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What To Do With The First Overall Pick [Mega-merge]


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Ravens and cowboys???? Really come on your smarter then that

You can't be serious. Those are four dominant teams all with the same problem, they lack continuity at the QB position! Dallas does not believe in Romo, Flaco for the Ravens? Really? If they lose early again, their window is closing, they will decide is Flaco the future. I live in Baltimore, trust me, the locals drool over the idea of getting Peyton as a Raven!

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You can't be serious. Those are four dominant teams all with the same problem, they lack continuity at the QB position! Dallas does not believe in Romo, Flaco for the Ravens? Really? If they lose early again, their window is closing, they will decide is Flaco the future. I live in Baltimore, trust me, the locals drool over the idea of getting Peyton as a Raven!

I would be willing to bet a lot of money he doesn't go to either of those teams. It just won't happen

Cowboys + Ravens = 2 teams

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I would be willing to bet a lot of money he doesn't go to either of those teams. It just won't happen

Bro, its all speculation. All of this is. Why would Manning go to a team with no chance of winning a Super Bowl? That is going to be his objective! San Fran, Dallas, Ravens, Jets.. seem like great fits to me! Where is he going to go on the East Coast? Washington? Now your going by what the tv says, he won't want to face Eli twice a year! I could see him as a Jet, Rex has a man crush on him to start with, and the Manning brothers in NY would be kind of cool. But seriously I am speculating teams that lack just the QB, where do you think he would go?

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Guess what, your article is bolony like all the others. Everyone can guess what's going to happen in the months to come but in reality, knowone knows. The likes of Chris Mortinson, Adam Shefler or Joe Smoe can give opinions all they want but one thing is for sure, they are all crap guesses.

I second that. Let's just let the front office handle this situation.

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If Irsay pays Manning the 28m bonus, then I totally see Oliver Luck telling the Colts to trade the pick or he will not sign. Andrew Luck will NOT sit for 3 or 4 years. The great thing about that potentially happnin is it takes the Colts off the hook for not drafting him and trading the pick.

And I expect, if Manning is healthy, the Colts to trade the pick. If there is doubt about his health the Colts will release him.

It's simply... :)

And I just can't get past Irsay's press conf.... Talking about change, fresh start, rebuild.... I think he is preparing us for life without Manning.

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I really wish everyone would just shut up. No one knows if they will field Manning, Luck, or both or neither. It is 100% up in the air and there is no clear indication which direction the colts will go. It's not even leaning towards one side or another. All we can do is speculate and wait. If you want to SPECULATE that is fine, but when anyone tries to push off their intuition as facts they just look foolish.

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Here is a scenario I been thinking about...

Trade #1 to the Browns (assuming they are in love with Luck) and recieve the 4th and 20 whatever and perhaps their second rounder also.....

The Colts would take Luck first, trade him to Cleveland (if RG3 lasts to #4) .. then do the trade....

I doubt Cleveland would do it, but this would be a lovely thing for the Colts, keeping Manning and letting RG3 get seasoning backing up the GOAT.

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While I appreciate the read and the info that you have posted, this topic will not be laid to rest until "We/They can not co-exist." Comes out of Manning, Irsay, Luck, or the next GM mouth. All you have done is taken an opinion from a writer/reporter/etc. and added your opinion while using "some" facts and good info. But you have not said anything factual or definite, all you have done is made predictions and using some things to back you up. Luck supporters can do the same thing with another article saying the opposite of what you are saying. So, I know what you are trying to do, and I respect it and agree on some points and disagree on others, but you haven't cleared anything up, you have actually continued the discussion.

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Here is a scenario I been thinking about...

Trade #1 to the Browns (assuming they are in love with Luck) and recieve the 4th and 20 whatever and perhaps their second rounder also.....

The Colts would take Luck first, trade him to Cleveland (if RG3 lasts to #4) .. then do the trade....

I doubt Cleveland would do it, but this would be a lovely thing for the Colts, keeping Manning and letting RG3 get seasoning backing up the GOAT.

that is the worst trade scenario ever.

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If Irsay pays Manning the 28m bonus, then I totally see Oliver Luck telling the Colts to trade the pick or he will not sign. Andrew Luck will NOT sit for 3 or 4 years. The great thing about that potentially happnin is it takes the Colts off the hook for not drafting him and trading the pick.

If it was to happen like this, I believe it would hurt us than doing good. By "someone" coming out and telling us to trade the pick, teams will know that we are desperate to get some value for the pick and will try to lowball us. If we will/have to trade the pick, I hope it doesn't go down like this.

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Bro, its all speculation. All of this is. Why would Manning go to a team with no chance of winning a Super Bowl? That is going to be his objective! San Fran, Dallas, Ravens, Jets.. seem like great fits to me! Where is he going to go on the East Coast? Washington? Now your going by what the tv says, he won't want to face Eli twice a year! I could see him as a Jet, Rex has a man crush on him to start with, and the Manning brothers in NY would be kind of cool. But seriously I am speculating teams that lack just the QB, where do you think he would go?

I didn't say redskins. I think he could end up with the jets. Did I say he would go to a team with no chance? Nope sure didn't. Jets, dolphins and browns are the 3 I could see him going to. Or even a team like titans idk.

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I didn't say redskins. I think he could end up with the jets. Did I say he would go to a team with no chance? Nope sure didn't. Jets, dolphins and browns are the 3 I could see him going to. Or even a team like titans idk.


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If it was to happen like this, I believe it would hurt us than doing good. By "someone" coming out and telling us to trade the pick, teams will know that we are desperate to get some value for the pick and will try to lowball us. If we will/have to trade the pick, I hope it doesn't go down like this.

Wrong, multiple "teams" would want the pick... thus a bidding war... The Lucks telling indy not to draft him would have no impact on other teams desire to get the pick.

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Here is a scenario I been thinking about...

Trade #1 to the Browns (assuming they are in love with Luck) and recieve the 4th and 20 whatever and perhaps their second rounder also.....

The Colts would take Luck first, trade him to Cleveland (if RG3 lasts to #4) .. then do the trade....

I doubt Cleveland would do it, but this would be a lovely thing for the Colts, keeping Manning and letting RG3 get seasoning backing up the GOAT.

Cleveland would do that in a heart beat. ANY team will trade us for Andrew Luck and laugh all the way to the bank.

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Wrong, multiple "teams" would want the pick... thus a bidding war... The Lucks telling indy not to draft him would have no impact on other teams desire to get the pick.

I'm just saying, teams would know we HAVE to trade the pick so they will use time and that to their advantage. Yeah, a bidding war might occur but him saying that puts us in a tight situation.

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I can't believe must of us forgot what Irsay said before the Houston game. That if peyton is healthy he will be a colt!

Never was on you just don't agree with u much. All the things Irsay said about not finding the next PM was just him respecting PM. You think he would say we r looking to replace PM on national tv? Also that interview was before he decided to fire the polians. Things are diff now. He seems to me like he wants to rebuild. It's just my opinion and your entitled to yours as well. I respect your opinion. You could be right idk

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Keep Manning for one more year, pay him that 28 mil, let him come in shape by getting all the reps. Draft Luck, let him learn Colts system for one year. If Manning healthy trade him with more value, because 28 mil and health concerns will be not an issue any more. Surroud Luck with the young talents, drafted with that picks. If Manning is not healthy cut him. If Manning healthy and Luck is a bust, cut/trade Luck.

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Peyton Manning will not be traded. He might be released but his contract, and the salary cap issues will prevent him from being traded..

I agree. It's just not responsible to trade Manning and take a cap hit. It is also a bad idea to cut him and get no value for one of the greatest QBs in history. If I were making the decision, it would be to either sit Luck behind Manning for a couple of seasons or trade the pick for as many picks/ impact players as possible. Even with eliminating the first 2 options, it is still a tough decision.

Of course, this is assuming that Peyton makes a full recovery. If not, as much as it pains me, they have to cut him.

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I appreciate your passion, Bmore. That was a well thought out and in depth post. I agree that they wont exist for 3 or 4 years. I understand why fans want it so much, but they likely don't want to include the business as well as the personal dynamics that would plague such a decision. Fans of this team are pretty spoiled after a decade of winning. Many of them, (not all), became fans after we drafted PM. This is their first taste of serious failure and they dont really know how to deal with it. I am guessing by your name that you were a Colt fan back in the day. I was as well....since 70. We have seen many seasons like this year and that tends to give you a bit more perspective. Trust me....if we repeated this year for 3 years, half of this fan base would go away.

There is one way I see a way to make this work for ONE season. Jim tells Peyton, I need you to show me that you can still play at a high level, if you do, your a Colt for the remainder of your contract. He drafts AL, and then tells him that he will not, barring injury, back up PM for more than 1 season. That obviously leaves either trade scenario open. Again, this is just as wildly speculative as any of the other things being thrown around, but it would be possible to get them to coexist for one year. Although the posters here are correct...its not a fact, I would bet the farm and all the animals in it that there is no way on Gods green earth that PM and AL (if thats who we take) are both on this team for three years.

Personally, I want them to trade the pick for a number one next year and ? and at #3 get the tackle from USC.

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He won't go to the Cowboys who are the Giant's rival. You didn't much thought into that. 49ers make most sense.

I merely thought of four teams who could be on the verge of dominance except they lack the QB! Those are four great examples... I agree with not going to Dallas because of Eli, and because of how Romo's contract is structured, but I think Jerry Jones would make a play at Peyton!

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The Colts WILL NOT have both Manning and another 1st overall pick QB on this roster!! And the MAIN reason is money. That will tie up WAY too much of our cap space to provide talent on this team elsewhere so it would be a HUGE mistake have both Manning and Luck. Luck is too NFL ready to be sitting.

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The Colts WILL NOT have both Manning and another 1st overall pick QB on this roster!! And the MAIN reason is money. That will tie up WAY too much of our cap space to provide talent on this team elsewhere so it would be a HUGE mistake have both Manning and Luck. Luck is too NFL ready to be sitting.

Are you serious? You know there is a cap on rookie salaries right? what is it like 5 mil per season? We pay painter almost 2 and we paid Kerry Collins 4.

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I don't think so, you can probably count on one hand how many threads I said bro. It's typically when I am mad or trying to be funny. It is not used excessively. You must be Bill Polian right?

You said it 6 different times since 9:34a this morning. just sayin.

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I think something lost in the emotions of the debate is how fortunate the Colts are to have stunk this year. How many times do franchise QBs retire and teams can't find another for a decade or more? The Colts, even with difficult, emotional, hard decisions, are unbelievably lucky to be in the position to consider Manning and a couple more years of making runs, Luck and potential years of QB stability, or trading the pick to rebuild more of the roster. I too have been a Colts fan since around 1970, so I've lived through greatness and horrible years. I think the debate really falls one way - do the Colts decide to think long term or short term. As great as Manning is, was, so few aging QBs win championships. 37 or 38 is it, historically. Is the rest of a 2-14 roster capable of giving Manning another chance? Is Manning healthy enough to make a big enough difference if the deficiencies on the roster aren't all corrected immediately? My opinion is that Irsay and a new GM, perhaps one who is a first time GM, will think long term. Since there is no promise Manning returning means Superbowl runs, and likewise that Luck will be a good let alone great NFL QB, there is only one truth. And that is Manning is closer to retiring than to starting, so this decision and transition will have to be made soon. If not this year, with the highest graded QB in decades, than in the coming years. One or two - not four or five.

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Are you serious? You know there is a cap on rookie salaries right? what is it like 5 mil per season? We pay painter almost 2 and we paid Kerry Collins 4.

Yeah, people tend to forget we signed Kerry Collins to a 2 year $14 million deal. But they have a problem with signing Luck for a 4 year $20 million deal.

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