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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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This conversation could go on for years. Doubtful anyone will move off of their postion. So I would like to make a light hearted suggestion on moving on. Obviously the NFL must fix this so it cant happen and the current issue needs addressed. That being said, have Tom come to Lucas, put him in a dunk tank, charge $5 for three under/over/properly inflated footballs, purchaser's choice, and donate all the proceeds to Peyton Manning's/Riley's Childrens hospitals... At least some good could come out of this...

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Suspend Brady for Life, ban him from HOF, same with Hoodie. stripped of their superbowl titles and the Pats barred from the post season for 3 years, 20 million cap fine for 3 years...

that's what should happen and it'd stop the cheating in a flash



However, anything less than a year for Brady is a travesty....

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It's quite amusing to see the same people who were so sure that the report would exonerate the Patriots now equally sure that there will be a minimal or no punishment.


I suppose that's what happens when you are cocooned in the New  England bubble. More disappointment awaits.

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Could not agree more.

This one was a lay up for them and the screwed it up ... again. The thing that is absolutely stunning to me with regards to this and Colts fans is the fact that there is zero outrage over how this was handled by the league and a SB berth was on the line.

Grigson told the league prior to the game. They knew. And yet somehow, Walt Anderson for the first time in 19 years lost track of the Pats game balls prior to the game. And let me remind you that the start of the game was delayed due to the NFCCG going into overtime. Pletny of time to re-gauge those balls, find that they were deflated assuming they were, re-inflate them while noting the psi to then punish Pats and play the game on a level playing field. IF this had happened, a fair game is played, there is no investigation and Pats are punished within a day of the game. This is like 1,2,3, here. We are talking air ball pressure folks. Air ball pressure. Just check the balls. As soon as they waited to halftime it was too late. The balls had been out in the elements and they of course they screwed up the measurements with two different measurements being taken and managed to only gauge 4 of the Cotls balls because they ran out of time. And remember they had a HEADS up from Grigson. My gosh. This may be the worst black eye on the league yet second only to Rice. And now this report that can only go as far as to say probable, maybe, most likely because they messed up the procedure so bad.

What the Pats did is the equivalent of gamesmanship. I know some here want to blow it up to the whole integrity of the game. But there is a reason the games operations manual has this type of offense as a $25k fine. It is not a big deal and something that should be able to be detected without any issue if the refs did their job. Instead we get a 100 day investigation and report full of more holes than swiss cheese. This is the case because the league failed on so many levels with this one. And they rightfully should be called out for it.

First of all in what world is cheating Good sportsmanship?

Second, it is not a 25k fine like you keep spewing. Its a MINIMUM of 25k

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Sorry about the big post. The font came out really big. I will just post link next time.


My entire point was summarized in this article which seemed to be what you were refuting? I don't know. Maybe I misread.


And yes, the violation is horrible and should be punished. I have never denied that. But we are talking ball inflation here and the affect on the game was pretty much nothing so again, why not just check the balls prior to game so game is played fair? If not, then not sure how you can come out after that like this is some big crime if you allowed the game to be played for a whole half with unfair footballs.

do you hear yourself?   The balls had been checked pre-game.   If they were checked again, right before kickoff, the result would be the same as it is now.  They would have been found to have been tampered with between the pre-game check and kickoff.


There STILL would have been an investigation into who, what, where and WHY...

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Where is the time to re-gauge?  Also in the report is that Two alternate refs only had time to measure and adjust 11 Patriot balls, and measure 4 Colts balls before halftime (at the Super Bowl!  Longer than your typical half time) finshed.  To me, the proper response by Anderson just before kickoff would be to declare those balls unplayable and have NFL security go get and use the backup balls.



While I get your point, it wasn't at the Superbowl where this happened, so the half time is the same length as any other game.   :thmup: 

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I am with you here. The cheating is paramount, no doubt. But this happens. A lot actually which is why when the league is given a heads up it is paramount that they do their job to ensure a level playing field. This did not happen and could have easily been prevented and still caught the Pats cheating and punishment would have been expedient.

The pats cheated then lied, not the NFL

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Good points Gramz.  Another thing that was particularly irksome from the Colts' point of view is that Griggs proactively tried to give the League a heads up on what the Pats were going to do in advance to ensure a level playing field.  Still...even with this notice the refs still somehow allowed the Patriots to use the under inflated balls.  If not for Jackson's interception it's possible that the refs would never had been clued in that the Pats ball pressures changed from the pregame check levels.  Anderson the ref even admits in the Wells Report that right before the game, the footballs disappeared somewhere between the pregame air pressure check and the time that they were brought back out on the field and that he didn't know where they were.  He also said it was the first time that he encountered that.  Still the balls weren't checked again until the Colts petitioned the refs after Jackson's interception in the 1st or 2nd Quarter.


Griggs and Irsay were livid after the game due to the refs' inability to prevent the Pats from using the under inflated balls even with the advance request for them to be on the look out for this.  I am glad that the Wells Report substantiated the Colts legitmate concerns.  I also appreciate our front office's class in not really offering any further comments in light of the findings.  The Report speaks for itself.


To be fair, Anderson checked and guarded the game balls.  It was discovered that somehow, minutes before Anderson was to take the game balls out to the field, they were discovered missing..  Not long after they were found in McNally's possession.


The correct call would have been for Anderson to direct the NFL security officer to go back to the officials locker room and get the backup game balls and declare the balls in McNally's possesion 'unplayable'.  But this is the AFCCG, and balls are used and taken out for gifts.  So...  they

didn't.   Plus I doubt they suspected they were truly tampered with in that time frame.  Oh well.

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However, “more probable,” “generally” and “unlikely” are three huge qualifiers that scream at the lack of a smoking gun when it comes to Brady. And it’s a far cry from being able to say that he orchestrated the entire thing. Goodell clearly will have to do something, but he’s armed with a report that has some significant limitations. If he steps too far, he risks a union-backed fistfight with arguably the league’s biggest superstar.




Am If you'v learned nothing the last 3 days but just 1 thing it should be the meaning of probable it is the flaw in you & your fellow patriots debate .


I'll not belabor the fact it will become abundantly clear in the coming days . I love the way you stand by your team but when your wrong your wrong .


You knol80g3.jpgw what you don't have to answer whether or not " You think Tom Brady is guilty "  because its obvious to me .

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The Elephant in the room is do you think Tom Brady cheated ?

My gosh. I have answered over and over. Yes, I think so. My whole point in his has been the report itself and it lacks to prove anything in regards to the AFCCG. Not sure how you can punish when there is zippo other than an attendant taking a pee. Those psi measurements pre game were based on memory and then the two different sets at halftime with only 4 Colts being gauged. This was a botch job and a half. Brady and the Pats have a real case to fight this tooth and nail and I expect they will pending what the league says.

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You are stunned by your assessment of colts fans lack of outrage but not stunned by anything your team did. Not the first time we've tripped your 'stun-o-meter'.

You fault the NFL for not catching the Pats deflating the balls and stopping it before the AFC championship...and in any event, it was just gamesmanship (we do what we want and it's your job to catch us in a timely and fair way)

And the NFL has the worst black eye in history for not catching the Pats sooner, not giving them a heads up that they were going to catch them and issuing a report that used the words "more probable than not"

I don't understand your selection of things to be stunned about. I AM STUNNED by your zero outrage for what your team did.

I am proud of the Colts for catching this and shining a light on it. Proud of the Colts for rising above the deflection.

I am disappointed by the Pats organization and them not acknowledging it was wrong. This wasn't rule bending, it was rule breaking.

And yes I think that what the Pats did was also unnecessary and petty. So why do it?

If they truly believed that they didn't break the rules, they would say (as they have before)......."that's right, we found a loophole in the rules. Aren't you jealous?"

They aren't saying that though........and you're not saying it........because you know that the rules were broken and broken intentionally.......and then covered up

You can close your eyes and cover your ears but whatever the NFL did or did not do.........doesn't change what the fact that the choice to circumvent rules was made by your qb

And now everybody knows it

Standing ovation Ma'm....

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  let's be honest...the NFL doesn't have a lot of integrity with the concussion stuff/letting abusers play...not really where people need to go to look up or point to integrity. Sorry...that's like complaining to the cops that you got jipped an ounce from your weed dealer....not much sympathy. I'm sorry but I think we will play the most angry motivated team the NFL has ever seen...I want no piece of them...I would not be surprised to see them put up a 50 burger on us...you guys are laughing now but I don't want to be hearing any crying come January if they whip us again. I think this is our "season on a brink" but this whole ordeal will give NE so much motivation....and I remember 2007....might see that all over. I fully expect them to try to run up the score on us and if they do I don't want to hear any whining. Not saying the colts did anything wrong but with the attitude on here I can't blame them if we give them bulletin board material.    we don't know what the NFL told the officials...they did their job...it's not their fault there was a hole in the chain of procedures that Tom and these guys exploited. Perhaps all they knew was to check to see if the balls were under inflated and when they weren't they were satisfied. Nobody knew how the pats were doing this...colts, NFL, refs...sometimes you have to catch them in the act to figure out how it was happening. I do wish it wouldn't have happened...NFL just told Tom to knock it off because I've thought a ton of the guy...but he did what he did....hopefully he will come out and apologize, be contrite, apologize to his team and the other players in the league and then go out and play lights out and remind everyone why he is the best qb of this generation. it was very lance Armstrong I agree...throw everyone and accuse everyone else...but let's also not forget both are many time champions playing in a sport that you try to get every advantage you can...and likely put your character to the test to do the right thing...sometimes our stars fail. Tom like lance has still done a lot....many many good things...money raised etc etc....a mistake and such doesn't make them evil or bad people....we all fall...most just not in the public eye. I hope he gets up and like I said comes back and plays great but realizes the sport that has given him so much he owes an apology to. That is all.


R e l a x

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My gosh. I have answered over and over. Yes, I think so. My whole point in his has been the report itself and it lacks to prove anything in regards to the AFCCG. Not sure how you can punish when there is zippo other than an attendant taking a pee. Those psi measurements pre game were based on memory and then the two different sets at halftime with only 4 Colts being gauged. This was a botch job and a half. Brady and the Pats have a real case to fight this tooth and nail and I expect they will pending what the league says.

they don't need absolute proof. That has been pointed out to you many times. Big Ben was suspended and there were no charges filed against him

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My gosh. I have answered over and over. Yes, I think so. My whole point in his has been the report itself and it lacks to prove anything in regards to the AFCCG. Not sure how you can punish when there is zippo other than an attendant taking a pee. Those psi measurements pre game were based on memory and then the two different sets at halftime with only 4 Colts being gauged. This was a botch job and a half. Brady and the Pats have a real case to fight this tooth and nail and I expect they will pending what the league says.

Thank You I must of missed it ..  Good now we are getting somewhere . Every journey begins with 1 step ..


Okay what should the penalty be in your opinion for any team in this situation separate your self from the team & be honest please no filibuster .

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To be fair, Anderson checked and guarded the game balls. It was discovered that somehow, minutes before Anderson was to take the game balls out to the field, they were discovered missing.. Not long after they were found in McNally's possession.

The correct call would have been for Anderson to direct the NFL security officer to go back to the officials locker room and get the backup game balls and declre the balls in McNally's possesion 'unplayable'. But this is the AFCCG, and balls are used and taken out for gifts. So... they

didn't. Plus I doubt they suspected they were truly tampered with in that time frame. Oh well.

Once they discovered the balls had been tampered with, they should have postponed the game and tossed their sorry * out of the competition. That would make sure cheating was eradicated.

We can only dream.

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At the end of the day the report was not CONCLUSIVE. Of course any other people other than Patriots fans would just consider that verdict "Guilty" because of our previous record. 

This whole media attention will fire up the locker room more, it will be a good season for the Patriots.

 If you weren't a fan of the Patriots you wouldn't be defending their innocence. If this was Peyton Manning and the Broncos, or any other team the Patriots would be shouting for suspensions and loss of draft picks. Like before the findings were released and Patriots fans were saying the Colts were going to lose picks and Grigson should be suspended or fired for lying about the Patriots cheating. If Brady gets suspended even if the locker room literally catches fire it won't help the Patriots a bit.

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My gosh. I have answered over and over. Yes, I think so. My whole point in his has been the report itself and it lacks to prove anything in regards to the AFCCG. Not sure how you can punish when there is zippo other than an attendant taking a pee. Those psi measurements pre game were based on memory and then the two different sets at halftime with only 4 Colts being gauged. This was a botch job and a half. Brady and the Pats have a real case to fight this tooth and nail and I expect they will pending what the league says.

On the one hand,  you admit,  you think they cheated.   Great...  step in the right direction.


On the other hand, you think they have a "case" to fight it...   :scratch:      Forgive me for my confusion on this.


The way I see it...... Tom is digging himself deeper and deeper, and it appears Bill is distancing himself from Tom.

Tom would have been better off to just admit what he did.

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Read this from your own reporter ...


A. He's not my reporter. B. He's not employeed by the Colts C. He's from Miami and his place of business makes him cover the Colts. D. He has no horse in this race


There shouldn't have had to be any sort of preventive measures taken, Brady and the ballboys should've never broken the rules in the first place.


author's note: Brady & the Ballboys is a great 80's pop-rock band name.

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Mods.... do we have a facepalm smiley......

Like I said earlier, Brady's agent isn't even relevant here. He has one job and that's to make Tom Brady (and anyone else he represents) look good.

He can lie all he wants because there won't be any consequences for him.

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On the one hand,  you admit,  you think they cheated.   Great...  step in the right direction.


On the other hand, you think they have a "case" to fight it...   :scratch:      Forgive me for my confusion on this.

It's like if you get caught driving drunk and are arrested but you didn't hurt anyone. Really all you did was break the rules but that didn't effect the outcome of you trip back home. So had that officer not done his job you could've passed out on your hammock and no one would know the difference. So because that cop didn't warn you that he was going to arrest you for wrong doing you can argue to the judge and get that DUI off of your record...because lets face it the cop is the one in the wrong in this instance.



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Jackie Robinson West





Little League baseball found that there were rule violations & they had to vacate its wins from the little league world series & forfeit its world championship .


Little kids learning a life lesson cheaters should never prosper its a shame some adults still yet must learn this lesson you no what the difference here is ?




The Truth  - even in spite of the truth the lies continue IMO the NFL is still collecting info & the lawyer for Brady is not helping his client IMO by continueing the disinformation & confusion  when will the lies end ?  Never a lil lie goes a long way .

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First of all in what world is cheating Good sportsmanship?

Second, it is not a 25k fine like you keep spewing. Its a MINIMUM of 25k

Yeah I don't get where people keep thinking $25k is the harshest they can get.

It says "not limited to $25k".

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Could not agree more.


This one was a lay up for them and the screwed it up ... again. The thing that is absolutely stunning to me with regards to this and Colts fans is the fact that there is zero outrage over how this was handled by the league and a SB berth was on the line.


Grigson told the league prior to the game. They knew. And yet somehow, Walt Anderson for the first time in 19 years lost track of the Pats game balls prior to the game.


Because McNally snuck in and stole them.  He knows that stadium better than anybody, easy thievery for him


And let me remind you that the start of the game was delayed due to the NFCCG going into overtime. Pletny of time to re-gauge those balls, find that they were deflated assuming they were, re-inflate them while noting the psi to then punish Pats and play the game on a level playing field.


It took two officials (alternates attending the game) to measure and adjust 11 Pats balls, and measure only 4 Colts balls.  They couldn;t even complete the action at halftime, yet you expect them to go back and do it before the start of the game?  No, the correct call would be to declare them 'unplayable and use the backup balls still in the officials locker room


IF this had happened, a fair game is played, there is no investigation and Pats are punished within a day of the game. This is like 1,2,3, here. We are talking air ball pressure folks. Air ball pressure. Just check the balls. As soon as they waited to halftime it was too late. The balls had been out in the elements and they of course they screwed up the measurements with two different measurements being taken and managed to only gauge 4 of the Cotls balls because they ran out of time. And remember they had a HEADS up from Grigson. My gosh. This may be the worst black eye on the league yet second only to Rice. And now this report that can only go as far as to say probable, maybe, most likely because they messed up the procedure so bad.


Officials didn't suspect cheating.  If average Joe NFL fan not living in the Northeast was the ref, he would have tossed those 'found' game balls into the Boston Harbor and called for the backup balls to be put in play.


What the Pats did is the equivalent of gamesmanship.


Wrong.  Gamesmanship is using dubious methods that are not technically illegal or pushing rules to the limit to gain and advantage.  Deflating game balls to well under the legal  minimum is clearly a rules violation and not gamesmanship.  Keep spinning... you're so good at it.


I know some here want to blow it up to the whole integrity of the game. But there is a reason the games operations manual has this type of offense as a $25k fine. It is not a big deal



It is a huge deal, and the NFL says so.  Here's a quote  "The NFL takes infractions of Game Operations rules seriously — so much so that clubs risk fines as high as $500,000 for violations “affecting the    competitive aspects    of the game.”   






and something that should be able to be detected without any issue if the refs did their job.


Got it.  If a homeowner gets robbed, it's the homeowner fault of  not doing their job and should have detected it, not that there was a nefarious thief  acting in an illegal fashion.  Your ability to spin is unfathomable. It truly is.


Instead we get a 100 day investigation and report full of more holes than swiss cheese. This is the case because the league failed on so many levels with this one. And they rightfully should be called out for it.



I've debunked all of your points in my responses in red above.

It would do you well to read the whole report...   but only if you remove the extreme bias and aura of invulnerability already ingrained into your persona.

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I started to include him the obvious choice but IMO the ball boy deserved more credit .

yes, and maybe even more credit on the way....  Who knows  :dunno:  


He has lost his job, quite possible his punishment will be to never work with the NFL in any shape or form in the future.  


I see even more information coming from him  very very soon....  :)

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Sorry about the big post. The font came out really big. I will just post link next time.


My entire point was summarized in this article which seemed to be what you were refuting? I don't know. Maybe I misread.


And yes, the violation is horrible and should be punished. I have never denied that. But we are talking ball inflation here and the affect on the game was pretty much nothing so again, why not just check the balls prior to game so game is played fair? If not, then not sure how you can come out after that like this is some big crime if you allowed the game to be played for a whole half with unfair footballs.

I think it would help you understand my point if you would stop focusing on the things that may or may not have been someone elses fault or would have made this less bad for your team


Because that's what you are doing.  The rest of us are focusing on the fact that the pats did this and don't own it.  

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I think it would help you understand my point if you would stop focusing on the things that may or may not have been someone elses fault or would have made this less bad for your team


Because that's what you are doing.  The rest of us are focusing on the fact that the pats did this and don't own it.  

You are "spot on".  And that is always the problem with certain posters here, and it gets extremely annoying.


Once again I have reached my quota of "likes".   haha   Hot topic for me I guess.

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The report says nothing about Brady in relation to the AFCCG. Nothing. There are no texts, no conversations, nothing. All they have is a ball boy ducking into a bathroom. The texts they do have is from the Jets game when Brady angrily told his guys to make sure the refs don't inflate to 16 psi and then you have the ball boy calling himself the deflator. You have the psi measurements prior to the game that were not written down but going off of memory and Anderson "thinks" he used the same gauge for all the balls. Then two separate measurements at halftime with varying psi levels and the science part not able to be completely refuted either. I don't know about you but I think a mediator would have a field day with this.

So you think that a ball boy ducking into a bathroom to deflate footballs was done without any knowledge or direction from Brady...wow.

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most absurd thing I've ever heard. First off belicheck doesn't live on this high moral righteous throne...we all know that...and Brady IMO may have his greatest season ever...more motivated than ever to shut everyone up. It's going to be 2007 all over. They rally the troops...surround the wagon and CRUSH everyone they play if possible.....especially us. If Brady doesn't have a long suspension I would say he would push Peyton's 55 Td mark too but Brady will sit for a few games so that won't be possible....mvp caliber season you wait and see.

I will give you an example of absurd so you will know what it actually means.

It's absurd to use the egos of BB and Brady to try and make a point but then ignore those egos altogether when they no longer support your argument.

Pretend for a moment that BB had nothing to do with any of this. Do you really believe he is going to forgive Brady for what he did and lying about it?

Nah. If Bill didn't know then he and Brady are finished.

And even if Brady did play the entire season, he is not throwing for 50 plus touchdowns this year. He is not good enough to do that.

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You are stunned by your assessment of colts fans lack of outrage but not stunned by anything your team did.  Not the first time we've tripped your 'stun-o-meter'.


You fault the NFL for not catching the Pats deflating the balls and stopping it before the AFC championship...and in any event, it was just gamesmanship (we do what we want and it's your job to catch us in a timely and fair way)


And the NFL has the worst black eye in history for not catching the Pats sooner, not giving them a heads up that they were going to catch them and issuing a report that used the words "more probable than not"


I don't understand your selection of things to be stunned about.   I AM STUNNED by your zero outrage for what your team did.  


I am proud of the Colts for catching this and shining a light on it.  Proud of the Colts for rising above the deflection.


I am disappointed by the Pats organization and them not acknowledging it was wrong.  This wasn't rule bending, it was rule breaking.


And yes I think that what the Pats did was also unnecessary and petty.  So why do it?


If they truly believed that they didn't break the rules, they would say (as they have before)......."that's right, we found a loophole in the rules.  Aren't you jealous?"


They aren't saying that though........and you're not saying it........because you know that the rules were broken and broken intentionally.......and then covered up


You can close your eyes and cover your ears but whatever the NFL did or did not do.........doesn't change what the fact that the choice to circumvent rules was made by your qb


And now everybody knows it


Will you marry me?

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It's like if you get caught driving drunk and are arrested but you didn't hurt anyone. Really all you did was break the rules but that didn't effect the outcome of you trip back home. So had that officer not done his job you could've passed out on your hammock and no one would know the difference. So because that cop didn't warn you that he was going to arrest you for wrong doing you can argue to the judge and get that DUI off of your record...because lets face it the cop is the one in the wrong in this instance.



:spit:   Wrong there are Rules in football - And laws about drunk driving for instance if Aaron Hernandez had only violated a NFL rule he would'nt be in orange .  The 2 are nothing alike ..


Getting caught drunk is serious twice in 5 years is a felony . Terrible comparison IMO only a drunk could believe this .


I 'v been sober 25 years I had friends who would wake up in the driveway with a cooler of beer & they did'nt know if they had just arrived or were just leaving .


With a drunk behind the wheel of a 2000 pound weapon people can & do die all across this country a life is not a game & should never be used


Drunk driving laws save lives its for the greater good - Deflated balls don't drive down the road & if you throw one it won't hurt you .

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The ball boy didn't do this without the direction of art least one of those 3.

Starts at the top.


I agree & that 1 IMO was 12


I dislike the Hoodie & love to dog him but I'm giving you my honest opinion That I believe the possibilty how ever small is the Hoodie found out after the fact .


Opinions are like cabooses everyone has 1 this until I find out otherwise is mine .

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At the end of the day the report was not CONCLUSIVE. Of course any other people other than Patriots fans would just consider that verdict "Guilty" because of our previous record. 

This whole media attention will fire up the locker room more, it will be a good season for the Patriots.

It doesn't have to be conclusive.  So I'm not sure why you're harping on that.  It just has to be more probable than not in order to issue a suspension and that's exactly what the report says.  This has been discussed ad nauseam.

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It doesn't have to be conclusive.  So I'm not sure why you're harping on that.  It just has to be more probable than not in order to issue a suspension and that's exactly what the report says.  This has been discussed ad nauseam.

Those who read it for what it is ~  "get it"


Those who don't want to read it for what it is ~  Never will.

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yes, and maybe even more credit on the way....  Who knows   :dunno:


He has lost his job, quite possible his punishment will be to never work with the NFL in any shape or form in the future.  


I see even more information coming from him  very very soon....   :)


I actually feel bad for the ball boy the scapegoat .  He only did what was asked of him its a travesty for all the heat to fall on his shoulders .


Patriot fans can't handle the truth in this world no one excepts responsibility potus has deflected blame & lied & that culture is now the world we live in .


Lessons we learn as children like honesty & integrity are replaced with parsing words lies & cover ups ,


Hero worship is a pitiful replacement for ones moral values .

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