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DHB has been BENCHED


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Guest TeamLoloJones

You want to put the guy who can't catch at a position where if he drops the ball it can result in a turnover?

Put someone else back there with DHB to catch the ball and hand it to him.

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I'm still cautious about Da'Rick Rogers though. His touchdowns came after we were already down what was it 21-0? (Someone confirm that if you can)

But I'd like to see him play from start to end and also in close games (if we can get those again one of these days lol)

But I'm definitely positive & looking forward to him playing moving forward

They both came when we were down 21, But I wouldn't put any stock in that, Bengals weren't playing prevent defense on either play from what I saw
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Guest TeamLoloJones

They both came when we were down 21, But I wouldn't put any stock in that, Bengals weren't playing prevent defense on either play from what I saw

Not to mention Da'Rick CAUGHT THE FOOTBALL, which is enough of a reason for him to pass DHB on the depth chart.

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Well I had such high hopes for DHB.

But Chuck finally made the right move in giving Brazill and Rodgers a chance to play a complete game.

Let's hope they produce well with each other, and also take some double teams away from Fleener and Hilton.

I'm so proud of Coby Fleener as of late. He's finally come into his own and has really stepped his game up. I just cry tears of joy when he catches the ball and makes plays :Cry:

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I still say we put DHB at CB. He can't be any worse than Cassius Vaughn can he?

Obviously he won't catch any interceptions but at least it'll go on the stat sheet as a pass deflection haha

I've joke about this before, but it wouldn't work.  DHB has statue hips to go along with his stone hands.  He can't turn his hips, or have any fluid movement reversing field.  He would make a horrible CB.

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Rogers is stronger, much more physical, has better hands (believe me, he does), and is a load to tackle. The only things Hilton has over Rogers is speed and elusiveness, and Rogers is closer to Hilton in those areas than you would think.

Rogers has better hands than Hilton? Based on one game?

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Not to mention Da'Rick CAUGHT THE FOOTBALL, which is enough of a reason for him to pass DHB on the depth chart.

Im just still a bit speechless how a wr can have so much potential but not even be able perform fundamentals of catching a football despite having a hall of fame worthy wr to learn from.....you can tell Reggie is just so disappointed and frustrated
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Guest TeamLoloJones

Rogers has better hands than Hilton? Based on one game?

Based on everything I have seen from both players, including college.  

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Im just still a bit speechless how a wr can have so much potential but not even be able perform fundamentals of catching a football despite having a hall of fame worthy wr to learn from.....you can tell Reggie is just so disappointed and frustrated

Yeah you usually don't see disappointment on Reggie Wayne's face. He usually is always smiling. But when DHB dropped that wide open pass vs the Titans I believe it was when it hit him dead in the chest, I believe that was the straw that broke Reggie Wayne's back

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Im just still a bit speechless how a wr can have so much potential but not even be able perform fundamentals of catching a football despite having a hall of fame worthy wr to learn from.....you can tell Reggie is just so disappointed and frustrated

It's a shame, I was rooting for DHB, as I'm sure most of us were...but it's obvious he just doesn't have what it takes.

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DHB is - was a gamble that I was on board with and am sad that it did not turn out for him or us. I truly thought Reggie would get this guy to realize his potential. The drop problem is just not going to be fixed because he cannot use Oaklands environment as an excuse now. It's In his head more then ever. As far as Rogers, it may be only one game, but this guy, if you just watch him, has the "look" of what and how a top receiver should be. He was open more then he was thrown to and by a wide margin. He knows how to get separation and use his hands already, and will only get better. IF he can keep his $&$& together.. we may have something ,and I hate to say it ...spec... Nope -can't finish the word yet, too soon.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

DHB is - was a gamble that I was on board with and am sad that it did not turn out for him or us. I truly thought Reggie would get this guy to realize his potential. The drop problem is just not going to be fixed because he cannot use Oaklands environment as an excuse now. It's In his head more then ever. As far as Rogers, it may be only one game, but this guy, if you just watch him, has the "look" of what and how a top receiver should be. He was open more then he was thrown to and by a wide margin. He knows how to get separation and use his hands already, and will only get better. IF he can keep his $&$& together.. we may have something ,and I hate to say it ...spec... Nope -can't finish the word yet, too soon.

The silver lining in DHB not working out is that we had to turn to Rogers.  Now we may find out if we have the next Josh Gordon on our roster.  If DHB had played better we may have never activated Rogers.

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I still think Hilton struggles in press coverage whereas Rogers doesn't as much at least from what  I have seen of Rogers thus far, its really to early to tell still.  


If TY plays the Flanker  ( Z ), or the slot he cannot be on the line of scrimmage.  It's easier to get a good release off the snap and out in to pattern since the DB can't get right up on you like the true  ( X ) Wideout.  Let Da'Rick handle the X, Brazill the Z and TY the slot.  Then flop TY and Brazill.  See who is better as a Z wideout, the guy in motion, and the slot man.  Then roll with that into the playoffs.

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I tried to tell the forum it was a bad signing from the start

You and me both Tk. You know how it is here though. As long as we sign somebody, that means they'll be great with the Colts. A player is who he is, if he sucks for one team, 99 times out of a 100, he'll suck for the Colts too.

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Rogers did have two balls Sunday that hit him in the hands that he didn't bring in. If those were on DBH this forum would have gone beserk. His first TD was a thing of beauty for being his first extended playing time. DBH took two guys out at the goal line on this 2nd TD which I don't think anyone else has pointed out.

No question in my mind that DBH needs to be set down. He has been horrible lately. I feel sorry for him because from all reports he a good guy and a very hard worker. I was really pulling for him but time to cut ties.

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If TY plays the Flanker  ( Z ), or the slot he cannot be on the line of scrimmage.  It's easier to get a good release off the snap and out in to pattern since the DB can't get right up on you like the true  ( X ) Wideout.  Let Da'Rick handle the X, Brazill the Z and TY the slot.  Then flop TY and Brazill.  See who is better as a Z wideout, the guy in motion, and the slot man.  Then roll with that into the playoffs.  


Since Reggie went down, TY has played more X,Y and hasn't been as effective because he struggles to get off the line.  Thats why I suggested Brazil, Rogers in the X,Y.  

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According to Chuck Pagano, Lavon Brazill & Da'Rick Rogers (apparently this forums favorite WR now lol) have surpassed DHB on the depth chart

@pwilson24: Rogers, Brazill pass DHB on depth chart? #Colts coach Pagano: "They've earned the right to play more."

Assuming the first paragraph is from TKnight, this doesn't exactly say DHB is definitively benched as the thread title leads one to believe. Phil Wilson inferred from Pagano's quote that DHB will be benched.

However, it does look like Rogers and Brazill will get more PT which is great. I hope DHB only sees the field as the 4th WR.

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Assuming the first paragraph is from TKnight, this doesn't exactly say DHB is definitively benched as the thread title leads one to believe. Phil Wilson was inferring from Pagano's quote that DHB will be benched.

However, I hope he is benched and only sees the field as the 4th WR.


LOL. Pagano will never give a straight answer about those kind of questions. I would agree that I think by him saying they have earned the right to play more than means more than DHB.  Wonder if they wouldn't have done so well if they would get as much playing time against the Texans?  As it is now though I think DHB will see far fewer snaps.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

he played special teams with the raiders if im not mistaken and was pretty good a few years ago for them

You are mistaken.  DHB has never returned punt or kick in his career, college or pro.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

yea i just looked it up, so scrap the DHB special teams idea lol

Maybe your were thinking of Jacoby Ford.  He's another speedster with poor hands that Oakland drafted.  He was a great returner.

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You and me both Tk. You know how it is here though. As long as we sign somebody, that means they'll be great with the Colts. A player is who he is, if he sucks for one team, 99 times out of a 100, he'll suck for the Colts too.

Oh believe me Balzer, I have a few of my posts quoted saved to my phone back from when we signed him & I said he was terrible. I'll be making a thread about it at the end of the season

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Not to mention the HBs and FBs which all have pretty good hands as well.

Then next year we get Allen and Wayne back, and maybe another WR in the draft...I'm all giddy thinking about it.

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Assuming the first paragraph is from TKnight, this doesn't exactly say DHB is definitively benched as the thread title leads one to believe. Phil Wilson inferred from Pagano's quote that DHB will be benched.

However, it does look like Rogers and Brazill will get more PT which is great. I hope DHB only sees the field as the 4th WR.

The first paragraph is me.

The question at the next paragraph is the question that was asked to Chuck Pagano. Then, the quotation was the answer Chuck gave to the media

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LOL. Pagano will never give a straight answer about those kind of questions. I would agree that I think by him saying they have earned the right to play more than means more than DHB. Wonder if they wouldn't have done so well if they would get as much playing time against the Texans? As it is now though I think DHB will see far fewer snaps.

There's no doubt if the young guns see more snaps, as Pagano said, those snaps will heavily cut into DHBs PT. However, "seeing more snaps" does not necessarily mean they are starting over DHB or DHB has been benched. That's all I'm trying to say.

As I said, I don't want DHB to see the field. I certainly hope he's benched.

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According to Chuck Pagano, Lavon Brazill & Da'Rick Rogers (apparently this forums favorite WR now lol) have surpassed DHB on the depth chart

@pwilson24: Rogers, Brazill pass DHB on depth chart? #Colts coach Pagano: "They've earned the right to play more."



No offense to you , but "hello" to chuck and the rest on this. Didn't this already hapen last week as DHB saw about half the snaps that Rogers and Brazil had ?

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