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Polian's Post Game Interview W/bob Lamey


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Say what you will about Kravitz but he is only person in Indy media that will stand up to the Colts' organization. Philp B is getting there and others will jump on the bus I am sure. Like many have stated on this post, it is hard to criticize while team is winning but you go 0 for........and it becomes fair game.

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Kravitz is doing his job as an editorialist. He writes stories to create sensationalism. It sells papers. He doesn't use facts to build his story except to emphasize a point. He uses his intuition and imagination to create a story. In contrast Phil B. is a reporter that reports information he has acquired.

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When I hear from Bill Polian I always think of two things. Pulling the plug on the Colts perfect season and Jay Mohr going off on the Polian on Mark Patrick's radio show several years back. He has shown his "true colors" so many times. This guy really is a slug. I detest him so, that I can't stand to look at him or hear his voice. Go away Billy and take your slime ball family with you!

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saturday went after the media also without consequences. when everything is going good it is easy to take criticism, but when things go bad, that's when your true character comes out. the owner should put a stop to it immediately, before things get worse.

The media? Lol if that's what you consider a fail of a blog called Stampede Blue...

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Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.-Mark Twain

Polian is doing a disservice to his organization by pursuing this "enemy". He should know better. The fact that he is even alluding to the press at all, makes me wonder how truthful the article today is. Before the radio interview with Lamey, I just thought reporter stirring the drink. Now I think, reporter protecting and serving the community. I always thought Polian was much better than the defensive garbage he was spewing on the post game. Thank you Mr. Polian, my beloved Colts getting embarrassed again today on the field seems minor compared to my new opinion of you.

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I read the article and it has his a thought in me. I loved Howard Mudd and Tom Moore, to of the best assistant coaches in the league. I will be extrememly mad if Bill Polian, a man that I respect for his GM abilities, has let his son force out some of the most respectful and talented employees in this organization.

This may sound funny, but you have to disipline your child if he is doing wrong. Don't be the parent who spoils their child even if the kid is behaving badly. Parents disipline their children to change that bad behavior into a good one. Don't let Chris Polian get his way just because he is your son. I don't know if Chris is a good GM or not, but the departures all of these former talent evaluators, scouts, directors of player personel, and assistant coaches who were important to the Indianapolis colts success is starting to tick me off.

Make the right decisions Bill! Get the colts back to prominence next year!

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When I hear from Bill Polian I always think of two things. Pulling the plug on the Colts perfect season and Jay Mohr going off on the Polian on Mark Patrick's radio show several years back.

Still have bad dreams about the perfect season thing, but never heard the Jay Mohr rant, would love to though.

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He said "the rats are gnawing on the carcass , rats that find their home in a sewer and that's where they need to go, kicked to the sewer". Or something like that, i know i'm close................ LOL

He absolutely hates Kravitz now more than ever. He had disdain for him already, now it's genuine hate !!!!

Edited by chrisfarley
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He said "the rats are gnawing on the carcass , rats that find their home in a sewer and that's where they need to go, kicked to the sewer". Or something like that, i know i'm close................ LOL

He absolutely hates Kravitz now more than ever. He had disdain for him already, now it's genuine hate !!!!

I can just see Kravitz smiling as he sits down at his keyboard....cracking his knuckles.

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Kravitz is not a Colts fan. He doesn't care if the Colts win or lose. He doesn't lose sleep over what will happen. His job is to get eyeballs to his column. It is purely a job to him and he has no emotional stake. If you read the posts of the Colt fans on this thread you see they are filled with emotion. Most fans are really hurting and frustrated with the season and the losses fans want it to change and are questioning how we got here. Those questions by the fans come have a different motivation than the column by Kravitz. Personally I think Kravitz may take some pleasure in the fall of the Colts.

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Kravitz is not a Colts fan. He doesn't care if the Colts win or lose. He doesn't lose sleep over what will happen. His job is to get eyeballs to his column. It is purely a job to him and he has no emotional stake. If you read the posts of the Colt fans on this thread you see they are filled with emotion. Most fans are really hurting and frustrated with the season and the losses fans want it to change and are questioning how we got here. Those questions by the fans come have a different motivation than the column by Kravitz. Personally I think Kravitz may take some pleasure in the fall of the Colts.

I hope not. Obviously Kravitz has hit a nerve with not only Colts fans but also that clown Polian and his daddy's little boy, Chris. I believe Kravitz's article was on point and factual. Some people (especially Polian) hated what he wrote because they can't or won't believe Polian and the Colts management can and did screw up badly with their player selections, coaches selection and staff management. Well they have, big time. Polian generally doesn't have to answer to anyone within the Colts organization and has surrounded himself with incompetent yes men and family members. Now that Kravitz has pointed out big, negative issues and Polian, for once, can't control the situation. Polian and his apologists will use every dirty trick to try to discredit the article and Kravitz.

I just wish Polian would have an outside entity conduct an objective review of the Colts and start addressing the real issues - organizational management, adopting a merit based performance/evaluation system for internal employees, drafting players that are at least NFL average in height, size, weight and athleticism (and not the slow, small, corn fed, always injuried, Big 10 stiffs dominating our current roster) and bring in a competent head coach and provide the resources and independence to actuallyallow the head coach to lead, manage and coach the team as he sees fit.

Edited by Fatboyslim11
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Here we go again. Same old Polian.

Kravitz should publish the exact same article tomorrow.

BP needs to grow up and quit going after scribes that are just doing there job. In case Bill hasn't noticed Kravitz is doing his job better than anyone on 56th st. Grow up MR. POILIAN, and do your job and quit making excuses.
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The saddest part of his rant is it make him sound like he is more concerned with his team fighting his personal battle with Kravitz then just simply trying to improve and win a football game.

But that's Polian, i have always believed he is more concerned with his ego and trying to prove everyone wrong. Sticking it to Kravitz would be sweeter to him then just simply winning a football game.

You don't need to win a game just to throw Kravitz into a sewer, you need to win a game because you haven't won one all year and a win might be good for the players on your roster. It says a lot that right after another blowout loss to go to 0-9 on the season, Polian is more ticked and worried about a newspaper article, in which he has stated numerous times he doesn't even read. Yeah right!

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Sometimes you find out what's really going on by the folks that were let go. They should have just tried to keep everyone on staff so they wouldn't have any dissenters. Now it's too late because of mis-management of staff and Chris butting his way to the top by letting those who truly know him go to the bread line.

People talk and you can only hide the elephant in the room so long. Well, guess what, we can all see the elephant now due to the Kravitz article.

This team is a true train-wreck with no leaders stepping up. If Ray Lewis were on this team, he would have had close-door meetings to rail on everyone. And he would likely hold players accountable during the game (unlike Caldwell). Ray Lewis, we need you here in Indy to put some Drill Instructor mentality on these Colts.

Edited by chrisfarley
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Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.-Mark Twain

Polian is doing a disservice to his organization by pursuing this "enemy". He should know better. The fact that he is even alluding to the press at all, makes me wonder how truthful the article today is. Before the radio interview with Lamey, I just thought reporter stirring the drink. Now I think, reporter protecting and serving the community. I always thought Polian was much better than the defensive garbage he was spewing on the post game. Thank you Mr. Polian, my beloved Colts getting embarrassed again today on the field seems minor compared to my new opinion of you.

Very well said! It is obvious that there is truth in the article or Polian would ignore it. I wonder how many individuals in the Colts organization would love to voice the same but are too afraid to say anything because of the tyrant?

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Like I said, this situation with Bill Polian and Chris Polian better not be like little league baseball where Bill is the coach and Chris is the not very good baseball player. Chris will always play a position he wants in the infield or at pitcher, even though he is not very good. Favoritism is not a key to success. I hope Chris has earned his way to the top of the colts front office, but from what I've read about the former employees saying he was a "toxic force" in the organization, that just frustrates me. I would hope that a man a stubborn as Bill would not be someone so emotionally attached to his son in business situations. It better not be true.

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How are my fellow sewer rats today? I thought the only rats were running around in the stadium.

I am doing ok. My only issue is a craving for some Polian cheese. Oh well, I might get some from tonight's Polian radio show. I sure hope someone locally will provide us sewer rats living outside of Indy with a transcript of the show - it should be a Polian conspiracy theory classic.

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And just for the record... I have defended Polian all through the Colt years. This team has just had plain "bad luck" ....... "MOST OF THE TIME" ....

The last few years however... When Chris is the "GM" ... ummmmmmm kinda bad....

But lets all not kid ourselves... Polian "made his bones" long before he EVER arrived in Indy.

Buffalo and Carolina won BIG when Polian was there....

So, there is a reason for is Alpha male attitude.

And this season has to be a kick in the nuts.

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Polian built and maintained an AFC dynasty with the Bills (not an NFL dynasty since no Super Bowls, but they cerntainly dominated the AFC for many years). The Panthers had one winning season in their first 8 seasons. (They did have one shocking 12-4 record in '96). Polian was there for the first 3 seasons, but certainly would be responsible for at least one more season's record. His 1st round picks were disasters for the Panthers (yes Kerry Collins had 1 decent season but left in shame, Tim Biakabatuka and Rae Carruth were the others).And only two, yes only two draft picks contributed at all of those drafts, Muhammed, an average WR and Minter, an average safety). We all know how little true impact the last 6 drafts have had, of certainly no impactful free agents have been added. He hireed JIm Caldwell (enough said on that). I'm trying to be objective, but there is very little in the past 6 years to help this franchise. Yes, we have had many great seasons however and Polian certainly shares in that credit. But the last 6 years, his true contributions have been poor at best.

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Of course he is mad. He is defending his incompetent son. Good thing Polian never worked in a market where the media isn't scared of him or he would really have a hard time. He doesn't respond to criticism too well.

Could you please provide some supportive evidence that his son is incompetent? I mean come on if you are going to make such a claim about someone shouldn't you at least support it with something?

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Wow. I am finally seeing LOTS of posters agree with my anti-Polian stance. He is arrogant and over-rated and doesn't want to take responsibility most of the time for a team that he built. Man I wish Irsay would clean house all the way to the top but I don't see it happening unless maybe Bill takes a swing at Kravitz or something. LOL

I am so thankful that the Colts owner doesn't listen to the "crowd" and instead reviews overall performance and understands the issue.

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So Bill, if there's been such great effort put forth by this team than the problem must be the talent level right? Indict yourself much lately??

How dare Bill have a bad season...WTH was he thinking, I mean 10+ winning seasons in a row isn't enough and we as paying fans should never have to suffer through a losing season....

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The performance is currently the worst team of the Super Bowl Era through 9 games

So what? It's one season, my god people move on get over it. There is NO pattern here of bad seasons like a number of NFL teams have, there is no pattern in the history of Mr. Polian being a GM of having bad teams. I think Colt Fans need to be fans of say the Lions or Bengals or Dolphins over the past decade plus to really appreciate what we have had here.

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When I hear from Bill Polian I always think of two things. Pulling the plug on the Colts perfect season and Jay Mohr going off on the Polian on Mark Patrick's radio show several years back. He has shown his "true colors" so many times. This guy really is a slug. I detest him so, that I can't stand to look at him or hear his voice. Go away Billy and take your slime ball family with you!

If you despise ole Bill that bad and since Bill and son are not going anywhere, maybe you should consider following another team...

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Thanks to Manning.

Lets see the Patriots can thank their QB as can the Packers and where would the 49ers been without Joe Montana. IN a league where the QB is the key, unless you have the most dominate D in the game (Baltimore and 1 of Pitts SB wins) you don't win in this league without a QB.

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