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Skip Bayless is attacking Luck on First Take


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If you've heard Skip say good things about Luck and have never heard him say anything bad about Luck,  my guess would be you don't watch his show much.


I watch First Take a bit almost every morning.  A little less now because I lose interest in about 6 seconds when they talk about the NBA.

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I don't hear him demanding HOF performance from him.  But then, isn't HOF performance a requirement for induction into the HOF?


I hear Bayless talking a lot about Luck's outstanding talent.  He also says that he hasn't given up yet on RG III and some of you take that as a slam on Luck.  Why?  I do not know.

I've heard Skip say on more than 1 occasion on "First Take" that since other sports analysts hold Andrew Luck in such high regard that his benchmark for Chewbacca is higher now which is complete nonsense. 


He did the exact same thing to NBA star LeBron James who selected Michael Jordan's 23 jersey number & chalk toss pre game ritual. My point is this: Bayless has a history of applying his own ridiculous standards to athletes & then when they do win a Championship ring he pouts & sulks like a spoiled brat refusing to give said star credit for proving him wrong. Skip did it with King James & he will follow suit with Andrew Luck too trust me. 


Again, "The premature coronation of Andrew Luck" is inferring greatness that hasn't been accomplished yet. Ergo, holding Andrew to HOF standards in year 3 only not year 8 for instance. 

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A contrarian is a person who takes up a contrary position, a person who seems to be "contrary for the sake of being contrary," especially a position that is opposed to that of the majority, regardless of how unpopular it may be.





A vigilante  is a civilian who undertakes law enforcement with or without legal authority.



This is Skip Bayless. He's like the vigilante of the sports community. That's what he does with Luck. He takes this "no one else is going to say it so I'm going to say it" stance. He's a tool though. Did the same thing with Lebron.

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If the Colts beat the Pats, which I think they will do....i can't wait to hear what excuses Skip will make to diminish Luck and the Colts win. JJut wait. It will happen. And if they lose...don't even bother. He will crow about how he was right, Luck isn't this or that. I get that he's a glorified hype man but he does have an agenda against Luck

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Skip isn't a Luck hater he's a Colts hater And just takes it out on the QB. For years he ripped on Manning but now that Manning is playing for Denver he's the greatest quarterback ever second only to Brady. It won't matter who's playing quarterback for us he will hate them and all this comes from a guy who continually defense Tebow and Tony Romo.

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Anyone else curious about the timing of the Bayless ESPN article...right before Luck faces his New England Patriots?  He said very little in that article that differed from the drivel he has spewed on First Take...so why write the article this week?   We all know that Skip is an avid Patriot supporter and Brady jock rider.  He is ratcheting up his criticism of Luck in hopes of stirring up media pressure and creating false expectations of Luck in hopes that he'll crumble under the heightened scrutiny on Sunday night. 


I am sure that Luck is mature enough to block out Skip's mindless rantings.  The Colts coaching staff's demands and expectations of him are the only opinions that matter to Andrew.  The Colts and Luck know that he still has room to grow and improve.  I hope Andrew lets his play do his talking Sunday night and leads the Colts to victory.  

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Skip isn't a Luck hater he's a Colts hater And just takes it out on the QB. For years he ripped on Manning but now that Manning is playing for Denver he's the greatest quarterback ever second only to Brady. It won't matter who's playing quarterback for us he will hate them and all this comes from a guy who continually defense Tebow and Tony Romo.

Agreed...he is a clear Colts hater.  After they were destroyed by Pittsburgh, he stated  on First Take, that "he loved it."  He's an old Cowboy fan and bandwagon Pat/Brady jock rider.  He can't help but hate the Colts.  The poor guy has probably never gotten over Super Bowl V.

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Everyone knows Andrew isn't a H.O.F lock yet. He's blowing the whole thing out of proportion to be different.

Exactly,..Solon...,.He makes up a premise (that Luck has ben given HOF status) and then attacks the fake premise he made up..

He says Luck has huge inteception problems....even though Luck and Tom Brady have the same amount of interceptions through 3 years and Luck played will a lesser team.

...the Colts wins are because they have lots of offensive skill players and the losses are because of Andrew.

Skip is still trying to justify 2 years of proclaiming Robert Griffin better than Luck and three years of saying that the Colts made the wrong move picking Luck to succeed Manning.

Skip cant admit he's wrong..and. more significantly, he sees never admitting he is wrong as his greatest virtue. Its all about him.

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Please, Colt fans and others have predicted that he's HOF worthy since Day 1

Or are we all forgetting about how he was proclaimed the greatest prospect since Elway ridiculousness?

No colts fan said that on day one. Thats wrong.

And the second part of your post, most of that was coming from the media.

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Please, Colt fans and others have predicted that he's HOF worthy since Day 1

Or are we all forgetting about how he was proclaimed the greatest prospect since Elway ridiculousness?

I will admit that Luck has work to do like not turn the ball over multiple times vs the Patriots this weekend for starters. And yes, even though Andrew has a high football IQ & won division titles, serious elite consideration for him doesn't begin to be brought to fruition until he plays in an AFC Championship Game & wins it. I will grant you that. 


But, Skip's basic ploy is to assign some other reason for Luck's success other than field execution & talent. The Colts haven't beaten his precious Patriots yet so as far as Skip is concerned INDY has done nothing worthwhile yet & even when we beat the 49ers last year, it wasn't that we won...It was that San Francisco had spent all their energy the week before & Trent Richardson carried the Colts on his back for 1 game according to Skip's flawed & misguided reasoning. 


That's what Skip does: Find the most trivial circumstance to either undercut Luck's successes or claim some other factor or teammate was really responsible for the victory. It's his MO. 

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What has he said about Andrew Luck that isn't true?  He threw 7 INTs in 2 playoff games, he occasionally makes poor decisions which lead to some horrible INTs.  He says Luck is very good but he is not ready to put him in the hall of fame.  Skip says that because other analysts put him in the top 5 of QBs in the NFL, that he has to use that top 5 standard.  So when you compare Luck to Manning, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, and whoever is number 5, he doesn't stack up yet.  He might be well on his way but those 4 guys have accomplished way more than Luck.  They are all Super Bowl champions as well.  I know Skip doesn't hype up Luck like many others at ESPN does but he really doesn't lie about him. 

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Exactly,..Solon...,.He makes up a premise (that Luck has ben given HOF status) and then attacks the fake premise he made up..

He says Luck has huge inteception problems....even though Luck and Tom Brady have the same amount of interceptions through 3 years and Luck played will a lesser team.

...the Colts wins are because they have lots of offensive skill players and the losses are because of Andrew.

Skip is still trying to justify 2 years of proclaiming Robert Griffin better than Luck and three years of saying that the Colts made the wrong move picking Luck to succeed Manning.

Skip cant admit he's wrong..and. more significantly, he sees never admitting he is wrong as his greatest virtue. Its all about him.

A nice, well written response here OUM. Exactly, that's basically what I said last night what I highlighted in red. And yes, according to Skip, if INDY wins it's because of his supporting cast if they lose it's because Andrew messed it up. 


I don't mind people being wrong. Heck, I'm wrong in my predictions a lot, but when you refuse to admit you were way off you end up looking like the village clown & Skip caters to the joker/court jester crowd. He's a byproduct of his own Frankenstein creation.  

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.Skip cant admit he's wrong..and. more significantly, he sees never admitting he is wrong as his greatest virtue. Its all about him.

I've seen him admit that he was wrong many times. Nearly every day on First Take. Some people just hear what they want to hear. Especially when it comes to a guy who generates so much emotion in listeners.

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I've seen him admit that he was wrong many times. Nearly every day on First Take. Some people just hear what they want to hear. Especially when it comes to a guy who generates so much emotion in listeners.




The world is still waiting for Skip to admit he's wrong on Tebow.


And he's famous -- near legendary -- for not admitting he's wrong.


So,  at this point,  what you're hearing is not what the masses are hearing.

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The world is still waiting for Skip to admit he's wrong on Tebow.


Precisely, NCF. Off topic: My favorite foolish rant of Skip's now is that Cowboys WR Dez Byrant should re-hire his old agent to make things easier for owner Jerry Jones. Are you nuts Skip?! In contract negotiations, the owner is the enemy trying to pay the least for your services on the field. Dez is trying to attain financial security for the rest of his life not smooth things over with his boss the guy who signs his checks. 


By that misguided logic, if your boss said that Earnestine your girlfriend is not a blissful, romantic match for you, are you gonna split up with her just because your ESPN boss inferred that you are settling & can do much better than her? Skip is like an endless river of peculiar statements that just keeps flowing no matter what. 


I've seen him admit that he was wrong many times. Nearly every day on First Take. Some people just hear what they want to hear. Especially when it comes to a guy who generates so much emotion in listeners.

Has he admitted he was wrong? Occasionally, but old habit die hard meaning that when something gets stuck in his head that he's convinced he's right about he just refuses to let it go. Skip will make every excuse imaginable for RG3 & unleash the death by a thousand paper cuts criticism of Luck as a twisted blood sport to Bayless for his own personal amusement. 

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I've seen him admit that he was wrong many times. Nearly every day on First Take. Some people just hear what they want to hear. Especially when it comes to a guy who generates so much emotion in listeners.

I'd really love to see you find an example of him admitting he's wrong, beyond of course "I heard it".

Skip is Skip, he's an entertainer not a sports journalist anymore. His job is to polarise and he does it very well.

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A contrarian is a person who takes up a contrary position, a person who seems to be "contrary for the sake of being contrary," especially a position that is opposed to that of the majority, regardless of how unpopular it may be.





A vigilante  is a civilian who undertakes law enforcement with or without legal authority.

Exactly, Def..Thank you.



This is Skip Bayless. He's like the vigilante of the sports community. That's what he does with Luck. He takes this "no one else is going to say it so I'm going to say it" stance. He's a tool though. Did the same thing with Lebron.

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Yes, they did. Both here and elsewhere.

I'm also sure there were people calling him a bust from day one. You'll get extremes in any opinion.

Most moderately minded fans * him for what he is, a very good young QB. We don't have to crown him because he's already our guy?

Seems to me some posters are taking a leaf of Skip's book in this topic. Who needs substance when you can bait with hyperboles :)

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I just watched Friday's "First Take" show. Now, Skip is saying that Andrew probably won't throw 4 picks vs NE but he has better weapons than Brady especially RB Bradshaw.


You see what he's doing here right? If we lose Sunday, it's because Luck failed to get the ball to Bradshaw. Crazy. And if INDY wins, it's because we have better weapons than Brady. Either way, it's somehow Luck's fault.




Let's review shall we? The Patriots on offense have LeFell, Edelman, Gronk, Amendola, Vereen, etc. etc. Not exactly bargain basement talent. 

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Later in the same "First Take" Show in about the 3rd block of the program, Skip Bayless got upset at his co-host Stephen A. Smith for mentioning the name Tim Tebow. Skip got all defensive & pretended like he never worshiped the ground this QB walked on. It was hilarious!


Stephen A. was right though. Skip overlooked so many faults in Tim's game in Denver that it was just laughable & Skip was perplexed as to why his name was even being brought up. What's so obvious to everyone else Skip refuses to see. He was so colossally wrong about Tebow's longevity as a winning QB that he shouldn't even have a show anymore. If he would just man up & say man I was way out on left field on that one I need to apologize to my viewers & beg for their forgiveness I would respect that.


The real problem is this: If you refuse to admit that no mistake was made of epic proportions, no one & I mean no one takes you seriously about any football subject ever again meaning that your credibility is shot, tarnished, & burned beyond recognition. You can't recover from that until you take your lumps. Skip doesn't grasp that crucial fact. 


And another thing: Just because he scolded RG3 told for pretending to blame the media for all his injury woes & successful rookie return to playing elite football this season, it still doesn't change the fact that Skip will search for any excuse to shield RG3 from any criticism on the field of play. Luck he tears down vs RG3 who he protects, pardons, & gives sanctuary to. 

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I just watched Friday's "First Take" show. Now, Skip is saying that Andrew probably won't throw 4 picks vs NE but he has better weapons than Brady especially RB Bradshaw.


You see what he's doing here right? If we lose Sunday, it's because Luck failed to get the ball to Bradshaw. Crazy. And if INDY wins, it's because we have better weapons than Brady. Either way, it's somehow Luck's fault.




Let's review shall we? The Patriots on offense have LeFell, Edelman, Gronk, Amendola, Vereen, etc. etc. Not exactly bargain basement talent. 


Exactly. Yet lack of weapons is never an excuse for Brady. He beat the Broncos this year with those same "lack luster" weapons. I love how obviously clueless he is. He talks about the INT's but never mentions the offensive line. He's like the internet troll everyone hates, but for someone reason this one has a job In professional sports broadcasting.

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I am not sure what the issue is about the HoF. Luck is probably as close to a lock for any of the QBs under 25 given his game, his production thus far and the fact that if the Colts take the South this year which they should, he will have guided them three times to the post-season with two divisional wins in his first three years. Barring injury, he will have the numbers and hopefully a ring or two to his resume for the fame.

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The world is still waiting for Skip to admit he's wrong on Tebow.


And he's famous -- near legendary -- for not admitting he's wrong.


So,  at this point,  what you're hearing is not what the masses are hearing.

And also admit he was wrong about RG ...

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I am not sure what the issue is about the HoF. Luck is probably as close to a lock for any of the QBs under 25 given his game, his production thus far and the fact that if the Colts take the South this year which they should, he will have guided them three times to the post-season with two divisional wins in his first three years. Barring injury, he will have the numbers and hopefully a ring or two to his resume for the fame.

So, does this mean that any QB who has led his team to three post season appearances in his first three seasons with a championship to boot is also a HOF lock?

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And also admit he was wrong about RG ...

Actually Bayless has publicly said that he's just not ready to give up on Griffin yet.

Injury has had a major impact upon his career so far. It's not an issue of "being wrong" about him. RGIII has demonstrated that he can be a very credible offensive threat.

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