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Cherilus says Clowney is “screwed”


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He's not been THAT bad to consider him trash. He's still probably our 2nd best linemen.


 Chuckle. We don`t have ANY Good O lineman. Be a fan of such mediocrity if you like.

 He has played poorly enough i would like to see Nixon given a shot. So that may not be Trash, but that is pretty Bad considering his $$!

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 17, 2014 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, December 17, 2014 - personal shot

I would say be smarter than this but I have seen enough from you to know that is not a likely outcome.

Saying he is lazy is completely asinine and without merit at all. You have not a clue if that is close to true. Don't like him - fine. Say he is lazy when you don't have the slightest clue is flat out ignorant.


Are you as big of a jerk in real life as you are on the here?


Or is this all a facade where you get to be a tough guy on the library computer? 

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I have had a serious concern that Clowney would be sacking Luck at will for years to come, but Cherilus thinks Clowney microfracture surgery may affect his play more than people think.




“His game is all about explosion.  That’s a problem."

Clowney WILL be terrorizing us for years to come unfortunately.  How Gosder can say this is , well, it's just not the case or true as it relates to an entire different person.  every body is constructed differently.  what Cherilus cant handle, Clowney can.  It will all be just like he got two new legs and he will be rattling the cages of players for years and years and years.  I will compare him to bruce smith.  it's going to be ugly fellas.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 17, 2014 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, December 17, 2014 - personal shot

Are you as big of a jerk in real life as you are on the here?


Or is this all a facade where you get to be a tough guy on the library computer? 


Look you don't like me and that is fine.  I don't much care but do ever read what I am responding to?   In this case it was a clown saying Cherlius is lazy which is an unbelievably ignorant comment to make and deserved the ridicule it got from not only me but others.  


And BTW - you comment on Suh last week were comically uninformed.  If you want to search out my posts to offer your two cents, I would be more informed than you have been.

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Clowney WILL be terrorizing us for years to come unfortunately. How Gosder can say this is , well, it's just not the case or true as it relates to an entire different person. every body is constructed differently. what Cherilus cant handle, Clowney can. It will all be just like he got two new legs and he will be rattling the cages of players for years and years and years. I will compare him to bruce smith. it's going to be ugly fellas.

Bruce Smith? He is nothing like Bruce Smith. I've said all along that i thought his ceiling was Jevon Kerse. Now coming off of microfracture surgery, its highly unlikely he gets anywhere close to that. Google microfracture surgery. Its not like an acl tear. Players coming back from it haven't faired well more often than not

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Bruce Smith? He is nothing like Bruce Smith. I've said all along that i thought his ceiling was Jevon Kerse. Now coming off of microfracture surgery, its highly unlikely he gets anywhere close to that. Google microfracture surgery. Its not like an acl tear. Players coming back from it haven't faired well more often than not

Kearse was a nightmare before injury, I think had he stayed healthy he would have been really special

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Funny stuff coming from someone who allows sacks and have a horrible PFF for the season.


What difference does that make?


Cherilous is able to speak with authority because he's actually had micro-fracture surgery.


He's not trying to put the screws to Clowney....  far from it.   He's speaking from personal experience...


And if you look at the story you'll see that most athletes (not just football players)  who have had micro-fracture surgery performed on them are not the same.     Even if you can play again,  you're just not the same.

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Clowney WILL be terrorizing us for years to come unfortunately.  How Gosder can say this is , well, it's just not the case or true as it relates to an entire different person.  every body is constructed differently.  what Cherilus cant handle, Clowney can.  It will all be just like he got two new legs and he will be rattling the cages of players for years and years and years.  I will compare him to bruce smith.  it's going to be ugly fellas.


Thanks for all this expert opinion.

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Yes , they say there's a better chance of full recovery if young like Clowney. But your statement is not necessarily true. Here's an article on the surgery and how Greg Oden , another young athlete fared. It's a pretty good read and the doctors being quoted here are far less optimistic on the surgery than you are. They mention around a 40% chance of full recovery.




Athletes of high impact sports have less chance than low impact sports of making full comeback, but it is still possible.  Snippett and information from U. of Wisconsin-


"A successful outcome and the time it takes to return to activity is dependent on the patient’s age, patient’s body mass,
lesion size, duration of symptoms prior to surgery, presence of arthritis, previous surgery and post-operative rehabilitation program. Because of this, there are some patients that may not be candidate for the microfracture procedure."
Good info on it at this site.. and Clowney was selected to have the procedure, certainly having had the whole scenario explained at length. Everyone knows what must be done.
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 17, 2014 - response to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, December 17, 2014 - response to removed post

Look you don't like me and that is fine.  I don't much care but do ever read what I am responding to?   In this case it was a clown saying Cherlius is lazy which is an unbelievably ignorant comment to make and deserved the ridicule it got from not only me but others.  


And BTW - you comment on Suh last week were comically uninformed.  If you want to search out my posts to offer your two cents, I would be more informed than you have been.


I forgot everything you say is a fact, and everyone else is an troglodyte. 


Merry Christmas buddy.   

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What difference does that make?

Cherilous is able to speak with authority because he's actually had micro-fracture surgery.

He's not trying to put the screws to Clowney.... far from it. He's speaking from personal experience...

And if you look at the story you'll see that most athletes (not just football players) who have had micro-fracture surgery performed on them are not the same. Even if you can play again, you're just not the same.

And that should speak more on Grigson to signing him to that awful contract.

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