damage he can do.  I assume he has learned by his mistake.


Draft him based on talent and current attitude.  Forget the past.

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1 minute ago, DougDew said:

At 17, and in a culture that no longer involves youth's in boxing, or has tried to eradicate any type of playground scuffle, a kid does not automatically know how strong he is and what damage he can do.  I assume he has learned by his mistake.


Draft him based on talent and current attitude.  Forget the past.

Poor millennials..smh..This country is so screwed up..People wonder why Trump won...He is too dumb to know if you hit a girl full force with a right hook it wouldn't severely injure her..Give me a break, wouldn't trust that kid with millions of dollars if it were my franchise...Pac Man Jones on steroids he will be suspended in no time..

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40 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

You're still missing a ton of it because you're so focused on the most trivial matter of the whole thing.  It does not matter who started it - and it's debatable who started it.  He went into the restaurant after her and immediately confronted her.  But even then, that doesn't matter.  The only time use of force is justified is when you combat the force used with comparable force.  Unless you're saying a slap in the face from a 120 pound girl is equally as forceful as an uppercut from a 215lb college football player, then what Mixon did is far more egregious.  It'd be different if she drew a weapon, jumped and clawed at him or came at him like a banshee where he could reasonably think his safety was threatened.  That was not the case.


Anyhow, I'm over this argument.  If you can watch that video and say Mixon was justified in doing what he did and how he did it, you're out of touch with reality.




She chose to slap him. Why is that so hard to understand? She didn't slap him out of self-defense. I'm not justifying his behavior, but people are vilifying his behavior and not hers. He didn't start the physical confrontation. People are acting like he walked up on her and hit her in the face for absolutely no reason. 

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42 minutes ago, dgambill said:

He is lucky she is alive and not dead or paralyzed or something. She is already likely going to be affected for the rest of her life.

Once again, she started the physical confrontation. She's not a victim. The're BOTH SUSPECTS in this. She pushed and slapped him in the face. If I pushed and slapped someone I didn't know in the face, I know I'm getting hit. I'm starting to think this isn't about the actual situation at hand, but more about self-righteousness.

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6 minutes ago, Solon said:

She chose to slap him. Why is that so hard to understand? She didn't slap him out of self-defense. I'm not justifying his behavior, but people are vilifying his behavior and not hers. He didn't start the physical confrontation. People are acting like he walked up on her and hit her in the face for absolutely no reason. 

No one is saying what she did was right or wrong.  She's in the wrong too. But she isn't the one who has a potential NFL career, therefore her guilt has very little bearing on an NFL forum... 

Her slapping him doesn't excuse him using excessive force in his retaliation any more then throwing an empty pop can at a cop merits him pulling out his gun and shooting you. 

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1 minute ago, Solon said:

She chose to slap him. Why is that so hard to understand? She didn't slap him out of self-defense. I'm not justifying his behavior, but people are vilifying his behavior and not hers. He didn't start the physical confrontation. People are acting like he walked up on her and hit her in the face for absolutely no reason. 

No one is saying she's right for doing what she did, all anyone is saying, or at least all I am saying is gender does matter.  When a man hits another man, there's an expectation of being hit back...most people would understand that if a man hits another man or a woman hits another woman, they would fight back.  


When it's a man and a woman, its an entirely different set of rules.  If a man hits a woman, it's universally regarded as wrong, provoked or not.  When a woman hits a man, it depends on way too many things, but a slap in the face does not warrant a right hook because most of the time, a woman will be physically inferior.  Obviously the analysis changes if she had training in physical combat or drew a weapon.  But generally speaking, and in this case in particular, it would be a no-contest as to who would win this fight.  What Mixon did shocks the conscious.  What the woman did does not.  Punishable by crime?  Sure...no one is denying that.  Mixon could have pressed charges, and if he could go back an do it again, he probably would have withdrew from the fight and called the cops.  But he didn't, he made a bad choice and his crime far exceeded anything the girl did to him - at least that appears on the video anyway.

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17 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

No one is saying she's right for doing what she did, all anyone is saying, or at least all I am saying is gender does matter.  When a man hits another man, there's an expectation of being hit back...most people would understand that if a man hits another man or a woman hits another woman, they would fight back.  


When it's a man and a woman, its an entirely different set of rules.  If a man hits a woman, it's universally regarded as wrong, provoked or not.  When a woman hits a man, it depends on way too many things, but a slap in the face does not warrant a right hook because most of the time, a woman will be physically inferior.  Obviously the analysis changes if she had training in physical combat or drew a weapon.  But generally speaking, and in this case in particular, it would be a no-contest as to who would win this fight.  What Mixon did shocks the conscious.  What the woman did does not.  Punishable by crime?  Sure...no one is denying that.  Mixon could have pressed charges, and if he could go back an do it again, he probably would have withdrew from the fight and called the cops.  But he didn't, he made a bad choice and his crime far exceeded anything the girl did to him - at least that appears on the video anyway.


It's really not that excessive. The punch didn't break her jaw. The table did.

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1 hour ago, jshipp23 said:

Poor millennials..smh..This country is so screwed up..People wonder why Trump won...He is too dumb to know if you hit a girl full force with a right hook it wouldn't severely injure her..Give me a break, wouldn't trust that kid with millions of dollars if it were my franchise...Pac Man Jones on steroids he will be suspended in no time..

A punch has to be thrown correctly in order for it to do much damage other than be painful.  It is actually an acquired skill.  I'm sure he had no intention of breaking her face or knows how to throw the kind of punch that it takes to do so.  He was probably mad and lost his temper and threw a lucky punch...or unlucky in this case.  I assume from this incident that he has learned how NOT to react to anger.   "Oops, I didn't know I could do that".  I think he has been in college now for a while without any other problems..including PEDs...but I certainly have not followed his life.


For grown adults to keep this kid from earning a living by judging him for one incident, under the philosophy of "people like that will do it again"....well, then why not apply that thought to a lot of people in the world about more important matters, not just the people wanting to be an NFL player.


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20 hours ago, Solon said:

I'm sorry, but she slapped him. It doesn't matter if he started the altercation in the parking lot. Words were just exchanged. He shouldn't be associated with domestic violence or violence against women. Nothing he did was cowardly neither. I'll only allow a handful of women to slap me in my face. If she ain't my woman, she better be my mother or sister. 

Are you you serious? Men are generally physically stronger than women. A slap may hurt, but you don't hear about a woman slapping someone so hard it broke bones in their face and knocked them unconscious. If I were on  a jury and he tried to plead self-defense, he'd be in trouble. If a woman slaps you, family or not, I suggest you please swallow your pride, leave the situation and call the police if you don't want to get smacked.

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1 hour ago, Solon said:

Once again, she started the physical confrontation. She's not a victim. The're BOTH SUSPECTS in this. She pushed and slapped him in the face. If I pushed and slapped someone I didn't know in the face, I know I'm getting hit. I'm starting to think this isn't about the actual situation at hand, but more about self-righteousness.

No. If you pushed and slapped me in the face I'd walk away or try to stop you from continuing but I'm not going to hit you back. I've been shoved and swung at before and I always use my brain to get out of those situations. However if you did that to my wife or sister or child then there would be a big problem I'm sure but ...its that very thinking in the bold that people need to get away from. Just because someone wrongs you does not mean you need to retaliate....especially violently. He was in no danger from her yet he put her life in danger...no excuses for that. I know we differ in opinion so I'll let it go. If you don't see the difference between a man hitting a women or a child and the other way around then there is no way we are going to see eye to eye on this. All "men" are created with equal rights under the law and God but not all "men" are created equally. Just like if a person is trained to use lethal force such as a navy seal or a martial artist yet if they get in a fight and kill someone the court is going to treat them differently then say an avg person that accidentally kills someone from a punch. Sometimes there are double standards...some are wrong and some are right. There is a legit reason in this case why these twos actions will be held to different standards and should be. I'm not going to say this girl didn't act horribly and she shouldn't have had some accountability (obviously she had consequences to) but this young man crossed a line to such an extreme there is no defending his actions.

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34 minutes ago, DougDew said:

A punch has to be thrown correctly in order for it to do much damage other than be painful.  It is actually an acquired skill.  I'm sure he had no intention of breaking her face or knows how to throw the kind of punch that it takes to do so.  He was probably mad and lost his temper and threw a lucky punch...or unlucky in this case.  I assume from this incident that he has learned how NOT to react to anger.   "Oops, I didn't know I could do that".  I think he has been in college now for a while without any other problems..including PEDs...but I certainly have not followed his life.


For grown adults to keep this kid from earning a living by judging him for one incident, under the philosophy of "people like that will do it again"....well, then why not apply that thought to a lot of people in the world about more important matters, not just the people wanting to be an NFL player.


Nobody was saying he shouldn't be able to earn a living or be employed. However where and how he is employed is fair game. I'm not on the side of saying he shouldn't play football...but if the NFL owners chose not to employe him I'm 100% in support of either way they chose. Nobody is entitled to anything. His life isn't ruined from this. He could make a living doing a number of other things. If football isn't one of them then that is the consequences of his actions and he may not make THAT TYPE of living. Tough lesson to learn but if that girl was to be hurt worse he could have been in prison.....very lucky to have his freedom and pursue any type of living.

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6 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Nobody was saying he shouldn't be able to earn a living or be employed. However where and how he is employed is fair game. I'm not on the side of saying he shouldn't play football...but if the NFL owners chose not to employe him I'm 100% in support of either way they chose. Nobody is entitled to anything. His life isn't ruined from this. He could make a living doing a number of other things. If football isn't one of them then that is the consequences of his actions and he may not make THAT TYPE of living. Tough lesson to learn but if that girl was to be hurt worse he could have been in prison.....very lucky to have his freedom and pursue any type of living.

I assume the authorities looked into the matter and made the appropriate judgment about punishment, unless we think the police are bigots who hate women.   If I'm trying to build a football team, I can't see how my judgment now about what he did three years ago would be better than the authorities' judgment was at the time.


Yes, if the authorities thought it mandated prison, then he wouldn't be available for the draft, so some other RB would be evaluated in his place.  

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10 hours ago, DougDew said:

At 17, and in a culture that no longer involves youth's in boxing, or has tried to eradicate any type of playground scuffle, a kid does not automatically know how strong he is and what damage he can do.  I assume he has learned by his mistake.


Draft him based on talent and current attitude.  Forget the past.

Bro...really? You don't have to be a boxer to figure out the difference between a slap in the face, and a RIGHT HOOK TO THE HEAD.


and what do you mean not knowing how strong he is? He's a football player..............

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9 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

Bro...really? You don't have to be a boxer to figure out the difference between a slap in the face, and a RIGHT HOOK TO THE HEAD.


and what do you mean not knowing how strong he is? He's a football player..............

That...and hes a guy and shes a girl. If he didn't know he was stronger than her, than he has a ton more problems than we think. 

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Yikes. This thread has certainly turned into something else....


Just my .02


I am a firm believer in second chances when it's warranted, alright. But Mixon is a scumbag. That's just a garbage thing to. Look, I understand it was 3 years ago, and I understand the girl isn't completely clean either...she was allegedly being quite disrespectful and seems to initiate the contact. But it doesn't change the fact that he threw a RIGHT HOOK to her HEAD.


You can't just say Mixon "made a mistake" and then proceed to direct blame on the girl. If that were the case, can't you say that she "made a mistake" too? 


Just an ugly situation that I don't want the Colts being a part of. If they draft Mixon, I'm not gonna necessarily stop cheering for Indy, but it ain't gonna sit well thats for sure. And I won't be too enthused if Mixon does something remotely good for the Colts. Like, at all.

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9 hours ago, NorthernBlue said:

Bro...really? You don't have to be a boxer to figure out the difference between a slap in the face, and a RIGHT HOOK TO THE HEAD.


and what do you mean not knowing how strong he is? He's a football player..............

I know a lot of strong people who can't throw a punch worth crap.  Were talking about breaking bones.  Its not that easy, unless you catch it right.


Back in the day, when things were settled with a bit more harmless physicality, kids would be able to judge their prowess better...from which....came the correct idea of never hitting a woman.  


But now, since physicality is almost legislated out of existence (even though football has become MORE popular, go figure), kids can't gauge when they are about to lose it.  Unfortunately, it takes an incident like this for them to learn.


Judge him on his current attitude.  His mistake was three years ago, and he probably didn't even mean to do it in that he didn't realize he was losing control, but I'll let the authorities on the scene be the judges of that.

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9 hours ago, NorthernBlue said:

Yikes. This thread has certainly turned into something else....


Just my .02


I am a firm believer in second chances when it's warranted, alright. But Mixon is a scumbag. That's just a garbage thing to. Look, I understand it was 3 years ago, and I understand the girl isn't completely clean either...she was allegedly being quite disrespectful and seems to initiate the contact. But it doesn't change the fact that he threw a RIGHT HOOK to her HEAD.


You can't just say Mixon "made a mistake" and then proceed to direct blame on the girl. If that were the case, can't you say that she "made a mistake" too? 


Just an ugly situation that I don't want the Colts being a part of. If they draft Mixon, I'm not gonna necessarily stop cheering for Indy, but it ain't gonna sit well thats for sure. And I won't be too enthused if Mixon does something remotely good for the Colts. Like, at all.

I agree with everything except for the bolded part. We really have no evidence beyond this act to say he's a scumbag. It was certainly a scumbag thing to do and he might actually be a huge scumbag, but he might also have just been a 24-hr 18-year-old kid that made a really terrible decision. To my knowledge he's kept his nose clean since the incident and never had any issues before. 


That being said, I'd still not draft him. I'd rather let someone else find out.

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On 1/5/2017 at 7:37 PM, NewColtsFan said:


I try to be hypersensitive to these things.      The 10 guys at Minnesota who took turns having sex with a drunk girl get no sympathy from me.


But if Mixon is denied a chance to make a living,  then what?      Then you potentially flush his life down the drain.      I think he's come a long way since the incident.    I think he's ready to be used as an example of what NOT to do.      He says it's never OK to hit a woman.     I think he's learned his lesson.     At least, I hope so.


And in a weird way,  the higher he gets drafted, the more signing bonus he'll get,  the more money the young lady can sue for.    I know that seems crazy,   but don't you want her to get some $$ out of this?    I do.    Letting him play football is the way to do it.      She suffered terribly.     Let's help her and help him at the same time......


Just thinking out loud.         I'd love to hear from the women in our community....   a female perspective would be helpful.......



What college doesn't drain a kids life down the drain? The way the economy is you'd better pick a good career. 

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2 hours ago, DougDew said:

I know a lot of strong people who can't throw a punch worth crap.  Were talking about breaking bones.  Its not that easy, unless you catch it right.


Back in the day, when things were settled with a bit more harmless physicality, kids would be able to judge their prowess better...from which....came the correct idea of never hitting a woman.  


But now, since physicality is almost legislated out of existence (even though football has become MORE popular, go figure), kids can't gauge when they are about to lose it.  Unfortunately, it takes an incident like this for them to learn.


Judge him on his current attitude.  His mistake was three years ago, and he probably didn't even mean to do it in that he didn't realize he was losing control, but I'll let the authorities on the scene be the judges of that.

You must not have heard Mixon talk about it. He basically claims he did nothing wrong and that it was all the girls fault. 

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1 hour ago, NannyMcafee said:


What college doesn't drain a kids life down the drain? The way the economy is you'd better pick a good career. 



I have no idea what you're talking about....


You think kids going to college to play ball have their life go down the drain?


Please tell me you're kidding me?



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On 1/6/2017 at 3:06 PM, Solon said:

She chose to slap him. Why is that so hard to understand? She didn't slap him out of self-defense. I'm not justifying his behavior, but people are vilifying his behavior and not hers. He didn't start the physical confrontation. People are acting like he walked up on her and hit her in the face for absolutely no reason. 

Doesn't matter how it started. Real men don't hit women, period.

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6 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

You must not have heard Mixon talk about it. He basically claims he did nothing wrong and that it was all the girls fault. 

I have not followed it at all.  Again, I would evaluate his character based upon current events, not what happened three years ago.  If that's his current attitude, he must not have learned much.

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