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Why Are We And The Media Speculating On Tressel Although, Irsay Has Said Directly That Tressel Isn't A Candidate?


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Irsay on Twitter said: "I haven't been to Sarasota,Fla...although I'm sure the weather's nice"

This was in response to reports that irsay flew to Sarasota to meet Tressel.

In what manner is that 'directly' saying Tressel isn't a candidate? At most it's saying he hasn't interviewed him, but even that isn't necessarily true. If I recall, word that he interviewed him came out before the plane rumors.

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He denied flying to Florida, and he denied interviewing ANYONE twice, but he said nothing about Tressel.

Of course the two above comments should have been enough to defuse the "OMG, they hired Tressel already but haven't announced it yet" threads, but were conveniently ignored. Should be an interesting week.

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Irsay on Twitter said: "I haven't been to Sarasota,Fla...although I'm sure the weather's nice"

This was in response to reports that irsay flew to Sarasota to meet Tressel.

tressel is on his second interview... so far as we all know he's the only one to have acheived that... btw who says that tressel had to be in Sarasota anyway lol

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Irsay on Twitter said: "I haven't been to Sarasota,Fla...although I'm sure the weather's nice"

This was in response to reports that irsay flew to Sarasota to meet Tressel.

I belive that was for 1 of 2 interviews and then later Irsay said he only met once after reports of 2 interviews came out

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