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Food For Thought: Grigson on Hot Seat too? (Link Inside)


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3.5 ypc for a bad team with a bad qb and no receiving weapons, wanted by a guy who just lost his starting RB and has a ton of other weapons so the RB doesn't have to do all the work. Also considering richardsons college body of work, I can see why the trade was made.

those really arent excuses. plenty of running backs have flourished in an offense without much of a passing game. 


clearly those excuses werent valid. 

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those really arent excuses. plenty of running backs have flourished in an offense without much of a passing game.

clearly those excuses werent valid.

And he played for the Browns. (Sorry browns fans)

I dont remember that many "experts" laughing at the time of trade. We were on a superbowl run, needed a RB, and Grigson pulled the trigger.it looked great at time, and i dont remember people bad mouthing grigson at the time. It was a miss. Not the first or last gm to miss. People need to let it go. They're gonna get an ulcer.

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And he played for the Browns. (Sorry browns fans)

I dont remember that many "experts" laughing at the time of trade. We were on a superbowl run, needed a RB, and Grigson pulled the trigger.it looked great at time, and i dont remember people bad mouthing grigson at the time. It was a miss. Not the first or last gm to miss. People need to let it go. They're gonna get an ulcer.

Many fans and pundits questioned the Trent trade when it happened. Richardson had failed to live up to expectations given his draft position, and many felt that a first-round draft pick was too high a price.

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Many fans and pundits questioned the Trent trade when it happened. Richardson had failed to live up to expectations given his draft position, and many felt that a first-round draft pick was too high a price.

Most pundits, even those with NFL experience, actually applauded the trade. Tells how bright those people are......

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Avery signed a one year, vet minimum deal. Sixty catches, 781 yards, 3 TDs. I don't understand what's underwhelming about that.


He outproduced DHB and Nicks who came after him. He outproduced AJ's current pace. 


I agree. Not sure how anyone could even attempt to argue with you on that.


Avery was a nice fit for the 2012 Colts (BA's offense).


He flew down the field quickly.

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I disagree.


I also have to follow you in this line of thinking. Thornton is currently our best pulling guard, and he has stepped up this year and played very well. I have to admit, it was a surprise to me. Before the season started, I downgraded him to backup status only. Over the past 3 weeks, he has proven me wrong. He is starting to finally become what we all thought he would be when we drafted him.


Give it time. Once enough people see it then the herd will conform.

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Here's my resume.     I've removed the contact info for obvious privacy reasons.    I worked in the News Media business for 30 years.    This is one area where I know what I'm talking about.



Michael Forrest




Experienced assignment editor, producer, director and writer with an expertise in news and sports.



2009 – Present

First Flight Entertainment, Inc.

l Feature Producer/Associate Producer (ESPN 30 for 30 Documentaries, NFL Today, John R. Wooden Awards)


2008 2009


l Writer


2005 2008


l Assignment Editor/Writer


1997 2004


l News Writer Good Day LA 1993 1996


l Sports Producer


1990 1992


l Sports Producer 1989 1990 CBS Sports

l Freelance Feature Producer


1980 1988


l Sports & Specials Producer



Cal State University Northridge

l Major: Journalism / Radio-Television



l One National Emmy Award (CBS Sports)

l Two Local Emmy Awards (KCBS, KTTV)

l Four Golden Mics (KNBC, KFWB)



And my best friend is Daniel Forer.    He worked for CBS New York for about 20 years.    He covered every major sporting event, Super Bowls, World Series, NBA Finals, NCAA Final Four,  Summer and Winter Olympics -- you name it.


You didn't have to do this but you backed your talk :). Props to you. Wish there were more "like" buttons. 


There are plenty of internet cowards out there, and I salute you for not being one of them. :thmup:  

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I know some people hate speculation articles like this, but I figured if nothing else it's a good talking point. Hopefully for a peaceful discussion.

But I think he hit the nail on the head when he talked about Grigson and player acquisition. That's always where the criticism starts for me. If you want to talk about the coach, you have to start by looking at what he's been given to work with.

Another interesting point I also heard today was a Colts fan on FB saying it falls on Irsay for putting together a dysfunctional front office, which is a view I hadn't heard yet.

But yeah, just wanted to see everyone's opinions/thoughts.

That Bleacher Report is a non story with no source and nothing but ultra obvious things to say.  Hot your fault, but nothing to base anything on. 

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I also have to follow you in this line of thinking. Thornton is currently our best pulling guard, and he has stepped up this year and played very well. I have to admit, it was a surprise to me. Before the season started, I downgraded him to backup status only. Over the past 3 weeks, he has proven me wrong. He is starting to finally become what we all thought he would be when we drafted him.


Give it time. Once enough people see it then the herd will conform.


I've always thought highly of his upside, but when he got hurt in camp, I was basically over it. He's played well since he got back in the lineup. I hope it continues.

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Yes, but you have Chapman, Hughes (also a trade that was bothced), and Thornton and Khaled may actually not even pan out. They could, but maybe not. I was trying to add it up in my head, and I think half of Grigsons draft picks are no longer on the team. 


As for being 50/50 on trades I think that's a little generous. You have: Trent trade, Hughes trade, Cam Johnson trade, montori hughes trade, and probably a few others i am missing. While the only good trades I can REMEMBER were Vontae, and trading up for Hilton. Its probably more like 33% trade success.


We have the oldest defense in the league, several players who dont fit that scheme have been tried to be plugged in. Our offensive line is bad. Mewhort is not even that good, honestly. Thornton holds a lot and is unathletic and dumb. Holmes is getting beat anytime hes in one on one. Reitz is a solid backup. AC I would give a grade of B- compared to all LTs in the league. He drafted Dorsett, who if he even turns out, is the same playing style of Hilton. Seems silly to me. A lot of his free agents have failed and been over paid. Landry, RJF, Cherlius, DHB, Avery, Johnson, Art Jones, Donald Thomas, Todd Herremans, Lance Louis, Franklin.... all were TERRIBLE players. DQ JAX is trash as well. I know youre high on Donald Thomas, but he was not even that great the like 2 games he played. He didnt even have a big enough sample size to judge, and yes a gm can be blamed for drafting players who are injury PRONE and are constantly getting injured and re-injured. Thats something a gm should recognize. 11 free agents have been utter failures, compared to just Frank Gore, and Walden (who is mediorcre and overpaid), Redding (who isnt here anymore because grigson like old guys and he was old as fack). I wont count toler, hes been trash lately and is always hurt.


Pretty much, Grigson has failed on way more free agents than he has had successes. He has failed on more trades than hes had success. He's so far failed on more 1st round draft picks than hes had success. I think he may even have more draft picks who are no longer on the team, than are on the team. Irregardless, grigson is below 50% in almost every category, and 60% = D grade. So yeah, I think he should be canned.


Lets not forget him trying to screw with the lineup and insert people in so hopefully they can prove themselves and he looks smart and some genius that can find diamonds in the rough. What and arrogant tool. Trying to make himself look smart before he worries about whats best for the team. Not many GMs should have that authority in my opinion, ESPECIALLY a young relatively inexperienced one like Grigson.


Hes also an arrogant jerk. You can tell by by the way he talks 

You don't know Grigson well enough to know anything about him. If I judged you by your comments I guess I could say the same thing about you. You only have rumors and speculation that is manufactured by the media to present as the truth. You really have no clue.

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Many fans and pundits questioned the Trent trade when it happened. Richardson had failed to live up to expectations given his draft position, and many felt that a first-round draft pick was too high a price.

I wont argue it didnt work out.

But it was a low 1st for a 3rd overall pick which we avoided the big $ of signing and 1st year costs. He wasnt that expensive relatively speaking. Imo, the biggest loss in it was the player missed at the pick traded.

We were makng a run, needed a RB and grigs made a move. People complain if he does nothing and complain if the aquisition isnt a pro bowler.

I'm over it. FAR over it.

I choose to look at the good picks and additions.

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It is time for Grigson to go! We gave him 4 years to "Build The Monster"! Where is this monstrous Defense? 4 years of not have a good Offensive and Defensive Line. This year 1st round draft pick is ridiculous. When we already had depth at WR core, why in the world draft another WR? There were clearly high level Defensive linemen and Offensive linemen on the board left when it was the Colts turn in the 1st round. We barely even use our 1st round pick this year. Could have use a quality O-Linemen to protect Luck. Grigson spend too much time going to Canada and Europe to find the "diamond in the rough" player. We need home grown football players. When 5 star quality players are right in front of you, you don't just ignore them and find 2 star players who you think "might" become 5 star players.  4 years is long enough for Grigson! 

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This team needs a new Coaching staff and GM unless Grigson takes a reduced role. The new head coach should be a big name and someone who has control over his coordinator hires, and players brought in.


A coach should have control over his team and coaches. Then the coach would be soley to blame for his failings. Having a medaling GM only makes me want him gone also. I can't stand micro managing schmucks

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