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No DB Love?


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Here is something for the Donald Brown fan club to chew on since Trent's YPC is always the topic of conversation. 


Brown had eight carries for eight yards in the game before the final drive of the game. ( ok so lets do the math on that) 1.0 ypc

Wow that is stunning production for a guy who is clearly the answer to the RB problem Indy has. Because it has nothing at all to do with the most pathetic O-line in the NFL. 


Then on the final drive he rips off 2 decent runs that inflates his total on the final drive to 6 carries for 46 yards. 

This team is going nowhere fast and any decent team would have beat the colts up today. I love the colts just as much as anyone hear but I'm just stating the facts. 


You could make that statement for many RB's, WR's in the NFL.   You don't just dismiss there big play or there big drive.  Running backs inflate there numbers all the time with long runs. WR's can have average days and then catch an 80 yard pass and have a great day.


I wouldn't call Brown producing huge runs on a game winning drive as "inflating" though.  But thats just me.   Now Richardson's 13 yard run on a 3rd and 20 draw play, thats a classic example of inflating numbers.

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Did Trent get 6 carries in the final drive? I must have missed that

He got one and got stuffed.  You can't say T-Rich hasn't gotten a fair shake every game after the 49ers game till today he's been there starter and the featured back going in.  He's yet to produce.  You can hardly the blame the coaches for trying something else and then riding that hand even if they are only getting success here and there out of it.  It's still more than the other back was giving you. 


I want T-Rich to work and maybe he will in time but he's not right now.  Brown is at least giving you something.  Till that changes Brown is the guy.

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dbrown couldn't run for 2000 yards

For some, its always what DB cant do. 2,000 yds is a stretch I know for any NFL running back not named Peterson. That's why I picked  "a stretch" amount of yardage. Brown has 57 carries for 324 yards..that is nearly 5.7 yds a carry. Chris Johnson avgs 300 carries a season, that's 1700 yds. Granted he`s never stayed healthy and would never last for 300 carries a year I get all that. But still give the man credit when its due

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You could make that statement for many RB's, WR's in the NFL.   You don't just dismiss there big play or there big drive.  Running backs inflate there numbers all the time with long runs. WR's can have average days and then catch an 80 yard pass and have a great day.


I wouldn't call Brown producing huge runs on a game winning drive as "inflating" though.  But thats just me.   Now Richardson's 13 yard run on a 3rd and 20 draw play, thats a classic example of inflating numbers.

to each his own. I'm not going to sit here and argue about when stats can be used and when they cant.  Brown in the final drive inflated his stats on 3 good runs but thats not called inflating but a 3rd and 20 draw play can be used as inflating. I quit 

Edited by Superman
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He got one and got stuffed.  You can't say T-Rich hasn't gotten a fair shake every game after the 49ers game till today he's been there starter and the featured back going in.  He's yet to produce.  You can hardly the blame the coaches for trying something else and then riding that hand even if they are only getting success here and there out of it.  It's still more than the other back was giving you. 


I want T-Rich to work and maybe he will in time but he's not right now.  Brown is at least giving you something.  Till that changes Brown is the guy.

I agree. This line is so terrible it really doesn't matter does it? We will win the AFC south but get completely taken apart in the playoffs. Throwing to practice squad WRs and playing behind one of the worst IF NOT the worst O-line in football will not get it done. We are 2 years away from being legit

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I agree. This line is so terrible it really doesn't matter does it? We will win the AFC south but get completely taken apart in the playoffs. Throwing to practice squad WRs and playing behind one of the worst IF NOT the worst O-line in football will not get it done. We are 2 years away from being legit

I waiting to see who we play.  IF we get the three seed the six seed in the AFC might be very bad plus we'll be at home and that's always a plus.  Honestly even just winning the division this season is a step forward.  I've said it since we cut Manning and went with Luck any winning we did over the first three or so years of Luck's career I viewed as bonus because we weren't supposed to be this good this soon.  If they honestly thought we would be then they would have kept Manning and taken one more shot with him.  Irsay even said a few weeks ago he didn't think they would be this good this quick.  So this is all good experience for Luck and the other young guys that I am sure will payoff for years to come. 

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Again, Brown hasn't averaged 5 carries a game this entire season 

Donald Brown is not a quality NFL running back. He can't stay healthy and even when he is, he HAS not been able to beat out any starter we've had here. Even this year when everyone was healthy he was on the chopping block to be released. So after 5 years of doing nothing he has a few good runs NOT good games, A FEW GOOD RUNS and everyone wants him to be the man and after 8 games most of you are willing to give up on Richardson. Just laughable 

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I waiting to see who we play.  IF we get the three seed the six seed in the AFC might be very bad plus we'll be at home and that's always a plus.  Honestly even just winning the division this season is a step forward.  I've said it since we cut Manning and went with Luck any winning we did over the first three or so years of Luck's career I viewed as bonus because we weren't supposed to be this good this soon.  If they honestly thought we would be then they would have kept Manning and taken one more shot with him.  Irsay even said a few weeks ago he didn't think they would be this good this quick.  So this is all good experience for Luck and the other young guys that I am sure will payoff for years to come. 

+1, I concur

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to each his own. I'm not going to sit here and argue about when stats can be used and when they cant. Thats just being an *. Brown in the final drive inflated his stats on 3 good runs but thats not called inflating but a 3rd and 20 draw play can be used as inflating. I quit 


On 3rd and 20, a defense is more then willing to give up a 10 yard run. When Richardson was brought in the game late in the 4th qtr  though inside the 5 yard line, what happened?   He got stuffed!  Brown scored on the very next play by the way.


With the game on the line in the 4th qtr, it's a little more challenging to pick up the same 13-14 yard runs that Brown was getting.  If you can't see a difference i'm sorry.

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Ok OK OK you got me. Donald Brown played very well on the final drive of the game. The other 3 3 /4 quarters don't matter at all.

did I say that. You have to look at each play. Same with trich. Every play is its own story. If brown makes a good play it doesn't mean trich sucks or vice versa. No matter how many people want to paint it that way
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Donald Brown is not a quality NFL running back. He can't stay healthy and even when he is, he HAS not been able to beat out any starter we've had here. Even this year when everyone was healthy he was on the chopping block to be released. So after 5 years of doing nothing he has a few good runs NOT good games, A FEW GOOD RUNS and everyone wants him to be the man and after 8 games most of you are willing to give up on Richardson. Just laughable 

"Not a quality NFL running back" is what`s laughable. Keep running Donald, eventually they`ll have no choice but to take notice. :thmup:  

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 2, 2013 - inflammatory, not adding anything to the thread
Hidden by Superman, December 2, 2013 - inflammatory, not adding anything to the thread

Hey at least he gave them the final drive of the game T-Rich didn't even give them that.

that is some * poor analysis
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We've got a fanboy in this thread, ya'll. Facts and actual production do not matter to the fanboy.


I absolutely loved TR in college but if you can't say that DB is out playing him at this point then you are either a TR fanboy and/or a DB hater. That's all there is to it.

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Donald Brown is not a quality NFL running back. He can't stay healthy and even when he is, he HAS not been able to beat out any starter we've had here. Even this year when everyone was healthy he was on the chopping block to be released. So after 5 years of doing nothing he has a few good runs NOT good games, A FEW GOOD RUNS and everyone wants him to be the man and after 8 games most of you are willing to give up on Richardson. Just laughable 

'Give up on Richardson'?  Not reality . He's under contract for 4 more years..


Sounds like you aren't happy with what happened today..That;s okay


Brown came through in the Colts biggest game of the year so far..

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 2, 2013 - inflammatory, not adding anything to the thread
Hidden by Superman, December 2, 2013 - inflammatory, not adding anything to the thread

to each his own. I'm not going to sit here and argue about when stats can be used and when they cant. Thats just being an *. Brown in the final drive inflated his stats on 3 good runs but thats not called inflating but a 3rd and 20 draw play can be used as inflating. I quit 

Good riddance. Ciao. 

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Geez, this topic is old and boring.

Wish we had a better OL so they'd both be more productive, consistently.


I honestly did not mean for this to turn into a DB vs TR thread, I just felt DB needed a shout out for the last drvie. I should have known you can't say DB without hearing a TR echo.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 2, 2013 - inflammatory, not adding anything to the thread
Hidden by Superman, December 2, 2013 - inflammatory, not adding anything to the thread

He ran hard as hell on that last drive. It's very likely we don't win without his hard running there. Luckily Pep felt like running at the end, since he didn't want to do it at all the rest of the game.


GGDB (good game) no more GDDB (god darnit).

You're an  :scratch:  :scratch:  :scratch: He did no better with the same line.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 2, 2013 - inflammatory, not adding anything to the thread
Hidden by Superman, December 2, 2013 - inflammatory, not adding anything to the thread

Luck had the better ypc and his legs were the reason we won, not Brown. DB did well on that drive, but Luck did great.

You need to STHU.

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Luck had the better ypc and his legs were the reason we won, not Brown. DB did well on that drive, but Luck did great.

53.1 percent passing completion 0 td's and and 1 int can be summoned up in alot of words...none of which are positive......Of the 97 yards gained on that drive Brown accounted for 46 of them

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We've got a fanboy in this thread, ya'll. Facts and actual production do not matter to the fanboy.


I absolutely loved TR in college but if you can't say that DB is out playing him at this point then you are either a TR fanboy and/or a DB hater. That's all there is to it.

fanboy? Jesus I haven't heard someone say that....ever. Pretty lame buddy

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I actually believe it comes down to DB being the perfect size for the tiny holes that are O-Line opens up. T-Rich is prob bigger than the size of the whole our subpar O-Line creates. I watch DB find a little crease and squeeze through. It just not possible for T-Rich to do that. Also like it has been said before, the line does not hold the blocks very long so, DB's quickness allows him to get there faster than T-Rich. 

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Trent had more ypc the first half. Finally on that last drive all the stars aligned and we were able to run the ball. Brown did no better than Trent for 3/4 of the game. And pass blocked much worse. So try to keep up. It's not Trent, it's the online.


Yeah, that last drive kind of padded his stats.  Not trying take away from his hard running today.  He had some nice flashes.


Whenever Brown does good it's only cuz the o line decides to Block. whenever Trent comes in, they purposely don't block for him. 


No, actually the defense stacks 7 guys in the box because they know our OC will not throw the ball when Trent is in.

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I actually believe it comes down to DB being the perfect size for the tiny holes that are O-Line opens up. T-Rich is prob bigger than the size of the whole our subpar O-Line creates. I watch DB find a little crease and squeeze through. It just not possible for T-Rich to do that. Also like it has been said before, the line does not hold the blocks very long so, DB's quickness allows him to get there faster than T-Rich. 



I have to agree.  It some holes I saw DB running through and I said to myself "How the **** did he get through that!?"  or "No way Trent gets through that hole."


It was one play where the hole was so small but DB was able to slide through.  Literally, the hole was filled with arms of defenders that were being blocked.  But he was so small he just lowered his head and shifted through.  Big T-Rich would have been snagged up by those arms.

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