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is this the most complete colt team youve ever seen


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If we had Mathis for the 12 games he was eligible this year, and if he put up 10 sacks, then yeah. However, I'm still up in the air about Werner. He had a great game against Balt, but he's been invisible up until yesterday.


I am enjoying the renaissance of defense in Indy, that's for sure. I was getting a bit impatient with Chuck Pagano and his "Defensive Mindset"after the first two years and not seeing much improvement. However, our secondary is really improving and the defense is stepping up big time. 


Give it a few more games. We could be looking at a historic Colts team this year.

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2009 will be considered a top team bc of the Super Bowl run, but I've always considered that team more flawed than ones prior to it. First, they had no running game (last in the NFL), they did get to 14-0 but barely squeaked by some pretty bad teams....and they had a relative cake walk to the SB with home games against the Ravens and Jets. 2007 was a better team, but injuries killed them. They lost 7 starters in that game against the Pats, a couple for the season. Had they stayed somewhat healthy I think that team repeats as SB champs. My point is, the signs of the wheels falling off were just starting to show in 2009, despite the record and SB appearance. 2010 saw more of that with everyone going down, and the train went off the tracks in 2011 as we all know. 2007 was the last team that was solid on both sides of the ball and not heavily depending on Manning/Luck to carry them. This year is starting to look more balanced, but time will tell.

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2009 will be considered a top team bc of the Super Bowl run, but I've always considered that team more flawed than ones prior to it. First, they had no running game (last in the NFL), they did get to 14-0 but barely squeaked by some pretty bad teams....and they had a relative cake walk to the SB with home games against the Ravens and Jets. 2007 was a better team, but injuries killed them. They lost 7 starters in that game against the Pats, a couple for the season. Had they stayed somewhat healthy I think that team repeats as SB champs. My point is, the signs of the wheels falling off were just starting to show in 2009, despite the record and SB appearance. 2010 saw more of that with everyone going down, and the train went off the tracks in 2011 as we all know. 2007 was the last team that was solid on both sides of the ball and not heavily depending on Manning/Luck to carry them. This year is starting to look more balanced, but time will tell.


Didn't have a great run game in 2009, but situationally, it was pretty good. Third and short, fourth and short, four minute situations, they pretty much always came through. Until the Super Bowl...

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If this team had our usual elite pass rush, quite possibly. 


2005 is still the clear choice, but this one is up there. I think this team may even bet better than the SB41 team. 


2005, 2009, 2007. I'll hear arguments that this team is better than the 2007 team. Still early to move it ahead of 2005 and 2009. Without a consistent pass rush, I don't think it will happen. But I think it's a top 4. 




That would be my order as well. The 2005 team was a buzz saw, until the Chargers game. Then 2009 speaks for itself, but wasn't as balanced of a team. Then there was 2007, which I think was a more talented team than 2009, but Marvin got hurt, Freeney got hurt, Mathis got hurt... imagine that team fully healthy (yes, including Bob Sanders, who won DPOY that year), and I think we would have given the Pats a serious game in the AFCCG. Alas...

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All around complete team, I would say yes (very hesitantly).  Our run game could be better tho.  The run defense is actually playing decent.  Our special teams is way better than it has ever been.  Everybody knows how good McAfee is, but I don't think alot know how detrimental his kicks inside the 5 are to opposing offenses.  AV is always $$$.  If Mathis, Landry (playing at his old Pro Bowl level), & Art Jones were in there, and the Colt's didn't turn the football over, I don't think anybody would be able to argue that this is the best team we have EVER had.  Oh yeah I forgot (no I didn't lol)  Donald Thomas and Vick Ballard is out for the season, plus injuries from Mewhort, Holmes, and Howell (eventhough he is no longer with us). 


I read somebodies comment earlier that said the injury bug hasn't really affected us this year?  Are you kidding me?  It's just we have incredible depth behind already talented players.  I almost don't think it would be fair if all of our players stayed healthy the whole season!!

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Calling the 05 06 teams complete is mind boggling really no special teams no run game and could not stop the run . Yea the offense was really good and bailed out the D but they were far from complete with that offense if we had a run game or a run D we would have won multiple Sb's in that era .   

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Too early to tell, but it's starting to look like it.


2009 has to be in the debate.


If our defense can keep it up and we get some production out of Nicks, this could be our best team yet.

That's what baffles me too. Nicks is a physical specimen with tremendous natural attributes hands, arms, height, catching radius...Why isn't he contributing more? What's the hold up? Let's get going man. Is it a rep thing? A chemistry thing? A health thing? A trust thing? Please figure this mystery out & start generating TDs ASAP.


Send me to INDY. SW1 will solve this enigma immediately. I wanna get a flow going ready for the playoffs man so we are smooth as silk by then between Luck & Nicks.


Is Nicks not running crisp routes? What? I will crack that whip & figure out if Nicks is being lazy or not & fix it. If Moncrief can catch passes from Luck, Nicks sure as hades can. Seriously man, this is starting to really bother me. Nicks, you have a SB ring; you're not dumb come on now. Let's roll. Enough is enough. 

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we're not just winning because of luck course hes a big reason why, but we're also able to run the football with trent and bradshaw then on defense we're causing turnovers, pressuring the QB, and winning games in different ways. its amazing to think how close we could be to being undefeated or atleast 4-1 (still upset about that travesty)




 were just lucky so far its early  have beat ne  yet , luck is zero against ne . big test for luck brady look good last week in 

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