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Next up (Week 6), at Houston Texans


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Not going to lie, I am nervous about this game.  Not because the Texans are the better team, but so far this season away teams on Thursday nights have struggled.  Either way, even if the Colts lose I still think they get the division and will beat the Texans at home. 

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I think this is a great game to put some focus on Moncrief.  The Texans are going to be concerned about not getting beat by T. Y. Hilton.  We can switch up and burn them deep with Moncrief.  


I think Moncrief can be an x-factor as well.  A lot of different threats on offense - I just hope we play it smart late in the 4th quarter.  If we have a chance to kick a FG for a 2 possession lead, then kick the FG...don't get cute.

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I expect the Colts to come unstuck. 


It's a short week and if Fitzpatrick can play average, Houston have the weapons to hurt a Colts defense that has been flattered by playing the Titans and Jags. 


Indy will struggle to get a running game going, I'm sure Trent will average under 3 yards per carry and will probably throw a fumble or two in there for good measure. The Colts were fairly horrible on offense against the Ravens and I don't see them doing anything about it during a short week.




This guy will never come back. 

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Meh.....Luck torched that team.  They have some serious issues in their secondary that Luck exploited.  Can't believe we pounded them like that in the first quarter with 2 second string OG's and a 3rd string C.  Would've won that game by 3-4 touchdowns had we not handed them 14 points on a silver platter.

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I wish the second game between the Colts and the Texans wasn't week 15.  I'm confident we would give them a more sound beating in LOS.  Especially being more familiar with their rushing attack and personnel.  I'm not sure how we'll be playing in week 15 though.  We'll probably be shutting things down in preparation for the playoffs.

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Good game guys. We lost, but I was on my feet the entire 4th qtr.... it dang near felt like a play off game (with what little experience I have with Texans play off games that is). 



I believe that when it is all said and done, the Texans will see a need to trade up next year to get a franchise type QB.  So I do believe your pain is only temporary.  I was a Colt fan prior to Peyton, and I know how frustrating it is to not have a guy at the helm who has the ability to win any game. 


Again, I'd rather pass on QB rather than reach. If OB doesn't believe in one of the "top QBs" I don't mind taking a shot on a 2nd, 3rd, or even another 4th rounder. We're not going to make a franchise QB. So unless a Flacco or Rodgers falls to us, or OBrien feels good enough to trade up for a "Cutler" type guy... I'd rather pass. 


Let's say he thought good enough about Bridgewater to go up & get him, but Bridgewater gets hurt in his first start. Then he comes back & plays well for three or four games, then he's hurt again for another two or three. Then finishes the season strong. Well, we're going to pass on a guy in that next draft because we've got Bridgewater. Well be hoping that he can stay healthy for the next season & "all our problems will be fixed." 


Then he has a great season, but gets hurt in December & we miss the play offs... so are we going to take a chance on a 1st round QB or hold tight with Bridgewater... & all this with a guy he didn't believe in. 


OBrien is going to lose his job if he doesn't get the QB thing fixed. I'd rather he goes with his gut & get a guy he believes in rather than reach & hope everyone else is right. 

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This guy will never come back. 


I was right in everything I said other than the score. 


Houston's weapons did hurt Indy. Both Johnson and Foster had monster games.


Richardson did as well as I predicted and the team nearly threw away a game they were leading 24-0.


lol @ trying to make out my prediction was way off.

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I was right in everything I said other than the score.

Houston's weapons did hurt Indy. Both Johnson and Foster had monster games.

Richardson did as well as I predicted and the team nearly threw away a game they were leading 24-0.

lol @ trying to make out my prediction was way off.

Trent didn't fumble, the offense wasn't horrible and your score was not close. Now stop acting like a colts fan and go to a Texans board

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Guess what, the standings don't care about the score. A win is a win The colts now control the division just like we all knew they would


I'm happy they won. I find it hilarious that someone has suggested I shouldn't visit this forum anymore because I predicted a Houston victory. This forum doesn't have to be, "Colts rulez they will beat everyone!111!" all the time. A differing of opinion should not be chastised in this manor.

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I'm happy they won. I find it hilarious that someone has suggested I shouldn't visit this forum anymore because I predicted a Houston victory. This forum doesn't have to be, "Colts rulez they will beat everyone!111!" all the time. A differing of opinion should not be chastised in this manor.

The fact that you post nothing but negative things gives us that impression. 4-2 number one offense in the NFL. Plenty to be positive about

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Guess what, the standings don't care about the score. A win is a win The colts now control the division just like we all knew they would



Maybe I should have posted on the game thread but I knew Houston would probably get back into that game. When I saw that game only was about 14 minutes old when we went up 24-0 , I just thought way .. way too much time left. You couldn't possibly keep the intensity up on the road during a short week vs a team you probably feel you should beat. I figured no way the offense could keep rolling especially considering a make shift O line .. so kind of left in no man's land. Couldn't kill the clock running and crazy to keep throwing the ball all over the field.


So what happens is they get 2 huge breaks that turn about 25 total yards into 14 points. Plus Johnson and Foster make around 4-5 really great plays and wham ... they're right back in the game. 

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You were way off.  It doesn't matter if it's 1 point or 100.  A loss is the complete opposite of a win.


That is absolutely stupid logic displayed on your part.


If I predicted a Texans win and the Colts won in overtime I would not be "way off" because it would have been an incredibly close game.


If I predicted a Texans win and the Colts had won by 50 points I would have been "way off" due to the large margin of victory.


Use your head and don't be so foolish.

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That is absolutely stupid logic displayed on your part.

If I predicted a Texans win and the Colts won in overtime I would not be "way off" because it would have been an incredibly close game.

If I predicted a Texans win and the Colts had won by 50 points I would have been "way off" due to the large margin of victory.

Use your head and don't be so foolish.

you predicted the colts offense would be horrible. They were not = way off

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That is absolutely stupid logic displayed on your part.


If I predicted a Texans win and the Colts won in overtime I would not be "way off" because it would have been an incredibly close game.


If I predicted a Texans win and the Colts had won by 50 points I would have been "way off" due to the large margin of victory.


Use your head and don't be so foolish.

Nice try at justifying things but you are wrong.  Yes, if you predicted a Colts loss and the Colts won in OT you would still be way off and completely wrong.  I can post the definitions of the words "win" and "lose" or "loss" if it helps.


But there is no way to be completely wrong and not be "way off"

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Nice try at justifying things but you are wrong.  Yes, if you predicted a Colts loss and the Colts won in OT you would still be way off and completely wrong.  I can post the definitions of the words "win" and "lose" or "loss" if it helps.


But there is no way to be completely wrong and not be "way off"


Nope, you are being utterly ridiculous.


You are essentially saying that there can be no close games because one team always wins.


I honestly cannot believe that someone can have such a plain wrong opinion about something.


To be honest I don't think you actually feel this way. You have been proved wrong and are now trying to justify it through this stupidity.


No one would agree with what you are saying. Literally no one else on this planet.


If a game has to go into overtime, by definition that is a close game. Yes there is a winning team and a losing team, but they have been seperated by small margins in a CLOSE GAME.

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Nope, you are being utterly ridiculous.

You are essentially saying that there can be no close games because one team always wins.

I honestly cannot believe that someone can have such a plain wrong opinion about something.

To be honest I don't think you actually feel this way. You have been proved wrong and are now trying to justify it through this stupidity.

No one would agree with what you are saying. Literally no one else on this planet.

If a game has to go into overtime, by definition that is a close game. Yes there is a winning team and a losing team, but they have been seperated by small margins in a CLOSE GAME.

Your prediction was wrong accept it and move on

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Lot of truth out of this post on the Texans Forum:




The only "good" game the Texans as a whole have had this year was against Oakland, arguably the worse team in the NFL. That is the only game in which they scored points in the 1st quarter. 

I wonder, did the Colts take their feet of the throat of the Texans last night or did the Texans outplay them for 3 quarters? It seemed as if anytime the Colts felt threatened they scored or made a big play on defense.

The offensive line can't protect the QB. It has become painfully obvious it would be a massive mistake to replace Fitzpatrick with a young and immobile QB, whether it be Mallett or Savage.

The Texans, for whatever reason, love to make TY Hilton look like Randy Moss.

The Colts exposed every weakness the Texans had, from special teams to QB.

The onside kick showed just how little respect the Colts have for Bill O'Brien and his offense. If he didn't take that personally, he's not human. He's been outcoached in 4 out of 6 games this year, IMO. I expected that to happen but last night and this past Sunday was embarrassing. The Texans should have beaten both Dallas and Indy if the coaching was better.

Swearinger throws himself at the ball carrier, he doesn't tackle. His second year in the NFL and he still doesn't know the basics of the game.

ROC needs to do a better job of disguising his blitzes. Sitting at home on my couch I could tell when the Texans were going to blitz a DB.

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