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NFL/Patriots Deflategate compromise UPDATE: Pats will not appeal


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Boo hoo, deflection.  Boo hoo...other people are worse.  Boo hoo...they hate us cuz tehy aint us.  Boo hoo...Tom's the best!


Honestly, it's pathetic.


Question...why is it pathetic for fans to question?


I mean really, you guys are the ones who got your butts kicked all over the field in the 2nd half of the AFCCG and you're all so giddy about this situation because you think it in some way somehow vindicates all your years of playing second fiddle??? And you're going to call us pathetic? Quite honestly its a natural reaction to deny, question, and try to explain before reaching acceptance when trying to deal with something like this as fans...so our reactions are not that crazy when there is actual legitimate room to question. 

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Question...why is it pathetic for fans to question?


I mean really, you guys are the ones who got your butts kicked all over the field in the 2nd half of the AFCCG and you're all so giddy about this situation because you think it in some way somehow vindicates all your years of playing second fiddle??? And you're going to call us pathetic? Quite honestly its a natural reaction to deny, question, and try to explain before reaching acceptance when trying to deal with something like this as fans...so our reactions are not that crazy when there is actual legitimate room to question. 



Geez .. I thought you might actually a whole day without posting something that makes me nauseous. Yeah... the whole thing is about NE "kicking our butts." 

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Geez .. I thought you might actually a whole day without posting something that makes me nauseous. Yeah... the whole thing is about NE "kicking our butts." 


Did I say this whole thing is about the Patriots kicking your butts? 

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I called this the day Kraft backed off this. He came to his senses and realized he was being a stooge. One Pat fan actually agreed that I was probably right.

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I called this the day Kraft backed off this. He came to his senses and realized he was being a stooge. One Pat fan actually agreed that I was probably right.


You're referencing Ron Borges...you sure you want him as your source?

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Question...why is it pathetic for fans to question?


I mean really, you guys are the ones who got your butts kicked all over the field in the 2nd half of the AFCCG and you're all so giddy about this situation because you think it in some way somehow vindicates all your years of playing second fiddle??? And you're going to call us pathetic? Quite honestly its a natural reaction to deny, question, and try to explain before reaching acceptance when trying to deal with something like this as fans...so our reactions are not that crazy when there is actual legitimate room to question. 

This is one of those "consider the poster replies."  I've spoken to you on numerous occasions on this and we can talk intelligently about it.  BM has an extensive history of taunting, bashing, and posting blatantly false material.  He doesn't really deserve a dignified response.  You question, and even AM at times have been at the least honset and thought out, which is why respond and try to keep it about the point as much as I can.  I don't think either of us have been out of line with one another even if we passionately disagree on some critical points.


And for the record, I never called you pathetic.  I've said your point of view is absolutely baffling, which I stand by it, especially when it comes to integrity and how the NFL should be the Patriots moral police.  Which by the way, you still haven't responded to that post.  If I did say you were pathetic, then I apologize for it, I shouldn't have, but I don't think that post exists.  Find it and I will apologize and clarify because I probably meant, as I said, the point of view is one in which I think is unreasonable.

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I've been craving a pecan pie lately...is that recipe above accurate (minus of course, the patriot references)?

I've been craving a pecan pie lately...is that recipe above accurate (minus of course, the patriot references)?

Yes it is, OPC! The only thing is, use whole pecans on top of the pie instead of crushed ones and cover entire pie with them. It's a little more tedious, but well worth it. ... btw ... dont use a fan either. :)

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You're referencing Ron Borges...you sure you want him as your source?


It really didn't matter who wrote what as far as I'm concerned. I don't consider it to be fact unless Kraft or Brady came clean and admitted what many think is obvious. I was just saying when Kraft first came out with this , I thought he probably was realizing he was lied to. 

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Yes it is, OPC! The only thing is, use whole pecans on top of the pie instead of crushed ones and cover entire pie with them. It's a little more tedious, but well worth it. ... btw ... dont use a fan either. :)

Just let it sit for a few hours before refrigerating?  Because seriously, I am going to have the wife make this. It sounds delicious.

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Question...why is it pathetic for fans to question?


I mean really, you guys are the ones who got your butts kicked all over the field in the 2nd half of the AFCCG and you're all so giddy about this situation because you think it in some way somehow vindicates all your years of playing second fiddle??? And you're going to call us pathetic? Quite honestly its a natural reaction to deny, question, and try to explain before reaching acceptance when trying to deal with something like this as fans...so our reactions are not that crazy when there is actual legitimate room to question. 

Now you come in here to gloat? You show the same class as your team.

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This is one of those "consider the poster replies."  I've spoken to you on numerous occasions on this and we can talk intelligently about it.  BM has an extensive history of taunting, bashing, and posting blatantly false material.  He doesn't really deserve a dignified response.  You question, and even AM at times have been at the least honset and thought out, which is why respond and try to keep it about the point as much as I can.  I don't think either of us have been out of line with one another even if we passionately disagree on some critical points.


And for the record, I never called you pathetic.  I've said your point of view is absolutely baffling, which I stand by it, especially when it comes to integrity and how the NFL should be the Patriots moral police.  Which by the way, you still haven't responded to that post.  If I did say you were pathetic, then I apologize for it, I shouldn't have, but I don't think that post exists.  Find it and I will apologize and clarify because I probably meant, as I said, the point of view is one in which I think is unreasonable.

Apologize for what. You are out of your mind.

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This is one of those "consider the poster replies."  I've spoken to you on numerous occasions on this and we can talk intelligently about it.  BM has an extensive history of taunting, bashing, and posting blatantly false material.  He doesn't really deserve a dignified response.  You question, and even AM at times have been at the least honset and thought out, which is why respond and try to keep it about the point as much as I can.  I don't think either of us have been out of line with one another even if we passionately disagree on some critical points.


And for the record, I never called you pathetic.  I've said your point of view is absolutely baffling, which I stand by it, especially when it comes to integrity and how the NFL should be the Patriots moral police.  Which by the way, you still haven't responded to that post.  If I did say you were pathetic, then I apologize for it, I shouldn't have, but I don't think that post exists.  Find it and I will apologize and clarify because I probably meant, as I said, the point of view is one in which I think is unreasonable.



I'll try to respond to the post you referenced: I don't think the NFL needs to be the Patriots moral police. When I say that the NFL should have given them a warning about it, I'm not saying that I believe it is their job to babysit and therefor this is the league's fault...not at all. I am not trying to deflect or justify the Patriots role in the situation at all...I have only questioned why this situation was handled differently by the NFL than other comparable situations. I share Yehoodi's sentiments that it just seems odd to me that this never seemed to be an issue before...and if the league just shook the complain off like it's been reported, I think that is pretty telling of how they felt about it to up to that point. But to continually claim that it's all about the integrity of the game and then not go through the motions to ensure that everything is 'right' after being alerted to something...i dont know...i just find the whole thing disingenuous.


Again let me reiterate...I am not blaming the NFL for what the Patriots did. But i DO hold them partially responsible for how the whole thing was handled and why it blew up like it did. The Patriots did themselves no favors either and I understand that...but from the very beginning, information was leaking out that turned out not to be true and it put the Patriots on the defensive almost immediately, and it all spiraled down from there.


I hope that helps clarify what my thoughts have been on the whole thing...and if at any point I've made it sound like I am justifying the Patriots actions I apologize, it wasnt my intention to give that off and I think that's probably why I have gotten so frustrated over some of the responses I've gotten. 

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Apologize for what. You are out of your mind.

Maybe, but there's no reason to stoop to that level when the person, as disagreeable as he might be, isn't personally attacking others, or at least he hasn't to me.  So in that regard, I shouldn't be name calling dynasty, and if I had, I shouldn'th ave.  As I said, BM is a different story.  He's been clowning on here since day one and insulting people's intelligence.

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Tell me about Ron Borges.


He's one of those guys that when you see an article is by him, you take it with a grain of salt because it has troll job written all over it. He hates the Patriots for some reason...hasn't had a nice thing to say about them in 15 years. He's gotten caught and suspended for plagiarism...he just sucks.

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I'll try to respond to the post you referenced: I don't think the NFL needs to be the Patriots moral police. When I say that the NFL should have given them a warning about it, I'm not saying that I believe it is their job to babysit and therefor this is the league's fault...not at all. I am not trying to deflect or justify the Patriots role in the situation at all...I have only questioned why this situation was handled differently by the NFL than other comparable situations. I share Yehoodi's sentiments that it just seems odd to me that this never seemed to be an issue before...and if the league just shook the complain off like it's been reported, I think that is pretty telling of how they felt about it to up to that point. But to continually claim that it's all about the integrity of the game and then not go through the motions to ensure that everything is 'right' after being alerted to something...i dont know...i just find the whole thing disingenuous.


Again let me reiterate...I am not blaming the NFL for what the Patriots did. But i DO hold them partially responsible for how the whole thing was handled and why it blew up like it did. The Patriots did themselves no favors either and I understand that...but from the very beginning, information was leaking out that turned out not to be true and it put the Patriots on the defensive almost immediately, and it all spiraled down from there.


I hope that helps clarify what my thoughts have been on the whole thing...and if at any point I've made it sound like I am justifying the Patriots actions I apologize, it wasnt my intention to give that off and I think that's probably why I have gotten so frustrated over some of the responses I've gotten. 

All this if fine. How many time are going to repeat it? You are sounding like a broken record for those of us who are old enough to remember those. We can log in here till hades freezes over and it not going to change anything. The Patriots are now proven to have been found guilty two time of actions detrimental to the league. They have been fined $1,750,000. total. Had 3 draft picks taken away and their QB suspended 4 games. (pending appeal)  They have lost face in the NFL fans all over the country with the exception of the New England area. Integrity is gone and that is one thing that Kraft hung his hat on. Your coach and quarterback has made your owner look like a fool in front of the whole NFL community. Those are the facts. Now you insist on coming in here and make excuses and deflect everything possible. Well this team did this. That team did that. Where is the fairness? The whole world is against us because we win. (did I get them all)? One of your last comments you come in and gloated. You have made yourself look foolish IMO with your none stop inability to accept the facts as stated. You are a long time member who really don't have a lot of post considering how long you have been a member. What percentage of your post have been you whining about how the Patriots have been mistreated? The Colts forum is an open forum for everyone to enjoy. Not a forum to push your agenda in defending a guilty cause and a guilty team. Had any one of us other posters acted in another teams forum the way you have we would no longer be there.

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I'll try to respond to the post you referenced: I don't think the NFL needs to be the Patriots moral police. When I say that the NFL should have given them a warning about it, I'm not saying that I believe it is their job to babysit and therefor this is the league's fault...not at all. I am not trying to deflect or justify the Patriots role in the situation at all...I have only questioned why this situation was handled differently by the NFL than other comparable situations. I share Yehoodi's sentiments that it just seems odd to me that this never seemed to be an issue before...and if the league just shook the complain off like it's been reported, I think that is pretty telling of how they felt about it to up to that point. But to continually claim that it's all about the integrity of the game and then not go through the motions to ensure that everything is 'right' after being alerted to something...i dont know...i just find the whole thing disingenuous.


Again let me reiterate...I am not blaming the NFL for what the Patriots did. But i DO hold them partially responsible for how the whole thing was handled and why it blew up like it did. The Patriots did themselves no favors either and I understand that...but from the very beginning, information was leaking out that turned out not to be true and it put the Patriots on the defensive almost immediately, and it all spiraled down from there.


I hope that helps clarify what my thoughts have been on the whole thing...and if at any point I've made it sound like I am justifying the Patriots actions I apologize, it wasnt my intention to give that off and I think that's probably why I have gotten so frustrated over some of the responses I've gotten. 

See that's where we just fundamentally disagree.  Why should the NFL have to notify the Patriots at all.  If it wasn't taken seriously by the NFL, it's probably because, as most people felt, the lengths that the Patriots went through to deflate footballs was beyond what anyone cuold have really imagined.  Such effort just to release a 1/2 psi in footballs is silly.  It's perfectly reasonable to think that testing the footballs pre-game and then releasing the footballs to the field should be enough.  In fact, even if McNally had taken the footballs straight to the field, the patriots footbalsl might have been below acceptable limits when they tested at halftime, and kicked off the whole deflategate, but when the science experiments came back, it would have said that the Patriots footballs were within the reaosnable levels.  There wouldn't be video evidence that McNally went into a restroom and the report would have instead exonerated the Patriots.  The texts would have been incriminating, but without video of him going in the bathroom and science supporting the Patriot's side, the texts would have seemed less dubious.  So like any accusation, the accusation is worse, and for that, every team suffers (as proven by BM's post about the Colts pumping noise, when in fact they were exonerated).  But if you get exonerated, then the only people that complain about it are people like conspiracy theorists or just uninformed fans.  


They could have told the Patriots, sure.  But they shouldn't have to if the Patriots were doing what they were supposed to be doing.  Given the game day protocol, it didn't even seem like this was something that was really possible, hence why it hasn't been an issue in the past.  As the NFL or even just a fan, I think it's perfectly reasonable to place, to a high degree, the integrity of the game within the hands of each individual that affects the playing field.  It is, afterall, those people who rely on one another for fairness and even their own health (i.e. players rely on other players not to intentionally injure them, for instance).  Fairness depends not only on the rules themselves, but the people those rules affect to carry them out  No one can prevent all cheating, they just can't.  So when it comes to fairness, it shouldn't be someone else's responsibility to not cheat behind closed doors.


I get where you are coming from, I really do.  Could the NFL have taken more steps to ensure the integrity of the game?  Perhaps.  But when it hasn't been an issue before, and all the sudden it becomes an issue, it's usually because it's something that's been going on and dificult to predict or prove.  Take bounty gate for instance.  The fact that it was something many players admitted to happen when they played means it was giong on for quite some time.  Had the NFL notified the Patriots not to do something they've been doing before, what's to stop them from just not doing it for a game or two and then pick it back up.  It being difficult to prove something that goes on in a locked bathroom, it wouldn't have prevented the issue, it would have just prolonged it from discovery.  Do other teams do questionable things?  Yeah, they all do, but when it is behind closed doors and unable to discover, it certainly is the integrity of the game because it makes it that much more difficult to stop things on the field that, if known, would affect the integrity of the game and its players.  That's why what the Patriots and Saints did is more deplorable than what teams like the Vikings/Panthers did.  Anyway, I know we are just going to disagree on this.  We've been doing that for months now.  

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All this if fine. How many time are going to repeat it? You are sounding like a broken record for those of us who are old enough to remember those. We can log in here till hades freezes over and it not going to change anything. The Patriots are now proven to have been found guilty two time of actions detrimental to the league. They have been fined $1,750,000. total. Had 3 draft picks taken away and their QB suspended 4 games. (pending appeal)  They have lost face in the NFL fans all over the country with the exception of the New England area. Integrity is gone and that is one thing that Kraft hung his hat on. Your coach and quarterback has made your owner look like a fool in front of the whole NFL community. Those are the facts. Now you insist on coming in here and make excuses and deflect everything possible. Well this team did this. That team did that. Where is the fairness? The whole world is against us because we win. (did I get them all)? One of your last comments you come in and gloated. You have made yourself look foolish IMO with your none stop inability to accept the facts as stated. You are a long time member who really don't have a lot of post considering how long you have been a member. What percentage of your post have been you whining about how the Patriots have been mistreated? The Colts forum is an open forum for everyone to enjoy. Not a forum to push your agenda in defending a guilty cause and a guilty team. Had any one of us other posters acted in another teams forum the way you have we would no longer be there.


No one is making you click on this thread. I don't have a huge number of posts because I tend to stick to the NFL General section and don't 5 word word play by play posts in real time in GameDay Threads, .that and the fact that the board has reset a couple of times over the years and there it is. I'm sorry you don't take me seriously because of my low post count.


I was having a conversation with OPC, that is why I repeated my stance...but I am so sick of you saying I am making excuses for the team...it leads me to believe you don't even read my posts. 


You know what? This is easier. I'll just post this article and let it explain what many of us feel


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No one is making you click on this thread. I don't have a huge number of posts because I tend to stick to the NFL General section and don't 5 word word play by play posts in real time in GameDay Threads, .that and the fact that the board has reset a couple of times over the years and there it is. I'm sorry you don't take me seriously because of my low post count.


I was having a conversation with OPC, that is why I repeated my stance...but I am so sick of you saying I am making excuses for the team...it leads me to believe you don't even read my posts. 


You know what? This is easier. I'll just post this article and let it explain what many of us feel


You're kidding right, dynasty 13? The Washington Post? That article was the most slanted, one-sided, disingenuous (as Sally says), piece of Patriot-fanned nonsense I've read so far concerning DeFlateGate!


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No one is making you click on this thread. I don't have a huge number of posts because I tend to stick to the NFL General section and don't 5 word word play by play posts in real time in GameDay Threads, .that and the fact that the board has reset a couple of times over the years and there it is. I'm sorry you don't take me seriously because of my low post count.


I was having a conversation with OPC, that is why I repeated my stance...but I am so sick of you saying I am making excuses for the team...it leads me to believe you don't even read my posts. 


You know what? This is easier. I'll just post this article and let it explain what many of us feel



To the bolded, absolutely. D13 has been around as long as I've been around. Post count is irrelevant.


But that WaPo article isn't good at all.

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You're kidding right, dynasty 13? The Washington Post? That article was the most slanted, one-sided, disingenuous (as Sally says), piece of Patriot-fanned nonsense I've read so far concerning DeFlateGate!



It's a nice break from all the slanted, one-sided, disingenuous piece of Anti-Patriot fanned nonsense that everyone else has been posting, eh?


Why is it that when there's an article or opinion that implicates the Patriots, it is taken like the gospel and referenced for binding truth and proof, but when there is an article or opinion that calls into question that view, it is nonsense?


What is the Washington Post's fight in all this? Could it be possible that it's not only Patriots fans who believe that there is a lot to question with how this all went down?

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It's a nice break from all the slanted, one-sided, disingenuous piece of Anti-Patriot fanned nonsense that everyone else has been posting, eh?


Why is it that when there's an article or opinion that implicates the Patriots, it is taken like the gospel and referenced for binding truth and proof, but when there is an article or opinion that calls into question that view, it is nonsense?


What is the Washington Post's fight in all this? Could it be possible that it's not only Patriots fans who believe that there is a lot to question with how this all went down?


No, it's that it's a Roger Goodell hit piece that takes liberties with the facts.


The thesis statement -- NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell predetermined guilt in DeflateGate; that’s clear now -- isn't supported by any fact, and it defies logic (the Patriots are the premier franchise in the league right now, and Goodell has a great relationship with the owner; why would Goodell rush to the conclusion that they had cheated without convincing evidence?).


She reiterates her stance from the Ray Rice situation that Goodell should lose his job: And this is where Brady can blow the commissioner out of a courtroom. And perhaps out of his job. 


I could go on, but it's not worth it. We've already discussed most of her arguments in this thread, and after we agree to disagree on all of those points, no one can explain the damning series of text messages or the fact that McNally took the footballs from the officials without authorization. Everything she argues is asked and answered. She might as well have just linked to this thread.

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It's a nice break from all the slanted, one-sided, disingenuous piece of Anti-Patriot fanned nonsense that everyone else has been posting, eh?


Why is it that when there's an article or opinion that implicates the Patriots, it is taken like the gospel and referenced for binding truth and proof, but when there is an article or opinion that calls into question that view, it is nonsense?


What is the Washington Post's fight in all this? Could it be possible that it's not only Patriots fans who believe that there is a lot to question with how this all went down?

The Washington Post is one of most liberal, pro-government, anti-punishing, agenda-pushing, free-for-all, unreliable, self-imposing character rags in the country.

That's why!

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No one is making you click on this thread. I don't have a huge number of posts because I tend to stick to the NFL General section and don't 5 word word play by play posts in real time in GameDay Threads, .that and the fact that the board has reset a couple of times over the years and there it is. I'm sorry you don't take me seriously because of my low post count.


I was having a conversation with OPC, that is why I repeated my stance...but I am so sick of you saying I am making excuses for the team...it leads me to believe you don't even read my posts. 


You know what? This is easier. I'll just post this article and let it explain what many of us feel


I don't take you seriously because of what you say. Your inability to do nothing but repeat your self over and over bringing up things that are irrelevant to the issue. The oh, woe is me is getting old. The I am being picked on is getting old. The it's not fair is getting old. The their just jealous is getting old. The excuses one after another is getting old. I don't have to read what the Washington post has to say because it's the same old thing. Who really cares what the Patriots think other than Patriot fans? Most all of patriot fans have tunnel vision and refuse to look at reality. The bottom line is the Patriots are two time offenders and nothing any Patriot fan, media person or anyone else is going to change that. The Patriot's are just one team out of 32 and don't deserve any better treatment than any other team. If you feel the Patriots are being singled out that's on you. If the Patriots wouldn't break the rules there would be no problem. You keep pointing out things about this and that but the one you keep over looking are the Patriots. They brought all of this upon themselves.

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He's one of those guys that when you see an article is by him, you take it with a grain of salt because it has troll job written all over it. He hates the Patriots for some reason...hasn't had a nice thing to say about them in 15 years. He's gotten caught and suspended for plagiarism...he just sucks.

Are you talking about Skip Bayless?  If not that's exactly how I take him!

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So there it is.

When talking about the integrity of the game, it seems that the NFL is not consistent with their feelings towards those who compromise it. Maybe now you understand a little bit just what has been so troubling in all this for Patriots fans.

Whoops aaaaaand we're back. So the exact same act of cheating is different because in one case there was a complaint and in the other there wasn't? See this is where you lose me. Again, if it's truly about the integrity of the game, then the NFL should be consistent in terms of how they approach it. If it's truly about the integrity of the game, the NFL should try and prevent the violation, not try to catch it.

Whoops Aaaand we're back to the crying game. Tell me, how are they supposed to investigate anything, if nothing is brought to their attention through complaints? How do they prevent something that they are not aware of? Not everyone uses the same gear to inflate and measure ball pressure. So there are going to be differences that you can't assume is cheating. Not until they catch them after the fact that the refs checked.

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To the bolded, absolutely. D13 has been around as long as I've been around. Post count is irrelevant.


But that WaPo article isn't good at all.

You are correct . I was not making an issue with how many post were made. My observation was she has a very high percentage of comments that are repetitive and argumentative in nature. Most of the members come to the forum and for the most part have informative post to each other. 

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Was just listening to a show regarding Brady's appeal. They talked about how Brady might now show his text messages to Roger Goodell to illustrate his innocence. Wouldn't that be moot at this point? I mean, Brady would have certainly deleted any incriminating messages by now. I don't think his mobile phone provider will be subpoenaed to provide the records as this isn't going to trial.

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It's a nice break from all the slanted, one-sided, disingenuous piece of Anti-Patriot fanned nonsense that everyone else has been posting, eh?


Why is it that when there's an article or opinion that implicates the Patriots, it is taken like the gospel and referenced for binding truth and proof, but when there is an article or opinion that calls into question that view, it is nonsense?


What is the Washington Post's fight in all this? Could it be possible that it's not only Patriots fans who believe that there is a lot to question with how this all went down?


You would have to admit, like it or not, there are far more opinions the Pats are guilty than not. And that's not just because everyone is jealous of the Pats. Perhaps there's not that "smoking gun" (at least not that we're aware of, i.e. maybe Brady's texts). If a NE fan could truly be neutral and look at everything, I would suggest he/she would have the same opinion of guilt. I said it before, as much as I like Peyton, if he was in this same situation, I would think him guilty too.

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I don't take you seriously because of what you say. Your inability to do nothing but repeat your self over and over bringing up things that are irrelevant to the issue. The oh, woe is me is getting old. The I am being picked on is getting old. The it's not fair is getting old. The their just jealous is getting old. The excuses one after another is getting old. I don't have to read what the Washington post has to say because it's the same old thing. Who really cares what the Patriots think other than Patriot fans? Most all of patriot fans have tunnel vision and refuse to look at reality. The bottom line is the Patriots are two time offenders and nothing any Patriot fan, media person or anyone else is going to change that. The Patriot's are just one team out of 32 and don't deserve any better treatment than any other team. If you feel the Patriots are being singled out that's on you. If the Patriots wouldn't break the rules there would be no problem. You keep pointing out things about this and that but the one you keep over looking are the Patriots. They brought all of this upon themselves.




And that's really the point. When did the world get to the point that fully grown up men can't be accountable for their own actions?


Seriously. Stop the deflections. Stop blaming other people and other teams. The Patriots did bring this on themselves, and they have no one else to blame. At least if they stopped making excuses and said, "Yes, we did it. We made a mistake.  We'll accept the punishment", I could respect them for being grown up adults.

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It's a nice break from all the slanted, one-sided, disingenuous piece of Anti-Patriot fanned nonsense that everyone else has been posting, eh?


Why is it that when there's an article or opinion that implicates the Patriots, it is taken like the gospel and referenced for binding truth and proof, but when there is an article or opinion that calls into question that view, it is nonsense?


What is the Washington Post's fight in all this? Could it be possible that it's not only Patriots fans who believe that there is a lot to question with how this all went down?



Why is it ? You really haven't figured it out yet ? Ok.. here ya go. ......


He did it. It's very obvious when you look at the film of the balls going into a pee room . It's very obvious when you look at the text messages. It's very obvious when you watch Brady looking as guilty as all hades , say something to the effect of  "I don't think I did anything illegal." 


The real issue and why this never will end between the state of Mass . + the Washington Post vs the rest of the nation boils down to this.....


Most of us think sticking a football with a needle after they've been approved by game officials is a serious wrong to the fairness of the game.  It's not because we lost 45-7 .. honest it really isn't. We truly believe that it's not deserving of a slap on the wrist. It does not in our opinion compare to stick um or a muscle head popping steroids. It's making a football easier to throw and much less likely to be fumbled . Games often are determined by a turnover or one clutch throw and catch.


This is why this thread will go on until either we don't pay attention or the few of you stop trying . Eventually it will stop , but let's face it , you will never give it up. Even if the "deflator" came clean and showed overwhelming proof Brady was behind it , yoou all would just deflect more and say it was only punishable by a 25K fine. Not to try to "win" this thing but I believe when the NFL thought about teams "doctoring" balls , they probably thought about a team maybe messing with a ball a bit by scuffing it or sticking it near a heater when heads were turned. I don't think they had a clue that the whole bag of balls would be snuck into the bathroom and subsequently jabbed . So it's all the balls game after game after game that we're probably talking about here. Not just a team sneaking a ball near a heater in 20 below degrees weather. OK... I'm done . Way too long

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Question...why is it pathetic for fans to question?


I mean really, you guys are the ones who got your butts kicked all over the field in the 2nd half of the AFCCG and you're all so giddy about this situation because you think it in some way somehow vindicates all your years of playing second fiddle??? And you're going to call us pathetic? Quite honestly its a natural reaction to deny, question, and try to explain before reaching acceptance when trying to deal with something like this as fans...so our reactions are not that crazy when there is actual legitimate room to question. 

Your dynasty is about as legit as Barry Bond's Home Run Records, or A Rod's continued climb up the record books.  Sure, some of their play may have been clean, but the records/wins/dynasty only came due to cheating... and this is only what has been caught... does anyone other than a Patriot fanboy think for a second there hasn't been many other cheats along the way they've gotten away with?  Patriots = A Rod.  Enjoy. 

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Your dynasty is about as legit as Barry Bond's Home Run Records, or A Rod's continued climb up the record books. Sure, some of their play may have been clean, but the records/wins/dynasty only came due to cheating... and this is only what has been caught... does anyone other than a Patriot fanboy think for a second there hasn't been many other cheats along the way they've gotten away with? Patriots = A Rod. Enjoy.

When people hear the name Lance Armstrong, they don't think about the 7 tour de France wins. The patriots and Tom Brady will be the same. Outside of pats fans of coarse

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You're kidding right, dynasty 13? The Washington Post? That article was the most slanted, one-sided, disingenuous (as Sally says), piece of Patriot-fanned nonsense I've read so far concerning DeFlateGate!


"A neutral observer writes an article that suggests the NFL is not 100% clean in this mess...BIAS!!!" lmao...what a joke.

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"A neutral observer writes an article that suggests the NFL is not 100% clean in this mess...BIAS!!!" lmao...what a joke.

You're trying to hook minnows. Bait correctly, and you might (in a million years) catch a Great White attached to your ( l m a o ) by a "neutral observer"!

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You're trying to hook minnows. Bait correctly, and you might (in a million years) catch a Great White attached to your ( l m a o ) by a "neutral observer"!

haha  Off topic here,  but this is where we were this past week and witnessed this shark:  This pier is one mile from the Time Share where we stay, and we walked to this pier daily.  We were out on the deck yesterday afternoon and saw this shark darting in and out underneath where we were standing/watching.   Wow  someone actually hooked him this afternoon.



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