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Luck's body language


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Being way down, I found it interesting when the cameras showed Luck on the sideline, his facial expressions were of a fired up, "we can do it" player. Now I think Peyton is the greatest QB/player of all time, but I suspect he'd have been sulking and rolling his eyes at the predictiment. Gotta like Luck as a leader.

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Being way down, I found it interesting when the cameras showed Luck on the sideline, his facial expressions were of a fired up, "we can do it" player. Now I think Peyton is the greatest QB/player of all time, but I suspect he'd have been sulking and rolling his eyes at the predictiment. Gotta like Luck as a leader.

Love Luck. Still love Peyton.

But I don't think it's necessary to compare everything they do. Just MHO.

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This isn't so much a negative for Peyton, but the distinction that stood out to me was that during the last defensive series Andrew was watching and cheering, while in the 2007 AFCCG during the last defensive series Peyton was sitting on the bench with his head down unable to watch.  Not that I blame Peyton for that, but it was a pretty striking difference.

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This isn't so much a negative for Peyton, but the distinction that stood out to me was that during the last defensive series Andrew was watching and cheering, while in the 2007 AFCCG during the last defensive series Peyton was sitting on the bench with his head down unable to watch.  Not that I blame Peyton for that, but it was a pretty striking difference.

I get Peyton that night.  After years of hearing he couldn't beat the Pats and Brady in the big game - he was finally in a position to do it.  The pressure on him was absolutely ENORMOUS - AL has yet to experience anything like that.  I thought at the time - Peyton's countenance was very appropriate - in fact, almost poignant.  :^)

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Except I don't put the 3rd int on the QB even we could agree to disagree on this but I put that on Hilton for not hanging on to the pass when he had it in his hands so luck was only responsible for two of the four turnovers.

Maybe, but that's what's GREAT about Luck....he will pound his own chest and say" my fault boys, I'll fix it,lets go"

the great ones lead that way....

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PACE; plays after critical error. AL was off the charts.

Luck did bounce back...he always does...but purhaps yesterday it should have said PACEA. Because those back to back picks last throw at the end of the first half and first throw of the second weren't beautiful....but the way he came back after that second one opening up the third and that late one was special. Of course it doesn't hurt when the other team loses their best pass rusher, #1 corner, and starting nickel and on the other side of the ball they have lost the leagues best rb, back up rb, and starting wr. It was a great job controling our emotions and playing to the end...but we got a lot of help from the football gods lol.


And he does sulk a bit too...I saw on both late ints that after he got to the sideline he looked whiny...but only for a second or two....and then he was right back laser focused...but that is just human nature to complain about your play...it isn't to bounce back and make up for it.

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Luck did bounce back...he always does...but purhaps yesterday it should have said PACEA. Because those back to back picks last throw at the end of the first half and first throw of the second weren't beautiful....but the way he came back after that second one opening up the third and that late one was special. Of course it doesn't hurt when the other team loses their best pass rusher, #1 corner, and starting nickel and on the other side of the ball they have lost the leagues best rb, back up rb, and starting wr. It was a great job controling our emotions and playing to the end...but we got a lot of help from the football gods lol.


And he does sulk a bit too...I saw on both late ints that after he got to the sideline he looked whiny...but only for a second or two....and then he was right back laser focused...but that is just human nature to complain about your play...it isn't to bounce back and make up for it.

Oh boo hoo, poor KC. Reid's notorious bad gAme management had more to do with it than those injuries.

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Being way down, I found it interesting when the cameras showed Luck on the sideline, his facial expressions were of a fired up, "we can do it" player. Now I think Peyton is the greatest QB/player of all time, but I suspect he'd have been sulking and rolling his eyes at the predictiment. Gotta like Luck as a leader.

I think a lot of this is coaching, Pags and the staff has brainwashed all the guys into believing. Never giving up. It's a shame Peyton didn't have this coach with this defense. In my opinion the cover 2 cause Peyton multiple championships.

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Oh boo hoo, poor KC. Reid's notorious bad gAme management had more to do with it than those injuries.

Oh they would have lost even without using that time out....your going to tell me losing Jamal Charles best running back in all of football, Donnie Avery starting wr who torched us earlier and was forcing our safeties to stay deep, Niles Davis who had rolled over us the whole game, Brandon Flowers their best cover corner (pro bowler), Robinson their starting nickel back, and Justin Houston their ace sack specialist. Indeed we very well could have went on to win the game with all these guys but that is A TON of ingame adjustments that had to be made and second stringers. Granted our second stringer Josh Gordy stepped up huge but we didn't nearly have the key injuries during the game that they had...not even close. To me those made more a difference than any coaching decisions....and if he hadn't played all those back ups last week perhaps they wouldn't have played as well this week and been ready for action...trust me....ask me if we lose Donald Brown or TY Hilton or Robert Mathis if this game ends the same....I doubt it. Its football and this stuff happens...thats how the cookie crumbles....but their is no sense MINIMALIZING those injuries as not having a KEY affect on the outcome of this game. They played a huge role.

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Oh they would have lost even without using that time out....your going to tell me losing Jamal Charles best running back in all of football, Donnie Avery starting wr who torched us earlier and was forcing our safeties to stay deep, Niles Davis who had rolled over us the whole game, Brandon Flowers their best cover corner (pro bowler), Robinson their starting nickel back, and Justin Houston their ace sack specialist. Indeed we very well could have went on to win the game with all these guys but that is A TON of ingame adjustments that had to be made and second stringers. Granted our second stringer Josh Gordy stepped up huge but we didn't nearly have the key injuries during the game that they had...not even close. To me those made more a difference than any coaching decisions....and if he hadn't played all those back ups last week perhaps they wouldn't have played as well this week and been ready for action...trust me....ask me if we lose Donald Brown or TY Hilton or Robert Mathis if this game ends the same....I doubt it. Its football and this stuff happens...thats how the cookie crumbles....but their is no sense MINIMALIZING those injuries as not having a KEY affect on the outcome of this game. They played a huge role.

There was no need to re hash who was hurt....believe it or not I know who they are. And I wasn't talking about the timeout, although that was horribly bad. The Chiefs should have just pounded the ball the whole second half and took lots of time off the clock. Fact is, the shouldn't have need Jamal Charles to run the clock out....hell, the where shipping the Colts without him.

I just really get tired of people always making excuses for the other team after a big colts win. The colts should have lost to the Packers last year, Vernon Davis was hurt when they beat the 9ers, lucky to beat the Seahawks and broncos.....blah, blah, blah

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There was no need to re hash who was hurt....believe it or not I know who they are. And I wasn't talking about the timeout, although that was horribly bad. The Chiefs should have just pounded the ball the whole second half and took lots of time off the clock. Fact is, the shouldn't have need Jamal Charles to run the clock out....hell, the where shipping the Colts without him.

I just really get tired of people always making excuses for the other team after a big colts win. The colts should have lost to the Packers last year, Vernon Davis was hurt she they beat the 9ers, lucky to beat the Seahawks and broncos.....blah, blah, blah

I'm a colts fan..through and through...but when we catch a break...I admit it. Every team has injuries...but when they have them during the game...it definately effects the game. You can't tell me after game planning all week having these guys it didn't hurt them...but like you said...they were beating us down...well actually we were beating us down with Luck's terrible picks and Trents horrendous ball carrying antics, awful corner coverage...once we stopped shooting ourselves in the foot we showed we were the better team...of course that all turned up after a long series of injuries to key KC players...I just think it ALL worked in our favor. We won...and I'm super happy...but to catch every single break in that game...every call, every injury, even the ball bouncing right up to our qb...it all worked in our favor...sure you make your own luck...being prepared...doing the right thing at the right time...but we were very fortunate...and have to play 100 times better next week. KC collapsed...somewhat under our pressure but mostly because the players they had left to work with...just couldn't stand up to us. All those other games I have no clue what people said...I honestly never heard a single peep from anyone why we beat them. Honestly those three games we played this year....those were our 3 most complete games on both sides of the ball...including the first time we beat KC. We won the line of scrimmage and we executed our offense...we straight up played our best Colts football....yesterday...we got away with playing a stinker...and I'm still EXCITED to be moving on ready to put this one in our past lol.

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Being way down, I found it interesting when the cameras showed Luck on the sideline, his facial expressions were of a fired up, "we can do it" player. Now I think Peyton is the greatest QB/player of all time, but I suspect he'd have been sulking and rolling his eyes at the predictiment. Gotta like Luck as a leader.

Noticed it too! He had his game face on. Man this guy is amazing!

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I'm a colts fan..through and through...but when we catch a break...I admit it. Every team has injuries...but when they have them during the game...it definately effects the game. You can't tell me after game planning all week having these guys it didn't hurt them...but like you said...they were beating us down...well actually we were beating us down with Luck's terrible picks and Trents horrendous ball carrying antics, awful corner coverage...once we stopped shooting ourselves in the foot we showed we were the better team...of course that all turned up after a long series of injuries to key KC players...I just think it ALL worked in our favor. We won...and I'm super happy...but to catch every single break in that game...every call, every injury, even the ball bouncing right up to our qb...it all worked in our favor...sure you make your own luck...being prepared...doing the right thing at the right time...but we were very fortunate...and have to play 100 times better next week. KC collapsed...somewhat under our pressure but mostly because the players they had left to work with...just couldn't stand up to us. All those other games I have no clue what people said...I honestly never heard a single peep from anyone why we beat them. Honestly those three games we played this year....those were our 3 most complete games on both sides of the ball...including the first time we beat KC. We won the line of scrimmage and we executed our offense...we straight up played our best Colts football....yesterday...we got away with playing a stinker...and I'm still EXCITED to be moving on ready to put this one in our past lol.

In the playoffs, guess what? The winner often gets lucky...that's just the way it is. KC had opportunities to make plays in the second half and just didn't make them.

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