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Rumor: Colts Wanted Shane Ray in 2015 Draft


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I know this is just a rumor but I thought this was interesting considering how many people here thought we were looking at Ray. Says a lot given our current issues with rushing the passer.

Maybe drafting Dorsett wasn't just about him being the highest rated player on the board, but he was the highest rated after Shane Ray.

Food for thought if nothing else

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It would have been nice. He's playing well. Already has 2 sacks. I wish we had gotten Randy Gregory if we could have still gotten Anderson too. We could have stayed where we were in the 2nd. Then moved up a spot or 2 to get him. Then still got Anderson in the 3rd. Basically we could've gotten Gregory instead of Smith.

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I know this is just a rumor but I thought this was interesting considering how many people here thought we were looking at Ray. Says a lot given our current issues with rushing the passer.

Maybe drafting Dorsett wasn't just about him being the highest rated player on the board, but he was the highest rated after Shane Ray.

Food for thought if nothing else

Very informative article and as you say, food for thought.

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Very possible that they wanted Ray. He was a highly rated player, and we know Grigson favors college production over speed testing for pass rushers, good or bad (i.e., Werner). I thought Ray was a good prospect, worthy of being a first rounder, and the only reason he had a shot of falling to #29 is because he failed a drug test.


The rest of that article is nonsense. I'm sure the Colts wanted to be able to compete better against the Patriots, but they didn't draft Dorsett to beat the Patriots, they drafted him because their scouting determined that he was the best player on their board. And if they had drafted Ray at #29, it would have been because they thought he was the best player on their board. If they had been trying to trade up for Ray -- which is possible, but not stated in this article -- then you can talk to me about how they were desperate for a pass rusher (and maybe they should have been, but I wouldn't have been all that excited about a trade up for Ray; I liked him but not that much). Still wouldn't have been 'this is what we need to do to beat the Pats.' Just would have been 'this is what we need to do to make our team better.' 

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What is is with Grigson and edge rushers that aren't good athleticly?


It's not just Grigson, obviously. And Shane Ray might be good enough to be an exception, like Aldon Smith, Clowney, Attaochu... He also was injured during workouts. Can't just write off super productive pass rushers because of Combine analytics. 

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Does anyone else find this thread amusing?


I remember several people specifically saying that Ray sucked and he would not be drafted in the first round. I disagreed of course. :) Bill Polian was even called out for speaking highly of Ray. Yet there will still be people who make guarantees about players making it or not making it, and swear they have a magical crystal ball.


Always funny to watch the mood turn around so quickly. 


This board would have melted down if we drafted Ray. There were only about 3 or 4 of us who wanted him.

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Does anyone else find this thread amusing?


I remember several people specifically saying that Ray sucked and he would not be drafted in the first round. I disagreed of course. :) Bill Polian was even called out for speaking highly of Ray. Yet there will still be people who make guarantees about players making it or not making it, and swear they have a magical crystal ball.


Always funny to watch the mood turn around so quickly. 


This board would have melted down if we drafted Ray. There were only about 3 or 4 of us who wanted him.


I personally disagreed with Polian for comparing Ray to Mathis, who is far more athletic than Ray and had better pass rush moves. I didn't disagree with him calling Ray a good prospect. Then he went and failed another drug test, and everything was different.


Besides, I think you're projecting Dustin's disdain for Ray onto everyone else. I think most people were favorable toward Ray as a prospect, up until the failed drug test. Even if people were noncommittal on him, that was mostly because he was struggling with a lingering injury.

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It would have been nice. He's playing well. Already has 2 sacks. I wish we had gotten Randy Gregory if we could have still gotten Anderson too. We could have stayed where we were in the 2nd. Then moved up a spot or 2 to get him. Then still got Anderson in the 3rd. Basically we could've gotten Gregory instead of Smith.


Except it would've cost the Colts something to move up to get Gregory.


And it would've been at least a 5.....   so that means no David Parry.      You still OK with that?


Oh,  and since Grigson said "no more knuckleheads"  that pretty much ruled out Gregory for that high a draft pick.    I think Grigson said he wouldn't use anything more than a 5 or 6 on a guy with questionable character.....   and that was definitely Gregory.

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Does anyone else find this thread amusing?

I remember several people specifically saying that Ray sucked and he would not be drafted in the first round. I disagreed of course. :) Bill Polian was even called out for speaking highly of Ray. Yet there will still be people who make guarantees about players making it or not making it, and swear they have a magical crystal ball.

Always funny to watch the mood turn around so quickly.

This board would have melted down if we drafted Ray. There were only about 3 or 4 of us who wanted him.

The board melted down anyways over Dorsett. Hindsight is always 20/20, but there are probably a bunch of people here now who would take Ray over Dorsett if it was possible.

But the Colts just missed him. If they lose to the Broncos then they probably have a better shot, although they might have had to trade up. I agree though; should've , could've , would've. The main thing this tells me is that there's a very high chance that the Colts take a pass rusher round 1 in 2016.

As much as everyone is screaming O-Line, it might be a name like Calhoun, Jenkins, Floyd, or Ogbah you hear called for our pick.

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Except it would've cost the Colts something to move up to get Gregory.


And it would've been at least a 5.....   so that means no David Parry.      You still OK with that?


Oh,  and since Grigson said "no more knuckleheads"  that pretty much ruled out Gregory for that high a draft pick.    I think Grigson said he wouldn't use anything more than a 5 or 6 on a guy with questionable character.....   and that was definitely Gregory.


I think the Cowboys had the pick right before us. I wouldn't think it would have cost a 5th. We probably could have given up a 6 just moving up 1 spot, but if it had to be a 5 then then it could've been a 16 pick. The Cowboys would have never thought we would take Gregory. Or we could have moved up 2 spots. Grigson may not want guys like that. But the fact is Gregory did the same thing Ray did. Failed a drug test. I don't see that as him being a knucklehead personally. Just for smoking weed? I mean the kid was one of the top 5 or 10 most talented players in the draft.

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I think the Cowboys had the pick right before us. I wouldn't think it would have cost a 5th. We probably could have given up a 6 just moving up 1 spot, but if it had to be a 5 then then it could've been a 16 pick. The Cowboys would have never thought we would take Gregory. Or we could have moved up 2 spots. Grigson may not want guys like that. But the fact is Gregory did the same thing Ray did. Failed a drug test. I don't see that as him being a knucklehead personally. Just for smoking weed? I mean the kid was one of the top 5 or 10 most talented players in the draft.


I think Gregory did a lot more than just fail a drug test.


He couldn't put weight on.   At one point, he was 218.    That's the weight of a safety.


On some of his trips for private meetings with teams, he reportedly was a no show.   People were sent to the airport to pick him up and he wasn't there.


There's a long list of issues with Gregory.   Failing a drug test was just one them.........


That's why Ray still went in the first round,  and Gregory fell to the bottom of the 2nd round.

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So stay classy blue shoe


Oh, I am. I should take this a lot further than I am.


My responses should be a lot worse than this. I am talking about how so many fans had it wrong (just this thread). In comparison, I had to listen to weeks of guarantees (magical playhouse crystal balls) from backyard Sandlot GM's, talking about Buster Brown becoming a future NFL dud, and how Darlene Conner would be the next NFL ninja. 


I would say that is very classy, on my part. Even though I have had these thoughts for a while now, I haven't said a word. Just waited until it was brought up.

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Does anyone else find this thread amusing?


I remember several people specifically saying that Ray sucked and he would not be drafted in the first round. I disagreed of course. :) Bill Polian was even called out for speaking highly of Ray. Yet there will still be people who make guarantees about players making it or not making it, and swear they have a magical crystal ball.


Always funny to watch the mood turn around so quickly. 


This board would have melted down if we drafted Ray. There were only about 3 or 4 of us who wanted him.


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Oh, I am. I should take this a lot further than I am.

My responses should be a lot worse than this. I am talking about how so many fans had it wrong (just this thread). In comparison, I had to listen to weeks of guarantees (magical playhouse crystal balls) from backyard Sandlot GM's, talking about Buster Brown becoming a future NFL dud, and how Darlene Conner would be the next NFL ninja.

I would say that is very classy, on my part. Even though I have had these thoughts for a while now, I haven't said a word. Just waited until it was brought up.

no your trying to bad mouth fans by saying ppl hated Dorsette when most just didn't like the pick of a WR had nothing to do with who it was most like the kid just didn't think he was needed over other positions so nice try
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no your trying to bad mouth fans by saying ppl hated Dorsette when most just didn't like the pick of a WR had nothing to do with who it was most like the kid just didn't think he was needed over other positions so nice try


Nevertheless, I am sure he felt very welcomed. Having to answer the questions about why Colts fans were so upset we drafted him. I am sure that is what he dreamed of his entire life as he worked his butt off to have this one moment of acknowledgement. Why should any Colts fan ever feel embarrassed about that?


For the record, "you" and "are" combine to make "you're", and "Dorsett" does not have an e at the end of it. I am in no way an English major, but those are two fairly easy ones to get. 

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Nevertheless, I am sure he felt very welcomed. Having to answer the questions about why Colts fans were so upset we drafted him. I am sure that is what he dreamed of his entire life as he worked his butt off to have this one moment of acknowledgement. Why should any Colts fan ever feel embarrassed about that?

For the record, "you" and "are" combine to make "you're", and "Dorsett" does not have an e at the end of it. I am in no way an English major, but those are two fairly easy ones to get.

I honestly couldn't care any less lol I'm posting quickly on a forum not writing a college paper no reason to get butthurt cause you were wrong about fans "hating" the kid
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I honestly couldn't care any less lol I'm posting quickly on a forum not writing a college paper no reason to get butthurt cause you were wrong about fans "hating" the kid


Why is your butt hurting? And if you do not care about writing things to the best of your ability then why should anyone read it to the best of their ability? 


I never said Colts fans "hated the kid". It doesn't surprise me that you made that up though. I have become accustomed to watching you do that on this board. Bottom line is the fans did not make Dorsett feel welcomed to Indy. It was embarrassing. 

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Why is your butt hurting? And if you do not care about writing things to the best of your ability then why should anyone read it to the best of their ability?

I never said Colts fans "hated the kid". It doesn't surprise me that you made that up though. I have become accustomed to watching you do that on this board. Bottom line is the fans did not make Dorsett feel welcomed to Indy. It was embarrassing.

yeah I'm sure he was really hurt he's a grown butt man give me a break. like I said hardly anyone had a problem with him most agreed he was actually good so yeah your still wrong. I only used hated cause you act like we abused him or something since he got here I'm sure he could care less what we felt when he was drafted.
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yeah I'm sure he was really hurt he's a grown butt man give me a break. like I said hardly anyone had a problem with him most agreed he was actually good so yeah your still wrong. I only used hated cause you act like we abused him or something since he got here I'm sure he could care less what we felt when he was drafted.


Actually it was very easy to read on his face, tone of voice, and body language. He was answering the questions in his first interviews upon joining the team. It was absolutely embarrassing and awkward for him, and for some of us Colts fans. 

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