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Baldwin says disgusting TD celebration aimed at Revis


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Doug Baldwin has come out and said that his TD celebration after he scored a TD in the SB was aimed at Revis. Baldwin put the ball on the ground, pretended to drop his pants and defecate on the ball.


Here is his explanation: "I spent a lot of time those two weeks prior to getting ready for that game just focused on my individual matchup with him and I put a lot into it, and in that moment, I guess you could say it was just kind of a built-up frustration I was letting out in that sequence, you know, between him and I," Baldwin said Monday night. "Obviously there was competitive stuff going on in that game, and in that moment, I just let out what I felt personally."


So you make a play against a guy and your response is to do THAT act? Between Lynch grabbing his privates and now his, the Hawks have to be one of the most disgusting teams in the league. And honestly as a Pats fan, that is why I am SO happy we fired Carroll in the late 90's. The guy just lets his players do whatever they want with no repercussions and you have stuff like this and the late game scrum at the end where Harvin was ejected.


And why is this apology coming now? Seems rather late. But then again I am sure Carroll probably said nothing to him post-game ...

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And I was happy when you fired Caroll so USC can win a lot of games and bowls.

Fight on.

Were you happy with the way he ran USC and the two year bowl ban, stripped of its national title and Bush of his Heisman among other sanctions? And then he slipped out of town just before it all came down to go coach the Hawks?

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Were you happy with the way he ran USC and the two year bowl ban at the end among other sanctions? And then he slipped out of town just before it all came down to go coach the Hawks?

I was happy when he helped us won 4 rose bowls, 2 orange bowls(1 taken away obviously but we clearly won that game easily), a high winning percentage.

I don't mind losing Reggie's heisman and that title. Still have one of the most all time in both categories.

Till Lame Kiffin showed up.

Caroll years were so much better than the Paul Hackett and Lame Kiffin years.

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They will get over it. USC did the same thing vs Texas while leaving Reggie out on 4th and 1.

I don't know. Hard to compare college to the pros. When a SB is on the line and you feel you can and will win with your RB and he does not get the chance that is tough. I guess we will find out but the odds were already stacked against them of making a third bowl to begin with. I am more interested to see how they shape their team as they have some big decisions coming up and big contracts to deal with in order to keep the team rolling.

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I don't know. Hard to compare college to the pros. When a SB is on the line and you feel you can and will win with your RB and he does not get the chance that is tough. I guess we will find out but the odds were already stacked against them of making a third bowl to begin with. I am more interested to see how they shape their team as they have some big decisions coming up and big contracts to deal with in order to keep the team rolling.

Its a long long time since a team been to 3 straight Super Bowls. I don't see them making it again next year. I think Green Bay or Dallas will take it over next year.

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eh...they would have been more hated had they established themselves as a dynasty....but now that they are just a 1-hit wonder they are down on the list for most people, especially compared to the Patriots.

One hit wonders don't go to two straight Super Bowls.......

Enough with the mythology that everyone hates the patriots in every category/thing. It's like saying the Patriots have the worst uniforms because everyone hates them.

These are the majority of your posts.

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Doug Baldwin has come out and said that his TD celebration after he scored a TD in the SB was aimed at Revis. Baldwin put the ball on the ground, pretended to drop his pants and defecate on the ball.


Here is his explanation: "I spent a lot of time those two weeks prior to getting ready for that game just focused on my individual matchup with him and I put a lot into it, and in that moment, I guess you could say it was just kind of a built-up frustration I was letting out in that sequence, you know, between him and I," Baldwin said Monday night. "Obviously there was competitive stuff going on in that game, and in that moment, I just let out what I felt personally."


So you make a play against a guy and your response is to do THAT act? Between Lynch grabbing his privates and now his, the Hawks have to be one of the most disgusting teams in the league. And honestly as a Pats fan, that is why I am SO happy we fired Carroll in the late 90's. The guy just lets his players do whatever they want with no repercussions and you have stuff like this and the late game scrum at the end where Harvin was ejected.


And why is this apology coming now? Seems rather late. But then again I am sure Carroll probably said nothing to him post-game ...

I think you make too much out of any situation you feel is against the Patriots. You're such a homer. :yes:

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So you enjoyed it and thought it was appropriate? NBC wouldn't even show it and this is the same network that showed us Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction over and over.

I thought it was hilarious since I saw it happen on the football team as a kid, it will never not be funny. Anything about taking dumps is hilarious. especially when you look at how big of a moment it was. Stop taking life so seriously. you won the superbowl. go shovel some snow.

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Its a long long time since a team been to 3 straight Super Bowls. I don't see them making it again next year. I think Green Bay or Dallas will take it over next year.


That got me thinking and doing a little research:


Only two teams have gone to three League Championship games in a row in the SB era.  The last team to go to three straight SB's was the Bills in the early nineties, who lost four in a row over 20 years ago.  The Dolphins went to three in a row in the early 70's, winning two.


Even the great Niners and Steelers teams that won four rings with Montana and Bradshaw never went to more than two in a row.


Staubach's Cowboys went to three out of four in the mid/late 70's, losing two of the three.


Elway took the Broncos to three out of four in the mid/late 80's, losing all three before capping his career with those two great wins a little later.


Aikman's Cowboys and Brady's Patriots went to three of four in the early 90's and 00's, each winning all three.


So, the precedent is there for three in a row or three out of four, but it's a very big mountain to climb.  And getting there doesn't guarantee that you win the big game.


And we shouldn't forget that Starr's Packers went to three League Championship games in a row in the 65, 66, and 67 seasons, winning all three.  the 66 and 67 season games were, of course, SB's I and II.


Are the Seahawks and Wilson in the same category as the Packers and Starr?  The Steelers and Bradshaw?  The Niners and Montana?  The Cowboys and Aikman?  The Cowboys and Staubach?  The Patriots and Brady?


That kind of question is exactly why we all can't wait until another season starts, isn't it?

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Sounds like a classy guy. Revis basically shut him down though....if not for that pick on the ref guy wouldn't have sniffed the endzone. I don't get it....Revis seems to be a very respectable player...why the hate?

The Hawks seemed to be obsessed with the media thinking anyone is better than them. Whether it was Sherman and his fixation with Brady and Crabtree or Baldwin and his unsportsmanlike celebration or Sherman holding up his 2 and 4 fingers to call out Revis. They are clearly a team consumed with what the media thinks. And I have not even gotten to Lynch and his melodramatics ...

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I don't really get "Angry Doug." He seems to do and say things to draw attention to himself, like his post-game rant after the NFCCG. 


And although yeah, he scored a TD, that was his only catch in the entire game, and he needed a referee's pick to get open. One catch, one TD, three yards.


Throw in the 15-yard misconduct and he actually netted Seattle -12 yards for the game.


That's my only gripe about it/him. If you're going to be a loudmouth at least play a good game. He was pretty much erased by Revis. 

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I like how the celebration was disgusting and uncalled for, but a bench player in Bolden and then Blount (who had a pretty average game) can wear shirts saying "B***h Mode 24" on television during the Pats parade. Yeah reaaaallll classy

Except those t-shirts weren't worn by them. They were tossed up onto their duckboats by fans.
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The word "disgusting" is an adjective, or modifier, and it is a matter of opinion. That makes the headline editorial in nature.


But you know that already.


Edit: You also left out the apology part of Baldwin's comments.



"I do regret the fact that it cost my team 15 yards, and to the fans, ultimately I apologize to anybody I offended in any way," Baldwin said Monday night on "The Barbershop" on 710 ESPN Seattle. "It wasn't about that. I just think it was a competitive situation. So to all the 12s, all the fans, that's not what it's about. So I apologize to anyone if I offended you."

"In that moment, it was just a reaction," he added later in the show. "So obviously if I could go back, I would take it back."


Edited by Superman
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The word "disgusting" is an adjective, or modifier, and it is a matter of opinion. That makes the headline editorial in nature.


But you know that already.


Edit: You also left out the apology part of Baldwin's comments.



You are reaching here. The word "celebrating" would be what is editorialized here by the ESPN reporter or perhaps I should say euphemized as pretending to defecate on a ball is more of a disgusting act than it is a celebration. If anything, my headline was more accurate and less editorialized/euphemized.

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You are reaching here. The word "celebrating" would be what is editorialized here by the ESPN reporter or perhaps I should say euphemized as pretending to defecation a ball is more of a disgusting act than it is a celebration. If anything, my headline was more accurate and less editorialized/euphemized.


Nope. You found it "disgusting," that's your opinion, you put it in your thread title = editorializing. "Celebration" may be the wrong word, but it's not a matter of opinion.


You're not a reporter, so it's not like you broke a rule or a standard. Just a pet peeve of mine. Personally, even if I found what Baldwin did to be "disgusting," I wouldn't have included that word in my thread title. I'd have saved it for the body of my post, making a distinction between the facts and my opinion, as much as possible. 

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Nope. You found it "disgusting," that's your opinion, you put it in your thread title = editorializing. "Celebration" may be the wrong word, but it's not a matter of opinion.


You're not a reporter, so it's not like you broke a rule or a standard. Just a pet peeve of mine.

Right. I am not a reporter so I took the liberty of writing a thread title that more accurately captured the story.

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