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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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Finally 46 pages later true honesty . A feeling all the Patriot Nation share its not how you do it as long as you win .

Honest question - does it eat you up inside when you see the Seahawks win their SB with the PEDs and illegal practices? And the Ravens the year before with Ray Lewis' deer antler juice?  It is fine if you do. I am just not one of those people. I think as Pete Carroll said, the game is played by humans who are more often than not trying to do the right thing but fail and then have to respond. I guess in a perfect world I would look for this "integrity thing" that people keep throwing around but I don't see it anywhere in life and most certainly not in professional sports. I would prefer if the teams I root for, not just the Pats, never had any form of cheating or gamesmanship but that is not reality. But it does not keep me up at night either. I will keep watching and rooting.

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they had to cheat many times & continued from 2000 - 2015 how can you say it perhaps was a small advantage ?


my opinion is if there was no or just a lil advantage it would not span the entire career of Belicheck .


Your welcome to your opinion as a Colts fan I don't agree with anything in your post  .


If you want to give the Patriots a free pass its all good . I personally have no use for liar a man is only as good as his word .

Honestly..never told a lie? I have...a few times and I felt terrible..it isn't a good thing I agree 100%...but I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm perfect and tear a guy down. I don't care what Pat fans say about Peyton or our team or me. I stand on my own two feet. I care about my image but I'm not going to worry myself to death if someone thinks ill of me. I just don't get this hate. Its a football game...and yes he has lied...but I don't know anyone that hasn't....it would be a small world if you go around hating everyone that has made a mistake. I respect your attitude for cheating and lying...I despise it too...but I also know its man's nature...and I can forgive...and move on. Quite frankly it would surprise me more if he came out at the time and admited to it rather than not...so I'm not surprised by this whole affair...and I believe in the end he will come out and apologize.

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I wish BenJarvus Green-Ellis could rejoin the Pats, so we'd have a comparison to work from. Before joining the Bengals, he had ZERO fumbles in his entire Patriots career, then as soon as he joined the Bengals, he had three fumbles within two weeks. Something's changed? Yea, I'd say... the FOOTBALL changed, because the Bengals actually play within the rules!



This is why deflate-gate doesn't compare to other scandals, like Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong, because a deflated football helps the ENTIRE offense, from QB's throwing, to HB's cradling the ball to avoid fumbles, and to receivers catching it. Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong were only individuals.


Btw, I'm not hating on BenJarvus. His job is to carry the rock. It's not his fault if the rock was secretly deflated without his knowledge.


Did you miss the last three years with Ridley, the fumbling machine who was benched for it and in Bill's dog house and then when we got out, did not fumble as much?

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The report says nothing about Brady in relation to the AFCCG. Nothing. There are no texts, no conversations, nothing. All they have is a ball boy ducking into a bathroom. The texts they do have is from the Jets game when Brady angrily told his guys to make sure the refs don't inflate to 16 psi and then you have the ball boy calling himself the deflator. You have the psi measurements prior to the game that were not written down but going off of memory and Anderson "thinks" he used the same gauge for all the balls. Then two separate measurements at halftime with varying psi levels and the science part not able to be completely refuted either. I don't know about you but I think a mediator would have a field day with this.

It mentions that brady acknowledged that the game balls were perfect during the AFCCG, and wanted to give JJ extra time to prepare for the superbowl

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Or maybe Bill puts extra emphasis on ball control/security. Practices it....preaches it...


This is the equivilant of Jerry Rice using stickem...he did it...he admitted...it broke the rules...and yet I don't think anyone disagrees he is still the greatest receiver of all time...it


The rest sounded like a Patriot homer blah blah blah so this was IMO relevant .


Ball control is a question mark there record speaks loudly when you consider how big a difference there is between first & second from what I recall its a huge gap - easy to understand given what has transpired .


When Tom Brady comes clean we can compare him to Jerry Rice until then we can just call him liar . Fair enough for you ?

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I guess time will tell but I will say this for sure, winning that Super Bowl was paramount for his legacy overall. Not just deflategate but his entire career. If there is some tarnish from the air pressure thing then so be it, most athletes pick up some tarnish along the way but honestly I don't think he cares. What he has achieved is unbelievable is this era of FA/cap and at age 37 on top.

Yep unbelievable... oh wait yea it's believable he cheated and part of a cheating organization...

When you play by the rules it's kind of hard to be dominant. Brady doesn't belong in the same breath as Manning or Montana. He barely belongs in the same breath as Dilfer. And there is nothing that will change my opinion of him. And the great thing is. I'm not alone. Pretty much everyone outside Boston except for people who think cheating is ok and accept it as morally correct. Which I could care less about people without morals.

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Just to play devil's advocate for debating purposes, what possible argument is either the Players Association or Brady's legal team gonna make in his defense? a. It's a minor rule & psi didn't determine the outcome of the AFC Championship Game? b. Can a QB be punished for an illegal activity he didn't actually commit himself? c. Is a lie of omission as dire as the man who actually deflated the footballs in question? d. Brady merely mis-interpreted how strict the league & NFL zebras viewed enforcement of pigskin air pressure? 


I called for the loss of a 2nd round draft pick because you cannot verify or prove right now that Tom Brady specifically ordered Jim McNally to purposefully release air pressure from any game day footballs so to be losing a 1st round draft selection is too harsh based on the investigation's findings overall. I called also for a 4 game suspension because the league needs to establish a firm precedent that no other QB will be permitted to ignore certain rules while following others at their preferred discretion. Yes, due process allows Brady to challenge the Wells Report findings & push for a reduction in the penalty phase via the Commissioner or the person appointed to handle this matter. It bothers me that Roger Goodell has handed this situation off to someone else in the league's NY office. You're the Commissioner man do your duty & don't pass the buck off to someone else since Robert Kraft is 1 of the owners that pays your lucrative salary Mr. Goodell.


Whatever the fallout/punishment gets handed down in the end & once Brady pays the fine & forthcoming suspension, it's water under the bridge & I will give Tom a clean slate from that day forward. It just troubles me that Tom Brady outwardly appears so happy go lucky. True, body language can be misleading & it is far from an exact science, but if my integrity about the rules of fair play were being called into question here's what I do: I demand that the audience get serious for a moment & I acknowledge that the report's findings are serious charges ones I do not take lightly. Reputations take years to build & they can be compromised in minutes if a person isn't careful. Just show me once without grinning or laughing that these accusations are no laughing matter to you personally. 


Brady's not evil or diabolical. He's actually a darn nice guy. I just need him to show either he made a mistake & his ego got the best of him or say with conviction I truly believe I'm innocent of this infraction & here's what evidence I have at my disposal to support my overall thesis. Based off of Well's lengthy report, Brady had prior knowledge of the deflation, furnished goods & services to McNally to continue to release air pressure from balls & keep a lid on what he was doing outside of Patriots personnel. 


I need to hear from Brady himself at a press conference not surrounded by Boston fans & tell me straight up what the hades happened here according to you. No excuses just give me the lay of the land as you see it. I respect you enough to give you the opportunity to defend yourself Tommy because right now that report & your aw shucks attitude looks less than admirable nor does it put you in the best light. 


You lied about deflated balls, requested that 2 Patriots staffers on the payroll reduce air pressure to your specifications, & you continue to play dumb. You & only you can fix this situation Tom. What exactly are you waiting for or does your silence speak for itself? We're waiting...If there's another explanation, now's the time to unfurl it for all to see & hear. 

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This thread is much longer than a Deflategate thread on another board because there are so many Pats fans who post here. Most, not all, deny the allegations and accuse the NFL, the referees, the Colts organization, and even the weather for what happened. So, of course, there will be a lot of back and forth between Pats fans and others.

Yeah...we got a lot of back and forth...most teams fans just don't care that much. Talk radio around here for the Rams and Titans think this is a big non-issue. They do think he was wrong but it didn't affect the outcome of football games and that he should just get his suspension (most have said a couple games) and move on. Its barely even registering in those markets or Dallas market.

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Did you miss the last three years with Ridley, the fumbling machine who was benched for it and in Bill's dog house and then when we got out, did not fumble as much?

I'd be * to if the guy can't hold onto a deflated football. I mean that's pretty bad. No wonder they never draft RBs very high.

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The rest sounded like a Patriot homer blah blah blah so this was IMO relevant .


Ball control is a question mark there record speaks loudly when you consider how big a difference there is between first & second from what I recall its a huge gap - easy to understand given what has transpired .


When Tom Brady comes clean we can compare him to Jerry Rice until then we can just call him liar . Fair enough for you ?

Its your world...were just posting in it! :thmup:

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Honest question - does it eat you up inside when you see the Seahawks win their SB with the PEDs and illegal practices? And the Ravens the year before with Ray Lewis' deer antler juice?  It is fine if you do. I am just not one of those people. I think as Pete Carroll said, the game is played by humans who are more often than not trying to do the right thing but fail and then have to respond. I guess in a perfect world I would look for this "integrity thing" that people keep throwing around but I don't see it anywhere in life and most certainly not in professional sports. I would prefer if the teams I root for, not just the Pats, never had any form of cheating or gamesmanship but that is not reality. But it does not keep me up at night either. I will keep watching and rooting.

You would blindly follow the Patriots into the depths of Hell and that's fine. We all get it. Seriously though, stop trying to deflect all the wrong by pointing at other teams wrong doings. No one is saying the other teams are perfect. The whole purpose of the Well report was to point out that either the Patriots as a whole or select members of the organization cheated. They found out that they did, whether you acknowledge it or not they did. Stop trying to find holes in the report, to aide your agenda. It's tired, it's boring, it's not clever, and you are making yourself look infantile in the process.

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Yeah...we got a lot of back and forth...most teams fans just don't care that much. Talk radio around here for the Rams and Titans think this is a big non-issue. They do think he was wrong but it didn't affect the outcome of football games and that he should just get his suspension (most have said a couple games) and move on. Its barely even registering in those markets or Dallas market.

Lol that isn't true at all. I live in Texas. It is dominating air and media calling for Brady's head. They literally discussed today that if the NFL doesn't handle this appropriately the league would lose mountains of credibility.

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Lol that isn't true at all. I live in Texas. It is dominating air and media calling for Brady's head. They literally discussed today that if the NFL doesn't handle this appropriately the league would lose mountains of credibility.

They already loss credibility with the Wells report ...

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I've been very honest and objective about this, but just have to point out...

It's premature to crap on Brady's legacy at this point. You can call him a cheater, a liar, whatever, but if the Patriots come out next season, go 12-4 again, and make a deep run or maybe even get to another SB, then how much did deflated balls have to do with anything?

If they come out and go 8-8, different story.

This is what happened with Spygate. People said they would suck once the league took Belichick's cameras away. How did that work out?

Be objective. Be reasonable. Wait and watch to see what happens. If Brady has a career year in 2015, with new rules and "clean" footballs, a lot of you are going to still hate him anyway.

Brady's image has/will be affected by the media and those in his inner circle not by the average fan
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They already loss credibility with the Wells report ...

Lol the NFL lost credibility from a 3rd party investigator that is highly reputable? Hahahahahahahahahahahahabahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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Read it.

Are you unable to comprehend English or just... nvm can't say it. THE REPORT ISN'T DONE BY THE NFL. They can't lose credibility for something they didn't even do. PLUS they got a 3rd Party to bring forth enough information so that they could give punishment. This isn't court this isn't your fairy tale that you have created in your head. He has no bias he just wrote what was given without this being a court issue. And it's obvious your precious Brady is a dirty rotten cheater. Admit it and move on.

You have lost the most credibility here. And that's even compared to Brady. Because at least he knows when to shut up when caught rofl

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Probably to lower the hammer in person before the media gets it.

She doesn't know what integrity is... she's not gonna understand that... remember if the media gets it first it would be Goodells fault for not telling him not Brady's for cheating....

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No but I did listen to an attorney today say that Brady could face federal charges for bribery but I think that's a stretch

I don't think a fraud lawsuit would be pursued, not that it wouldn't have some legs.

Look at the ARod situation. Aren't the NYY trying to recover some of that 240 million contract because he was on steroids (cheating) when he was representing that he wasn't?

So the NYY can see some misrepresentation on the part of ARod. Great, ..but if they collect, do they have an obligation to give that 240 million back to fans? I mean, the fans are the ones who ultimately funded Arod's contract.

As a fan, I don't really care if the NYY or Arod end up with the 240 million after the legal dust settles...it doesn't matter to me..I still got ripped off.

Was that excitement I got when Brady threw for 49 TDs and went undefeated real...or was a bit phony like the hit I got from big tobacco spiking cigarettes with nicotine when I used to smoke?

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I don't think a fraud lawsuit would be pursued, not that it wouldn't have some legs.

Look at the ARod situation. Aren't the NYY trying to recover some of that 240 million contract because he was on steroids (cheating) when he was representing that he wasn't?

So the NYY can see some misrepresentation on the part of ARod. Great, ..but if they collect, do they have an obligation to give that 240 million back to fans? I mean, the fans are the ones who ultimately funded Arod's contract.

As a fan, I don't really care if the NYY or Arod end up with the 240 million after the legal dust settles...it doesn't matter to me..I still got ripped off.

If Brady is dumb enough to take this legal... just saying. I'd love that. Not only would he be placed on the exemption list and not play he'd probably end up doing time which he deserves (bribe's to cheat would be pretty comparable to shaving points no?).

Apologies for the animosity but a certain poster here has pretty much completely drained me of any compassion for the precious golden boy.

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Probably to lower the hammer in person before the media gets it.

No. I think more so to hear his side of things. The report was completely void of his testimony which according to Yee lasted hours and gave a lot of context about ball prep and the locker room and how he works with his guys.

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No. I think more so to hear his side of things. The report was completely void of his testimony which according to Yee lasted hours and gave a lot of context about ball prep and the locker room and how he works with his guys.

So he hired a 3rd party investigator to hear testimony just because? Lol please remove your head from the sand.

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Honest question - does it eat you up inside when you see the Seahawks win their SB with the PEDs and illegal practices? And the Ravens the year before with Ray Lewis' deer antler juice?  It is fine if you do. I am just not one of those people. I think as Pete Carroll said, the game is played by humans who are more often than not trying to do the right thing but fail and then have to respond. I guess in a perfect world I would look for this "integrity thing" that people keep throwing around but I don't see it anywhere in life and most certainly not in professional sports. I would prefer if the teams I root for, not just the Pats, never had any form of cheating or gamesmanship but that is not reality. But it does not keep me up at night either. I will keep watching and rooting.


I see examples of cheating they are all offensive  .   Pete Carroll left USC ahead of investigations lying & cheating is something he has already done in the past from what I recall .


Sports don't keep me up at night . I'm a Pacer fan who stopped watching for several years after Detroit & a Colts fan since 84 .


For me both sports matter all I want to watch are fair games & I believe in right & wrong & the illusion of fair play .



Whether a perfect world or not a person should try to be the best they can be without cheating & then lying about it just tell the damn truth .



If that was Peyton Manning I would be sick to my stomach who would'nt  but I would never make excuses for him .

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I don't think a fraud lawsuit would be pursued, not that it wouldn't have some legs.

Look at the ARod situation. Aren't the NYY trying to recover some of that 240 million contract because he was on steroids (cheating) when he was representing that he wasn't?

So the NYY can see some misrepresentation on the part of ARod. Great, ..but if they collect, do they have an obligation to give that 240 million back to fans? I mean, the fans are the ones who ultimately funded Arod's contract.

As a fan, I don't really care if the NYY or Arod end up with the 240 million after the legal dust settles...it doesn't matter to me..I still got ripped off.

Was that excitement I got when Brady threw for 49 TDs and went undefeated real...or was a bit phony like the hit I got from big tobacco spiking cigarettes with nicotine when I used to smoke?


I never said that it would.  I said that an attorney, or a caller claiming to be an attorney said that Brady could face charges. 

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I think we will be right there....I do feel like this is our season...but there is just a whole bunch of attitude on this forum and I'm just thinking some humility might be in good order....besides...this isn't a good thing no matter how you look at it. It is a sad thing and could have been totally avoided and hopefully people learn from this. We never know...next time it could involve one of our players or coaches so we shouldn't rush to point fingers and stir the pot.

If Luck had done this, he'd be getting 10 times worse coverage and calls for suspension.  ESPN has always looked for ways to knock Luck for whatever reason (remember all their RGIII worship over Luck who took a much much weaker team to the playoffs?) and among many it continues still.   (Especially among their loudest mouthpiece on First Take who I took glee in him being wrong about Brady's perfection, the Spurs losing in the first round, Pacquiao losing just this week alone, yet he gets so much play there which carries over into the rest of their reporting).  Brady is getting the kid glove treatment compared to any other incl. Manning if it had been him, they've always loved crushing Manning as well until he went to Colorado).  


If it HAD been one of our players, I would not be cutting them slack or making excuses for them.  I would likely be leading the charge to condemn them for their actions.  I do not want the team I root for being associated with sleaze and cheating and murder etc.  Sadly we've had our share of guys being lawless but fortunately for the most part they are quickly dispatched of, I only wish some of the obvious dirt bags would have never been brought here to start, but that's a different post and I don't want to veer off into all that, we have lots of time to go there again next time it happens.  I haven't found Indianapolis to act as apologist for player misconduct.  Even in the case if Irsay, all we wanted was a realization that an illness, while still deserving punishment, is much different than recreational drug use or steroids.  I didn't see anyone really defending Mathis or saying he shouldn't be suspended as painful as that was, likely as close as we will come to a Brady situation in terms of stature of player on a team short of Luck doing something.  

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I see examples of cheating they are all offensive  .   Pete Carroll left USC ahead of investigations lying & cheating is something he has already done in the past from what I recall .


Sports don't keep me up at night . I'm a Pacer fan who stopped watching for several years after Detroit & a Colts fan since 84 .


For me both sports matter all I want to watch are fair games & I believe in right & wrong & the illusion of fair play .



Whether a perfect world or not a person should try to be the best they can be without cheating & then lying about it just tell the damn truth .



If that was Peyton Manning I would be sick to my stomach who would'nt  but I would never make excuses for him .

Thanks for that response. You may not believe this but I could care less what Brady does in his life. I assume like me, he lies, I know he curses even though I don't. I would never get sick to my stomach over him. I do think he is the greatest QB of all time but it kind of ends there. What he does on the field. Not everything has been on the up and up his whole career but the Pats violations seem unbelievable benign to me when you consider camera location and air ball pressure. Is there tarnish, sure but the records and titles will stand and be the benchmark for this era. That is enough for me. But I get your sentiment as well but I have never felt that intense about sports ... other than my kids sports but that is a different story. haha

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No. I think more so to hear his side of things. The report was completely void of his testimony which according to Yee lasted hours and gave a lot of context about ball prep and the locker room and how he works with his guys.

I wish I could say I admire your tenacity, and loyalty, and your determination,   but admire would not be the correct word to use here.


You DO realize Yee is Brady's Agent, and Paid Big $$$$ to represent him, to do what Brady asks of him, etc.. Of course he is saying and doing the things he's saying and doing right now.


I don't for one minute believe the NFL will be "bullied" into swaying their opinion of what sanctions should or should not be handed down.


Once again,  I suggest you continue to hope for the best,  BUT  prepare for the worst.

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