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Manning's Health in the playoffs


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Over the past few weeks we have seen a different Manning. His throws (although never lazer-like) have fluttered even more and do not have the same velocity. Further, he's been even less mobile with the thigh injury. These factors may be why Denver has focused on their run game much more, especially with the playoffs looming.


Opposing teams have had success making Manning throw outside rather than the middle of the field because those throws are longer distances and are tougher for Manning with his lack of arm strength. Will the Colts deploy this tactic?


Manning is coming off of a bye week. How has he performed after a bye? And how has he performed in big games?



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If Manning does well after the bye, my question is can he continue for the two additional games necessary to win the big prize.


I'm betting he can't, and that our Colts will beat the Broncos and advance to Championship Sunday.

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I think Denver really focusing on the run gun could be one of two things. 1) Manning is injured and they are trying to cover for that. 2). The knew, like all good teams, that once the Playoffs came around the team that runs the ball best typically wins. The second scenario is even more plausible knowing that they would be playing in Denver and then possibly NE in the winter where the weather could turn nasty. Having a good running game in those situation is a great thing to have. Which one is it, who knows. Could be that 18 is hurt or it could be that 18 and the Bronco's are smart and thinking of getting to the promise land and not slinging the ball around in the regular season.  

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I think Denver really focusing on the run gun could be one of two things. 1) Manning is injured and they are trying to cover for that. 2). The knew, like all good teams, that once the Playoffs came around the team that runs the ball best typically wins. The second scenario is even more plausible knowing that they would be playing in Denver and then possibly NE in the winter where the weather could turn nasty. Having a good running game in those situation is a great thing to have. Which one is it, who knows. Could be that 18 is hurt or it could be that 18 and the Bronco's are smart and thinking of getting to the promise land and not slinging the ball around in the regular season.  

It was an abrupt switch mid-season though. If they wanted to contend in the post-season you would have thought the change would have begun in week one.

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It was an abrupt switch mid-season though. If they wanted to contend in the post-season you would have thought the change would have begun in week one.


That's what I would think as well. But maybe after that Rams game they realized that Peyton throwing it so much wouldn't work (i.e. the Super Bowl).

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It was an abrupt switch mid-season though. If they wanted to contend in the post-season you would have thought the change would have begun in week one.

The abruptness of the change is a little concerning. It could be due to Manning or it actually could be due to their new RB having so much success that they decided to stick with it. Their other RBs were semi-successful, but not enough to make them a prominent part of the offense. Just my thoughts.

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I think the bye week is the key.  An extra week for him to heal is really big.  I also think his poor performances are exaggerated.  I didn't watch the game he had against Cincy, but people say he played very well in the 3rd quarter.

He played quite well in the third quarter. ;)     I personally think they have been working on a run game because it's needed as they found out in last years SB fiasco. JMO   I think the Colts found that out yesterday when we had a run game it made it easier on Luck.

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I think he's still got it and he's going to be dang near impossible to stop. I think he just made some bad decisions in the Cinci game. I don't think the injury has a whole lot to do with it.  The Colts have to try their best to rattle him and get him off of his spots.  If they do that, they have a chance!

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They changed things up after the St. Louis loss. I've been wondering since then if one of the hits Manning took in that game (and there were quite a few) aggravated the neck/shoulder/arm. A couple of weeks to heal and rest wouldn't really make much of a difference with the type of situation he's been dealing with the last few years. 


If he has time and sets up, he can still rip it pretty good. It's the quick throws he has to make, off his back foot, that have been shaky. 

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Manning is fine his slump is all mental for him . Those interceptions he threw Monday night were because of bad decisions and Manning himself admitted it . He also said on KOA that he's been fatigued over the past weeks which could be a result of him being an older player and Denver not having a bye since week 4. The bye week was needed badly for Denver and hopefully they come out fresh and ready to go . I expect them to keep running the Ball BUT the Red Zone offense needs to improve .. Hopefully it will with a healthy JT returning .

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I think Denver really focusing on the run gun could be one of two things. 1) Manning is injured and they are trying to cover for that. 2). The knew, like all good teams, that once the Playoffs came around the team that runs the ball best typically wins. The second scenario is even more plausible knowing that they would be playing in Denver and then possibly NE in the winter where the weather could turn nasty. Having a good running game in those situation is a great thing to have. Which one is it, who knows. Could be that 18 is hurt or it could be that 18 and the Bronco's are smart and thinking of getting to the promise land and not slinging the ball around in the regular season.

Denver knew they needed a run game because passing the ball 50 times a game will not win you a Super Bowl PERIOD. It didn't win it for them last year and it won't win it for them for them this year if they go all pass happy . The STL game was really an eye opener to the Broncos that they needed to do something different . They've been winning without relying on Manning throwing so many times per game . That's the formula for a long post season run

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I don't think its Peyton..

Track the change in the Broncos back to the injury to tight end Julius Thomas (and later backup Jacob Tamme) who has been invisible for weeks

They inserted TE Virgil Green, a better blocker that pass catcher.....found that CJ Anderson can make defenders miss..and went from there.

If Thomas did not get a lot better during the bye week...same thing...Anderson will be running it 15-20 times

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As soon as Julius Thomas got hurt Manning hasn't been himself. We have to make sure we keep Thomas covered. I would hate for Thomas to get back on track against us after that 3 TD performance in week 1.

Your right teams have basically been doubling D. Thomas and sanders and this couldn't happen when the other thomas was healthy. It was basically pick your posion till julius got hurt then it became who can beat us now
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Manning has a so-so record after first round bye's. Definitely nothing to be impressed by. It would not at all surprise me either way as to how they may actually come out and play.

I do definitely lean though to manning and luck going toe to toe only to see the great Peyton manning fall apart in the post season as he has done far more often than not.

I think if the Colts play solid on both sides of the ball for a majority of this game we squeak out a win of like 34-31 after which we will return home to face the Baltimore Ravens who once again knock the Pats off their high horse right ??? Who's with me :)

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Manning has a so-so record after first round bye's. Definitely nothing to be impressed by. It would not at all surprise me either way as to how they may actually come out and play.

I do definitely lean though to manning and luck going toe to toe only to see the great Peyton manning fall apart in the post season as he has done far more often than not.

I think if the Colts play solid on both sides of the ball for a majority of this game we squeak out a win of like 34-31 after which we will return home to face the Baltimore Ravens who once again knock the Pats off their high horse right ??? Who's with me :)

I am , as your only Baltimore fan on here. Baltimore at Colts 2 would be fun.

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Turnovers are likely to be the key.  If Manning gets flustered, and throws some more pick 6s, the Colts should win comfortably. Especially if Luck can avoid forcing throws and/or fumbling.  Manning's weak arm has to be getting into his head.  It will not take much pressure from the Colts' pass rush to fluster him. 

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Why was anyone surprised that Peyton Manning, as great as he's been over the years, had four interceptions in the game at Cincinnati. Keep in mind that of the four interceptions he had, three of them came after the weather got bad. Peyton Manning has never been a good bad weather QB. His performances in New England in the playoffs shows that. Let's not forget that he wasn't that good a couple of years ago in the home playoff game against the Ravens in zero degree temperatures, he threw that lollipop INT that ended the game.

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