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Jack Del Rio expected to take over as Denver coach


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Reporta out of Denver late Saturday said that while the Broncos have not announced this: Jack Del Rio, the defensive co-ordinator, will be named interim coach of the Broncos.

Del Rio was head of Jacksonville for 8 or 9 years...much longer than most of the other 31 NFL head caches..

...and his first move will be to leave the offense alone

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You know as unfortunate as this may sound, A small piece of Del Rio smiled about his situation.  The irony if you will.  He now gets to be the head coach of the guy who kicked his butt for almost a decade.  Don't get me wrong I wish nothing but the best for Fox.  Hope its a speedy recovery and he is back to coaching soon.



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Reporta out of Denver late Saturday said that while the Broncos have not announced this: Jack Del Rio, the defensive co-ordinator, will be named interim coach of the Broncos.

Del Rio was head of Jacksonville for 8 or 9 years...much longer than most of the other 31 NFL head caches..

...and his first move will be to leave the offense alone



You know as unfortunate as this may sound, A small piece of Del Rio smiled about his situation.  The irony if you will.  He now gets to be the head coach of the guy who kicked his butt for almost a decade.  Don't get me wrong I wish nothing but the best for Fox.  Hope its a speedy recovery and he is back to coaching soon.




I would bet on Del Rio Too, but as of yet nothing anounced , also


The Broncos employ two former head coaches — defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio, who was the Jacksonville Jaguars' coach for nine seasons, 


and Eric Studesville, the running backs assistant who served as interim coach when Josh McDaniels was fired


Both could fill in capably while Fox's doctors make sure he's OK.


Read more: Paige: John Fox's symptoms plenty to take very seriously - The Denver Post http://www.denverpos...y#ixzz2jZgIdDEf 

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Peyton will coach the Broncos.  Peyton "coached" against Del Rio for years and shredded him.  Peyton will NOT let Del Rio coach this team, he knows he's a terrible tactician.  Del Rio will just watch Peyton coach (on the field) and Jack will just watch in awe from the sidelines.  

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Peyton will coach the Broncos.  Peyton "coached" against Del Rio for years and shredded him.  Peyton will NOT let Del Rio coach this team, he knows he's a terrible tactician.  Del Rio will just watch Peyton coach (on the field) and Jack will just watch in awe from the sidelines.  

Hard to disagree with this as Del Rio is a terrible head coach but he better not sit and watch from the sidelines as the Broncos have real issues outside of the QB position and even there Manning is hurt. He needs to help them find a run game and stop the fumbles. And he needs to do something with the defense to make it more competitive. With KC looming, the timing of this could not be worse. I hope Fox is doing alright.

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I just read about Fox's valve replacement surgery. My dad had the same surgery a few years ago. It is a long recovery as the heart has to adjust to a new valve so the energy level goes way down for quite some time while the body adjusts. My dad could not even go for walks the first few weeks as the doctors did not want any stress on the heart as it healed. He took six months off from work but he was not back to normal for longer then that. The good news is it is not nearly as dangerous a prodedure as a bypass or anything like that. Valves wear out so the surgery itself is common. My dad was not experiencing any issues like Fox but elected to have the surgery before anything came up. Doctor told us it would add 10 years to his life. So even though Fox may miss most of this season, his life will be extended which is a wonderful thing.

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I just read about Fox's valve replacement surgery. My dad had the same surgery a few years ago. It is a long recovery as the heart has to adjust to a new valve so the energy level goes way down for quite some time while the body adjusts. My dad could not even go for walks the first few weeks as the doctors did not want any stress on the heart as it healed. He took six months off from work but he was not back to normal for longer then that. The good news is it is not nearly as dangerous a prodedure as a bypass or anything like that. Valves wear out so the surgery itself is common. My dad was not experiencing any issues like Fox but elected to have the surgery before anything came up. Doctor told us it would add 10 years to his life. So even though Fox may miss most of this season, his life will be extended which is a wonderful thing.


quick reply , 


pending how long ago your dad had surgery,  techniques are being refined and recovery can get shorter, sstill 4 to 6 weeks to me seems faast but really dont know, this is beyond my knowlege


as far as 10 years, hopefully add more, my father had 1 for   longer before he passed and that was full open heart 1980's type procedure as i was still in practice, remember leaving it closed for a month at least to go to NY and help ouit


also so u know , many a replaced valve can be replaced too, not sure if all valves of heart or only certain ones , at least in my fathers case , so hopefully with newer techniques yours too if its needed,


There are 4 hrt valves and i dont know details of all as far as surgery techniques and replacements etc etfcc, not my field


  1. The tricuspid valve
  2. The pulmonic or pulmonary valve
  3. The mitral valve
  4. The aortic valve


as far as If Del Rio gets job, he has enough on his plate with righting the defense, this can strch ouit his time

if has to do full gaame planing etc etc etc,. Very bad timing for Broncos indeed

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quick reply , 


pending how long ago your dad had surgery,  techniques are being refined and recovery can get shorter, sstill 4 to 6 weeks to me seems faast but really dont know, this is beyond my knowlege


as far as 10 years, hopefully add more, my father had 1 for   longer before he passed and that was full open heart 1980's type procedure as i was still in practice, remember leaving it closed for a month at least to go to NY and help ouit


also so u know , a replaced valve can be replaced , at least in my fathers case , so hopefully with newer technigues yours too if its needed


as far as If Del Rio gets job, he has enough on his plate with righting the defense, this can strch ouit his time

if has to do full gaame planing etc etc etc,. Very bad timing for Broncos indeed

Is that what they are saying 4-6 weeks? I would be shocked if he was back that fast. My dad's surgery was about four years ago so while the techniques may be better the recovery is still the body getting calibrated to a new valve which is hooked to the strongest muscle in the body with the most important job - pumping blood. My dad went to the ICU to recover because the care needs to be 24x7 right after given the chance for complications. Still, Fox is a lot younger than my Dad who was in his mid-70s so maybe they expect him to be back on his feet sooner but I would think the rigors of the HC job would be the last thing they would want him doing in just a few weeks after surgery.

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Is that what they are saying 4-6 weeks? I would be shocked if he was back that fast. My dad's surgery was about four years ago so while the techniques may be better the recovery is still the body getting calibrated to a new valve which is hooked to the strongest muscle in the body with the most important job - pumping blood. My dad went to the ICU to recover because the care needs to be 24x7 right after given the chance for complications. Still, Fox is a lot younger than my Dad who was in his mid-70s so maybe they expect him to be back on his feet sooner but I would think the rigors of the HC job would be the last thing they would want him doing in just a few weeks after surgery.


have to go but I edited back in this before u quoted me


There are 4 hrt valves and i dont know details of all as far as surgery techniques and replacements etc etfcc, not my field

  1. The tricuspid valve
  2. The pulmonic or pulmonary valve
  3. The mitral valve
  4. The aortic valve


& the 4 to 6 weeks i noted in the


Read all my article headlines in the below link


But here are 2 of the 4 articles


Glazer: Fox to Miss Four to Six Weeks


he would remain hospitalized for two weeks and would not be able to coach for up to the next month and a half.



I would bet on Del Rio  taking over , but as of yet nothing announced ,  However


The Broncos employ two former head coaches — defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio, who was the Jacksonville Jaguars' coach for nine seasons,


and Eric Studesvillethe running backs assistant who served as interim coach when Josh McDaniels was fired.


Both could fill in capably while Fox's doctors make sure he's OK.

Read more: Paige: John Fox's symptoms plenty to take very seriously - The Denver Post http://www.denverpos...y#ixzz2jZgIdDEf 


above are 2 of 4 articles in comment # 38 of topic & link below, currently the last coment, now must go


John Fox taken to hospital; suspected heart attack.



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have to go but I edited back in this before u quoted me


There are 4 hrt valves and i dont know details of all as far as surgery techniques and replacements etc etfcc, not my field


& the 4 to 6 weeks i noted in the


Read all my article headlines in the below link


But here are 2 of the 4 articles


Glazer: Fox to Miss Four to Six Weeks


he would remain hospitalized for two weeks and would not be able to coach for up to the next month and a half.



I would bet on Del Rio  taking over , but as of yet nothing announced ,  However


The Broncos employ two former head coaches — defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio, who was the Jacksonville Jaguars' coach for nine seasons,


and Eric Studesvillethe running backs assistant who served as interim coach when Josh McDaniels was fired.


Both could fill in capably while Fox's doctors make sure he's OK.

Read more: Paige: John Fox's symptoms plenty to take very seriously - The Denver Post http://www.denverpos...y#ixzz2jZgIdDEf 


above are 2 of 4 articles in comment # 38 of topic & link below, currently the last coment, now must go


John Fox taken to hospital; suspected heart attack.



Thanks for the links. I will have to ask my dad which valve it was because I forget. lol.

Two weeks hospitalized is how long my dad was in. I think the biggest recovery part is the energy. I remember my dad saying to me how upset he was at how he felt. He had never been hospitalized in his life and was in good health when he had it done. He had some depression from it I think just because he was so active and could not do much. Also he could not drink any table wine which as an old Italian who has had a glass of wine with his dinner every night it was a killer. I remember laughing with him saying that it was a good thing that women had babies and not men as he would have never been able to handle the no drinking wine for nine months over seven pregnancies ( I am one of 7 kids). He agreed. lol.


I do hope Fox is ok. I have always liked him as a person and a football guy even though I don't think he is a great HC. He never gets talked about enough IMO about how he has handled the transition of having Manning coming there after Tebow. Even though they lost last year in the playoffs, he has been doing a good job with the team overall but I think he gets overshadowed by Manning which I am sure he knew came with the job. :)

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Thanks for the links. I will have to ask my dad which valve it was because I forget. lol.

Two weeks hospitalized is how long my dad was in. I think the biggest recovery part is the energy. I remember my dad saying to me how upset he was at how he felt. He had never been hospitalized in his life and was in good health when he had it done. He had some depression from it I think just because he was so active and could not do much. Also he could not drink any table wine which as an old Italian who has had a glass of wine with his dinner every night it was a killer. I remember laughing with him saying that it was a good thing that women had babies and not men as he would have never been able to handle the no drinking wine for nine months over seven pregnancies ( I am one of 7 kids). He agreed. lol.


I do hope Fox is ok. I have always liked him as a person and a football guy even though I don't think he is a great HC. He never gets talked about enough IMO about how he has handled the transition of having Manning coming there after Tebow. Even though they lost last year in the playoffs, he has been doing a good job with the team overall but I think he gets overshadowed by Manning which I am sure he knew came with the job. :)


Thats Funny


back and leaving aagain ,


yes Ilike him  too , hes a happy person, not type A that gets heart issues usually, but copuld be genetics or a myriad of reasons, just maybe his diet who knows why


Yes not the best of coiaches, way to conservative for me


Denver cousin  just sent this  


If Fox is unable to coach, offensive coordinator Adam Gase and defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio are expected to co-run practice, per the Denver Post.



when u click on Denver post u get this series of tweets


NOTE  Mike Klis writes for the Denver Post on the Broncos but i dont see any article in the Post or web site saying the below


If John Fox misses practice Monday coordinators Adam Gase and Jack Del Rio would likely co-run things.   , How is this even a question???


  1. @MikeKlis you mean Peyton Manning and Del Rio will run things

  2. @MikeKlis: If John Fox misses practice Monday coordinators Adam Gase and Jack Del Rio would likely co-run things..”

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With a 4-6 week time table, I would bet on the mitral valve. That one the is the most common and has the shortest recovery time. Typically valve replacement is an 8-12 week recovery so even if it is Mitral 4-6 is a very optimistic timetable


no its aortic and am leaving, I juast dont bye the timetable, have to wait aand see


I should be back later today, maybe something will be announced on who is coaching 


Broncos coach John Fox to undergo aortic valve replacement surgery

Read more: Broncos coach John Fox to undergo aortic valve replacement surgery - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/broncos/ci_24441941/broncos-coach-john-fox-north-carolina-hospital-after#ixzz2jam8QV8h 


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I don't buy a 4-6 week timetable for Aortic. I would anticipate much longer. Fox's season is likely over.


would not suprise me at all


alot depends  on type of procedure


(( mininmimally invasive as oposed to open procedure I would imagine  probably get back faster but no idea of type he is getting & this not my speciality so speculating  ))),


his general health and other variables all play a part  but to me i would say he  May be back for playoffs if lucky and just how involved he can be is then a ? and the stress of playoofffs is not good to0



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I just read about Fox's valve replacement surgery. My dad had the same surgery a few years ago. It is a long recovery as the heart has to adjust to a new valve so the energy level goes way down for quite some time while the body adjusts. My dad could not even go for walks the first few weeks as the doctors did not want any stress on the heart as it healed. He took six months off from work but he was not back to normal for longer then that. The good news is it is not nearly as dangerous a prodedure as a bypass or anything like that. Valves wear out so the surgery itself is common. My dad was not experiencing any issues like Fox but elected to have the surgery before anything came up. Doctor told us it would add 10 years to his life. So even though Fox may miss most of this season, his life will be extended which is a wonderful thing.

My mom had it too at 78 years old....and she'll be 90 in February so it has been a success by those 10-year estimates. My mom has joked ever since she had the surgery that "at my age I'm playing with house money" and has always had a fearless and somewhat stubborn attitude anyway. 


But I hope your dad has many more years of happy life and I know we are all pulling for John Fox as well.


Its fun to kick each other around about this football business...but then reality checks like this come along.

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Oh no... Now they are going to be Foxstrong in Denver...


not the same as not a bunch of Rookies fighting for a rookie coach, may help , i dont know , but circumstances bit different


None the less, this isnt the point here,


Just let him get heallthy, Football be damned

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My mom had it too at 78 years old....and she'll be 90 in February so it has been a success by those 10-year estimates. My mom has joked ever since she had the surgery that "at my age I'm playing with house money" and has always had a fearless and somewhat stubborn attitude anyway. 


But I hope your dad has many more years of happy life and I know we are all pulling for John Fox as well.


Its fun to kick each other around about this football business...but then reality checks like this come along.


pending persons health, pending type of replacement and procedures , are varying estimates , and many variables, i have seen 20 years noited & again may be able to replace again, not sure if that last statement is true for all 4 heart valves, but seen 20 for aortic

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I don't buy a 4-6 week timetable for Aortic. I would anticipate much longer. Fox's season is likely over.

I agree...WC....if its the procedure they are saying...

...I would hope he isn't back on the sidelines in mid-Decemeber

He can sit in his office and upstairs at games and watch...I'm sure the docs will tell him...'Don't mess with this'

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I agree...WC....if its the procedure they are saying...

...I would hope he isn't back on the sidelines in mid-Decemeber

He can sit in his office and upstairs at games and watch...I'm sure the docs will tell him...'Don't mess with this'


If jim mora could way in hed say maybe by Playoffs , no levity intended in this situation


as i noted in responce to  same Wasted Colt earlier Re I would anticipate much longer. Fox's season is likely over.



It would not suprise me at all


alot depends  on type of procedure


(( mininmimally invasive as oposed to open procedure I would imagine  probably get back faster but no idea of type he is getting & this not my speciality so speculating  ))),


his general health and other variables all play a part  but to me i would say he  May be back for playoffs if lucky and just how involved he can be is then a ? and the stress of playoofffs is not good to0



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An aortic valve replacement is a far cry from cancer. They will still just be Peyton Manning and 52 other guys, with zero defense. Zero offense too if Manning get hurt.

I would hardly call it a "far cry" from Cancer. Both situations are unique and SERIOUS in their own right, however the premise remains the same. Both teams will have lost their LEADER and HEAD COACH for a long period of time. If you think the Broncos will NOT rally and play for their Head Coach in his absence then I would strongly disagree. ANY team given the circumstance of losing their HEAD COACH to a health issue will have added incentive and motivation. Denver having Peyton and already being motivated at a very HIGH level will be scary, in my opinion, with this extra passion. 


The Broncos DEFENSE has played a total of ONE game with all the star players (minus Champ who is debatable as still a STAR) and their total allowed yardage vs Washington was not even close to awful. Any team MINUS their STAR QB has ZERO offense. Manning has proven year after year despite the ONE season he missed due to a serious injury that he is dependable and can get through a season without missing games, even dealing with injury. He's played 2-3 games with 2 sprained ankles (one being a high ankle sprain) and rib injuries. I don't think anyone can plan/hope for him missing a game/games as he has a track record that speaks for itself. How many games over the course of his career has Peyton missed due to injury other than his neck injury?? 

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ESPN brought up another possible Interim:Eric Studeville who was the IHC after the firing of MCDaniels.


Noted in my comments # 4,   # 13 & 14 but may not have seen as save for comment 4  i reviewed multiple  articles in comments 13 & 14



this was the part , hey we all cant read everything esp something buried among other articles, no sweat


I would bet on Del Rio  taking over , but as of yet nothing announced ,  However


The Broncos employ two former head coaches — defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio, who was the Jacksonville Jaguars' coach for nine seasons,


and Eric Studesvillethe running backs assistant who served as interim coach when Josh McDaniels was fired.


Both could fill in capably while Fox's doctors make sure he's OK.

Read more: Paige: John Fox's symptoms plenty to take very seriously - The Denver Post http://www.denverpos...y#ixzz2jZgIdDEf 

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Jack Del Rio, currently the Broncos' defensive coordinator, is expected to take over for Fox, based on his experience running a team.


Del Rio has previous head coaching experience while Fox's other two coordinators, Adam Gase and Jeff Rodgers, do not.


Before the Broncos announce their new interim coach, however, they must negotiate a new contract with him.

Read more: Jack Del Rio expected to replace John Fox as Broncos coach, new Elway hire - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/broncos/ci_24446360/jack-del-rio-expected-replace-john-fox-broncos#ixzz2jcSQSsRi

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Del Rio one of the great players in the NFL could not get Jacksonville out of the sewer despite several years of coaching. I don't put it as on him as teams lose not one man. However I want to see how this pans out. Will the Broncos shrink a little enough to lose to KC? I am not convinced KC is the new marshall in town by any means. Should prove to be interesting.

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Del Rio one of the great players in the NFL could not get Jacksonville out of the sewer despite several years of coaching. I don't put it as on him as teams lose not one man. However I want to see how this pans out. Will the Broncos shrink a little enough to lose to KC? I am not convinced KC is the new marshall in town by any means. Should prove to be interesting.


I dont know if there's a situation where the change has been in name only..

Del Rio has been the defensive coordinatror for a coupl eof years and he was Fox' DC before that elsewhere...

...and Peyton checks out of many of the the plays that are called anyway.

Absolutetly nothing changes here..that I can see

Denver should sweep KC..there's no excuses if they don't.

I think SD is the bigger hurdle

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Elway reached out to Grigson and Del Rio will reach out to Bruce Arians, see article below:







Elway said he reached out to Indianapolis general manager Ryan Grigson to learn how the Colts dealt with head coach Chuck Pagano's leukemia fight last year. Assistant Bruce Arians stepped in for Pagano and presided over one of the greatest turnarounds in NFL history.


Del Rio said he plans to reach out to Arians, now coach of the Arizona Cardinals, ''and pick his brain a little bit on that.''

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Elway reached out to Grigson and Del Rio will reach out to Bruce Arians, see article below:







Elway said he reached out to Indianapolis general manager Ryan Grigson to learn how the Colts dealt with head coach Chuck Pagano's leukemia fight last year. Assistant Bruce Arians stepped in for Pagano and presided over one of the greatest turnarounds in NFL history.


Del Rio said he plans to reach out to Arians, now coach of the Arizona Cardinals, ''and pick his brain a little bit on that.''

Grigson....first get yourself a stud qb and hof wr...they will carry your offense...have your pro bowl lb rush the passer....Elway...I think we have all those checked off....Grigson...wait...your our competition...screw this lol.


Seriousness Del Rio may not be the best head coach but he has enough clout in the locker room and brains to be a good leader in this situation...the team should respond fine.

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