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In Manning's Future Is Dim, How Come He Hasn't Retired Yet?


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Why hasn't he retired yet since people are so sure that he won't be coming back?

Just cause those people are so sure doesn't mean it is true. For all we know on March 8th Manning could throw like he's 25 again or throw like a 70 year old man with arthritis. He's doing everything in his power to get back to being able to play. Why should he give up and just retire because "people are so sure" he will not be coming back to play. He is doing everything possible to get back to playing for himself, not to please the media.

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IMO -- if he is planning on retiring I would guess it will happen in the next week or two.

I dont think he's done it yet (at least not officially) due to the NFL playoffs and taking away from the stories on the field. The will he / wont he is bad enough....if he actually had to retire, it would be the lead story for many days.

Once the game is over on Sunday, I can see him doing it shortly after (assuming that he IS actually going to retire).

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I don't know if he's going to retire, but Peyton likely won't retire until he's told there is no chance for the 5th time. He's always been a crazy harder worker and appears to love the game, so I don't think it's something he'll take lightly. My suspicion is that he really wants to play, so he's going to do everything in his power to get there. Rather or not he can is a different story.

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If it were true that he can't play again, wouldn't he retire already?

There is a reason he didn't retire.

For the sake of argument, his not being able to play, and his accepting that he is not able to play, are two completely seperate issues.

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so he is accepting that he will definitely play again?


I'm saying that like most football players, he may not be able to accept that his career is over (if it is, I don't know, this is just for the sake of argument) which would explain his not retiring.

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I'm saying that like most football players, he may not be able to accept that his career is over (if it is, I don't know, this is just for the sake of argument) which would explain his not retiring.

I don't agree at all. Most players retire when they know the injury will not let them come back.

Brett Favre was 100% healthy, thats why he kept coming back. I just don't agree with your point at all.

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All I know is that Eli is officially being asked more Peyton questions than Superbowl questions at media day today. I'm sure Peyton isn't going to do anything until the superbowl is over with.

I also think he should take his time. They say the nerve could regenerate overnight. He shouldn't make any sudden decisions. Just because ESPN has declared his career as a Colt over, doesn't mean he should jump the gun.

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I don't agree at all. Most players retire when they know the injury will not let them come back.

Brett Favre was 100% healthy, thats why he kept coming back. I just don't agree with your point at all.


You're right, the fact that he hasn't retired yet is a clear indication that he's going to play the next 15 years, winning the superbowl every year he plays. This will go on until the God Zues declares him deified and he will ascend to the top of Mount Olympus carried on the wings of Pegasus.

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You're right, the fact that he hasn't retired yet is a clear indication that he's going to play the next 15 years, winning the superbowl every year he plays. This will go on until the God Zues declares him deified and he will ascend to the top of Mount Olympus carried on the wings of Pegasus.

rrright...good point

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You're right, the fact that he hasn't retired yet is a clear indication that he's going to play the next 15 years, winning the superbowl every year he plays. This will go on until the God Zues declares him deified and he will ascend to the top of Mount Olympus carried on the wings of Pegasus.

by that time, cloning will be possible. every team in the league will have a manning. the term quarterback will become extinct, they will simply be known as mannings

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the seven stages of grief

1. shock & denial

2. pain & guilt

3. anger & bargaining

4. depression, reflection, and lonliness

5. the upward turn

6. reconstruction and working through

7. acceptance & hope

the long wait for march 8 has us all going in & out of all of these stages. it's totally understandable

Come on, shake....we dont know yet...Its not quite this dire

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It's because he is waiting till after SuperBowl so to not deflect from it.

I've heard this several times, and I don't buy it. If he had already decided to retire and was just waiting to announce it so that the focus could be on the Super Bowl, why would he have stirred the pot and made the comments to Kravitz that he did? That didn't sound like somebody just waiting until the season is over to formally announce his retirement. If his intent was to keep the focus on the Super Bowl, he would have kept his mouth shut or just talked about Eli. He seemed pretty willing to give Kravitz a bigger spoon to stir with.

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Why are so many so sure Peyton is going to retire by march 8th? He has been working hard to get back to playing condition, and because the colts may cut him, he is suppose to care about what the fans think and wish him to retire a colt. Now I'm not saying he will be healthy enough to play again, but that will be the only reason he retires and not because it's not on the colts. Remember Peyton just said I have no intentions of retiring soon, even Archie said it. Would Peyton like to stay a colt? Yes! But Peyton also has been consistently playing at a high level, he's not going to make a premature decision about his health in march when training camps don't open until June. Seriously everyone needs to stop being so darn assuming that Peyton will retire cause he's not a colt, that's what you guys and irsay want, because if manning is healthy everyone is going to regret giving him the boot!

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But Peyton also has been consistently playing at a high level, ...

Last time Peyton played at a high level in an NFL game was over a year ago.

...he's not going to make a premature decision about his health in march when training camps don't open until June.

Yes, you are correct. The decision resides with the Colts. They need to make a decision by March 8, to pay the $28MM option bonus. or to release Peyton.

Hopefully they will base that decision on Peyton's ability to throw the ball at that time, and any projected timing on:

1) How long it will take to get him to 100%, if not there already. and

2) How long it will last into the contract period.

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the seven stages of grief

1. shock & denial

2. pain & guilt

3. anger & bargaining

4. depression, reflection, and lonliness

5. the upward turn

6. reconstruction and working through

7. acceptance & hope

the long wait for march 8 has us all going in & out of all of these stages. it's totally understandable

I'm borrowing this!

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I'm borrowing this!

that's okay, i got it from a kravits or wilson article (can't remember which). it was at the beginning of the season when we first learned manning wasn't going to be ready. the bantering was similar to what we are seeing now, only much less intense

i find it to be helpful for this and other blows that life sometimes deals us

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that's okay, i got it from a kravits or wilson article (can't remember which). it was at the beginning of the season when we first learned manning wasn't going to be ready. the bantering was similar to what we are seeing now, only much less intense

i find it to be helpful for this and other blows that life sometimes deals us

The original source is Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, On Death and Dying

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Why hasn't he retired yet since people are so sure that he won't be coming back?

Timing is everything.

Haven't read any of the other posts, but if he's healthier sometime between Feb/March and Sept, 2012 he may be able to play even if he's not a Colt. If he sits 2012 and is healthier in 2013 (nerve regeneration/throwing strength) then that's awesome, although tough not to see him in blue&white. He's still got a family to think about.

To recap:

Cut or Trade Peyton before March 8th: 16mil of dead cap

Cut or Trade Peyton after March 8th: 44mil of dead cap

Cut or Trade Peyton after 2012: 33mil of dead cap

Cut or Trade Peyton after 2013: 22mil of dead cap

Cut or Trade Peyton after 2014: 11mil of dead cap

After 2015: Peyton's contract expires

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I find this hilarious. He will not be the first to come back from this injury and be productive if he comes back. He is 36 not much older than Brady and apparently Peyton is old and Brady has many years left in him. Last time I watched Peyton he still looked pretty good. The media will beat this to death and we will hear the he is done, he will be a jet, he will be in miami, he will be with the Colts if he is healthy, he cant co-exist with Luck and on and on and on and on. Come March 8 we will have a littlebetter idea of what is going to happen. It is kinda funny to listen to us fans and the media speculate while Peyton works his butt off to get back.

I hope he comes back and we win a superbowl

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