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Bleedin Blue

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One with a hole in his back so Polian can fit his hand in there.

I'd see Tressel in the wings right now. I'd rather have him, if they are insistent on him being on staff, as OC than HC. In that case, I'd like Fisher as HC and Del Rio as DC. I know that they picked Murphy but is that permanent or interim? If permanent, I'm concerned.

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One with a hole in his back so Polian can fit his hand in there.

I'd see Tressel in the wings right now. I'd rather have him, if they are insistent on him being on staff, as OC than HC. In that case, I'd like Fisher as HC and Del Rio as DC. I know that they picked Murphy but is that permanent or interim? If permanent, I'm concerned.

I was thinking the same thing but...in the article on NFL.com about Coyer's firing, Caldwell is the only one who was quoted. This could have been on purpose by the FO to make it appear to have been Caldwell's decision. This way if they stick with Caldwell then they can stick with Murphy if he earns the job. However if they decide to fire Caldwell at the end of the season then they can fire Murphy as well since it was made to look like it was Caldwell's decision. I would have still preferred they made it clear that Murphy was the interim DC instead of saying he was "promoted".

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I was thinking the same thing but...in the article on NFL.com about Coyer's firing, Caldwell is the only one who was quoted. This could have been on purpose by the FO to make it appear to have been Caldwell's decision. This way if they stick with Caldwell then they can stick with Murphy if he earns the job. However if they decide to fire Caldwell at the end of the season then they can fire Murphy as well since it was made to look like it was Caldwell's decision. I would have still preferred they made it clear that Murphy was the interim DC instead of saying he was "promoted".

I really hope we hire a defensive minded coach, i do like fisher , mike zimmer or if they go offense minded i like brian billick. if you are going to change, then change. dont promote within, because that is not change. imo
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Shotenheimer from the jets really. He is an awful oc, how could he be a great head coach. He would be a horrible decision. that jets offense has become worse since he took over and we are looking at drafting luck and look how he developed Mark Sanchez. He shouldnt even be a oc.

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Why would those three coaches assures us the playoffs? Jack pretty much never went there and perennially underachieved with the Jags, Tressel hasn't coached in the NFL so that's not a given, and Jeff was always mediocre in terms of scouting collegiate talent.

To me, this thread just feels like a group of people who don't know anything and want the pseudo celebrity names available.

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Why would those three coaches assures us the playoffs? Jack pretty much never went there and perennially underachieved with the Jags, Tressel hasn't coached in the NFL so that's not a given, and Jeff was always mediocre in terms of scouting collegiate talent.

To me, this thread just feels like a group of people who don't know anything and want the pseudo celebrity names available.

And no one on this board drinks more blue kool-aid than you.

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Why would those three coaches assures us the playoffs? Jack pretty much never went there and perennially underachieved with the Jags, Tressel hasn't coached in the NFL so that's not a given, and Jeff was always mediocre in terms of scouting collegiate talent.

To me, this thread just feels like a group of people who don't know anything and want the pseudo celebrity names available.


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I have never seen a more clueless list of coaching suggestions than in this thread.

OK, What do you think is wrong with my list?

(Of course, I am assuming Norv and Spagnolo will be fired both of which look pretty likely)

I see 3 possible problems

1) Schottenheimer might not want to coach anymore

However, I think he might have a few more seasons in him for a legitimate title shot.

2) Possible friction between Marty and Norv over the San Diego firing

3) Norv & Spagnolo will attract a lot of interest from other teams driving their cost up

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I'm not sold on Tressel, and definitely don't want young Schotty here. Fisher may not have scouted well, but Polian does. As for Del Rio, his defenses have usually played pretty well (though I'm not sure who the credit goes to, him or the defensive coordinator)

I have never seen a more clueless list of coaching suggestions than in this thread.
Why would those three coaches assures us the playoffs? Jack pretty much never went there and perennially underachieved with the Jags, Tressel hasn't coached in the NFL so that's not a given, and Jeff was always mediocre in terms of scouting collegiate talent.

To me, this thread just feels like a group of people who don't know anything and want the pseudo celebrity names available.

Instead of shooting down everyone's opinion, why don't you guys actually contribute to the thread by saying who you want to see on the coaching staff?

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I'm not sold on Tressel, and definitely don't want young Schotty here. Fisher may not have scouted well, but Polian does. As for Del Rio, his defenses have usually played pretty well (though I'm not sure who the credit goes to, him or the defensive coordinator)

Instead of shooting down everyone's opinion, why don't you guys actually contribute to the thread by saying who you want to see on the coaching staff?

Probably because they are satisfied with the current coaching staff :facepalm: or can't think of anyone. Also Doogan, you mention Fisher has had woes with scouting, don't you think the Polians would be primarily involved with the scouting/drafting efforts like they always have been lol. Your first statement was also invalid because noone would assure the Colts to the playoffs anyways including any mediocre staff you could think of or anyone else.

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I'm not sold on Tressel, and definitely don't want young Schotty here. Fisher may not have scouted well, but Polian does. As for Del Rio, his defenses have usually played pretty well (though I'm not sure who the credit goes to, him or the defensive coordinator)

Del Rio was also an assistant coach under Billick and Rex Ryan in Baltimore and he was the DC of the Panthers the year they went to the SB. I'd love to have JDR as our new DC....assuming he would be allowed to run the defense his way.

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Clueless? Dont know anything? Just want a name? Why will it assure of the playoffs?...one word: knowledge. Ever hear knowledge is power? Ever wonder why division games are almost always close? Becuase of the knowledge of the other team..now we take 2 of the head coaches over to us and secure an enormous amount of information.

If we just wanted a name we would be calling for the talking heads on TV.

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I have never seen a more clueless list of coaching suggestions than in this thread.


Instead of shooting down everyone's opinion, why don't you guys actually contribute to the thread by saying who you want to see on the coaching staff?

One, it isnt their opinion, they are stating it as fact.

Two, I am not going to pretend to know more than a family who's done this for decades. They can evaluate which coaches are a better fit for us.

Third, most of the suggestions are for guys who scream, or who have pseudo celebrity status among the average fan. That's not a basis for selection. That's not assurance of anything but mediocrity, in Fisher's and Del Rio's case; and the complete unknown in Tressel's case.

Finally, by shooting down the poor offers, we can sift and eliminate the garbage, thus drawing closer to the more realistic options.

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Probably because they are satisfied with the current coaching staff :facepalm: or can't think of anyone. Also Doogan, you mention Fisher has had woes with scouting, don't you think the Polians would be primarily involved with the scouting/drafting efforts like they always have been lol. Your first statement was also invalid because noone would assure the Colts to the playoffs anyways including any mediocre staff you could think of or anyone else.

I'm pretty sure that at this point, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who is "satisfied" with the current coaching staff.

Jeff Fisher was at best a mediocre head coach who didn't come close to winning anything over the past decade, whose teams constantly underachieved, who is known as a defensive-minded guy but whose defenses were bad more than they were good... Should I go on? I think a lot of Colts fans like Fisher because he publicly admired Peyton Manning. I think that's great, but I don't think he's a good head coach.

I've said before, and I'll say again, and I HOPE the front office and Irsay agree with me: There is no reason to be so infatuated with Jeff Fisher as a head coaching candidate. Experience alone probably makes him better than Jim Caldwell, but that's not really the target, is it? Isn't the target to get the best head coach we can get?

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OK, What do you think is wrong with my list?

(Of course, I am assuming Norv and Spagnolo will be fired both of which look pretty likely)

I see 3 possible problems

1) Schottenheimer might not want to coach anymore

However, I think he might have a few more seasons in him for a legitimate title shot.

2) Possible friction between Marty and Norv over the San Diego firing

3) Norv & Spagnolo will attract a lot of interest from other teams driving their cost up

I don't understand someone wanting to move away from a conservative coaching style and then advocating hiring Marty Schottenheimer, who conservative coaching has been named after.

I think it's pretty unlikely that we land either of Norv or Spagnuolo, and certainly unlikely that we land both. As you said, they will be highly coveted. Both are really good coordinators, though, so I wouldn't mind either. I'd certainly rather have Spagnuolo than Turner.

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Schottenheimer elder had a great season this year winning the title with Virginia, he looks pretty happy there but Im sure if the NFL comesc alling he would answer just not sure he is a good fit for our club but i wouldnt be surprised to see him end up in J'Ville (Though word down here isJay Gruden is a top candidate and he has coached in Florida most of his career with the Preds and Tuskers).

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I'm not sold on Tressel, and definitely don't want young Schotty here. Fisher may not have scouted well, but Polian does. As for Del Rio, his defenses have usually played pretty well (though I'm not sure who the credit goes to, him or the defensive coordinator)

Instead of shooting down everyone's opinion, why don't you guys actually contribute to the thread by saying who you want to see on the coaching staff?

Simple, sarcasm is every answer for a lack of answer. 1 is a flat out homer and the other just jumps in and belittles people to make himself feel better, but never has an opinion.
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As the original poster, my intent was not to focus AT ALL on current "known names" but on up and coming assistants that deserve at least an interview for a future head coaching opportunity or coordinator position. Look at what the Steelers did with Mike Tomlin. I think if the Polians and staff can interview well we could get the next great head coach.

I'm done with all these other jokers who have had plenty of shots but never amounted to anything. Time for new "blue" blood.

Did you see what I did with that? Just there...the blue blood thing...like my name...heh

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I feel ya Bleedin Blue , lets not have any shots here we dont want this place to turn into the Colts Scout site where posters rant on each other for no reason and it is like a teen site. Offer opinions,suggestions intelligent debate even, save the insults for other teams trolls if they make their way back over here.

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As the original poster, my intent was not to focus AT ALL on current "known names" but on up and coming assistants that deserve at least an interview for a future head coaching opportunity or coordinator position. Look at what the Steelers did with Mike Tomlin. I think if the Polians and staff can interview well we could get the next great head coach.

I'm done with all these other jokers who have had plenty of shots but never amounted to anything. Time for new "blue" blood.

Did you see what I did with that? Just there...the blue blood thing...like my name...heh

I agree with you , but I do hope it is from outside the ranks, because I really feel that is the only way you are going to get a real change with a new attitude, which is needed desperately. I like Mike Zimmer.
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Jeff Fisher was at best a mediocre head coach who didn't come close to winning anything over the past decade, whose teams constantly underachieved, who is known as a defensive-minded guy but whose defenses were bad more than they were good... Should I go on? I think a lot of Colts fans like Fisher because he publicly admired Peyton Manning. I think that's great, but I don't think he's a good head coach.

1999 lost to the Rams in SB XXXIV

2000 Lost to Ravens in AFC divisional game (Ravens went on to win the SB)

2002 Lost to Oakland in the AFC championship game against the Raiders who went to the SB

2003 Lost to NE in an AFC divisional game

2007 Lost to Chargers in Wild Card Game

2008 Lost to Ravens in AFC divisional game

142 - 120 as HC

5-6 in the playoffs

I don't know about you but that looks like a pretty DARN good resume.

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I can think of a few guys that, according to one source or another, look to be coordinators or head coaches in the near future.

One of the guys who stands out to me (and I've said it everywhere) is the Pats DL coach, Pepper Johnson. His players speak super highly of him, other coaches have mentioned that he has a great knowledge of the game, and he's developed some great talent there. He helped develop Vince Wilfork and Ty Warren both into All Pros (though, obviously, the talent had to be there) and is himself a former 2 time Pro Bowl linebacker, in case having a game that has played the game at a high level matters to the fans/players/staff/owner. In addition to that, he's had the advantage of spending a majority of his playing and coaching career with perhaps the best head coach of the last decade, Bill Belichick. Belichick has produced some solid coordinators in Romeo Crennel, Rob Ryan, and Jim Schwartz. While Belichick did pass over Johnson for the DC job, I'm not sure what to actually think of it. On the one hand, Belichick should know if he's ready. On the other hand, it's not like Belichick (who is essentially filling the position himself) needs to hand over defensive play calling.

Dave Toub, I think, is a more unknown guy getting talked up by a number of coaches. Andy Reid and Bobby April both have referred to him as one of the best coaches in the league, with Reid mentioning that he thinks he'll be a great head coach one day. The catch? He's a special teams coordinator with the Bears. On the one hand, he's a freaking special teams coordinator. On the other hand, he runs one of the best special teams in the league and has done so consistently. Not many special teams coaches are only qualified to coach special teams, as it is often a starting point for coordinators. Belichick was a special team coach early in his career, and John Harbaugh was the special teams coordinator in Philly prior to getting hired to head the Ravens (and Toub worked under him in Philly). I don't know all of the details or anything, but I think he's worth a look.

I'm less sure about this guy, because I've only heard one person refer to him as outstanding, but Curtis Johnson seems to be an interesting guy. He's currently the wide receivers coach for the Saints and has also coached the same position at Miami, developing such star receivers as Santana Moss, Andre Johnson, and Reggie Wayne. With the Saints, he's produced Colston and Co., although he's failed to develop Robert Meachem (though I personally don't think Meachem has an NFL skill set, but that's another story). I think he's done a great job developing receivers, but that doesn't mean he's a great offensive coordinator candidate. Regardless, I think he merits an interview.

There are a few others I can think of, but I don't want to flood the board.

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1999 lost to the Rams in SB XXXIV

2000 Lost to Ravens in AFC divisional game (Ravens went on to win the SB)

2002 Lost to Oakland in the AFC championship game against the Raiders who went to the SB

2003 Lost to NE in an AFC divisional game

2007 Lost to Chargers in Wild Card Game

2008 Lost to Ravens in AFC divisional game

142 - 120 as HC

5-6 in the playoffs

I don't know about you but that looks like a pretty DARN good resume.

What's so good about that resume? A career winning percentage of .542? We can't do any better than that? Jim Caldwell's win percentage is .558, and we're 0-11 this year.

He lost a Super Bowl a decade ago. No shame in that. But since then, he's gone 2-5(?) in the playoffs, including two top seed upsets (and with all the complaining about 2005 and 2007 around here, it would seem we'd be more critical of a coach who lost those kind of games himself). They missed the playoffs 6 out of 10 seasons.

More pointed criticisms: He's a defensive minded coach, and his defenses were regularly average, more times bad than good. He ran two of his best quarterbacks out of town, including locking out the guy who almost single-handedly got his team to the Super Bowl (he literally locked him out of the team facility). He refused to play Vince Young, even when it was clear that Vince Young was the best quarterback on the roster. This situation came to a head when the owner forced him to play Vince Young, and all of a sudden, they started winning games. (I have the same criticism, among others, of Jon Gruden, who refused to play Jeff Garcia.)

He has positive traits. He's gutsy. He thinks outside the box. For instance, the onside kick game a few years ago. A lot of people like that. Thing is, that backfired, greatly, so what does that say about his X's and O's? I don't think gutsy at the expense of fundamentally sound is a good thing.

I don't have any particular dislike for Jeff Fisher. I just don't get the infatuation with him. I'm not impressed by his record, or his decade-old Super Bowl trip. I'm not impressed by his attitude or his demeanor. I think he was fired for a reason, and that's saying something considering his tenure there. I don't think he's a bad coach, necessarily. I think he's better than Jim Caldwell. But I think we can do much better than Jeff Fisher. That's all I'm saying.

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I can think of a few guys that, according to one source or another, look to be coordinators or head coaches in the near future.

One of the guys who stands out to me (and I've said it everywhere) is the Pats DL coach, Pepper Johnson. His players speak super highly of him, other coaches have mentioned that he has a great knowledge of the game, and he's developed some great talent there. He helped develop Vince Wilfork and Ty Warren both into All Pros (though, obviously, the talent had to be there) and is himself a former 2 time Pro Bowl linebacker, in case having a game that has played the game at a high level matters to the fans/players/staff/owner. In addition to that, he's had the advantage of spending a majority of his playing and coaching career with perhaps the best head coach of the last decade, Bill Belichick. Belichick has produced some solid coordinators in Romeo Crennel, Rob Ryan, and Jim Schwartz. While Belichick did pass over Johnson for the DC job, I'm not sure what to actually think of it. On the one hand, Belichick should know if he's ready. On the other hand, it's not like Belichick (who is essentially filling the position himself) needs to hand over defensive play calling.

I'd take Pepper Johnson as a coordinator, absolutely. I have extreme reservations about hiring a position coach as a head coach, especially when there's no prior head coaching experience in the NFL. I think game management suffers when you have someone that's never had to worry about game management before all of a sudden calling all the shots. That's my opinion, and I point to guys like Mike Singletary and Jim Caldwell and their well-documented struggles with game management as support for that opinion.

The other reservation I have about Pepper Johnson is that the Patriots run a hybrid 3-4 defense, and they've always had really good nose tackles. We have really good three tech tackles. I don't know what the guy can do without a 330 pound monster anchoring his defensive line, and I don't know what kind of willingness he has to run a more traditional defensive front. This is one of the reasons I'd have Spagnuolo high on my list. We have the kind of personnel on defense, especially up front, that he excelled with as the Giants coordinator.

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I'd take Pepper Johnson as a coordinator, absolutely. I have extreme reservations about hiring a position coach as a head coach, especially when there's no prior head coaching experience in the NFL. I think game management suffers when you have someone that's never had to worry about game management before all of a sudden calling all the shots. That's my opinion, and I point to guys like Mike Singletary and Jim Caldwell and their well-documented struggles with game management as support for that opinion.

The other reservation I have about Pepper Johnson is that the Patriots run a hybrid 3-4 defense, and they've always had really good nose tackles. We have really good three tech tackles. I don't know what the guy can do without a 330 pound monster anchoring his defensive line, and I don't know what kind of willingness he has to run a more traditional defensive front. This is one of the reasons I'd have Spagnuolo high on my list. We have the kind of personnel on defense, especially up front, that he excelled with as the Giants coordinator.

My mistake. I thought I inserted something into my post about Pepper as the DC, but I did not. I absolutely agree, I'd love to try him out at DC and not head coach quite yet. Toub is the only guy I thought of as an HC candidate. Curtis Johnson was an offensive coordinator candidate, though I didn't note that either. I swear I meant to. Good call.

I think the concern over a nose tackle is a good one, but if you hire a guy like Johnson, you obviously draft for him as well. I think there would likely be a move made in the draft to pick up a bigger nose tackle type if that is what they decide the new defensive approach mandates. My assumption is that any new DC worth his weight (and some of them weigh a ton) would build upon what is here and not completely start over, especially considering the draft positioning this year. Obviously the defense is atrocious, but there are still some components who are of high caliber (Freeney being the most obvious). It would be curious indeed, though, to see what kind of defense the team would end up with.

I agree with the idea of Spagnuolo, though. There are a ton of pieces already in play here that could really excel in his kind of scheme. I was just trying to mention less big names, and Spagnuolo (if he gets fired) will be a hot commodity.

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