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From the videos, Luck's release looks better


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I have not noticed but it's something I will look for.


I will say, it sounds like the QB coach and Luck are working on his footwork quite a bit, so I do not expect Luck to play well in the preseason at all.  He's a smart kid and a hardworker, but doing something like changing footwork takes time.


We, as fans, won't hear about it but I don't care if Luck goes 0 for 100 with 20 INTs in the preseason as long as he his footwork keeps improving and is ready by week 1


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I still think it's slower than you'd like for a player of his caliber, but so long as he's not staring down the defense and can get the ball out on time it shouldn't be a big deal.  Make a quick decision, trust your guy to be there, and let it go.  It may be faster than it was though, I haven't noticed.

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9 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

I still think it's slower than you'd like for a player of his caliber, but so long as he's not staring down the defense and can get the ball out on time it shouldn't be a big deal.  Make a quick decision, trust your guy to be there, and let it go.  It may be faster than it was though, I haven't noticed.

Brady and Ben have slower releases imo

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27 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Looks great to me. Where's he at, he looks like he's way out in the country somewhere. I see a huge year coming from him! as in 35-40 TD's and over 4000 Yards.

Thats Uncle Rico in the gif that was posted.  LOL


Napoleon Dynamite 

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I'm no QB guru but isn't bad to work on his foot steps ball release etc... This late in his career?  Kind of like Tebo when they try to force him to not wind up his arm so he can get rid of ball quicker?  I'm not comparing Luck to Tebo either lol just using as example.  

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33 minutes ago, YourNextGM said:

Thats Uncle Rico in the gif that was posted.  LOL


Napoleon Dynamite 

Thanks for telling me what clip was from YGM because I couldn't place where it was from or who that guy really was. NP is a film I have never seen & will never watch in my lifetime. Thanks for the heads up though. I need all the help I can get. haha

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2 minutes ago, Iancolts said:

I'm no QB guru but isn't bad to work on his foot steps ball release etc... This late in his career?  Kind of like Tebo when they try to force him to not wind up his arm so he can get rid of ball quicker?  I'm not comparing Luck to Tebo either lol just using as example.  

Every QB continues to better there fundamentals just for example Tom Brady works on his footwork maybe more than any other QB in the league . No QB is perfect they all have some part of there game to work on .

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4 minutes ago, Iancolts said:

I'm no QB guru but isn't bad to work on his foot steps ball release etc... This late in his career?  Kind of like Tebo when they try to force him to not wind up his arm so he can get rid of ball quicker?  I'm not comparing Luck to Tebo either lol just using as example.  

I don't see it being a problem. The Colts goal is really just to help him get rid of the ball quicker. They aren't messing with his throwing motion or anything. A lot of QB's work on their footwork into their career's.

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7 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Thanks for telling me what clip was from YGM because I couldn't place where it was from or who that guy really was. NP is a film I have never seen & will never watch in my lifetime. Thanks for the heads up though. I need all the help I can get. haha

I have never seen it either. I didn't think it was real because of the vehicle and being out in the middle of nowhere but you never know about Andrew. Andrew is so oldschool that I could picture him having a couple of older vehicles like he still has a flip phone.

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3 hours ago, YourNextGM said:

Whoa...What the heck is Micheal Irvin doing at Colts camp getting all chummy with Chewbacca & TY? 


That's just wrong on so many levels. LOL! Yeah I know, my Cowboys contempt is rearing it's ugly head again. 


SW1 will own that. My Dallas disdain runs very, very deep as you all know. 



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Just now, southwest1 said:

Whoa...What the heck is Micheal Irvin doing at Colts camp getting all chummy with Chewbacca & TY? 


That's just wrong on so many levels. LOL! Yeah I know, my Cowboys contempt is rearing it's ugly head again. 


SW1 will own that. My Dallas disdain runs very, very deep as you all know. 

To Irvin's credit he thinks we will be better than 8-8. I want to see Heath Evans at Colts camp getting chummy with the guys haha 

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9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

To Irvin's credit he thinks we will be better than 8-8. I want to see Heath Evans at Colts camp getting chummy with the guys haha 

I don't want Dallas mediocrity contaminating my Colts man. #88 needs to depart INDY immediately. Just kidding, but not really. Okay, I'll stop. 


Michael was elite, as much as it kills me to say that, & I'm pleased to learn that he's more optimistic about the horseshoe than most analysts though. 


Yeah, Heath Evans praising INDY would be funny wouldn't it? Since he loves to slam our team so darn much. Nobody would believe him, but it'd be hilarious trying to watch Heath appear sincere though. 

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28 minutes ago, Iancolts said:

I'm no QB guru but isn't bad to work on his foot steps ball release etc... This late in his career?  Kind of like Tebo when they try to force him to not wind up his arm so he can get rid of ball quicker?  I'm not comparing Luck to Tebo either lol just using as example.  

Luck is kinda weird.  At times he has a very quick release.  I remember ESPN's Sports Science timing it.  




But at times he does get lazy w/ his mechanics.  Its different from Tebow because they basically tried to change him.  They seem to be refining Luck's mechanics.  

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5 minutes ago, YourNextGM said:

Luck is kinda weird.  At times he has a very quick release.  I remember ESPN's Sports Science timing it.  




But at times he does get lazy w/ his mechanics.  Its different from Tebow because they basically tried to change him.  They seem to be refining Luck's mechanics.  

Even before the Colts drafted him in 2012, Luck couldn't escape comparisons to Peyton Manning. The poor guy just can't break free of that larger than life shadow despite still being in college. 


#18 is awesome & all don't get me wrong, but when the sports science video said that...I laughed out loud.  

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4 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Even before the Colts drafted him in 2012, Luck couldn't escape comparisons to Peyton Manning. The poor guy just can't break free of that larger than life shadow despite still being in college. 


#18 is awesome & all don't get me wrong, but when the sports science video said that...I laughed out loud.  

Andrew probably has had the most pressure on him than any other player I can remember to be Great. Almost everyone said he was the best player/QB coming out of the Draft since John Elway. Then he has to follow Peyton Manning's footsteps on top of it where we usually always won 12-14 games a season and won a SB.

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Andrew probably has had the most pressure on him than any other player I can remember to be Great. Almost everyone said he was the best player/QB coming out of the Draft since John Elway. Then he has to follow Peyton Manning's footsteps on top of it where we usually always won 12-14 games a season and won a SB.

Absolutely. Andrew's learning curve has been much shorter than most QBs given the 1st ballot lock field general he followed in Manning. I respect both men, both QBs tremendously of course, I just meant that given such high expectations thrust upon Chewy I go in the opposite direction meaning I'm more willing to accept mistakes & growing pains from him not expecting him to be a HOF machine immediately. 


He's still gonna win rings plural for us. I'm just willing to let Andrew be a mere mortal than a number of professional pundits are on TV. Luck will take us to the Promise Land more than once. Of this, I am certain. So, a footworks crash course & a better o-line is fine by me man. I feel ya bro. I feel ya. We're on the same page here. 

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51 minutes ago, Iancolts said:

I'm no QB guru but isn't bad to work on his foot steps ball release etc... This late in his career?  Kind of like Tebo when they try to force him to not wind up his arm so he can get rid of ball quicker?  I'm not comparing Luck to Tebo either lol just using as example.  

It depends, if his footwork is good then yes.  But if, as we have seen in the past with Luck, his footwork prevents him from make a throw on time or getting his body in the right position quickly to make the throw on time, then no, it's necessary and it's the type of thing a QB coach is supposed to be doing with a QB.




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10 minutes ago, bravo4460 said:


Last thing this forum needs is half of those Facebook posters on here.... Lol The comment section on their posts is always complete disaster where more than half the people have no idea what they are talking about. 

And did you ever notice, the less authority or knowledge some fans may have about football, the higher the likelihood some individuals will issue outlandish statements like royal proclamations of wisdom? haha


Yes, I know. All voices are welcome to chime in on the Colts. My secret is to find out who the brilliant forum members are & just see if I can soak up NFL insights from their football X's & O's. An NFL stud SW1 is not; but I know what people know their stuff & those who just come here for the camaraderie, which is cool too. 


Your point is a valid one B-4460. 

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20 minutes ago, bravo4460 said:


Last thing this forum needs is half of those Facebook posters on here.... Lol The comment section on their posts is always complete disaster where more than half the people have no idea what they are talking about. 

I had to stop following the Colts on Facebook (back when I had Facebook) for this very reason. It was amazing how many people knew absolutely nothing about football. 

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18 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

And did you ever notice, the less authority or knowledge some fans may have about football, the higher the likelihood some individuals will issue outlandish statements like royal proclamations of wisdom? haha


Yes, I know. All voices are welcome to chime in on the Colts. My secret is to find out who the brilliant forum members are & just see if I can soak up NFL insights from their football X's & O's. An NFL stud SW1 is not; but I know what people know their stuff & those who just come here for the camaraderie, which is cool too. 


Your point is a valid one B-4460. 



Exactly! Lol



Like you stated, EVERYONE is welcome to the forum, however they should come here to learn more about the game or hang out and talk nicely with fellow fans.

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1 hour ago, YourNextGM said:

Luck is kinda weird.  At times he has a very quick release.  I remember ESPN's Sports Science timing it.  




But at times he does get lazy w/ his mechanics.  Its different from Tebow because they basically tried to change him.  They seem to be refining Luck's mechanics.  



I wish he would just be 61% accurate.

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1 hour ago, Boiler_Colt said:

I had to stop following the Colts on Facebook (back when I had Facebook) for this very reason. It was amazing how many people knew absolutely nothing about football. 

I know. Most of the people that Post over at ESPN on the Football Boards seem very novice and have no clue. Ever since they went to Facebook it sucks! I miss the old days over there from when I Posted through 2009-2012 when everyone could just create an account through the Site and just Post like here. There were a lot of Trolls back then but many more very knowledgeable people.

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2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Andrew probably has had the most pressure on him than any other player I can remember to be Great. Almost everyone said he was the best player/QB coming out of the Draft since John Elway. Then he has to follow Peyton Manning's footsteps on top of it where we usually always won 12-14 games a season and won a SB.

On top of all that Andrew Luck's new $140 million contract has to add some pressure to preform, I would have to think?

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5 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Whoa...What the heck is Micheal Irvin doing at Colts camp getting all chummy with Chewbacca & TY? 


That's just wrong on so many levels. LOL! Yeah I know, my Cowboys contempt is rearing it's ugly head again. 


SW1 will own that. My Dallas disdain runs very, very deep as you all know. 




Irvin have always been a fan of TY. I have frequently seen him backing TY and the Colts on game days. I dont care much for the Cowboys either, but I can dig Irvin.

Heath Evans, now that's a snake.

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While he is working on his footwork...maybe Manning could come by Indy's camp after he's done in Miami and show Luck how to sidestep rather than taking a hit dead in the breadbasket...>.<


Manning might not have been the most fleet of foot,..but somehow he had the ability to sidestep at the last second and make a would-be-sacker grab for air.

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