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The Patriots truly don't like the Colts


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Remind me again, what position did Mike Greenberg play during his time in the NFL?

It's hard for me to take any of these blowhards (who have 0 idea just how hard it is to win a game in the NFL let alone the playoffs) seriously when they use the term "uninspiring" to describe a game they could never play in.

To keep this on the Pats topic, I wasn't shocked at all that Rodney Harrison picked against the Colts. Every time he opens his mouth somebody just needs to hold a picture of Tyree's catch in front of him.

Too bad he would then flash his two SB rings in your face.
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I for one am not a casual NFL fan. I just said what I felt. I didn't mean to offend so many innocent people on here. Oh well life goes on. I just didn't feel the need to write a two page essay to express my thoughts. The Patriots are notorious cheaters and whiners. From Spygate, to the tuck rule, to the Brady rule. It's easy to win when you cheat and rules are made up on the spot mid game to help you win.

It's funny that you mention the Broncos and the connection with the Patriots. Didn't Josh McDaniels say, "It was practiced, it was coached, it was worked on". Deny it all you want to. Now that the league let this two time cheater go back to an organization who taught him how to cheat, the Pats are playing above their talent level. They're cheating again, why wouldn't they? Crooked Roger Goodell isn't going to do anything about it. He needs them to win to legitimize his decision to destroy evidence based on the notion that they never needed to cheat to be champions. This is chess, not checkers.

Wow, yeah, you're a casual fan at best.

Particularly if you're that unaware if the Tuck Rule, or that the so-called Brady rule was first thought of after Carson Palmer's injury.

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I don't hate the Colts... in fact, I remember quite well when the only thing the Patriots and Colts ever competed for was who would be in second-to-last-place in the old AFC East. 


I think the OP is connecting dots that aren't there. If that's Troy Brown's opinion of Andrew Luck, I doubt it has anything to do with what uniform he wears. What would Brown (still) be upset about? The 2006 playoff game? 


I think Troy is wrong here and personally believe Luck to be LIGHT YEARS ahead of Dalton, but whatever. I certainly don't think it has anything to do with the Indy-NE rivalry, which - in all honesty - has not been the same for several years now. I like Luck very much as a QB and he seems like a very genuinely good kid.

Thanks GP. I appreciate that. Both you & VL have been very complementary regarding Luck since I known you. You guys are fine by me. We have my not seen eye to eye on say Peyton in the past once in awhile, but you 2 are fair minded, reasonable, & smart to me. I will vouch for ya as stand up guys. 

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The announcers reaction says all you need to know, he didn't agree! He is wrong and Dalton's stats are not as good, & honestly Cinny is a better team talent wise than the Colts, with Dalton the colts would not even had made the playoffs period!! NE does hate the Colts & we hate them too! I am from Rhode Island went there, got off the plane & the cab driver didn't want to give me a ride because I was wearing my Colt hat!! Enough said!!

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I have pondered this many times. As colt's fans we hate the Patriots, and I think that is what makes a good rivalry. SF hates Seattle, Pitt hates Baltimore. The one thing I don't see in these rivalries is former players going out and just trying to take down guys from other teams. Now I am not in those markets, so it may happen in their newspapers, but usually those things go national when something is said which seems to tear down an opponent.


The Patriots former players seem to like tearing down Colts players and the teams. Harrison does not like the Colts. If you have ever seen the replay of the 2006 AFC game, with all the players giving voice to what is happening, Harrison is the one guy who talks about the game, although he could not play in it, and seems to think it would have been a totally different result if he played. I do understand it is the player in him, but I get tired of it. Do you see former Colts players ripping on NE? Well enter Troy Brown on Patriots live show, and he needed to give his unvarnished version of what he thinks of Luck.




If a former player would give an honest estimate of a player, I can respect that, but lets look at reality.

What do you think Luck would do if he had the Cincinatti OL in front of him? Never considered that!

I no what your saying about Harrison He constantly makes remarks and gets his shots in when he talks to Dungy 

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This point you move here defies logic and anything reasonable. So they were good enough to get to 2 Super Bowls and lose both in very close games but they can't win because they don't have the "cheating" advantage any longer.

I despise the pats but that dog don't hunt.

I couldn't have said it any better myself. Well done jskinnz. 


Just speaking for myself here, I don't despise the Pats personally. Dallas yes; NE no not on your life. Bill & Brady don't make winning easy, but when INDY does get a victory against them, you know we played remarkably well. I respect NE for forcing us to be at the top of our game to even have a chance at success which is rare, but very, very sweet when the Colts execute an impeccable game.  

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Can anyone find Troy Brown for a followup statement on either Dalton or Luck after Wildcard weekend? If he admitted he made a mistake in backing Dalton, I would probably let it go, but not after failing to show up in front of a camera & taking your lumps on your ridiculous statement & crash & burn pick; I won't hold my breath. 


Look, we all make mistakes. I'm the king of proclamations that never come to fruition. There's no harm in that Troy. Just man up & own your mistake man. Or are you gonna hide behind the excuse that AJ Green was gone & Marvin Lewis abandoned the running game?


Jesus, Andy Dalton has way too many pundits that protect his behind: Herm Edwards, Tim Hasselbeck, Boomer Esiason, I can keep going... 

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Wow, yeah, you're a casual fan at best.Particularly if you're that unaware if the Tuck Rule, or that the so-called Brady rule was first thought of after Carson Palmer's injury.

You don't know me, and you damn a sure don't know anything about me. I'm not gonna lose any sleep, because some creepy old dude on the internet called me a casual fan.

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I for one am not a casual NFL fan. I just said what I felt. I didn't mean to offend so many innocent people on here. Oh well life goes on. I just didn't feel the need to write a two page essay to express my thoughts. The Patriots are notorious cheaters and whiners. From Spygate, to the tuck rule, to the Brady rule. It's easy to win when you cheat and rules are made up on the spot mid game to help you win. 


It's funny that you mention the Broncos and the connection with the Patriots. Didn't Josh McDaniels say, "It was practiced, it was coached, it was worked on". Deny it all you want to. Now that the league let this two time cheater go back to an organization who taught him how to cheat, the Pats are playing above their talent level. They're cheating again, why wouldn't they? Crooked Roger Goodell isn't going to do anything about it. He needs them to win to legitimize his decision to destroy evidence based on the notion that they never needed to cheat to be champions. This is chess, not checkers. 


Your posts come across as... whats the word im looking for.. oh yea... Lunacy.

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Actually, those individuals who dislike NE are typically more of an envy or jealousy thing vs pure hatred thing. And what burns them is their continued level of success with constantly changing pieces on both sides of the ball. I'm not driven to madness about it. I'm kind of fascinated by the upgrades: Welker gets replaced by Amendola & eventually Edelman, Aqib Talib is replaced with Darrelle Revis, & I'm still blown away by how BB won 11 games under QB Matt Cassel in 2008 after Brady's knee injury because INDY sucked in 2011 when Manning was out after neck surgery. 


Your only misfires in recent memory as a franchise are WR Chad Johnson & troubled TE Aaron Hernandez really. Very impressive. If you asked me to encapsulate the frustration in some fans who dislike the Patriots it is this: It infuriates them that NE is still winning games, making playoff runs, & competing for championships almost rising above spygate as opposed to being crippled by the scandal itself. They don't quit & they just refuse to die. Also, fans do not appear to be humiliated by it. They lay it squarely at the feet of Eric Mangini & the scandal appears to have stuck to him since he broke the story more than anyone else inside the Patriots organization. 


Me? I'm well past spygate now & given the respect I have for Bill Belichick as DC for the NY Giants & HC at Gillette Stadium; He's too darn smart to cheat. He has no need to even attempt to do it. Did he? The tapes have been burned by Roger Goodell & it's like trying to make heads or tales over the Warren Commission & who shot JFK. Everybody's got an opinion on it & you just spin around & around getting nowhere & proving nothing. 


In a nutshell, winning year in; year out royally ticks hoards of fans off. People love to see mighty empires & dynasties fall like the Roman Empire, Egyptian kings, & Julius Caesar. Me, I respect longevity & the ability to adapt for a decade or more because it caters to my historical nature. When the dust settles, INDY, Baltimore, NE, Green Bay, & Pittsburgh are usually standing at the final segment of the season. Yes, Denver under Manning is typically around too. My point is this: Luck [no pun intended] has nothing to do with survival in the NFL. It's all about intellect, execution, & durability. That's why people hate NE. They can survive darn near anything & still perform at a high level like a cockroach after a nuclear explosion. Adversity doesn't derail them. 


Just my 2 cents on Patriots hostility outside of Boston, Massachusetts...I don't hate; I appreciate the success I see even though NE is not my favorite NFL franchise. How could anyone down play it? 


I respect NE vs INDY matchups like 2 generals who attended West Point & must outwit the other army in battle. A worthy rival always makes the Colts better because it forces us to keep chipping away & never come up for air. NE is a premier adversary who forces you to deal with your weaknesses & not mask or avoid them. Thank you NE. Yes, I sincerely mean that too. 

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Can anyone find Troy Brown for a followup statement on either Dalton or Luck after Wildcard weekend? If he admitted he made a mistake in backing Dalton, I would probably let it go, but not after failing to show up in front of a camera & taking your lumps on your ridiculous statement & crash & burn pick; I won't hold my breath. 


Look, we all make mistakes. I'm the king of proclamations that never come to fruition. There's no harm in that Troy. Just man up & own your mistake man. Or are you gonna hide behind the excuse that AJ Green was gone & Marvin Lewis abandoned the running game?


Jesus, Andy Dalton has way too many pundits that protect his behind: Herm Edwards, Tim Hasselbeck, Boomer Esiason, I can keep going... 



There was a post Sunday somewhere here saying Brown tweeted out compliments to Luck on a good game.....


I assume it's in the original Brown thread,   but I did see it...   so I know it happened...


He's made his peace...

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There was a post Sunday somewhere here saying Brown tweeted out compliments to Luck on a good game.....


I assume it's in the original Brown thread,   but I did see it...   so I know it happened...


He's made his peace...

Okay, cool. I believe you NCF. I will have to check it out for myself soon in fairness to Mr. Brown. Thanks for the heads up. 

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Here's a question for anyone and everyone,  don't care which side......




What is the matter with you people?


We don't even play New England unless (A) we beat Denver and (B)  the Patriots beat the Ravens.


You wonder why websites like ESPN.COM and NFL.com pay so little attention to the Colts?    It's because the fans don't even visit those websites!      You can't even stay focused on this week's game!  


134 posts on nonsense.     I kept waiting for this thread to disappear naturally.   I thought as soon as beat Cincy, it would go away......     Nope!       This is embarrassing.      :facepalm:


And before anyone here tries to defend this thread, know this....   it would be one thing if this thread hovered around the bottom of the page.     But it doesn't.    As I'm writing my post,  it's at the top.    And it's been at, or near the top all day.


In-flipping-credible......     :facepalm:

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Where team hatred gets interesting is when you talk about a visceral disdain for a team. How does a person reconcile or justify their repulsion toward an organization that might not even be logical? At what point does animosity become acceptable dislike based on years of family tradition? 


Let's use me as an example here. I hate the Dallas Cowboys to my core, but I can give QB Tony Romo credit for a successful season so I am able to separate people who play for organizations I loathe. Having said all that, I grin from ear to ear whenever he is sacked or turns the ball over. 


If you asked me to channel my disdain toward 1 person, it would be owner Jerry Jones. Why? Because he continues to promote Dallas like they won a Lombardi Trophy last year when in fact the last time they won was 1995. It's like putting a ribbon on a burnt steak & calling yourself a 5 star master chef. I just don't like people telling me hot garbage is the same as shinny gold that's all. In addition, I also dislike franchises living off of ancient glory days like yesterday & almost 20 years ago are identical in scope & magnitude. They are not even close. 


But, most of all, I can't stand Jerry Jones smug sense of entitlement & showboating..."How bout those Cowboys?" Man, that always gets me riled up. Angry; not enthusiastic BTW. I have never believed in supporting hype as opposed to until this year playoff incompetence on the football field. And this "America's Team" label Jones has trademarked is just insane. If you surveyed NFL fans across the globe & said who is America's Team now? Dallas would be near the bottom with INDY, NE, Baltimore, & Pittsburg near the top of that social media list. 


What's my point with this rant? Simple: Rivalries & our hatred for certain teams can often be more emotional than reasonable. It's like asking a rock climber what prompted you to reach it's peak? "Because it was there & my wife told me to grow up & stop being such a baby. It's only 1 Colts loss vs the Cowboys. But honey, it's the dreaded Cowboys baby come on sweetheart. Work with me darling. I told you this when we hooked up."  haha 

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And before anyone here tries to defend this thread, know this....   it would be one thing if this thread hovered around the bottom of the page.     But it doesn't.    As I'm writing my post,  it's at the top.    And it's been at, or near the top all day.


In-flipping-credible......     :facepalm:


...and you just did your part to insure it stays there.  Congratulations on the hypocrisy.

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Here's a question for anyone and everyone,  don't care which side......




What is the matter with you people?


We don't even play New England unless (A) we beat Denver and (B)  the Patriots beat the Ravens.


You wonder why websites like ESPN.COM and NFL.com pay so little attention to the Colts?    It's because the fans don't even visit those websites!      You can't even stay focused on this week's game!  


134 posts on nonsense.     I kept waiting for this thread to disappear naturally.   I thought as soon as beat Cincy, it would go away......     Nope!       This is embarrassing.      :facepalm:


And before anyone here tries to defend this thread, know this....   it would be one thing if this thread hovered around the bottom of the page.     But it doesn't.    As I'm writing my post,  it's at the top.    And it's been at, or near the top all day.


In-flipping-credible......     :facepalm:

What's the matter with me? LOL! Seriously, we don't have enough time to delve into that iceberg. I was talking about myself not NCF BTW. I'm just trying to provide some comic relief that's all. 


By Wednesday, I'll get focused on the Broncos not now though. Way too early in the week for that right now buddy. Nice Herm Edwards Hello? there BTW. Point taken.  ;)

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Luck has played a great game today!

— Troy Brown (@RealTroyBrown80) January 4, 2015


Yes, he's outplayed Dalton!

— Troy Brown (@RealTroyBrown80) January 4, 2015

Thanks for the links corgi! I guess I owe Troy Brown an apology then. Okay, here goes: I appreciate the complements on behalf of Luck & that he outplayed Dalton.  I don't see any acknowledgement that Brown said he was wrong in his assertion that Dalton is a better QB than Luck though so it's an incomplete apology in my book at the moment. 

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I for one am not a casual NFL fan. I just said what I felt. I didn't mean to offend so many innocent people on here. Oh well life goes on. I just didn't feel the need to write a two page essay to express my thoughts. The Patriots are notorious cheaters and whiners. From Spygate, to the tuck rule, to the Brady rule. It's easy to win when you cheat and rules are made up on the spot mid game to help you win. 


It's funny that you mention the Broncos and the connection with the Patriots. Didn't Josh McDaniels say, "It was practiced, it was coached, it was worked on". Deny it all you want to. Now that the league let this two time cheater go back to an organization who taught him how to cheat, the Pats are playing above their talent level. They're cheating again, why wouldn't they? Crooked Roger Goodell isn't going to do anything about it. He needs them to win to legitimize his decision to destroy evidence based on the notion that they never needed to cheat to be champions. This is chess, not checkers. 


That's a new one... never heard the Tuck Rule referred to as "cheating." But you're not a casual fan. Got it.  :thmup:


Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I guess.

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That's a new one... never heard the Tuck Rule referred to as "cheating." But you're not a casual fan. Got it. :thmup:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I guess.

That was my thought, too. Never mind that Brady was hit on the helmet by Woodson on that play, and should have been a 15 yard penalty.
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