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Titans DT Jurell Casey speaks on Richardson/Brown


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Why was the defense "protecting against the pass and not the run" when all we were doing was running on the final drive? Sounds like another bull% excuse to not give credit to DB.


There's a reason everyone is down on TR, it's because he isn't doing anything right now. It's pretty simple. There's a reason people are up on DB, it's because he is doing well right now. Again, simple. If you can't see DB is playing well then it's your preconceived hate of him that is blinding you or you don't know what you are watching or you're literally blind.


Umm...because luck and Hilton, along with Fleener, are a passing threat.  he wasnt facing a stacked box.  He was doing well as a change of pace back.  not the starter.  He did bad most of the game til the end.  You said so yourself.  Im not disagreeing with you on Trent, i was just saying.  But im not agreeing as well.  Because hardly anyone in this forum takes anything into context, or looks at different affecting circumstances.  They just march blindly forward like on some crusade.


Furthermore, people % on brown for like 4 years.  All of sudden now, he is a great RB.  Please.  Bandwagoner.

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Did I say you specifically?  It was merely an alternate viewpoint of your observation.

Typically when someone quotes me, i think they mean me.  Best definition of an excuse i have ever heard.


Shell of a reason, stuffed with a lie. 


Typically when you take away all the reasons why something is happening, youre left with no excuse.  Thats what a lot of people are doing on both sides of the argument.  I think that right now, neither one of them are really that great because i think sometimes you need to look at a bigger picture and situations for each.

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Umm...because luck and Hilton, along with Fleener, are a passing threat.  he wasnt facing a stacked box.  He was doing well as a change of pace back.  not the starter.  He did bad most of the game til the end.  You said so yourself.  Im not disagreeing with you on Trent, i was just saying.  But im not agreeing as well.  Because hardly anyone in this forum takes anything into context, or looks at different affecting circumstances.  They just march blindly forward like on some crusade.


Furthermore, people % on brown for like 4 years.  All of sudden now, he is a great RB.  Please.  Bandwagoner.


Some people hated DB so much for the past 4 years that they can't see (or don't want to see) when he is playing well.

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Typically when someone quotes me, i think they mean me.  Best definition of an excuse i have ever heard.


Shell of a reason, stuffed with a lie. 


Typically when you take away all the reasons why something is happening, youre left with no excuse.  Thats what a lot of people are doing on both sides of the argument.  I think that right now, neither one of them are really that great because i think sometimes you need to look at a bigger picture and situations for each.


Plenty of quoted posts refer to an opinion or reference within the post without being directed at the OP personally per se.


With that being said the post said exactly what I wanted it to say.  Similar to how your "mere observation" was not really a thinly veiled jab at those who are critical of Richardson.


You try to act as if you have an unbiased opinion of the situation, and you're simply "putting everything in context" or "looking at the bigger picture" when that is the farthest thing from the truth.  You "picked a train" just like the majority of the rest of the board.

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Plenty of quoted posts refer to an opinion or reference within the post without being directed at the OP personally per se.

With that being said the post said exactly what I wanted it to say. Similar to how your "mere observation" was not really a thinly veiled jab at those who are critical of Richardson.

You try to act as if you have an unbiased opinion of the situation, and you're simply "putting everything in context" or "looking at the bigger picture" when that is the farthest thing from the truth. You "picked a train" just like the majority of the rest of the board.

and what train would that be? I dont like brown as a starter, he a change of pace back. I also dont think Rich is doing that well either.

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Not really erroneous when he averaged 3.9 only because of his last 6 carries when the D was protecting against the pass and not the run.   But the hate TRich train is the new popular thing to do.  All the cool kids are doing it!

Not one sentence of that is true

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Not one sentence of that is true


How many yards did he avg that game? Answer- 3.9

How many times did he run during the last possession? Answer- 6 but 7 total in the 4th (1 from previous possession)

How many yards did he get from those 6 carries? Answer- 46

How many yatds did he have total the whole game? Answer- 54

1st carry- 4-3 setup. Linebackers hesitate instead of crashing in.

2nd carry- nickel formation, thats pass D

3rd carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side

4th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side

5th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side. Db goes left side.

6th carry- cant see formation due to broadcast

7th carry- they actually defend the run.

So please...tell me which sentence is wrong?

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I hear you coffee but honestly IMO Trent DOESN'T NEED AN OFF SEASON to get it. Just run to an Threw the hole? Not that hard an it is honestly easier to run that way, of coarse if you are not met 2 yards in the backfield that would help. To this point I have been very UNDERWELMED with Richardson, an we gave a #1 pick to boot?

Oh, it's tougher than you think. During the OTAs, mini-camps and training camp a rb probably runs with the ball in his hands 1500+ times.  During the season they may practice it 50-70 times a week.  That is why they practice it so much, so during the season the player doesn't have to think about it on the field.


I will say this, I don't think that is T Rich's only issue but I think it's the biggest and it's why, even early on, I did not expect big things from Richardson this year.  I will also say that when he has hit the hole, I really like the way this guy runs... he is very hard to bring down and does not quit fighting until he has to.  Many people will scoff at this (and I really don't care) but I think next year we will be looking at a new version of the triplets, instead of Manning, Harrison and Edge it will be Luck, Hilton and Richardson and I think they will be as effective.  Then if the Colts are fortunate enough to get Wayne back it will be quite an offense.

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How many yards did he avg that game? Answer- 3.9

How many times did he run during the last possession? Answer- 6 but 7 total in the 4th (1 from previous possession)

How many yards did he get from those 6 carries? Answer- 46

How many yatds did he have total the whole game? Answer- 54

1st carry- 4-3 setup. Linebackers hesitate instead of crashing in.

2nd carry- nickel formation, thats pass D

3rd carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side

4th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side

5th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side. Db goes left side.

6th carry- cant see formation due to broadcast

7th carry- they actually defend the run.

So please...tell me which sentence is wrong?

Nickel? There aren't 5 DB's in on any of those plays

And I'm pretty sure you know the first four lines of the above were not necessary. Did u really think I was disputing his yards per carry?

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Oh, it's tougher than you think. During the OTAs, mini-camps and training camp a rb probably runs with the ball in his hands 1500+ times.  During the season they may practice it 50-70 times a week.  That is why they practice it so much, so during the season the player doesn't have to think about it on the field.


I will say this, I don't think that is T Rich's only issue but I think it's the biggest and it's why, even early on, I did not expect big things from Richardson this year.  I will also say that when he has hit the hole, I really like the way this guy runs... he is very hard to bring down and does not quit fighting until he has to.  Many people will scoff at this (and I really don't care) but I think next year we will be looking at a new version of the triplets, instead of Manning, Harrison and Edge it will be Luck, Hilton and Richardson and I think they will be as effective.  Then if the Colts are fortunate enough to get Wayne back it will be quite an offense.

Does Alabama use a ZBS too?

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The Indianapolis Colts benched running back Trent Richardson last week, a little over two months after trading a first-round pick for him in a blockbuster deal.

Richardson had been woefully unproductive.

Specifically, he wasn't breaking any big runs. He's averaging 2.8 yards per carry (which ranks him 78th out of 82 running backs). He only has six runs of 10 yards or more with the Colts, and one run of 15 yards The Indianapolis Colts benched running back Trent Richardson last week, a little over two months after trading a first-round pick for him in a blockbuster deal.

Richardson had been woefully unproductive.

Specifically, he wasn't breaking any big runs. He's averaging 2.8 yards per carry (which ranks him 78th out of 82 running backs). He only has six runs of 10 yards or more with the Colts, and one run of 15 yards or more.

He's getting stuffed on most of his runs, and it's not his offensive line's fault (back-up running back Donald Brown is averaging 5.3 yards per carry behind the same line).

This screenshot from CBS's Pete Prisco sums up what's ailing Richardson right now. He's simply not seeing the holes right now.

Richardson took the yellow line on this play



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I agree except for the terrible OL picks (not that his picks the last few years were good with the exception of AC, although I wanted Hudson with that pick).  DB's biggest problem with the Colts was the zone blocking scheme.  I have said on this forum for years that DB is not good at anticipating where the hole is going to be.  Therefore, in a zone blocking scheme where the can be anywhere from left shoulder of the center to right shoulder of the tackle, for example, he struggled.  But now that the Colts are running more man blocking, especially in the running game, the hole is the 2, 4, 6,1,3, 5 (I have no idea if the Colts give the holes those numbers, it's just common enough I figured everyone would understand what I mean) etc.  Brown is running to that spot, if the hole is there it's a good gain because he hits the hole fast and runs with power once he gets to the 2nd level.  If the hole is not there then it will be a gain for 0-1 yard.  For years I said the Colts should not have drafted DB, not because he had no talent but because it was trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.


Now the Colts are doing the same thing with Richardson but in reverse, Richardson came from a team that runs a zone blocking scheme, he is used to waiting with the ball in his hand for the hole to develop and then hitting the hole.  Well in a man blocking scheme the hole will not develop... it will be there and then it's gone because the Lbers are reading the oline and filling the hole.  The idea is to have the running back into the hole before the LBers can fill it that way they(the Lbers) are hitting the running back at an angle and therefore an easier tackle to break.  Just like I said early on in a thread about Trich's learning curve, it will take him to next year to be comfortable, there isn't really time to practice that kind of stuff during the season because the practices are spent on game plan prep, not fundamental prep.


Post more often CD.  You're one of the few posters who (I think) knows what he's talking about!   :thmup:


I remember being one of the few guys who stuck up for DB (and JH for that matter).  But something just didn't work with the guy (besides his injuries).  Your explanation makes sense.

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With all the back and forth about Brown and Richardson I just suggest to people if they have a copy of the  game to  look at first and second downs on the winning touchdown drive. It's an apples to apples comparison of our runners. On first and goal the Colts are in Jumbo with Harvey in the backfield set to the left, they hand the ball to Richardson up the middle to the center guard hole and he runs to the hole stops, jumps left and gets no gain. On second and goal, same jumbo, Harvey in the backfield again set to the right this time, they hand the ball to Brown running to the center guard hole to the left, no hesitation hits the hole fast and hard and drives to the end zone. Trent doesn't seem to trust himself or the blocker or both but the difference on the two plays is simply the runners decisions and effort. I don't see something else.

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How many yards did he avg that game? Answer- 3.9

How many times did he run during the last possession? Answer- 6 but 7 total in the 4th (1 from previous possession)

How many yards did he get from those 6 carries? Answer- 46

How many yatds did he have total the whole game? Answer- 54

1st carry- 4-3 setup. Linebackers hesitate instead of crashing in.

2nd carry- nickel formation, thats pass D

3rd carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side

4th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side

5th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side. Db goes left side.

6th carry- cant see formation due to broadcast

7th carry- they actually defend the run.

So please...tell me which sentence is wrong?

"3rd carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side"

This defense you made up is called a 4-3 over. 5 men on the line 7 in the box, possibly 8 if the safety moves up. This is not a nickel pass defense.

"4th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side"

This defense is called a 4-3 over. 5 men on the line 7 in the box, possibly 8 if the safety moves up. This is not a nickel pass defense.

"5th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side. Db goes left side."

This defense is called a 4-3 over. 5 men on the line 7 in the box, possibly 8 if the safety moves up. This is not a nickel pass defense.

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Post more often CD.  You're one of the few posters who (I think) knows what he's talking about!   :thmup:


I remember being one of the few guys who stuck up for DB (and JH for that matter).  But something just didn't work with the guy (besides his injuries).  Your explanation makes sense.

Rick Venturi shot that idea today 1070....not that he is always right.

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How many yards did he avg that game? Answer- 3.9

How many times did he run during the last possession? Answer- 6 but 7 total in the 4th (1 from previous possession)

How many yards did he get from those 6 carries? Answer- 46

How many yatds did he have total the whole game? Answer- 54

1st carry- 4-3 setup. Linebackers hesitate instead of crashing in.

2nd carry- nickel formation, thats pass D

3rd carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side

4th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side

5th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side. Db goes left side.

6th carry- cant see formation due to broadcast

7th carry- they actually defend the run.

So please...tell me which sentence is wrong?

I going to watch again but I think you might be wrong I thought they TEnn were defending the run. At the time we couldn't protect Luck & with a 1 point lead we were trying to burn some clock, Maybe not, but either way DB was great on that drive & got a game ball to boot!

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Venturi talked about me on 1070 today? :)


What did he say?

That a lot of the stuff the Colts run; gaps,counters,etc, is pretty standard around the nfl...including Cleveland.

I didn't hear the exact question, but they were talking about Richardson's struggles, and from the response I assume it was about blocking scheme being a problem.

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Oh, it's tougher than you think. During the OTAs, mini-camps and training camp a rb probably runs with the ball in his hands 1500+ times.  During the season they may practice it 50-70 times a week.  That is why they practice it so much, so during the season the player doesn't have to think about it on the field.


I will say this, I don't think that is T Rich's only issue but I think it's the biggest and it's why, even early on, I did not expect big things from Richardson this year.  I will also say that when he has hit the hole, I really like the way this guy runs... he is very hard to bring down and does not quit fighting until he has to.  Many people will scoff at this (and I really don't care) but I think next year we will be looking at a new version of the triplets, instead of Manning, Harrison and Edge it will be Luck, Hilton and Richardson and I think they will be as effective.  Then if the Colts are fortunate enough to get Wayne back it will be quite an offense.

One hopes so, I still don't think its hard to run to the hole its learned in pee wee football, but I will agree when TR does hit the hole hes not bad, the unfortunate part is he rarely finds the hole! I am more of a show guy, been quiet about TR, but he is painful to watch, don't watch a lot of college football but what I have seen so far hes trying to hard or not very good? He must have skills he is hard to bring down, My brother watch's lots of college games & is a huge Alabama guy he loves him & swears he is great. ???? I guess we will see unfortunately might have to be next year. I thought that if he had that one big game he might go off, still waiting?

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That a lot of the stuff the Colts run; gaps,counters,etc, is pretty standard around the nfl...including Cleveland.

I didn't hear the exact question, but they were talking about Richardson's struggles, and from the response I assume it was about blocking scheme being a problem.

Yeah, I can see that.  The blocking scheme is not the greatest, too many times Satele has to step to the play side and turn someone to be an effective block and that is near impossible to do in the NFL.  And I don't recall seeing any trap blocks this year.


Part of that problem is that Satele and McGlynn are such poor pass blockers the interior dlineman are told just to push upfield.  Since the Colts don't seem to want to run outside that push up the middle causes havoc in both the run and pass game.

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"With a guy like [Trent], everybody knows he’s a downhill runner," Casey told FOXSports.com in a telephone interview. "A lot of times guys shoot at his legs. He’s a smaller guy so nobody tries to hit him up high.

“When guys are shooting at your legs, that could result in injury so I think that’s probably one of his cases is he feels, ‘they’re shooting at my knees. I got to figure out how to not allow this to happen.’ So I think that’s probably the biggest thing with him is he’s probably afraid of getting hurt.”

Richardson, who was replaced by Donald Brown before last week’s 22-14 win against the Titans, has averaged a paltry 2.8 yards a carry in 10 games since the blockbuster trade in September. Brown has made the most of his opportunity, running with a reckless abandon.

"I think the biggest difference between the two is Donald Brown, he’s not caring." Casey said. "He’s giving up his body and just running through the holes at full speed. He’s not breaking down and trying to see if he can shake a guy in the backfield. If he’s in the backfield he’s coming through. The first time he’s going to make a move is once he crosses that second level. He’s a straight power back.

“Then Trent Richardson you can see sometimes, he does a little tip-toe through the line and tries to figure out what he’s going to do before he gets to the hole."


Trent is not hitting the hole HARD.    Bottom line....        Brown is NOW.


Brown had the SAME issue early...  Trent will figure it out.

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"With a guy like [Trent], everybody knows he’s a downhill runner," Casey told FOXSports.com in a telephone interview. "A lot of times guys shoot at his legs. He’s a smaller guy so nobody tries to hit him up high.

“When guys are shooting at your legs, that could result in injury so I think that’s probably one of his cases is he feels, ‘they’re shooting at my knees. I got to figure out how to not allow this to happen.’ So I think that’s probably the biggest thing with him is he’s probably afraid of getting hurt.”

Richardson, who was replaced by Donald Brown before last week’s 22-14 win against the Titans, has averaged a paltry 2.8 yards a carry in 10 games since the blockbuster trade in September. Brown has made the most of his opportunity, running with a reckless abandon.

"I think the biggest difference between the two is Donald Brown, he’s not caring." Casey said. "He’s giving up his body and just running through the holes at full speed. He’s not breaking down and trying to see if he can shake a guy in the backfield. If he’s in the backfield he’s coming through. The first time he’s going to make a move is once he crosses that second level. He’s a straight power back.

“Then Trent Richardson you can see sometimes, he does a little tip-toe through the line and tries to figure out what he’s going to do before he gets to the hole."



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Yeah, I can see that.  The blocking scheme is not the greatest, too many times Satele has to step to the play side and turn someone to be an effective block and that is near impossible to do in the NFL.  And I don't recall seeing any trap blocks this year.


Part of that problem is that Satele and McGlynn are such poor pass blockers the interior dlineman are told just to push upfield.  Since the Colts don't seem to want to run outside that push up the middle causes havoc in both the run and pass game.


You missed the 3 times we've done it in 12 games...


I'd love to see more trap plays.

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Nickel? There aren't 5 DB's in on any of those plays

And I'm pretty sure you know the first four lines of the above were not necessary. Did u really think I was disputing his yards per carry?

They removed one of their LB's and had a man covering Fleener. looked like an nickel to me.  Safeties count as backs.  So 2 corners, 2 safeties, and whoever covering Fleener, sounds like 5 to me.  Most of the plays they only had 2 LB's in the middles.  Now maybe all of those plays they just put that LB on strong side, same side as fleener in those plays, but whoever it was stayed with fleener the one time he ran a route.  So maybe they trusted their LB to cover Fleener instead of a CB, but it sure looked really close to 4-3 Nickel to me.  


And when you say NONE of the sentences were true, i am assuming you meant the most yards on 6 carries as well.  Wanted to make sure i broke it down for you. 

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"3rd carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side"

This defense you made up is called a 4-3 over. 5 men on the line 7 in the box, possibly 8 if the safety moves up. This is not a nickel pass defense.

"4th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side"

This defense is called a 4-3 over. 5 men on the line 7 in the box, possibly 8 if the safety moves up. This is not a nickel pass defense.

"5th carry- nickel/rush outside lb on strong side. Db goes left side."

This defense is called a 4-3 over. 5 men on the line 7 in the box, possibly 8 if the safety moves up. This is not a nickel pass defense.

Thats why i put rushing the LB, cause i couldnt tell who that guy was on the same side as the TE.  When i saw him stay with Fleener on one of the plays i had assumed they pulled a LB for a CB

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Oh, it's tougher than you think. During the OTAs, mini-camps and training camp a rb probably runs with the ball in his hands 1500+ times.  During the season they may practice it 50-70 times a week.  That is why they practice it so much, so during the season the player doesn't have to think about it on the field.


I will say this, I don't think that is T Rich's only issue but I think it's the biggest and it's why, even early on, I did not expect big things from Richardson this year.  I will also say that when he has hit the hole, I really like the way this guy runs... he is very hard to bring down and does not quit fighting until he has to.  Many people will scoff at this (and I really don't care) but I think next year we will be looking at a new version of the triplets, instead of Manning, Harrison and Edge it will be Luck, Hilton and Richardson and I think they will be as effective.  Then if the Colts are fortunate enough to get Wayne back it will be quite an offense.

I agree. good post

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I going to watch again but I think you might be wrong I thought they TEnn were defending the run. At the time we couldn't protect Luck & with a 1 point lead we were trying to burn some clock, Maybe not, but either way DB was great on that drive & got a game ball to boot!

And i quite possibly could be.  As someone pointed out it was an Over 4-3 defense.  I had assumed they put a CB in for a LB when i saw him stay with Fleener very briefly on a play.  They stacked the strong side and left the 2 LB's alone in the middle.  Unfortunately the runs went to the Left or up the middle.

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I agree except for the terrible OL picks (not that his picks the last few years were good with the exception of AC, although I wanted Hudson with that pick). DB's biggest problem with the Colts was the zone blocking scheme. I have said on this forum for years that DB is not good at anticipating where the hole is going to be. Therefore, in a zone blocking scheme where the can be anywhere from left shoulder of the center to right shoulder of the tackle, for example, he struggled. But now that the Colts are running more man blocking, especially in the running game, the hole is the 2, 4, 6,1,3, 5 (I have no idea if the Colts give the holes those numbers, it's just common enough I figured everyone would understand what I mean) etc. Brown is running to that spot, if the hole is there it's a good gain because he hits the hole fast and runs with power once he gets to the 2nd level. If the hole is not there then it will be a gain for 0-1 yard. For years I said the Colts should not have drafted DB, not because he had no talent but because it was trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Now the Colts are doing the same thing with Richardson but in reverse, Richardson came from a team that runs a zone blocking scheme, he is used to waiting with the ball in his hand for the hole to develop and then hitting the hole. Well in a man blocking scheme the hole will not develop... it will be there and then it's gone because the Lbers are reading the oline and filling the hole. The idea is to have the running back into the hole before the LBers can fill it that way they(the Lbers) are hitting the running back at an angle and therefore an easier tackle to break. Just like I said early on in a thread about Trich's learning curve, it will take him to next year to be comfortable, there isn't really time to practice that kind of stuff during the season because the practices are spent on game plan prep, not fundamental prep.

Bravo great post!!
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Richardson and Wayne conversation:

“He came to me, he wasn’t pouting or anything,” Wayne said. “This was the next day after he found out he was demoted and he said, ‘Now I can sit back and actually watch the way it’s supposed to be done.’ He kind of feels that he was maybe forced into it early without actually learning it.”

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You missed the 3 times we've done it in 12 games...


I'd love to see more trap plays.

Forgive me, I should be more observant.


And yeah, I don't know how you can run a man blocking scheme and NOT do traps, especially with a FB.  I think Thornton is athletic enough to trap well and I think it would help both mcGlynn and Satele.  For McGlynn he is pretty good working in space, he's not good with someone over him and Satele would then be sealing on the backside which is much easier than getting in front of and turning on the play side.  Traps give the LBers something to key on but it also gives the O a numbers advantage on the play side rather than a one to one they have now.

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