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Yes I'm going "there".  I was at the game so I have a limited vantage point and no commentating to reason with.  So was it just me and the 30 or so people around me that were perplexed with the officiating in this game or was it that way on TV as well?  I mean, some of those calls/non-calls were absolutely devastating to the Colts' chances, particularly that non-fumble deal in the 4th?  Not saying the Colts wouldn't have choked it away anyway, because they are definitely more than capable even WITH help, I just found it sort of odd for a "home field advantage".  Seemed like we were playing in Houston.  Thoughts?

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11 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Don't leave Allen to block Clooney one on one near the end zone and we aren't having this conversation.

Oh I agree, that and about 900 OTHER things, right?  I was just wondering if anybody watching on TV, if they explained some of the calls, had other views, etc.  All you get at the game is the replay on the big screen and thousands of fans booing so you don't really know what's up.  It just seemed to me that the whole crew was less than par.

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Here's the deal, for some reason people on this board flip out when people complain about the refs if the Colts played poorly.

The reality is these two things are NOT mutually exclusive; you can complain about both. The Colts played badly AND the refs were beyond atrocious. If the Colts had played better, they would have won. If the refs hadn't blown three massive calls against the Colts in the 4th, the Colts probably would have won. Both are true.


The Colts should not be excused for bad play. The bad officiating should not let bad play off the hook. Likewise, the refs should not be excused because the Colts played badly. The Colts playing badly does not mean it's ok for the refs to screw them out of a win they likely would have had if the officiating had been even decent (much less good).

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The refs have been horrible all year and not just in our games,which because of how bad the refs have been its hard for me to rationally dedicate anymore of my time until next year to watch the % show that has become the nfl. I know it doesnt excuse the * poor play but you would think a multi billionaire corporation would be able to get a few competent people to make sure things were called right. It can go back an forth but blatantly looked to me that parry was laying on the damn ball after the fumble,i boycotted watching any playoffs and even the Superbowl the year it was the broncos/sea hawks,i will still keep an eye here and there (mostly due to fantasy reasons going forward) but im not going out of my way to watch until next year,theres still a slight chance but we all know we are a far cry from contending this year so with that said it was a fun ride while it lasted, hopefully a good draft and with the cap rising we can snag a few decent signings and wait for the glory or more disappointment next year .

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Who are you guys kidding?   


The level of officiating in the NFL has been laughable for years.   


How this multi billion dollar company can only supply these clowns to officiate their game is beyond me.   


I assume this is another reason why people are tuning out of the NFL. 

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52 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

Yes I'm going "there".  I was at the game so I have a limited vantage point and no commentating to reason with.  So was it just me and the 30 or so people around me that were perplexed with the officiating in this game or was it that way on TV as well?  I mean, some of those calls/non-calls were absolutely devastating to the Colts' chances, particularly that non-fumble deal in the 4th?  Not saying the Colts wouldn't have choked it away anyway, because they are definitely more than capable even WITH help, I just found it sort of odd for a "home field advantage".  Seemed like we were playing in Houston.  Thoughts?

Totally agree. The Houston DB's got away with plenty in the first half. Then in the second half suddenly they decide to start throwing the flags and Luck got a roll on...only to lose to self inflicted mistakes (Allen vs Clowney and the Screen on 4th & 1) AND the refs screwing up the fumble recovery. 

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7 minutes ago, ColtsSouljah said:

Here's the deal, for some reason people on this board flip out when people complain about the refs if the Colts played poorly.

The reality is these two things are NOT mutually exclusive; you can complain about both. The Colts played badly AND the refs were beyond atrocious. If the Colts had played better, they would have won. If the refs hadn't blown three massive calls against the Colts in the 4th, the Colts probably would have won. Both are true.


The Colts should not be excused for bad play. The bad officiating should not let bad play off the hook. Likewise, the refs should not be excused because the Colts played badly. The Colts playing badly does not mean it's ok for the refs to screw them out of a win they likely would have had if the officiating had been even decent (much less good).

I would fully concur and very well put.  My question though has not yet been answered.  I am wondering if the commen"taters" on TV said anything about the calls/no-calls, if the TV replays showed the calls were correct, etc.  I know what I saw there but sometimes you don't have all the information and sometimes you get emotionally caught up and don't realize what has happened, etc.  Specifically, there were a few non-called interference type penalties in the first half on Colts WR's, even one on Dorsett which I initially thought he should have caught.  In the 2nd half, there was a false start penalty called that, to me, looked more like encroachment that caused the OL to move, and then the Texans' fumble/non-possession call that it looked like the Colts defender came out of the pile with.  Those 5 or 6 calls to me were drive-enders/change of possession calls that were HUGE.  With that said, the Colts still probably would have found a way to shoot themselves in the foot.

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38 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

Oh I agree, that and about 900 OTHER things, right?  I was just wondering if anybody watching on TV, if they explained some of the calls, had other views, etc.  All you get at the game is the replay on the big screen and thousands of fans booing so you don't really know what's up.  It just seemed to me that the whole crew was less than par.

TV disagreed with the refs on the Blue fumble but agreed in the Brock one (TV was right on both) and there was Interference they didn't call the Texans for when Davis got flagged for the exact samethung.

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Just now, AZColt11 said:

I would fully concur and very well put.  My question though has not yet been answered.  I am wondering if the commen"taters" on TV said anything about the calls/no-calls, if the TV replays showed the calls were correct, etc.  I know what I saw there but sometimes you don't have all the information and sometimes you get emotionally caught up and don't realize what has happened, etc.  Specifically, there were a few non-called interference type penalties in the first half on Colts WR's, even one on Dorsett which I initially thought he should have caught.  In the 2nd half, there was a false start penalty called that, to me, looked more like encroachment that caused the OL to move, and then the Texans' fumble/non-possession call that it looked like the Colts defender came out of the pile with.  Those 5 or 6 calls to me were drive-enders/change of possession calls that were HUGE.  With that said, the Colts still probably would have found a way to shoot themselves in the foot.


The national TV guys basically gave very little commentary on the calls. They were surprised at the handling of the Houston fumble and what should have been a Colts recovery in the 4th.

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1 minute ago, ColtsSouljah said:


The national TV guys basically gave very little commentary on the calls. They were surprised at the handling of the Houston fumble and what should have been a Colts recovery in the 4th.

Thanks!  Was just wondering.  I guess if they didn't say much they either agreed with the calls or didn't care.

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Oh I remember the one I was forgetting.  I think it was 2nd half, the Texans are 3rd-and-long and Vontae gets called for defensive holding.  Only problem was it looked like to me and everybody around me that the ball was tipped at the LOS, and the ball even had a funny wabble to it that I don't think even Osweiler could throw, and it should have wiped out any holding.  Anybody else see that?  Instead, the call is upheld, Houston gets a 1st down, and they end up driving for one of their 800 FG's in the game.  Did they mention anything about that one?

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You can honestly watch any game and see terrible calls.


I watched Pitt/NYG last week and ny didn't get at least 5 terrible calls that would've helped them.


I watched no/Tampa today and there were one or two terrible calls in only the 15-20mins I watched.


The league officials have become very WWF'ish'.

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7 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

Anybody think full-time refs would help or is that a pipe dream?




The NFL is hiring 17 full time officials.  Hopefully these guys can spend all day watching film and reviewing the rule book to make better calls.  I think another official on the field might help too, since there's so much chaos going on during each play.  However, we do also need to accept that this will never be perfect since it's humans as refs and humans will make mistakes.  The good teams will be able to win regardless of how good the refs are

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2 hours ago, AZColt11 said:

Thanks!  Was just wondering.  I guess if they didn't say much they either agreed with the calls or didn't care.

I think a few times they suggested that the Colts were unlucky not to get the call, including the Dorsett one you mentioned. They also disagreed with fumble review outcome. I got the impression that they felt the Colts got a raw deal but stopped short of really saying it. The obvious calls the Colts actually did get in the 3rd quarter probably helped keep them quiet. 

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8 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

The officiating this year has been bad. One penalty they always mess up are pass interferences.

Also holding is so hit or miss. We see games where guys are held ALLLLLL game and not once is it called, then there will be a barely noticeable call that gets called at the most inopportune time.


It is what it is at this point.

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43 minutes ago, IinD said:

Also holding is so hit or miss. We see games where guys are held ALLLLLL game and not once is it called, then there will be a barely noticeable call that gets called at the most inopportune time.


It is what it is at this point.

What I didn't understand from todays game is that the refs called practically nothing in the first half on either side. Second half hits and then every little ticky tack call was penalized. The refs aren't even consistent with how they call games.

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4 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

What I didn't understand from todays game is that the refs called practically nothing in the first half on either side. Second half hits and then every little ticky tack call was penalized. The refs aren't even consistent with how they call games.

I've ran out of likes so posting to say this is exactly correct! So inconsistent. 

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4 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

What I didn't understand from todays game is that the refs called practically nothing in the first half on either side. Second half hits and then every little ticky tack call was penalized. The refs aren't even consistent with how they call games.

Agreed. It's like they know they average 20 a game so if 1 was called in the first half they panic and call 19 in the second half. Or 19 in the first half and only one in the second half.


They missed that Luck hit to the head near the end there also..just bad all around.

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well here is the question do they have enough officials on the field seems like they do not. yes the colts did not deserve to win due to their lack of offense. I thought the officials allowed hits to lucks face mask but that is my look on it. TY was hit a couple of times while he was down. No offense looks like dorsett was hit while he was defensless also but then again this what i observed. The colts got away with a few things. This was a playoff game for 2 teams to have officials call the play dead when clearly their was a scramble for a football is wrong,

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