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Is it any co-incidence that the 2 teams that got to the AFCCG got there because of their OL?


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The two teams that are in the AFCCG are there because their OL could run the ball and help them stay balanced.


Discuss if our OL moves have worked out or not? Was it Pep figuring things out in the first season or was it our OL not being stout in the interior all year long?


I am beginning to think that if not for Luck's bravado outside the pocket, this team would not have beaten the likes of the 49ers, Seahawks, Broncos. Luck gave us the edge, there were few games our OL truly gave us an edge.



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The OL sucks so i dont think it mattered Pep ...i m,ean he started caling for more quick plays which made us look better but the ol needs to get better.



i guess my question for everyone here is..do you think we will go for another G on FA? Castonzo and Cherilus are set. We probably will get a C (lets just pretend we go get one). Do you think the coaching/Grigson staff will go for a G or will they be fine with Donald Thomas and Thornton as our G?

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The two teams that are in the AFCCG are there because their OL could run the ball and help them stay balanced.


Discuss if our OL moves have worked out or not? Was it Pep figuring things out in the first season or was it our OL not being stout in the interior all year long?


I am beginning to think that if not for Luck's bravado outside the pocket, this team would not have beaten the likes of the 49ers, Seahawks, Broncos. Luck gave us the edge, there were few games our OL truly gave us an edge.



I agree. grigs should look at every position on the line and try to upgrade it, we need a smashmouth line

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I just hope we add the right pieces on both sides of the line in the off season.  If it wasn't for our fortunate draft pick in Andrew Luck our rebuilding period would be much further away.  It's amazing to think we've gone 11-5 the last two seasons with a roster that really doesn't have a ton of talent.  I am just concerned that we've traded away (Richardson) our chance of  finding someone who could contribute right away in next year's draft.

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It's never been a secret that in order to advance in the playoffs, you need a strong defense and a good run game. The playoffs are in January and your team will have to deal with the elements along with facing stiffer competition.

We were ill-prepared for the playoffs. We couldn't run the ball or stop the run. At least we know clearly that our number one priority this off season is to shore up both lines. No more hoping McGlynn and Satele will step up and perform better than they are capable of.

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It's never been a secret that in order to advance in the playoffs, you need a strong defense and a good run game. The playoffs are in January and your team will have to deal with the elements along with facing stiffer competition.

We were ill-prepared for the playoffs. We couldn't run the ball or stop the run. At least we know clearly that our number one priority this off season is to shore up both lines. No more hoping McGlynn and Satele will step up and perform better than they are capable of.


No more hoping McGlynn and Satele will step up and perform better than they are capable of.  both them are worst in afc.

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get Mack as our center, i think Thomas and Thornton will be at guard but doesn't hurt to get someone who can come in and fill in if need be. as for Dline im stuck. I mean Redding we all know is a decent guy to have on the line, but RJF may need replaced. and another nose tackle wouldnt hurt either. and what about getting Brandon Spikes for ILB??? with Angerer as a FA it wouldn't hurt to look for another ILB. and then come draft time work on the secondary. whether some of you guys like it or not Richardson and Ballard will be our two backs come next year, and WR should be set. and our TE position is set also. 


But i do agree, Satele and McGlynn need to go. both have been given enough chances to show they can do the job. Satele has had two years and McGlynn has had what 3 years? 

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It will be disappointing to see the offensive line not get fixed next season. None of the backs have a chance to really get started after the handoff. When it is 1st and 10 , why does Pep go into a power running bunch when the defense can stop you with 7 in the box? Luck is going to win 10 games a year for you. Lets not wait until he is into his 8th year and the window is closing to get serious about building a team. Better yet, tell all the offensive lineman to work the Belichec method, hold every play, we can deal with the 1-2 calls per game.

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It will be disappointing to see the offensive line not get fixed next season. None of the backs have a chance to really get started after the handoff. When it is 1st and 10 , why does Pep go into a power running bunch when the defense can stop you with 7 in the box? Luck is going to win 10 games a year for you. Lets not wait until he is into his 8th year and the window is closing to get serious about building a team. Better yet, tell all the offensive lineman to work the Belichec method, hold every play, we can deal with the 1-2 calls per game.


Yep, if Irsay is serious about not having a QB dependent model for building a team, it starts with the trenches and we can't have a repeat of Polian preferring his OL guys with Grigson preferring the OL guys he brought despite them sucking.


That is what make the Patriots outstanding, they replace/fix broken parts faster almost anywhere on the team though there needs to be a base level of talent to coach up.

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First, about 70% of the Fans see the OL need an overhaul.  It's obvious, and it's pathetic that the Coaches, particularly the head coach doesn't see this. Luck gets hit over and over at every game...Hello Colts mgmt, coaches....Your Franchise QB is being treated like a Pinata and you don't see this....That's why the coaches need to wake up and re-evaluate real hard to identify the weakness in this off season, otherwise same results.....Second, the Fans,  remember the fans that helps pay ;your wages team execs and coaches...Get a clue and listen to what the Fans are saying....

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In answer to the title question...


Is there any doubt?


I watch teams that CAN run the ball and for the most part I see the linemen MOVE the deffensive players off the line of scrimmage, When i watch the Colts I see our linemen moved BACK off the LOS. It's hard to watch!


If we can put together a line that can block, move the D-lines, open holes, It might move me to tears!

Not only will we see what kind of RB's we have, but it will also take pressure of #12 in the pass game and not have so much pressure on the D. The Colts might actually build a dominating offense and Luck would not have to be in rescue mode so often.


If the FO does not do something drastic to change this ongoing deficiency on the team, I will seriously lose faith in this organization!


Grigson, you are a former O-line guy, C'mon Man!

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Personally I think we have one of the better young run blocking LT's in Costanzo. His pass blocking is still a work in progress. Thornton needs more work and Setele just needs to go. McGlynn seems like our guy at Center and I hope Don Thomas can come back and be what we hoped he would be. I think Cherilus is one of the best RT's in the league. So, get us a Center and another Guard and I think we'll see lots of improvement.

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That premise is 100% correct.


If we had a dominant offensive line....DEAR GOD.....I could only imagine how incredible this offense would be.


We've all seen how dominant that Andrew is when he actually has time to step up in the pocket or make all of his reads, AND if we had better blocking for Trent/Donald/Ballard......JUST WOW.


Seriously, we would be the number one offense in the league with Andrew, our RBs, our TE's, and WR's all healthy behind a line like Denver or NE.



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And how many of the playoff teams got there with a strong defense and running game? Kc, Seattle, San Francisco, Carolina, new England (obviously having Brady doesn't hurt though), etc. Isn't that a formula that's not supposed to work anymore in today's NFL?

Things that make you go "hmmm?"

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That premise is 100% correct.


If we had a dominant offensive line....DEAR GOD.....I could only imagine how incredible this offense would be.


We've all seen how dominant that Andrew is when he actually has time to step up in the pocket or make all of his reads, AND if we had better blocking for Trent/Donald/Ballard......JUST WOW.


Seriously, we would be the number one offense in the league with Andrew, our RBs, our TE's, and WR's all healthy behind a line like Denver or NE.



On the money. At all levels of football, the O-line is the most important group of any team. Yes, the QB is the most important position in the NFL (and probably college), but the O-line getting fixed will change a lot of the results for this talented group of Luck, Brown, Hilton, Wayne, etc.

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I think a little of Pep's 1st year but his play calling at times seems to be real bad.  and a bad OL. The OL pass block ok but for some reason cannot not run block. this has been a problem for a long time. especially late in the Manning era where we became a pass oriented offense. our OL coach needs to go back and teach the fundimentals of blocking to get tthe OL to get better in all areas. If we want to become a balanced offensive team the OL has to run block 10 times better than in the past.

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The two teams that are in the AFCCG are there because their OL could run the ball and help them stay balanced.


Discuss if our OL moves have worked out or not? Was it Pep figuring things out in the first season or was it our OL not being stout in the interior all year long?


I am beginning to think that if not for Luck's bravado outside the pocket, this team would not have beaten the likes of the 49ers, Seahawks, Broncos. Luck gave us the edge, there were few games our OL truly gave us an edge.



OL and DL are paramount but both Denver and NE suffered significant injuries to their Oline before and during the season. They are where they are because of their QBs IMO.

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I think we sign Mack at C, get Thomas healthy at LG, Thornton will get better over the offseason, Cherillous is our OL leader for now and the foreseeable future, and we will draft a big LT to back-up and eventually replace Castonzo at LT.


LT Castanzo LG Thomas C Mack RG Thornton RT Cherillous


I also see us drafting/signing another G for better depth.

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