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Deflategate Central (one thread, merged, moderated)


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I grasp that and agree with it.  


I'm not trying to witch hunt or advocate for the banning or what ever of any one but I must wonder why it seems its 2-3 of the same posters, where if you search their posts content 90% of it is nothing but arguments and why so much of it is allowed?  Just curious

If people disagree, that doesn't necessarily mean it's an argument.  People can say what they like, provided they don't break the rules.  I understand it can be somewhat frustrating, but that's just how it goes


No worries...this flew over Jets camp at the same time...



Hm....they look like they're missing something....oh, I got it!  They're missing these: * * * *

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Not to hijack this thread but will just say one point and that is more than just pats fans that think that Brady is the GOAT discussion.   You can try to hide under a rock or something, but to think that only east of the Hudson river only house folks that recognize Brady's accomplishment and to what level, if any, are mitigated by cheating, you are sorely mistaken.  Accept if for what it is.  Good day.


Now lets get back to the NFL and NFLPA petitions.


I'm not denying people outside of New England will think Brady is the greatest. However, let's not be naive' and think that this entire situation and how it played out won't undoubtably factor into their evaluations.

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You know.....I must ask a question.....

Why on earth on we allowing Pats fans to come on this board and do nothing but argue with Colts fans?  Granted I've particpated in the back and forth as well, but it seems that some posters who shall remain nameless have 10,000+ posts, mostly arguing.........


It's in the forum rules members are to read and agree to when signing up.

7. Fans from ALL NFL teams are welcome. They get along in real life and we expect the same here. No exceptions


In so doing, this forum is to encourage free expression, debate, and discussion.  What is not encouraged is breaking any of the rules.


Full rules here!!



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You do realize that every single time a QB comes within even a country mile of some of Brady's achievements, he will be mentioned much like Montana was before him? His records stand as much as you want to see them fade. Every single QB will be chasing him forever ...


I'm sure the next time a QB gets caught in a cheating scandal, he'll be mentioned much like Brady before him :)

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If this goes to court (which appears to be the case without interim settlement) I would think that subpoena of McNally's phone and Jastremski's are relevant if they've not been destroyed as well. Wonder how that would turn out?

Tom, you're in a world of hurt, my boy!

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Fans of all teams are welcome on our boards.  If anyone breaks a rule, there are ways we can deal with that.  But fans of all teams are welcome on here

We all understand that.  Some of our best posters are from other teams.  One that comes to mind is Girlzarefanstoo. 


However there are some who post here with the sole intention of inciting a riot, with each and every post, and nothing else.  Those are the ones people question.

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We all understand that.  Some of our best posters are from other teams.  One that comes to mind is Girlzarefanstoo. 


However there are some who post here with the sole intention of inciting a riot, with each and every post, and nothing else.  Those are the ones people question.


Exactly. That was the point I was trying to ask. Thank you for putting it in words that way I was trying but failing too.

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And there are just as many voices supporting the science in it. 


Read the breakdown ColtsBlue did and I dare you, double you dare you, to pull apart the scientific breakdown  he did. 


And yes, he is a scientist :P


I only made calculations based upon my acquired data, and later the data used in the Wells report, to see if number crunching shennanigans were used to achieve a result favorable to the NFL as many Pats fans claimed. I found it to be a solid approach, considering what they had to work with.  There were no finagling numbers.  Only thing to argue about IMO is interpretation of results.  I agree with Wells findings.  I have not read AEI, or any other report.  Nor do I plan too.

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Perhaps that "beyond a reasonable doubt" was on that phone that was destroyed at the time Brady was being questioned.

Wells didn't want the phone .

Oh, and more complete dismantling of Goodell may be found here:


Wait, she writes for the the Washington Post?! How can someone from outside NE be so logical during these tumultuous times?!

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The indignation by Bob Kraft and the Pats organization, and any questions it may stir up about the NFL's policies, completely ignores that the vast majority of NFL owners are very supportive of Goodell's actions.  There is no way that Goodell takes on Tom Brady in a vacuum.


It's very meaningful when you stop and think about it.  It's a quiet vote by the rest of the league that says "This is a bigger breach of integrity than it appears on the surface".


FYI, your thread has been merged with the main Deflategate thread. 

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If this goes to court (which appears to be the case without interim settlement) I would think that subpoena of McNally's phone and Jastremski's are relevant if they've not been destroyed as well. Wonder how that would turn out?

Tom, you're in a world of hurt, my boy!


I mean, I know we are all experts here, but don't you think Brady and his legal team are also aware of what information may be required when this goes to court? They don't seem very concerned about that, do they...

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Clearly you have never read these summaries of decisions handed down from the Supreme Court of the United States circa 2013 -

""The Supreme Court is sending a strong message that courts should not interfere with arbitration agreements and arbitration decisions. The court held in [AT&T Mobility LLCv. Concepcion] and again today in [American Express Co. v. Italian Colors Restaurant] that parties can define for themselves the procedures for an arbitration, and those agreements should be upheld in the face of arguments challenging the fairness of neutral provisions. When combined with the recent [Oxford Health Plans LLC v. Sutter] decision, which upheld an arbitrator's questionable decision, the Court is telling lower courts not to interfere with the arbitration process."

The whole in house case was League investigation, punishemnt, and an Arbitration appeal. All legal by the CBA. Courts aren't to mess with it, according to the Supreme Court. Should the NFLPA prevail here, I'm fairly sure the NFL will appeal it until it reaches the Supreme Court where they will have to enforce their own precedent.

Except that the NFL violated the CBA when their own counsel edited the Wells Report.

Just one violation of many.

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I only made calculations based upon my acquired data, and later the data used in the Wells report, to see if number crunching shennanigans were used to achieve a result favorable to the NFL as many Pats fans claimed. I found it to be a solid approach, considering what they had to work with.  There were no finagling numbers.  Only thing to argue about IMO is interpretation of results.  I agree with Wells findings.  I have not read AEI, or any other report.  Nor do I plan too.


I think you should read the AEI report, if you can find some time. It's interesting.

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I mean, I know we are all experts here, but don't you think Brady and his legal team are also aware of what information may be required when this goes to court? They don't seem very concerned about that, do they...


What do you think about the change of venue? I think the NFLPA has lost a major ally now that Doty isn't taking cases anymore. Kyle doesn't seem like he's quite as willing to undo everything the NFL tries. He recused himself from the antitrust suit, and then deferred to NY on the Brady suit. 

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Adam Schefter said so on the radio this morning . Am, I'm assuming you heard that as well.

My understanding is that Goodell has denied this, but Schefter isn't backing down on this one.


Schefter said that in May, and provided nothing to confirm it. Does he have something more than just his own "credibility" this time? Do you have a link to his comments?


The NFL has said several times that the Patriots preemptively suspended them. The Patriots have never refuted that, nor does the Brady suit refute that.


And really, why would the Patriots agree to suspend them if they don't think they did anything wrong? Why not wait for the NFL to apply their discipline, just as they did with Brady? Why not lift the suspensions now if they didn't do anything wrong?

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I'm not denying people outside of New England will think Brady is the greatest. However, let's not be naive' and think that this entire situation and how it played out won't undoubtably factor into their evaluations.


Yes it may, but lets wait till all the facts are in, including but not limited too, the results of balls being tested this fall and see if there are any variations due to the wear and tear of a ball game.   Once everything is done about this time next year or later we will be able to get a good gauge on this question.

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Adam Schefter said so on the radio this morning . Am, I'm assuming you heard that as well.

My understanding is that Goodell has denied this, but Schefter isn't backing down on this one.


By the way, I keep asking for a source because you're stating it as unassailable fact, based on one person's word. Yet, none of the interested parties have corroborated that report. 

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By the way, according to the NFLPA, based on the CBA, Brady cannot be suspended for being involved in deflating footballs, even if true.

You're missing the point...he was suspended for failing to cooperate with the investigation and for destroying evidence.....

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We all understand that.  Some of our best posters are from other teams.  One that comes to mind is Girlzarefanstoo. 


However there are some who post here with the sole intention of inciting a riot, with each and every post, and nothing else.  Those are the ones people question.


If a poster (any) makes comments enough to incite a riot, they probably have broken rules and a mod will have (or soon will)  intervened, likely without anyone a the wiser.  In response, attack their position, not their character, or ignore them.  If it what you feel apost is an attack and a reportable offense, by all means hit that report button.  It appreciated when members do.

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I think you should read the AEI report, if you can find some time. It's interesting.


What is so interesting (primer) that would make me want to go through it when I really have so much more important items on my plate?  Reading here and moderating is my downtime compared to everything else at this time.  Will it change my mind about my results?  Just curious....

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Wells didn't want the phone .

Oh, and more complete dismantling of Goodell may be found here:


Wait, she writes for the the Washington Post?! How can someone from outside NE be so logical during these tumultuous times?!

Clearly written by someone who either doesn't understand science or didn't read the science in the Wells Report.  I love how everyone thinks they're suddenly an expert on the behaviours of gasses when they didn't even read the science being put forth in the Wells Report.


Also, still not gonna provide a link to how Yale and MIT refuted the Wells Report?

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