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Irsay Intrigued By Cfl's Popp; Seven To Interview For Gm By Mondays End


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Irsay intrigued by CFL's Popp; seven to interview for GM


confirmed on his Twitter account

Friday that the team is looking at Jim Popp, general manager of the Canadian Football League's Montreal Alouettes, as a "dark horse candidate."

Irsay disclosed Popp's name after prompting his followers to

guess a mystery candidate

by listing Popp's first name and CFL affiliation.

"Look at this man's accomplishments!" Irsay wrote. "Does he deserve NFL shot or not a good fit in NFL??"

Popp has helped lead the Alouettes to three Grey Cup victories since 2000

Irsay also said that

seven candidates will be interviewed for the position by the end of Monday.

@JimIrsayJim Irsay

The Indianapolis Colts search for GM is going very well. 7 potential candidates will have been interviewed by Monday,days end.

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This is another example, to me at least, that Irsay seems to be a man of his word. He said he was going to take his time and do a thorough search, when some radio hosts were saying he had inside information that we were getting the guy from the Packers and Fisher.

I've said it before, IMHO the Colts job is a great one for a coach and GM. You're getting an owner who isn't afraid to spend money and a chance to coach one of the greatest QBs of all time. Plus possibly the next great QB.

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As a fan of the CFL I can tell you that Jim Popp has built a team in Montreal that contends for the Grey Cup every year.The Als are always one of the best squads offence and defence,Popp always seems to find that one or two players his team needs.This past season the Alouettes finished second in the East losing to my Hamilton Tiger-Cats( I had to put that in there in case an Alouettes fan drops by) in the first round of playoffs.The Als were defending champions.So Popp knows what he is doing,can't hurt to look at him.

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As a fan of the CFL I can tell you that Jim Popp has built a team in Montreal that contends for the Grey Cup every year.The Als are always one of the best squads offence and defence,Popp always seems to find that one or two players his team needs.This past season the Alouettes finished second in the East losing to my Hamilton Tiger-Cats( I had to put that in there in case an Alouettes fan drops by) in the first round of playoffs.The Als were defending champions.So Popp knows what he is doing,can't hurt to look at him.

We used to have an Als fan on here. I forget who it was, but his profile picture was the Als logo.

I'm with you, Popp has done an excellent job with the Als. He knows how to find talent and his team is in the running for the Grey Cup every year. Losing Popp would not only be a big blow to the Als organization, but also to the entire CFL

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:shoe: :blueshoe: :shoe:

We beg of you Sir Irsay,

if you have the $$$ to pay,

please, please take Popps off our hands!

Sports, in general, will suffer further fiscal


n.] a defense mechanism in which one flees from reality,

by assuming a more infantile state.

Make Popps an offer...in Canadian $s!


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Dont get me wrong, I am sure the CFL is a great league and all. But, as much as I was ready to get rid of the Polians, I really dont want some second rate GM from a second rate league. CFL teams would have a hard time beating most top 25 College teams in my opinion. Most top 25 have at least a few future NFL players on them. Very few CFL teams have future NFL players on them. Some do have washed up NFL players on them though. Anyways, what I am trying to say is lets get a top NFL GM. Please dont go after someone you think will be good Irsay. You picked Polian because he was a proven NFL winner. He did build a perrenial contending football team and won us a Superbowl. Yes Peyton had alot to do with that, but so did Bill. Please do the same again.

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Dont get me wrong, I am sure the CFL is a great league and all. But, as much as I was ready to get rid of the Polians, I really dont want some second rate GM from a second rate league. CFL teams would have a hard time beating most top 25 College teams in my opinion. Most top 25 have at least a few future NFL players on them. Very few CFL teams have future NFL players on them. Some do have washed up NFL players on them though. Anyways, what I am trying to say is lets get a top NFL GM. Please dont go after someone you think will be good Irsay. You picked Polian because he was a proven NFL winner. He did build a perrenial contending football team and won us a Superbowl. Yes Peyton had alot to do with that, but so did Bill. Please do the same again.

Second rate GM from a second rate league? It might be a second rate league to you, but he's the top GM in the CFL. He's at least well qualified for NFL consideration. And it's not like Popp would only look at a CFL talent pool or something. The talent level is indeed higher in the NFL, so he'd have higher talent to work with. The talent level in the CFL has no bearing on the fact that Popp has a good eye for talent and has done a great job of fitting players to his team. Besides, only looking at people who have done the job before really limits the prospect of finding the next big thing.

Nonetheless, it's merely an interview. He's among 7 different candidates. There is no indication that's he is a front runner or anything.

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Does anybody here know how these kind of conversation between owner and potential GM work? I mean, does Irsay ask the other party more personal stuff in order to check out chemistry or is he even talking about draft scenarios and the current personnel (like Jim saying: "Look, I will keep Peyton and want to draft Luck. Your opinion?")?

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I've read post concerning the CFL and referred to as a second rate league I of course strongly disagree. I don't want to get into p@#*&ing contest over leagues.It all comes down to money,the CFL teams don't have the $ the NFL teams do that's the bottom line. As far as the game goes the CFL guys hit just as hard as the NFL guys.Being a Canadian I grew up with the CFL,the only football I ever played as a kid was 3 down football.To this day I am a Hamilton Tiger-Cats fan always have been always will be.I've also been a Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts fan as I always will be.The CFL means a lot to us and yes NFL and CFL fans here raz each other but most of the time in good fun.So next July when I post like some made fool that football season is starting,and I will,have a good laugh on me and check out the CFL,then cheer along with me as my Tiger-Cats go for the 100TH Grey Cup.

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Some of these NFL candidates appear to be good because of the GM they work under (ala DeCosta and Ozzie Newsome), so we really don't know how good they are. However, this guy Popp is actually a GM and we can see his track record and it's great. Does that mean that Eddie Robinson (Grambling) couldn't have coached at Alabama? His streak didn't get enough credit because of the school he coached, but that didn't mean he wasn't a great coach.

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Sure he did....Its not a second-rate league

Polian did start in the CFL. But he didnt get the Colts coaching job because of some time he spent in Canada. The CFL is a second rate league. Sorry if that offends anyone. Its the truth. Polian got his job with the Cotls because he was already a hall of famer with the Bills and Carolina. I am not saying talent cant come from outside the NFL. I would just hope that Irsay wouldnt want to risk the future of this organization on an unproven GM. Sure he might win in the CFL. There are only 8 teams, I think, in the CFL. WOW, so much competition there. Just saying.

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Polian did start in the CFL. But he didnt get the Colts coaching job because of some time he spent in Canada. The CFL is a second rate league. Sorry if that offends anyone. Its the truth. Polian got his job with the Cotls because he was already a hall of famer with the Bills and Carolina. I am not saying talent cant come from outside the NFL. I would just hope that Irsay wouldnt want to risk the future of this organization on an unproven GM. Sure he might win in the CFL. There are only 8 teams, I think, in the CFL. WOW, so much competition there. Just saying.

And how'd he get his first GM job? He was promoted from Director of Player Personnel. Somebody had to take that chance. This idea that only "proven" guys are worth shots would have horrible repercussions if it were common in the NFL. Bill Belichick was proven as a head coach, but he was proven quite mediocre. Mike McCarthy was an unproven head coach. Ozzie Newsome, Ted Thompson, and Mickey Loomis were all first time GMs and are now considered some of the best in the league. Passing guys up because they've never been a GM is as foolish as passing them up because they might have had a bad past. You don't have to instantly hire they guy to give him an honest look. Popp IS a GM, though, just not in the NFL.

Everyone knows that the CFL is of a lower talent level, but you're acting like he was a player who was only successful because of it or something. He's a GM, and that's very different. When matched up against other teams drawing from the same talent pool with the same financial structures and the same roster limits, Popp proved himself as the best in the league. The talent available talent was the same for everyone, just like the NFL. Yeah, they don't have the talent at General Manager, but he's far and away the best. Much like a college player who looks to be awesome, teams become curious to if they can translate that to the NFL. It's the exact same process. Can he adapt? That's what they want to know.

Besides, it's just an interview.

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I like how he is leaving no stone unturned in his search. Much better approach in my opinion than to "git er dun".

Exactly. Far too many people are freaking out when a name they know (or rather, a guy from a team that's doing well), leaves the board. Irsay is looking at anybody and everybody, taking their qualities into consideration and matching them up with his desires for the franchise going forward.

Whoever we get, it will be a better decision than anyone here could have made.

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That is like putting a band together and turning down a really good drummer because he hasn't played on big enough stages.

Look, people aren't against someone from the CFL because he won't be good (although that is being cited), it's because it isn't a sexy hire. Jeff Fisher would be a sexy hire at coach. That doesn't mean its the best hire.

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Being from Canada and paying attentiong to the CFL, I can say that Popp would be an excellent hire. Every year the Alouettes (Popp's current role) are threats to win the championship. I can't remember the last time they weren't the favorite from week 1. He builds teams with character, winners, and great coaches. He's made bold trades that have worked and signed free agents that have played great in Montreal.

I'd welcome him to the Colts, would be a great addition!

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Polian did start in the CFL. But he didnt get the Colts coaching job because of some time he spent in Canada. The CFL is a second rate league. Sorry if that offends anyone. Its the truth. Polian got his job with the Cotls because he was already a hall of famer with the Bills and Carolina. I am not saying talent cant come from outside the NFL. I would just hope that Irsay wouldnt want to risk the future of this organization on an unproven GM. Sure he might win in the CFL. There are only 8 teams, I think, in the CFL. WOW, so much competition there. Just saying.

How did he get his job with the Bills?

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