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How much does Bruce Arian's know about the Colts offense?


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I'm worried that he knows too much. Have we made major adjustments from last year? Can we make a different game plan? If we can get Donald Brown going. We can mix it up and confuse the defense. I know that our defense can disrupt Carson Palmer. He's not the greatest threat bit has good wide recievers.

Btw, will Toler be back?!

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Not much.  He is familiar with the capabilities and tendencies of Luck, Hilton, et al. but the schemes are totally different. 


I'm more concerned about his knowledge of our defense.  That is more or less unchanged from his time here.


And yes, Toler will play on Sunday.

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I'm worried that he knows too much. Have we made major adjustments from last year? Can we make a different game plan? If we can get Donald Brown going. We can mix it up and confuse the defense. I know that our defense can disrupt Carson Palmer. He's not the greatest threat bit has good wide recievers.

Btw, will Toler be back?!

  The Colts 2013 offense is nothing like the Colts 2012 offense


  The Colts 2013 offense is unlike most NFL teams

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Have we made major adjustments from last year?


I'm surprised you asked this given the complete change around of philosophy since Pep has come in, BA knows as much about current O playbook as he would any other team, i.e. film study.


In fact I'd argue he would know more about the D scheme given we at least have consistency of coordinator there and his interim elevation would have meant more interaction with Manusky during games.  

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I'm worried that he knows too much. Have we made major adjustments from last year? Can we make a different game plan? If we can get Donald Brown going. We can mix it up and confuse the defense. I know that our defense can disrupt Carson Palmer. He's not the greatest threat bit has good wide recievers.

Btw, will Toler be back?!

ummm this is a whole different scheme were running. Arians loves to go down field as for hamilton loves to run and run west coast type deal with a little deep throwing in the playbook 

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Not much. He is familiar with the capabilities and tendencies of Luck, Hilton, et al. but the schemes are totally different.

I'm more concerned about his knowledge of our defense. That is more or less unchanged from his time here.

And yes, Toler will play on Sunday.

Yea not too worried about him knowing our defense. Were a whole new defense. Especially from last year

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Not sure at all. I thought I saw an update that said he would play earlier this week.  I could be way off.

I hope you didn't take offense.  I come to this board for several reasons but one of the main reasons is because the fans on here link and find things that I could not or don't have the time too look for, so I really was just asking for information.

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Arians knows Luck's progressions, he knows what he thinks when he reads coverages and he will know how to exploit that.  Just like Manusky in San Diego knew his brother's tendencies on defense and was able to exploit that knowledge.



He doesn't know his progressions in this offense.....and without Reggie..


...we don't take chances the way we did (sucessfully) with Bruce as coach..


We have less TDs but less turnovers....


......Keep in mind../Luck isn't playing with the same skill players he was with last season...


Brown was hurt..so was Fleeenr....DHB wasn't in Indy..Neither was T Rich or Havili


..and the offensive structure is different.


We just are NOT the same team we were in 2012...we won then and we're winning now....we're just not the same

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I'm worried that he knows too much. Have we made major adjustments from last year? Can we make a different game plan? If we can get Donald Brown going. We can mix it up and confuse the defense. I know that our defense can disrupt Carson Palmer. He's not the greatest threat bit has good wide recievers.

Btw, will Toler be back?!


You have reason to be worried, but not because of what Ariand knows about our offense.  It has everything to do with our crap O line and how Todd Bowles runs his D.  He uses heavy A gap blitzes which will destroy our g - c - g and put pressure right up in Lucks face.  I think the Cards have 17 sacks on blitzes and 9 picks while blitzing.  When Wayne was healthy, Luck was at 65% completion on blitzes.  Since Wayne has been out, Luck is 36% completion on blitzes.  Nobody blitzes more than the Arizona Cardinals.  They blitz slightly more than 50% of the opponents drop backs. Now, you have reason to be worried.  And it's not Arians, unless you want to talk about their O...

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He doesn't know his progressions in this offense.....and without Reggie..


...we don't take chances the way we did (sucessfully) with Bruce as coach..


We have less TDs but less turnovers....


......Keep in mind../Luck isn't playing with the same skill players he was with last season...


Brown was hurt..so was Fleeenr....DHB wasn't in Indy..Neither was T Rich or Havili


..and the offensive structure is different.


We just are NOT the same team we were in 2012...we won then and we're winning now....we're just not the same

In bold^^^


I am not sure if WE even are remotely comfortable with the progressions with new receivers and running backs in the picture.


We need to find a rhythm from here until the end of the season...we need to find that next man up we are 'famous for.'  I has yet to transpire with Reggie down.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Arians knows Luck's progressions, he knows what he thinks when he reads coverages and he will know how to exploit that.  Just like Manusky in San Diego knew his brother's tendencies on defense and was able to exploit that knowledge.

Wait, don't you mean John Pagano?

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