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Caldwell Fired [Merge with Poll]

Susie Q

Caldwell Firing  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. Did the Colts do the right thing firing Caldwell

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With that said, maybe Dungy is ready to come back to football. Yo, Dungy, we need a new HC. How about comming back.

I don't want Dungy back in Indianapolis because I want the Colts to get as far away as they can from cover 2 and drafting undersized players

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I don't want Dungy back in Indianapolis because I want the Colts to get as far away as they can from cover 2 and drafting undersized players

That was more of a joke. Although, I have no problem with the cover 2 if you have the right personal. All schemes come down to that. You have to the right personal for the scheme you want to run. The problem is Indy has never been able to keep any of there decent db's healthy. Everyone gets hurt or traded away. But, I have no problem going in another direction either. I am just not sure what direction. Like you said, this team was built with smaller, quicker dline men and linebackers. Its going to be hard to go any other way for awhile.

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I am not upset. I was just pointing out you didn't "have" to call me out like you did. You did it because you wanted to remind me that I was wrong on my stance at the start of the year. Like I have said to many people, not just you, saying I told you so doesn't generally go over well on a forum. You were right I gave you your credit for it.

I didn't do it to my self. I don't know how many times people are wrong on this forum every day. Yet very rarely do you see someone to go to the trouble to say hey look at you, you were wrong because odds are if you stick around here long everyone is going to be wrong at some point. This isn't the first time I've been wrong and it probably wont be the last. I just gave my opinion at the time and clearly it was wrong which was proven today and which is why it changed when I realized it was wrong. Also I know I wasn't the only person who held the view point that at the start of the season that Caldwell wouldn't be fired. I don't see you going after those people. That's singling someone out which is exactly what you are doing. If you want to do it fine. Like I said I was wrong with my stance at the start of the year and you were right.

Also what does history have to do with this? I am not backing away from mine. I've said in all my responses to you that I was wrong in my stance at the start of the year and you were right. I just pointed out to you how my opinion had changed over time. If you are going to go after me for part of my history at least look at all of it including the most recent part where my view point changed. Surely I am not the first person in the world to change their mind on a view point or be wrong on a message board.

Also it's not back tracking it's changing my poistion like I said I did. I also freely admitted I was wrong at the start of the season. I gave you your credit which is clearly what you wanted why else jump on the first post you saw from me and take a poistion like I was questioning if Caldwell had been fired when I wasn't I was questioning if Spags had been hired. You wanted your I told you so moment and you got it. Congradulations. Now can we move on with this topic or do you want to spend more time telling me that I was wrong even though I am admiting I was wrong at the start of the year?

Take some responsibility for once and get over it.

You were with the people saying Jim Irsay didn't have the guts to get rid of Polian or Caldwell. I said he is a lot shrewder than people think he is. You laughed then. Yes I laughed now. It is what it is. History was on my side and I knew it then. Irsay will not stand for losing. I don't care that you didn't believe me then or even if you believe me now. That's your prerogative. Just stop crying about it.

You were wrong. Just move on.

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People whined that Polian needed to be fired. Then..........

People whined that Polian was fired. Then........

People whined that Caldwell was not fired with Polian. Then..........

People whined that we're not selecting a GM fast enough. Then..........

People whined that we hired Grigson. Then..........

People whined that Caldwell was fired.

I, in all my ominpresent oneness, predict that..........

People will whine if we pay Peyton his bonus. Aaaandd......

People will whine if Peyton is released. Aaaaand....

People will whine if Peyton is traded. Aaaaaaaandd.........

If Luck is picked, and if the pick is traded, and literally every decision that is made.

My point? Internet fandom has veered completely away from camaraderie and community support, to whining, complaining, soap opera snippits posted to display displeasure, anger, and dissappointment towards any event that does not fit into a fans view. Some people actually think that Jim made this decision because of fan pressure. Bwaahahahahaha.

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People whined that Polian needed to be fired. Then..........

People whined that Polian was fired. Then........

People whined that Caldwell was not fired with Polian. Then..........

People whined that were not selecting a GM fast enough. Then..........

People whined that we hired Grigson. Then..........

People whined that Caldwell was fired.

I, in all my ominpresent oneness, predict that..........

People will whine if we pay Peyton his bonus. Aaaandd......

People will whine if Peyton is released. Aaaaand....

People will whine if Peyton is traded. Aaaaaaaandd.........

If Luck is picked, and if the pick is traded, and literally every decision that is made.

My point? Internet fandom has veered completely away from camaraderie and community support, to whining, complaining, soap opera snippits posted to display displeasure, anger, and dissappointment towards any event that does not fit into a fans view. Some people actually think that Jim made this decision because of fan pressure. Bwaahahahahaha.

you could have saved some time by just saying that no matter what, people online are going to be up in arms about something

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Take some responsibility for once and get over it.

You were with the people saying Jim Irsay didn't have the guts to get rid of Polian or Caldwell. I said he is a lot shrewder than people think he is. You laughed then. Yes I laughed now. It is what it is. History was on my side and I knew it then. Irsay will not stand for losing. I don't care that you didn't believe me then or if you even believe me now. That's your prerogative. Just stop crying about it.

You were wrong. Just move on.

I did take responsability for it. I said I was wrong...I don't know how many times I've said that now... I don't know how else I can take responability for it. How about you take some responsability and admit you were playing I told you so and it blew up in your face a little bit?

Look I might not have thought Irsay was going to fire Caldwell or Polian but I never thought that reason was because Irsay did not have the guts to do it. I have no idea where you got that from. In fact the other day when people were calling Irsay gutless for not firing Caldwell (when people thought it was going to happen) I was one of the people saying hey it could still happen it is just a rumor after all and sure enough it was a rumor.

Also I never "laughed" at you. I just stated my opinion. Again it was wrong. Also again my opinion changed as the seaosn went along. I am not the only person to ever have a wrong opinion and state it and have it change as the year goes along. At least I am willing to say I was wrong. A lot of people around here wont even do that. Everyone is wrong here about something at some point, myself included clearly. That's why it's not a smart thing to do to play I told you so because at some point you are going to be wrong too and I doubt you are going to want people running to you say I told you so. Again I am not the only person who held that opinion about Caldwell at the start of the season so why do you feel the need to try to rub my noise in it like you are trying to do?

As to your last point, I've said I was wrong...why do you keep trying to hamering the point? I've admitted to it. I get it. It's not the first time I was wrong and it probably wont be the last. I've also been right several times around here. It's a forum it's going to happen none of us are perfect. That doesn't mean any of us aren't entitled to share an opinion which is all I did at the time.

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Take some responsibility for once and get over it.

You were with the people saying Jim Irsay didn't have the guts to get rid of Polian or Caldwell. I said he is a lot shrewder than people think he is. You laughed then. Yes I laughed now. It is what it is. History was on my side and I knew it then. Irsay will not stand for losing. I don't care that you didn't believe me then or even if you believe me now. That's your prerogative. Just stop crying about it.

You were wrong. Just move on.

You were right. GoColts said he was wrong. What do you want?

Would a cookie make you happy? Well, here you go. :cake:

Oops, am I bad. That wasn't a cookie. It was cake.

Now, you can tell me how wrong I was.

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Out with the old and in with the new seems to be the new direction Irsay is taking us.

New GM

New HC

New Qb.

Gonna be hard to win in the near future.

exactly!!!! bingo!!!!

I think that all these changes will result in a bunch of losing seasons.

Irsay is the one that should have been fired, if there is such thing at all.

If you would have kept caldwell, Polian and Manning we would have still be winning.


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I have no doubt Caldwell is a great guy, he has been involved with Riley, he also has bought computers and donated them for an Internet lab so inner city youths could have Internet access & more.

In terms of his abilities as a HC, I just didn't seem to find him as a leader. I really do hope he has luck elsewhere though like as a fellow poster stated as a college QB coach or even some sort of an assistant coaching job in the pros.

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I have no doubt Caldwell is a great guy, he has been involved with Riley, he also has bought computers and donated them for an Internet lab so inner city youths could have Internet access & more.

In terms of his abilities as a HC, I just didn't seem to find him as a leader. I really do hope he has luck elsewhere though like as a fellow poster stated as a college QB coach or even some sort of an assistant coaching job in the pros.

I think he's a great assistant coach but needs more leadership skills and game management skills.

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exactly!!!! bingo!!!!

I think that all these changes will result in a bunch of losing seasons.

Irsay is the one that should have been fired, if there is such thing at all.

If you would have kept caldwell, Polian and Manning we would have still be winning.



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I've read an interesting article on StampedeBlue stating, that firing Caldwell had been decided after negotion with Spags failed. It is an interesting read of this story, and puts several questions:

  1. Have Irsay and Grigson (or Grigsay) made up their mind so quickly, amd made such a hasty decision without having an idea about possible candidates? It wouldn't be Irsay's way, he usually plans his actions.
  2. Why was Caldwell part of interviewing process? They were really about to retain him?
  3. Spagnuolo's unexpected deceision could have resulted firing JC???? What on the Earth did he said??? " I don't want to work with that guy?"

Here's the article:


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Take some responsibility for once and get over it.

You were with the people saying Jim Irsay didn't have the guts to get rid of Polian or Caldwell. I said he is a lot shrewder than people think he is. You laughed then. Yes I laughed now. It is what it is. History was on my side and I knew it then. Irsay will not stand for losing. I don't care that you didn't believe me then or even if you believe me now. That's your prerogative. Just stop crying about it.

You were wrong. Just move on.

You were right. GoColts said he was wrong. What do you want?

Would a cookie make you happy? Well, here you go. :cake:

Oops, am I bad. That wasn't a cookie. It was cake.

Now, you can tell me how wrong I was.


Maybe that will help... somehow doubt it though. :rollseyes:

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exactly!!!! bingo!!!!

I think that all these changes will result in a bunch of losing seasons.

Irsay is the one that should have been fired, if there is such thing at all.

If you would have kept caldwell, Polian and Manning we would have still be winning.


Coach Dungy is that you?

You do know Irsay can't fire himself don't you? We don't know what the future will hold. Changes needed to be made, the Polians or the younger one really needed to go. I think the eldest went because of his son. Caldwell needed to go too. He just does not have the head coaching leadership with some of his bad calls. Its not his fault some people are not cut out for a certain job. He seems like a great guy and etc. He does a lot of good outside of football and I wish him the best,. But the true Colts fans will stick with the team thick and thin no matter how the Colts future is. I think the Colts will still be allright Irsay has been in this business for a long time. I think he is a great owner. I know I would not have Jerry Jones as my team owner. Talking about losing seasons, and having his team going nowhere for years now.

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I forgot clyde was still here. He needs to go olso. Manning is smart. He may even be a little exited with change. If he can play, he will be a colt. If not, he will retire a Colt. He has so much to give outside of football. His family is complete. There is no reason to risk all that for playing again. To me he has nothing to prove. The what if's fall on the shoulders of the folks that built the teams around him during his playing career.

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I am not sure whether or not Polian should have been fired, although I think that he should have been limited to the recruiting side of things if he had been kept.

I am glad to see Caldwell go. His first season made (or let others make for him) the offensive decision to play it "safe" the last two games of a potentially perfect season - if I had had tickets to those games I would have sued the Colts for charging me to see games that they did not really contest. This last season he demonstrated both the value of Manning and his own ineptitude by taking one of the best teams in the league into the cellar - I know some of that comes down to execution, but two wins? I have seen nothing in Caldwell that says he should be a head coach.

Manning needs to come back. This will be tough, since it will be extremely difficult to keep him and yet still have the money to get Luck, but it needs to happen - if they get rid of him, the Colts will be low for a few years while the team restructures and Luck finds his footing, but if they keep him they can have an easy transition that keeps us in the playoffs every year. Plus, if they get rid of Manning they run the risk of playing AGAINST him...

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