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Do you feel like these statements are certainties

Ohio Colt

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1) Andrew Luck will most likely play in; and win ONE Super Bowl.


2) We will not be the type of franchise that wins four during the Luck/Pagano regime like the Patriots have.



I feel like Luck will get his one - like Peyton did. But the thoughts and illusions of this regime winning multiple you can just tell isn't going to happen where we win year after year after year. It's really going to be about the same as the Polian/Manning regime.


We have a year where we peak and win it all; possibly we get to another. But the thought of this coaching staff and GM building a team that wins 2, 3, or 4 is probably not going to happen.


Am I off basis for thinking this way? Anyone else feel this way?


BTW there's nothing wrong with just winning one. I am saying I am at least confident enough in Luck, Pagano that I think they'll win one, which is saying a lot for a regime.

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I think we win one with Luck but in order to be in the mix on many occasions we will need to improve greatly.  Our division is going to get better, if Houston had a QB they would be dangerous, the Jags have tonnes of cap money and will be spending it to improve, and the Titans well OK they are what they are for now.


I honestly dont know if this staff will be the ones we win with I have mixed feelings about them, however this is the year they need to prove we can be real contenders.

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Just get one, I'm sick of waking up the morning of a playoff game and saying to my family "This could either be a day I will treasure for the rest of my life or just be another heart breaking loss that I've been used to for 15 years" and then adding to the latter list.

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I predict 2 SBs in the next 4 years.........


Than 2 years of Cap hell......



Than 2 more SBs..... after we get out of cap hell.....



He wins THREE in his career...


3 MVPs


He shaves his beard for good, and starts using Rogaine............. after he figures out how much a QB can make

in the offseason....

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I think we win one with Luck but in order to be in the mix on many occasions we will need to improve greatly.  Our division is going to get better, if Houston had a QB they would be dangerous, the Jags have tonnes of cap money and will be spending it to improve, and the Titans well OK they are what they are for now.


I honestly dont know if this staff will be the ones we win with I have mixed feelings about them, however this is the year they need to prove we can be real contenders.

Sorry to inform you but the Colts did make the AFC championship game. Yes they lost but they are already contenders. The Colts are not that many pieces away.

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I predict 2 SBs in the next 4 years.........


Than 2 years of Cap hell......



Than 2 more SBs..... after we get out of cap hell.....



He wins THREE in his career...


3 MVPs


He shaves his beard for good, and starts using Rogaine............. after he figures out how much a QB can make

in the offseason....

As long as Grigson is the GM there will be no cap problems.

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Sorry to inform you but the Colts did make the AFC championship game. Yes they lost but they are already contenders. The Colts are not that many pieces away.

Considering the beat down they put on average and poor teams to the beat downs they received by contenders this year I would say we are many pieces away.

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As long as Grigson is the GM there will be no cap problems.


In most cases, you either dump really good players at the end of their career or have a bad year or two.....


I would rather have 1 to 2 years of cap hell and 4 SBs than a good team and ONE SB win.... (Like the last 15 years)

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1) Andrew Luck will most likely play in; and win ONE Super Bowl.


2) We will not be the type of franchise that wins four during the Luck/Pagano regime like the Patriots have.



I feel like Luck will get his one - like Peyton did. But the thoughts and illusions of this regime winning multiple you can just tell isn't going to happen where we win year after year after year. It's really going to be about the same as the Polian/Manning regime.


We have a year where we peak and win it all; possibly we get to another. But the thought of this coaching staff and GM building a team that wins 2, 3, or 4 is probably not going to happen.


Am I off basis for thinking this way? Anyone else feel this way?


BTW there's nothing wrong with just winning one. I am saying I am at least confident enough in Luck, Pagano that I think they'll win one, which is saying a lot for a regime.


I think Luck will win at least one super bowl.  I don't think we can rule out him winning more.  Brady and Bellichek can't have too much longer left in this league, Peyton maybe has 1 year left at best and that whole Denver team is built for him to contend now -- I think both of those teams will see major declines when Brady and Manning leave.  If the Texans get a QB, we should have a very legit contender in the AFC South for years to come, but once Brady and Manning bow out, I think we've got the best QB in the AFC for years to come.  As long as we have that, we should be in position to get to the playoffs.  We need some more pieces, we need to stay healthy, and we need to figure out how to manage the cap to keep some unity around Luck, but there is no reason we can't be in contention every year for a while.  I think Irsay (and Grigs/Pags/etc.) realize Peyton didn't win more than 1 because we relied on him to carry too much of a load, and I think they're doing their best to continue to give Luck weapons around him and a defense to lighten his load a bit.  So far, we have nothing to complain about (3 straight 11 win years, with improvements in the playoffs each year after coming of a 2-14 season gives me a lot of faith in the front office we have)... a million things could happen though which could jeopardize all of this, so it is too early to predict much now.  As long as Luck stays healthy, though, he has proven, we will (almost) always have a shot at winning.


Considering the beat down they put on average and poor teams to the beat downs they received by contenders this year I would say we are many pieces away.

Ahh, loses are never as bad as they seem and wins are never as great as they seem.  After we beat Cincy 27-0 we were on top of the world, then we lost the next week to Pitt and were on the bottom of the abyss.  New England beat us pretty handily twice, and we didn't even play our starters for the majority of the Dallas game.  Even the loss to Pitt we were in it until mid-way thru the 4th quarter.  We were capable of playing with any team in the league last year, we were out-coached (and out-played) by NE two times, and they proved to be the best in the league.  We just finished year 3 of a total rebuild, so it is pretty inevitable we need some more pieces, but if we stay healthy at all our major positions, we shouldn't be too many pieces away.

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First off the polian era was a good look at what happens when you try and experiment. Polian tried to build a team where you build the lead and unleash the pass rushers and play cover 2. Well, that didn't work and when we did win the Super Bowl, it was because Bob sanders came back and our defense played lights out, along with being able to run the ball. Manning didn't have to do it all himself, if anything sanders should have been the SB MVP. We are off to a good start with having a Qb, but look at the past teams that have won, Defense, Defense, running the ball efficiently to control the clock. Paganos has that mindset , but we need to put that blueprint on the field and it starts in the off season. Make it happen Grigson and Pagano. Colts Ball!!!

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To hear and read what some seem to think about the Colts are at the bottom of the barrel. We need all new players except for 3 or 4. We need all new coaches. All this doom and gloom crap is just that. It's totally a shame some feel that way about the progress this team has made. You would think they finished 4th place in the AFC south with some of the comments made. There are at least 25 other teams in the NFL that wished they had a brighter future than the Colts. Way too many of you are just negative people who just cant wait to down grade the Colts. I wonder if some of you are really Colt fans? You sound more like you hate them rather than like them. It's never about the good things. Constant complaining about all the bad things. And from the way some talk the whole future of the Colts is no better than what the Raiders have been for over a decade.

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Until we figure out how to play more disciplined and with much better execution then its going to be a monumental task to get to a SB let alone win it unless some offensively challenged team stumbles into the SB like the Bears did in '06


The NFL is often a game of match-ups and luck when you get to the playoffs.  We saw more parity in the NFL this past year than any year prior, IMO.  No need to look much further than the playoffs....


Dallas got very lucky to squeak by Detroit in round one of the NFC, Green Bay then got very lucky to squeak by Dallas in the divisional round, when New England barely squeaked by Baltimore.  Then Seattle got very lucky to beat Green Bay in the championship round, while we got pummeled by NE.  No excuses, but we were very close to being matched up with Baltimore who we beat pretty handily in the regular season, and I think we could have played with any team that came out of the NFC.


So much variables go into winning in the NFL.  A few of them are health at time of post-season, momentum, weather, match-ups, and of course coaching and talent, etc.... IMO, we really need to focus on getting a 1 seed as we are going to be better off in Indy than having to go to NE, Pitt, etc... as long as we have Luck, we should be legitimate contenders to get to the post-season, sure we can use talent upgrades throughout our roster, and it'd be nice if we could stay healthy, but as long as we're in the dance, we've got a shot.... getting lucky with our match-ups can never hurt, either.

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Just get one, I'm sick of waking up the morning of a playoff game and saying to my family "This could either be a day I will treasure for the rest of my life or just be another heart breaking loss that I've been used to for 15 years" and then adding to the latter list.

15 years?....

My math might not be up to Stephen Hawking's standards, but I am pretty sure that 2006 was less that 15 years ago dude.

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1) Andrew Luck will most likely play in; and win ONE Super Bowl.


2) We will not be the type of franchise that wins four during the Luck/Pagano regime like the Patriots have.



I feel like Luck will get his one - like Peyton did. But the thoughts and illusions of this regime winning multiple you can just tell isn't going to happen where we win year after year after year. It's really going to be about the same as the Polian/Manning regime.


We have a year where we peak and win it all; possibly we get to another. But the thought of this coaching staff and GM building a team that wins 2, 3, or 4 is probably not going to happen.


Am I off basis for thinking this way? Anyone else feel this way?


BTW there's nothing wrong with just winning one. I am saying I am at least confident enough in Luck, Pagano that I think they'll win one, which is saying a lot for a regime.

Much of this depends on the balance of power in the AFC once Brady retires. Back when the Packers won their first SB with Rodgers in 2010 they were predicted to win a couple of more but then the Niners got Harbaugh and the Seahawks got Carroll and the balance of power shifted dramatically in the NFC and the Packers have yet to make it back to the bowl much less win one. And now they have to contend with a very stout Lions team and a resurgent Dallas team.


I think the Colts are set up to do damage potentially after Brady is gone but you just never know the dynamics in the league and which teams end up standing in your path. I never thought the Ravens would be the type of challenger they were to the Pats the last several years but when John Harbaugh arrived they became the top rival and twice bounced the Pats from the post-season.

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1. He will win 2 or 3.

2. Who cares? Just get two or three.

Broncos and Patriots are done in two years. Rivers will be getting very old by then.

Ravens defense may have to revamp their defense(long time players are still on the team). Steelers as well. Bengals are just not getting there. Texans might be get contending status if they get a QB but the question is when and Andre Johnson and Foster needs to be replaced by then anyway.

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15 years?....

My math might not be up to Stephen Hawking's standards, but I am pretty sure that 2006 was less that 15 years ago dude.

Should have specified - 06 are the games I remember fondly for the rest of my life, but the heartbreaking playoff exits stretch far beyond that.

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