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Jack Mewhort has a knee injury...Update: out 2-4 weeks


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17 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:



If our track record is a sign of things to come then I say we put him on PUP and save the roster spot for 6 weeks. We need that roster spot right now.


I don't think PUP is an option but someone correct me if I'm wrong. 

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3 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Probably, but when someone is a jerk just to try and make you miserable, I tend to have little smypathy for them.


I have little sympathy for people who keep going back to an abusive partner/spouse, but that doesn't mean I approve of the abuser's actions.


If what you said is true and not just arrogant embellishment then you should be in jail. :)

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1 minute ago, Jason_S said:



I have little sympathy for people who keep going back to an abusive partner/spouse, but that doesn't mean I approve of the abuser's actions.


If what you said is true and not just arrogant embellishment then you should be in jail. :)

That literally makes no sense. 

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6 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

That literally makes no sense. 


Which part do you not understand?


You said you have little sympathy for the guy because he was being a jerk just to try to make you miserable (which, while yes is a completely jerk move is also not illegal) and to an extent I agree with that. But that doesn't make you any less of a * for physically attacking him (which IS illegal) just because you were mad at the time and couldn't control your temper like a civilized adult.

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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


Why wouldn't it be?


This is exactly what the PUP list is for.


Now we are still awaiting the semantics of the 2-4 weeks. Is this an injury that will be 2-4 from now, or is this an injury that will last 2-4 weeks of the regular season.


In any case, I will believe it when I see it. Our track record for having players return in the time-table we have suggested has not been spectacular. 


You have to be placed on the PUP prior to training camp. It is not an option now.

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Well, I did say i felt bad after Mewhort is only out 2-4 weeks. That's just how Iam, I have Bipolar and if someone provokes me, I have a hard time controlling it. Usually I can, but that was a unique situation that sent me over the edge. He was a bully, and he learned a life lesson. I feel bad, but he had no business doing that.

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2 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Well, I did say i felt bad after Mewhort is only out 2-4 weeks. That's just how Iam, I have Bipolar and if someone provokes me, I have a hard time controlling it. Usually I can, but that was a unique situation that sent me over the edge. He was a bully, and he learned a life lesson. I feel bad, but he had no business doing that.


You also had no business doing what you did. You should be on meds. If you are on meds you should talk to your doctor about increasing the dosage. Other people, regardless of how dickish their behaviour is, shouldn't have to suffer because you're bipolar. 


You never know when that next provoker is going to have a gun.

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6 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


Which part do you not understand?


You said you have little sympathy for the guy because he was being a jerk just to try to make you miserable (which, while yes is a completely jerk move is also not illegal) and to an extent I agree with that. But that doesn't make you any less of a * for physically attacking him (which IS illegal) just because you were mad at the time and couldn't control your temper like a civilized adult.


Assault can be verbal, just a FYI.

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8 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


You also had no business doing what you did. You should be on meds. If you are on meds you should talk to your doctor about increasing the dosage. Other people, regardless of how dickish their behaviour is, shouldn't have to suffer because you're bipolar. 


Why? He had to suffer because that dude was stupid. LOL


People need to know the situation. It's not like you can't tell when a person is whacked out. It's usually a good idea to leave that person alone. I will never blame the bear for attacking a person who is poking it with a stick.


Sometimes people need to learn to leave others alone.


Not that I am condoning Jared's actions, but that dude will probably think twice before messing with someone else. Society actually wins here. 

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2 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


True, but that's never been relevant i, terms of sports related trash talk.

I mean I don't know the whole story, but it could have gone like this:


#1: hahaha Colts Suck your O-Line is gonna suck Mewhort sucks hes injured.


#2. Shut up you *... * ....*


#1 Why don;t you make me? Huh what you gonna do about it? I'll kick your butt. (Assault)


#2 *Punches other guy in the face* (Assault)

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5 minutes ago, SilentHill said:

I mean I don't know the whole story, but it could have gone like this:


#1: hahaha Colts Suck your O-Line is gonna suck Mewhort sucks hes injured.


#2. Shut up you *... * ....*


#1 Why don;t you make me? Huh what you gonna do about it? I'll kick your butt. (Assault)


#2 *Punches other guy in the face* (Assault)


That just sounds like 2 drunken *s that should both be in jail

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15 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Well, I did say i felt bad after Mewhort is only out 2-4 weeks. That's just how Iam, I have Bipolar and if someone provokes me, I have a hard time controlling it. Usually I can, but that was a unique situation that sent me over the edge. He was a bully, and he learned a life lesson. I feel bad, but he had no business doing that.

Uh,   you need professional help.    What Dave and busters did this occur at?

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12 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Well, I did say i felt bad after Mewhort is only out 2-4 weeks. That's just how Iam, I have Bipolar and if someone provokes me, I have a hard time controlling it. Usually I can, but that was a unique situation that sent me over the edge. He was a bully, and he learned a life lesson. I feel bad, but he had no business doing that.


I have to second the poster's question: How are you not in jail (not trying to be rude, just baffled)? 


Although I don't practice in the criminal law realm (I chose the civil side), I do know that what you described constitutes criminal and civil assault + battery.


If the other guy had accosted you/gotten physical with you first, your reaction would have been self defense.  But what you described just sounds like something you can be held both criminally and civilly liable for.


I wouldn't be posting about that encounter on message board, although now it is probably too late.




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13 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Well, I did say i felt bad after Mewhort is only out 2-4 weeks. That's just how Iam, I have Bipolar and if someone provokes me, I have a hard time controlling it. Usually I can, but that was a unique situation that sent me over the edge. He was a bully, and he learned a life lesson. I feel bad, but he had no business doing that.


Much respect to you man.


Most people would not be able to admit their flaws as open as you have. 


If you felt threatened then you have a right to protect yourself. That dude knew what time it was, and you embarrassed him as he should have been.


It's not like this poor slob was an innocent person here. 


Maybe you went too far, but I ain't mad at you. The PC police will scowl at you, but deep down inside everyone likes it when bullies get put in their place.

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Just now, Jason_S said:


That just sounds like 2 drunken *s that should both be in jail


Have to agree, lol


I'm just trying to bring some light. Some people think they can say whatever they want and get away with it, most people have no idea they can be charged with assault just by threatening someone.

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2 minutes ago, zibby43 said:


I have to second the poster's question: How are you not in jail (not trying to be rude, just baffled)? 


Although I don't practice in the criminal law realm (I chose the civil side), I do know that what you described constitutes criminal and civil assault + battery.


If the other guy had accosted you/gotten physical with you first, your reaction would have been self defense.  But what you described just sounds like something you can be held both criminally and civilly liable for.


I wouldn't be posting about that encounter on message board, although now it is probably too late.




Basically he walked out, and cussed me out and left and they just banned me until the beginning of next year and him for life. We both agreed not to get the cops involved, so none were called. When you are friends with management, sometimes it's beneficial.

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