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Patriots investigation (merge)


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For the most part I have been just reading these comments without being too involved. We can all talk and speculate till we are blue in the face but the facts remains the same. Patriots-11 underinflated footballs. Colts-0 underinflated footballs. That fact has been deflected and discussed by both sides of what you think happened. Till the final results are in from the investigation are in all this crap is useless. There is not point of view that has not been covered. Now it has turned into nothing but an argument. No matter what the result are going to be there will never be an end to this. Just like the fact of the Patriots getting caught, fined and losing a draft pick over the spygate incident. Anyone who dislikes the Patriots is never going to forget that. That will be a part of Patriots history forever. Patriot fans cant stand that part of their history. All I can say is it wouldn't be a part of their history had it not happened. This incident will also be a part of Patriot history no matter what the results of the investigation are. When you put the shoes on and play the part you have to take the heat. I do find it ironic that Patriot fans started pointing fingers at the Colts when the facts speak for themselves. The facts are as stated before are Patriots-ELEVEN underinflated footballs. Colts-ZERO underinflated footballs. How, why and who is responsible is yet to be determined.


But here's the rub, even what you said is not accurate.


11 balls is in dispute from various sources reporting different things. So this cannot be a "fact". 


I'd say "get your facts straight", but given the situation, I'm not sure if its worth it :)

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But here's the rub, even what you said is not accurate.


11 balls is in dispute from various sources reporting different things. So this cannot be a "fact". 


I'd say "get your facts straight", but given the situation, I'm not sure if its worth it :)

The real fact is I couldn't care less about what you have to say. No more deflections for you as far as I am concerned.

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Hahahhha, now it's the Earth's fault. 




It's been widely documented how temperature and conditions can effect the balls...or were you just stomping your feet with your hands over your ears while this was all being stated?


Look, none of us here really think that the Colts 'framed' the Patriots. We are simply playing devil's advocate and saying that it isnt out of the realm of possibility, since 'circumstantial evidence' is all we have to go on, right? Any conclusion that anyone has formed period is based on speculation...so again, why is one conclusion any more credible than another? That is all that Viru was saying yesterday...that there is speculation on many different results to this, but because there are no facts out there at this point tipping the scales in one direction or the other, all conclusions are still on the table. THAT is a fact, even if you want to claim otherwise. 

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The real fact is I couldn't care less about what you have to say. No more deflections for you as far as I am concerned.


And this is where we are now. We have DW who wont even bother to read a post responding to something he wrote, and now you're saying you dont care what someone has to say...yet you'll keep on trying to make points with out listening to others.


Hmmm....our apologies if its seeming a little difficult to have a legitimate discussion about this with some of you.

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And this is where we are now. We have DW who wont even bother to read a post responding to something he wrote, and now you're saying you dont care what someone has to say...yet you'll keep on trying to make points with out listening to others.


Hmmm....our apologies if its seeming a little difficult to have a legitimate discussion about this with some of you.

You seem to think there is more to discuss? There is no more. Just rehash of every angle that could be thought of. There is no such a thing as a legitimate discussion till the investigation is over.

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The real fact is I couldn't care less about what you have to say. No more deflections for you as far as I am concerned.


But yet you took the time to point that out. You seem to want to be relevant, yet you are not. If you want to participate in a discussion, and have something useful to say, then do so. If not, keep your fingers off the keyboard. Or ignore me. Dont matter.

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You seem to think there is more to discuss? There is no more. Just rehash of every angle that could be thought of. There is no such a thing as a legitimate discussion till the investigation is over.


Ah...so that's what you meant when you said 'I couldn't care less what you have to say'!!! You weren't being an donkey, you were just making the point that we should wait until the investigation is over until we discuss it! Sorry I misunderstood your 'tone'.


But you're right...we should probably just close this thread....and every other thread that discusses things that haven't finished yet, right?


Gameday threads? Worthless, we should just have a post game thread. What's the point of talking about stuff before its over?

Draft threads? Stupid...why not just wait until the draft is done and discuss then?


This is what people do on these boards. It's not that weird of a concept.

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Who is seeking out an argument? There is a topic here in the 'NFL General' forum about this ongoing investigation. People are discussing it. Nobody is forced to discuss it if they don't want to. So what is the issue?


Your 329 posts on this subject is what shes talking about most trolling IMO . You & yours don't like it because your team has once again been called a cheater .


Since 2000 this is the Patriots legacy a pattern so enjoy the Lombardi & the negativity that comes when your team is equally known for excellence on the field as well as cheating .

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Character shot, against earlier mod warning
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Character shot, against earlier mod warning

Mods, how is it that a guy who only takes persona shots is allowed to post?

I'll protect you princess , Who's pulling your hair ? I'll not stand for it ..

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It's been widely documented how temperature and conditions can effect the balls...or were you just stomping your feet with your hands over your ears while this was all being stated?


Look, none of us here really think that the Colts 'framed' the Patriots. We are simply playing devil's advocate and saying that it isnt out of the realm of possibility, since 'circumstantial evidence' is all we have to go on, right? Any conclusion that anyone has formed period is based on speculation...so again, why is one conclusion any more credible than another? That is all that Viru was saying yesterday...that there is speculation on many different results to this, but because there are no facts out there at this point tipping the scales in one direction or the other, all conclusions are still on the table. THAT is a fact, even if you want to claim otherwise. 


LOL you peas in a pod are cracking me up. Seriously, where do you guys come from, and why are you even on our forum? 

Also, why are you pats fans acting oblivious that the Ravens are the ones that tipped off the Colts? At least Grigs had the cajones to call the NE Cheaters out. 



This isn't the first time the pats have cheated, and unfortunately it won't be the last. I just wonder how people can be fans of such blatant nonsense. 

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Your 329 posts on this subject is what shes talking about most trolling IMO . You & yours don't like it because your team has once again been called a cheater .

Since 2000 this is the Patriots legacy a pattern so enjoy the Lombardi & the negativity that comes when your team is equally known for excellence on the field as well as cheating .


the Patriots are being referred to as the greatest dynasty ever by many pundits and NFL experts, as well as fans.

Go to most teams' forums. Even Steeler and Jets fans are laughing over the idiocy of Ballghazi.

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - response to hiden post
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - response to hiden post

I'll protect you princess , Who's pulling your hair ? I'll not stand for it ..

Someone else who find it impossible to contribute. What a reflection of a Colts fan you are.
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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Irrelevant and trollish post
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Irrelevant and trollish post

Mods, how is it that a guy who only takes personal shots is allowed to post?


This guy. 


All you do is trash Colts fans constantly, but it's ok when you do it? Psshhh. 


Seriously, just go. 

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Your 329 posts on this subject is what shes talking about most trolling IMO . You & yours don't like it because your team has once again been called a cheater .


Since 2000 this is the Patriots legacy a pattern so enjoy the Lombardi & the negativity that comes when your team is equally known for excellence on the field as well as cheating .

I do love the negativity, thanks. I've never had the privilege of rooting for a team that has gotten this far into peoples heads before...We had Bush Derangement Syndrome, now we have Patriots Derangement Syndrome.

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the Patriots are being referred to as the greatest dynasty ever by many pundits and NFL experts, as well as fans.

Go to most teams' forums. Even Steeler and Jets fans are laughing over the idiocy of Ballghazi.


Yet your insecurity leads you here to Indianapolis.com to defend your team ,  To Troll I understand the laughter I laugh every time I read a Patriot Homers post trying to convince others that there team is not & has never cheated its hilarious .


You folks may have won the Lombardi but it comes at a cost just like the Home-run record in baseball ********

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To say that the odds are the same that the Colts doctored balls as it is for the Pats to have doctored balls is foolish and ridiculous. I did you the courtesy of reading what you have.


1) There is nothing stating that there is one ball that deflated 2 lbs and 11 that deflated .5 which would explain as you have it laid out. 


2) To say that BB , Kraft  and TB seemed innocent ... You are kidding on using that for evidence. Furthermore most of the public thought Brady looked guilty as all hell during his press conference.


3) The rest of what you have is really ridiculous . No offense but it's pretty much insane and you no doubt have a vivid imagination and really do believe this was all a set up . The Colts trying to frame the Pats. Utterly ridiculous. Really coincidental that the Colts decided to farm NE and all the Colt balls measure fine and all 12 of NE balls are under. How about we just drop this as I can't take reading through stuff like that and actually debating it's merits. 


I brought up the points not to say that what happen will happen.  I was just pointing out that what the other pats where saying comes from a given basis.  And that there is an alternative result.  And to say that is 100% not possible is simple not correct, that was merely my point. I am not saying that what I said is 75% likely or 25% likely or even 3% likely, but that it is not 0.00% likely.   And given that we do not a final determination by the NFL, that is in play.


And no matter how you spin things what is going on is very fishy, you can not deny this point.  It may turn out as some of you think and that is perfectly possible.  But there just are too many things that are contradicting each other to make it seem like "something bad" by the pats likely happened.   but we will see. 


You have the GM of the colts saying we told the NFL the week before the super bowl and then Dean B. saying they were not told till half time.  Not to mention there was a report that the colts felt the balls were deflated in Nov., but yet they did not tell the NFL at that time?  It does not seem right.  You had a report that guy that picked off the ball claimed it was under inflated, then later states he did not say this point.  You have the colts coach claiming not knowledge at anytime, a NFL "source" leaking it at 1 am.   You can try to run but there is a lot of things in this process that are not connecting.


The lack of any other teams coming out that they have noticed it to, and we have had the teams present their own balls from 2006/7 which is at least 8 years/128 games, and no other team has noticed or said anything?


Regarding your points:


1) We have no concrete evidence on anything and have reports all over the place.  It does not seem logical to me that balls would be at different levels, but that may be the case.  There does seem to be an issue with a ball 2 PSI below the level, which seem out of whack, perhaps its false report or it got damage.  My only point was that I really do not believe a lot of the reports and if it turns out that there is only one ball well below the spec and others are innocent, then we have problems.


2) For me Brady looked more like why the F am I here look, which for me parallel my earlier point is that this is not a national issue.  Jesus we had people from the national press at the press conference, I mean really?  And I think Brady felt the same way.   As for the other two, folks have to believe what folks have to believe.  After all your coach claimed to have no knowledge of the situation, so perhaps he is telling the truth?  Point being not all could be telling the truth and some may be telling the truth, I chose to believe the pats until proven otherwise.   

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Irrelevant and off topic
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Irrelevant and off topic

I do love the negativity, thanks. I've never had the privilege of rooting for a team that has gotten this far into peoples heads before...We had Bush Derangement Syndrome, now we have Patriots Derangement Syndrome.


Band wagon fans like your self are the ones that Troll the most .


 Patriots Derangement Syndrome is a Patriots Tight End  named Hernandez who is currently a big star on Court T.V .

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You Patriot fans have nothing else to offer so Troll away you being here & posting so much shows just what kind of fans you are .


IMO Patriot fans can't enjoy a win any more than they can enjoy a loss there so miserable only because they can't make every one agree with there views of there team & this will never happen .


Most Colts fans realize we most likely would not win that game , We just did'nt realize someone in the Patriots Organization did'nt want to take that chance so the Patriots had balls tampered with & the Colts did not PERIOD ..


Until the Wells report is released no one knows the exact truth so to continue to TROLL after 18 pages is STUPID .

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It is a fact the Patriots had multiple balls under inflated. The NFL made a statement to that effect.

Grigson knew from the November game.

To the poster who asked how the balls in Indy could have been deflated. The Patriots bring and handle their very own balls.


That was me, and my understanding is, no, its the responsibility of the home team to supply the equipment people. During the AFCCC, the pats supplied the personnel on both sidelines, and it was the pats guy that had both bags coming out of the refs room (and into the bathroom :) ).


So in the Colts game..wouldn't it be a Colts employee providing the same service? 

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Quoting in response to hidden post
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Quoting in response to hidden post

This guy.

All you do is trash Colts fans constantly, but it's ok when you do it? Psshhh.

Seriously, just go.

Show me where I've trashed the Colts. I won't hold my breath.
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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Caharacter shot against warning posted earlier in thread.
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Caharacter shot against warning posted earlier in thread.

Yet your insecurity leads you here to Indianapolis.com to defend your team , To Troll I understand the laughter I laugh every time I read a Patriot Homers post trying to convince others that there team is not & has never cheated its hilarious .

You folks may have won the Lombardi but it comes at a cost just like the Home-run record in baseball ********

Been here a lot longer than you. And clearly contribute a lot more.
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But yet you took the time to point that out. You seem to want to be relevant, yet you are not. If you want to participate in a discussion, and have something useful to say, then do so. If not, keep your fingers off the keyboard. Or ignore me. Dont matter.

Useful to say? There is nothing left to say till the investigation is over. This back and forth can go on forever and all it does is blow smoke. It has become nothing but an argument that some are calling a discussion. No more no less. But it is no problem to put you on ignore as you have nothing more to add that hasn't been covered.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 25, 2015 - personal
Hidden by Nadine, February 25, 2015 - personal

Ah...so that's what you meant when you said 'I couldn't care less what you have to say'!!! You weren't being an donkey, you were just making the point that we should wait until the investigation is over until we discuss it! Sorry I misunderstood your 'tone'.


But you're right...we should probably just close this thread....and every other thread that discusses things that haven't finished yet, right?


Gameday threads? Worthless, we should just have a post game thread. What's the point of talking about stuff before its over?

Draft threads? Stupid...why not just wait until the draft is done and discuss then?


This is what people do on these boards. It's not that weird of a concept.

No, I really couldn't care less about what a Patriot fans has to say when all it has become is a long standing argument. It seems to me you enjoy the Colts forum more than your own. Is there a reason for that? Are is it to come and non stop argue and calling it discussion? I would be willing to bet you spent a lot more time in the Colts forum than the Patriots forum?

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Useful to say? There is nothing left to say till the investigation is over. This back and forth can go on forever and all it does is blow smoke. It has become nothing but an argument that some are calling a discussion. No more no less. But it is no problem to put you on ignore as you have nothing more to add that hasn't been covered.


So why participate? Why take the effort and time to point out to the rest of us the frivolity of our discussion? Do you have such a need to control others, that you have to point out what you believe to be useless?

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Response to hidden post
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - Response to hidden post

Been here a lot longer than you. And clearly contribute a lot more.


Yes I agree you'v been here longer


Trolling I'm sure, clearly your contributions speak for themselves .  Thank You

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - continued personal argument
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - continued personal argument

Been here a lot longer than you. And clearly contribute a lot more.

So in what capacity do you contribute? Is being a long time member of this forum a good thing when all you know how to do is argue under the assumption it's called debate or discussion?

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - personal argument
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - personal argument

Band wagon fans like your self are the ones that Troll the most .


 Patriots Derangement Syndrome is a Patriots Tight End  named Hernandez who is currently a big star on Court T.V .

I would venture to say that I've been a fan since before you were born, but your meltdown over who posts here is at least entertaining...

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So back to the topic...given all the balls were deflated to several different levels, how does this "organized cheating plot" work again? You mean to tell me that the masterminds of this supposed plot didn't have a specific number in mind? The randomness of the deflation is the undoing of this whole conspiracy theory...if this was an orchestrated attempt to cheat, then every one of those 12 balls would be at the same level...they'd all be 10.5 or all 11.5 or whatever the "ideal" number is. 12 balls all over the map? Sorry - that's not a "plot". 

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - personal argumnet.
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, February 24, 2015 - personal argumnet.

I would venture to say that I've been a fan since before you were born, but your meltdown over who posts here is at least entertaining...


Meltdown ?   reading comprehension must be the first to go . :D :D  &   I'm here for your entertainment let me give you a balloon with no air take my word for this its the Lombardi Trophy you Patriot fans can supply your own air .

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No, I really couldn't care less about what a Patriot fans has to say when all it has become is a long standing argument. It seems to me you enjoy the Colts forum more than your own. Is there a reason for that? Are is it to come and non stop argue and calling it discussion? I would be willing to bet you spent a lot more time in the Colts forum than the Patriots forum?


Sigh. I don't know how many times I have to type this same old thing every time one of you guys gets your panties in a bunch and wonders what opposing fans could possibly be doing here. I guess I'll say it again...I have posted here for 10 years now...I consider it my home board as well and I have never posted on a Patriots board. I came here originally to see what my team's main rival's fans were thinking and I enjoyed the different point of view and decided to 'stay'. I post primarily in the NFL General section as over the last decade there have been many topics about the team that I root for. Heck, I even used to get my Patriots breaking news here, because Colts fans would be just as quick to post it as Boston.com! That is why I am here, and I'm sorry if it offends you.


But look, you dont last as long as I, and others, have on a rivals board if all you do is start arguments and troll. I've never been banned. That's not what we are about. GoPats, Yahoodi, myself...we've been here for a long time and we enjoy it here and are pretty darn objective when we are having good conversations with people. Why is it that every time there is a discussion that doesn't have a pro-Colts result you guys resort to the same old 'why are you even here' rhetoric? It's like clockwork with you guys. 

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It makes zero sense that if it came up in the earlier game that Pagano would not have known about it .

Not at all. It is impossible for the head coach not to know about the issue if it had happened against his own team just two months before .



We've discussed pagano saying he was unaware of Grigson notifying the league and it's easier to think that he wasn't telling the truth than try to figure out how that could be. I thought that the players and Pagano wanted to distance themselves from the process as they seemed to feel that the score was so bad that it was best to take that stance. 

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We've discussed pagano saying he was unaware of Grigson notifying the league and it's easier to think that he wasn't telling the truth than try to figure out how that could be. I thought that the players and Pagano wanted to distance themselves from the process as they seemed to feel that the score was so bad that it was best to take that stance. 

Do you think this could potentially start a rift between Grigson and Pagano and/or the players? I do wonder if they feel a certain level of embarrassment and wish Grigson never brought it up.

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