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REPORT: Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse...

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Reports: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse in Texas...






The head coach for the Vikings said the reason why Peterson didn't practice yesterday was because of "veterans day."


I'm really starting to resent and dislike the NFL and what they stand for.  You got money grubbing greedy owners protecting and aiding and abetting ... behavior of the players.

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Well they've indicted Peterson.  My question is, how have they not indicted Goodell yet?  This is clearly all hsi fault and the NFL for not taking a tougher stance against domestic abuse/child abuse/whatever you want to call it.


On a serious note, how horrific of a week has this been for the NFL?  And my other question is, when is the NFL going to call out the NFLPA's shenanigans for constantly criticizing Goodell and the NFL when their players can't seem to keep from abusing women and children.  1 conviction and 3 charges all within a week or two of one another?  Seriously!?

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Well they've indicted Peterson.  My question is, how have they not indicted Goodell yet?  This is clearly all hsi fault and the NFL for not taking a tougher stance against domestic abuse/child abuse/whatever you want to call it.


On a serious note, how horrific of a week has this been for the NFL?  And my other question is, when is the NFL going to call out the NFLPA's shenanigans for constantly criticizing Goodell and the NFL when their players can't seem to keep from abusing women and children.  1 conviction and 3 charges all within a week or two of one another?  Seriously!?



It's a culture.


Colleges recuit ghetto and trailer trash onto their teams.  The NFL drafts these thugs.  As if the Pats had no idea Aaron Hernandez had serious issues.

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It's a culture.


Colleges recuit ghetto and trailer trash onto their teams.  The NFL drafts these thugs.  As if the Pats had no idea Aaron Hernandez had serious issues.

I know it's premature and I'll wait to judge the situation, but this is just crazy.  I've never seen anything like this before so close in succession.  I mean, there's been plenty of drug related offenses back to back to back, but violence towards women and children (of course, assuming the allegations are true).  Unprecedented IMO.

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That's crazy. I wonder what he did, allegedly?

Ian Rapoport ✔ @RapSheet


Arrest of Adrian Peterson (reported by @MarkBermanFox26) stems from the disciplining of a son with a switch, source says. He’s been indicted

4:53 PM - 12 Sep 2014


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Ian Rapoport ✔ @RapSheet


Arrest of Adrian Peterson (reported by @MarkBermanFox26) stems from the disciplining of a son with a switch, source says. He’s been indicted

4:53 PM - 12 Sep 2014


So did he whoop his kids butt with a switch or beat him there is a big difference if you ask me .

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I would think the latter given he got indicted.


Report says this has been under investigation for a while, and Peterson testified several weeks ago. So yeah, if they chose to indict him, it kind of speaks to it being a little more serious than a quick switching. 


Or it could be an over zealous prosecutor, which happens. Given the news about abuse lately, they might feel like they have a lot of support, or maybe that no one is going to criticize them for it. That's obviously just speculation. Not trying to make light of what could be a very serious situation.

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Report says this has been under investigation for a while, and Peterson testified several weeks ago. So yeah, if they chose to indict him, it kind of speaks to it being a little more serious than a quick switching. 


Or it could be an over zealous prosecutor, which happens. Given the news about abuse lately, they might feel like they have a lot of support, or maybe that no one is going to criticize them for it. That's obviously just speculation. Not trying to make light of what could be a very serious situation.

Is this the son who died from abuse by the boyfriend of the mother?

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I don't know the details, so it seems unfair to make a comment.    


But....  I do want to say  I think there is a line between spanking and beating, and  I am all for kids being "spanked"   Dang it ~  some times they need it.  I also think kids today can easily get parents in serious trouble by reporting that their parents beat them.


But like I said,  I don't know the facts here.

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I don't know the details, so it seems unfair to make a comment.

But.... I do want to say I think there is a line between spanking and beating, and I am all for kids being "spanked" Dang it ~ some times they need it. I also think kids today can easily get parents in serious trouble by reporting that their parents beat them.

But like I said, I don't know the facts here.

I agree. Growing up in the south I have seen plenty of spankings (mostly by grandmothers) with switches, belts, and such. There is definitely a difference between such spankings and straight up abuse. I will also hold off on saying anything until all the details come out.
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Ian Rapoport ✔ @RapSheet


Arrest of Adrian Peterson (reported by @MarkBermanFox26) stems from the disciplining of a son with a switch, source says. He’s been indicted

4:53 PM - 12 Sep 2014


If getting spanked with a switch is against the law, My mother should have been on death row

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This one needs more details.  I know times have changed, but I got whacks at school (1 time!) and a few belt to the behind by dad, all before I was 12.  I did learn some lessons and avoided ever needing anymore of those.  And yes, It was explained why and and inside, I knew they were right.


I'm just glad my 12 y/o son is an awesome kid.  He is thoughtful and mature beyond his years.  Much more so than I ever was in grade/middle school. 


I hope Peterson didn't overdo the punishment., and was not carried out in anger. And if the child is injured , I hope not permanently. I was once told the only way they would do  punishment of that sort was if the child, or another child with them was going to be in immediate danger because of an action.  Then to send the child to their room for 30 minutes to think about it and set a timer for 30 minutes. Then go about usual business.  When buzzer goes off, there's no residual anger or other emotion, just the desire to tell about the lesson, then seal it with a stearn love tap back there. 


I'm glad my boy has never made me have to remember that.  An occasional grounding from his favorite thing is enough.  And even the is rare.


My prayers for Peterson's son, and also Peterson himself.  What very little I know as yet, this doesn't seem thuggish, just potential protective love in child correction gone awry.  But we'll soon see.

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I agree. Growing up in the south I have seen plenty of spankings (mostly by grandmothers) with switches, belts, and such. There is definitely a difference between such spankings and straight up abuse. I will also hold off on saying anything until all the details come out.

My Kentucky Grandfather forbid my Father from whipping and/or disciplining me in his house and when he thought I was about to get in trouble he took me to run errands or get food

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They make it sound like he beat the crap out of his kid.  Sheeesh everyone knows you can't discipline kids anymore physically, that's way to 1990's and prior! 


This situation does not bug me at all and I think it's going to get blown WAY out of proportion by the media.  This is nothing like Ray Rice knocking his girlfriend out. 


Fact of the matter is I know several people who used to get "switched," when they were kids.  Heck, I got clubbed by an arm chair when I was in my teens because I was being a punk and deserved it.  I know that's much different then being switched as a little child, but it was a flipping arm chair!!  I personally don't even think the pictures look bad at all.  Kid will be fine, his leg just hurt for a couple days.  


We will have to wait till more reports come out but be prepared for a media firestorm lol...............




I got clubbed by an armchair legging that fell of the chair, mom didn't actually pick up the arm chair!!!  Hahah that would've been a site. 

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My Kentucky Grandfather forbid my Father from whipping and/or disciplining me in his house and when he thought I was about to get in trouble he took me to run errands or get food

Yeah, I suppose things are different depending who your parents and grandparents are. You're one of the lucky ones, though I actually never got many myself. My sister and cousins, on the other hand....
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They make it sound like he beat the crap out of his kid.  Sheeesh everyone knows you can't discipline kids anymore physically, that's way to 1990's and prior! 


This situation does not bug me at all and I think it's going to get blown WAY out of proportion by the media.  This is nothing like Ray Rice knocking his girlfriend out. 


Fact of the matter is I know several people who used to get "switched," when they were kids.  Heck, I got clubbed by an arm chair when I was in my teens because I was being a punk and deserved it.  I know that's much different then being switched as a little child, but it was a flipping arm chair!!  I personally don't even think the pictures look bad at all.  Kid will be fine, his leg just hurt for a couple days.  


We will have to wait till more reports come out but be prepared for a media firestorm lol...............


Sounds like the boy had some ugly cuts and bruises. The doctor who examined him called them "open wounds." So it's a little more serious than "you can't discipline your kids anymore..." 


There is a need for more information, though. Apparently, the boy was visiting Peterson, then he got sent home to his mom. She took him to the doctor, who reported the injuries.

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Sounds like the boy had some ugly cuts and bruises. The doctor who examined him called them "open wounds." So it's a little more serious than "you can't discipline your kids anymore..."

There is a need for more information, though. Apparently, the boy was visiting Peterson, then he got sent home to his mom. She took him to the doctor, who reported the injuries.

I saw some grainy photos, to me they didn't look that bad but at the same time it was on my phone. You are right, people will have to wait till more reports come out.

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And people sit and wonder why kids murder their parents these days and where they learn violence from. All you have is the environment around you and what it shapes you out to be. Society can make you into a cruel monster.


Fact is when you beat the crap out of your kids, you're teaching them to fear you and deep down they will resent you and hate you for it.


For people to sit there and say "tough love works" well yeah it works if you're a control freak parent that wants your children to fear you like that. Treating your kid like property is the wrong thing to do if you don't want them to grow up and do bad stuff.


You shouldn't be around kids at all if you're going to beat them and give them bruises.

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And people sit and wonder why kids murder their parents these days and where they learn violence from. All you have is the environment around you and what it shapes you out to be. Society can make you into a cruel monster.

Fact is when you beat the crap out of your kids, you're teaching them to fear you and deep down they will resent you and hate you for it.

For people to sit there and say "tough love works" well yeah it works if you're a control freak parent that wants your children to fear you like that. Treating your kid like property is the wrong thing to do if you don't want them to grow up and do bad stuff.

You shouldn't be around kids at all if you're going to beat them and give them bruises.

Isn't it funny how cringe rates have risen since the 50's for young men committing violent crimes?

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This one needs more details. I know times have changed, but I got whacks at school (1 time!) and a few belt to the behind by dad, all before I was 12. I did learn some lessons and avoided ever needing anymore of those. And yes, It was explained why and and inside, I knew they were right.

I'm just glad my 12 y/o son is an awesome kid. He is thoughtful and mature beyond his years. Much more so than I ever was in grade/middle school.

I hope Peterson didn't overdo the punishment., and was not carried out in anger. And if the child is injured , I hope not permanently. I was once told the only way they would do punishment of that sort was if the child, or another child with them was going to be in immediate danger because of an action. Then to send the child to their room for 30 minutes to think about it and set a timer for 30 minutes. Then go about usual business. When buzzer goes off, there's no residual anger or other emotion, just the desire to tell about the lesson, then seal it with a stearn love tap back there.

I'm glad my boy has never made me have to remember that. An occasional grounding from his favorite thing is enough. And even the is rare.

My prayers for Peterson's son, and also Peterson himself. What very little I know as yet, this doesn't seem thuggish, just potential protective love in child correction gone awry. But we'll soon see.

Well said, as usual. Your son has great parents.

My siblings and I all received spankings and other forms of punishment. It was never viewed as abuse. My siblings, however, do not spank their children. I once spanked my niece and I got a scolding from my sister. Times have changed.

Like you, I will wait for more facts to come out before passing judgment on Adrian Peterson. Hopefully the child is safe.

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