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NFL May Cancel A TD For Taunting!

King Colt

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I doubt this will pass through but after that taunting by the Seahawks receiver last week the NFL is looking at punishment which I agree with but not cancelling a TD. There are a thousand ideas like the team has to start on their own five when they get the balls but is that fair if one team has a super offense against a team that doe not? What about removing the chance to go for a field goal the next time they have possession? Maybe sitting the receiver for 15 minutes of playing time or time remaining which would not work if there was only a few seconds left to play. Either way, with the NFL wanting to open a franchise in Europe and outlawing head hits resulting in players getting their legs ripped up and having an 18 game season where two of the games the starters will not be allowed to play I'm sure they will come up with a great solution.  :)

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Do you have a link? I can't tell what part of the OP is coming from the league, and what part is from you.


Personally I detest all the moronic dance routines, etc., and taunting should be discouraged, but I can't in a million years think that they would negate a score because of it. That's just fundamentally ridiculous.

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Do you have a link? I can't tell what part of the OP is coming from the league, and what part is from you.


Personally I detest all the moronic dance routines, etc., and taunting should be discouraged, but I can't in a million years think that they would negate a score because of it. That's just fundamentally ridiculous.

I agree here in totality MAC.


With player incentives, the Players Association would never allow this to pass either.  15 yards is enough for me.  I like some of the in your face stuff....not the dances.  Intimidation without contact is part of the game IMO.


:flag: =15 yards..........

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Do you have a link? I can't tell what part of the OP is coming from the league, and what part is from you.


Personally I detest all the moronic dance routines, etc., and taunting should be discouraged, but I can't in a million years think that they would negate a score because of it. That's just fundamentally ridiculous.


I think it's fine to celebrate but I think there's a time and a place for it. Fair enough, do a little dance after a TD that puts you ahead or scream and shout after you make a big stop on 3rd and short.


What bugs me is players celebrating after simply making a tackle or breaking up a play or getting a first down. Just get up off the floor, get back to the line of scrimmage and do your job for the sake of Christ!

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I agree here in totality MAC.


With player incentives, the Players Association would never allow this to pass either.  15 yards is enough for me.  I like some of the in your face stuff....not the dances.  Intimidation without contact is part of the game IMO.


:flag: =15 yards..........

Well I do'nt think it's up to the NFLPA.  The rules committee is under the umbrella of the NFL only. 


As to the OPs point, I don't really like this rule change either, were it to be passed.  The problem isn't so much with the intent of the rule, but in application, you'll get some completely permissible celebrations flagged for taunting - and have points removed for it.  Terrible idea.  If you are hellbent on passing this rule, just take away the extra point attempt.  But even then, tha'ts still garbage.

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Well I do'nt think it's up to the NFLPA.  The rules committee is under the umbrella of the NFL only. 


As to the OPs point, I don't really like this rule change either, were it to be passed.  The problem isn't so much with the intent of the rule, but in application, you'll get some completely permissible celebrations flagged for taunting - and have points removed for it.  Terrible idea.  If you are hellbent on passing this rule, just take away the extra point attempt.  But even then, tha'ts still garbage.

There will be a ton of resisting ...this involves millions of dollars in incentives.  We are foolish not to think the union does not have any say in this.  Not arguing with you here, but there will be so much pressure that it will not be allowed to pass.  Been around unions way too long...


Good point on the second paragraph....or make the team go for two for excitement.  :)

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Well I do'nt think it's up to the NFLPA.  The rules committee is under the umbrella of the NFL only. 


As to the OPs point, I don't really like this rule change either, were it to be passed.  The problem isn't so much with the intent of the rule, but in application, you'll get some completely permissible celebrations flagged for taunting - and have points removed for it.  Terrible idea.  If you are hellbent on passing this rule, just take away the extra point attempt.  But even then, tha'ts still garbage.

They are making it harder then it really is to seriously put a dent in the taunting, The rule should go into the type of celebration that is allowed or disallowed, Example: I forget what player it was but upon scoring a td he celebrated by mocking Plaxico Burreses incident of where he shot himself in the leg by doing a motion of shooting himself in the leg (Steve Johnson....the name just came to me), Thats 1 type of 'celebration' that should be banned, anything that demeans a players real life circumstances......The second type of celebration that should be banned is using props or signs (such as the Joe Horn cell phone in padding of the up right), it draws unecessary attention to the player when the attention should be on the team and it can slow the game down

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They are making it harder then it really is to seriously put a dent in the taunting, The rule should go into the type of celebration that is allowed or disallowed, Example: I forget what player it was but upon scoring a td he celebrated by mocking Plaxico Burreses incident of where he shot himself in the leg by doing a motion of shooting himself in the leg (Steve Johnson....the name just came to me), Thats 1 type of 'celebration' that should be banned, anything that demeans a players real life circumstances......The second type of celebration that should be banned is using props or signs (such as the Joe Horn cell phone in padding of the up right), it draws unecessary attention to the player when the attention should be on the team and it can slow the game down

Yeah, and I agree with you.  Some of them should be banned.  I got no problem with it.  But there's always going to be areas of gray.  And I'd rather there jus be no rule at all that results in negated points because of questionable taunting calls.  Better to just flag and fine than penalize the whole team because of said gray area.  It's bad enough that questionable PI calls put teams near the endzone.  Like I said, no problem with teh intent of the rule, I just question how it will play out. 

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1 I don't believe you

2 I don't get the correlation between taunting and flag football

Yeah, I don't either.  I never really understood the flag football thing, but I will say that football has been modified so mcuh the past 5 years that I do understand the complaints.  This rule change goes past the line, even for me.  But its' still a violent game and I don't think i'ts been changed so much as to make it unrecognizable.

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I think 15 yards is just fine. Some players celebrations are good and others should just give it up like the stupid Pee Wee Herman guy. Personally I like the classy flip the ball to the ref guy that acts like he has been there before and expects to be there again.

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Yeah, I don't either.  I never really understood the flag football thing, but I will say that football has been modified so mcuh the past 5 years that I do understand the complaints.  This rule change goes past the line, even for me.  But its' still a violent game and I don't think i'ts been changed so much as to make it unrecognizable.

Yeah, this sounds like something that is being thrown out there, but has no chance of being implemented.

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Do you have a link? I can't tell what part of the OP is coming from the league, and what part is from you.


Personally I detest all the moronic dance routines, etc., and taunting should be discouraged, but I can't in a million years think that they would negate a score because of it. That's just fundamentally ridiculous.


on inside the nfl, they said the seahawk player ??  was taunting on his way to scoring a TD, showing him pointing and saying things, ( wasnt any sound ) toward the opposing team as he ran down the sideline, they said it was suggested that ( & not sure if by them or they were quoting an NFL official, that if u give a 15 yard taunting penalty at the spot of the taunt then it will stop such action as , that would effectively negate the TD

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on inside the nfl, they said the seahawk player ?? was taunting on his way to scoring a TD, showing him pointing and saying things, ( wasnt any sound ) toward the opposing team as he ran down the sideline, they said it was suggested that ( & not sure if by them or they were quoting an NFL official, that if u give a 15 yard taunting penalty at the spot of the taunt then it will stop such action as , that would effectively negate the TD

So the rule change would become a spot foul rather than a post result foul? That seems far more reasonable than what the OP suggested.
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Do you have a link? I can't tell what part of the OP is coming from the league, and what part is from you.


Personally I detest all the moronic dance routines, etc., and taunting should be discouraged, but I can't in a million years think that they would negate a score because of it. That's just fundamentally ridiculous.


Just found 1


 NFL may take a look at nullifying TDs that involve taunting

Dean Blandino, the NFL’s head of officiating, said that the league’s competition committee is likely to reevaluate its taunting rule this offseason.


comments came two days after Seattle’s Golden Tate spent about 25 yards of an 80-yard touchdown run taunting St. Louis defenders. Also last weekend, Domininque Rodgers-Cromartie spent much of his 75-yard interception return taunting Redskins quarterback Kirk Cousins. ( MY NOTE _DRC was high stepping  most of the  way once Cousins was trying to catch him to stop him , Deon Sanders Loved it &  DRC 75 yard Pick 6 won him  AFC Defensive Player of the Week. )


“A lot of people felt that the touchdown shouldn’t have counted, [but] a taunting foul is always treated as a dead-ball foul, meaning whatever happened during the play counts, and the foul is enforced on the next play, which would be the kickoff,” Blandino said of Tate’s touchdown. “In college, this action would take back the touchdown.”


NFL might consider changing its rule to better resemble the college rule this offseason. ( i dont know what that is )


The competition committee discusses rule changes every offseason and presents them at the owners’ meetings in March.



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Some NFL players could learn a thing or two from Rugby Union players as far as sportsmanship goes... I have never seen a Rugby Union player do a silly dance or celebration after a try...

I don't think the NFL needs to take points away, players should just have more respect for game, seeing players dance around like  *s after a play or a TD is always annoying to me...

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I agree here in totality MAC.


With player incentives, the Players Association would never allow this to pass either.  15 yards is enough for me.  I like some of the in your face stuff....not the dances.  Intimidation without contact is part of the game IMO.


:flag: =15 yards..........

I am all for getting the team excited to play football and celebrate.But not to the level the taunting goes.I would not let any man or men disrespect me or my family to no extent period.If they would do that to me in your face crap I would put boots to them just saying.Disrespectful 

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I think it's fine to celebrate but I think there's a time and a place for it. Fair enough, do a little dance after a TD that puts you ahead or scream and shout after you make a big stop on 3rd and short.


What bugs me is players celebrating after simply making a tackle or breaking up a play or getting a first down. Just get up off the floor, get back to the line of scrimmage and do your job for the sake of Christ!

+1 i always found it completely asinine that a player would get all geeked up after a guy just caught a 20yd pass or ran for 12 and they are acting like they stopped them for a loss or got an int.


Every single tackle is not cause for celebration.



I think celebrating is okay during the right time but there is no need for taunting and it sets a bad example for younger generation as well.  Be a professional, act like you have been there before.

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+1 i always found it completely asinine that a player would get all geeked up after a guy just caught a 20yd pass or ran for 12 and they are acting like they stopped them for a loss or got an int.


Every single tackle is not cause for celebration.



I think celebrating is okay during the right time but there is no need for taunting and it sets a bad example for younger generation as well.  Be a professional, act like you have been there before.


Agree with all of that.


I'm slightly torn with taunting. I think it all depends on the situation for me. I kinda liked Tate's taunt the other day. Jenkins had obviously been yapping away all game (just like he did against the Panthers and Steve Smith last week) and then Tate torched them. The taunt was almost justified imo.


Letting your actions speak on your behalf is always more dignified, though. And by actions I mean your performance from a football perspective. I felt I should specify there since the taunt was an action too.  :jump:

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I'm just saying because of all the tackling rules they are making to protect the players..

What's with the Houston avatar?

Blood on the Tracks has been killin' it with awesome avatars each week with the up coming opponents mascot getting punked in some way shape or form, the Miami one with the Dolphin cut up like sushi was classic... This week the Texan's bull's horns are turned down & he is shedding a few tears...

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Blood on the Tracks has been killin' it with awesome avatars each week with the up coming opponents mascot getting punked in some way shape or form, the Miami one with the Dolphin cut up like sushi was classic... This week the Texan's bull's horns are turned down & he is shedding a few tears...

They took down my original Texans avatar .....booooo

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ha, what was it, thought I saw one with Shaub playing jenga or something... didn't get a real good look...

It was probably the best avatar my eyes ever laid eyes on. You can probably find it on google, but it was the Texans' logo and another picture to the side of it. The picture to the side was...how to say this...a woman's "cockpit." And it said something like, "coincidence, I think not." It made me lololol so hard the first time I saw it..it's funny how much of a resemblance there really was. So with that being said, I'm hoping to create a blown up sign of it, so I can bring it to the Texans vs Colts game.

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It was probably the best avatar my eyes ever laid eyes on. You can probably find it on google, but it was the Texans' logo and another picture to the side of it. The picture to the side was...how to say this...a woman's "cockpit." And it said something like, "coincidence, I think not." It made me lololol so hard the first time I saw it..it's funny how much of a resemblance there really was. So with that being said, I'm hoping to create a blown up sign of it, so I can bring it to the Texans vs Colts game.

oh yeah!!! funny stuff...

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on inside the nfl, they said the seahawk player ??  was taunting on his way to scoring a TD, showing him pointing and saying things, ( wasnt any sound ) toward the opposing team as he ran down the sideline, they said it was suggested that ( & not sure if by them or they were quoting an NFL official, that if u give a 15 yard taunting penalty at the spot of the taunt then it will stop such action as , that would effectively negate the TD


I've got no problem with this type of scenario. If the taunt happens prior to the TD then I have no problem nullifying the TD and putting the ball at the spot where the taunt began.  However, unless I misunderstood, the majority of the thread was discussing the possibility of nullifying a TD for a post-score celebration.  That I do not like and I don't think they will ever do it. 


If they want to discourage post-TD taunting then I like the idea of suspending the player for the rest of that Quarter and the next full quarter.  Taking away playing time does far more damage than the average fine does for the majority of players.  I also think they should tweak the fining process. Instead of determining a dollar amount, determine a percentage of the player's paycheck.  That way a 3rd string rookie player isn't getting fined the same amount as a 10 year pro bowl veteran.  But that's another discussion. :)

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Tate's TD was a pretty extreme example of taunting... maybe I'm in the minority but it would have actually delighted me to see those 6 points taken off the board. 


Any other personal foul against the offense would result in the play being wiped out, right? Even if it was a WR holding a defensive player 30 yards away from the play and had nothing to do with the outcome of it? 


I don't know, I just don't like where it's all going. I'd be embarrassed if a Patriots player did what Tate did. 

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Tate's TD was a pretty extreme example of taunting... maybe I'm in the minority but it would have actually delighted me to see those 6 points taken off the board. 


Any other personal foul against the offense would result in the play being wiped out, right? Even if it was a WR holding a defensive player 30 yards away from the play and had nothing to do with the outcome of it? 


I don't know, I just don't like where it's all going. I'd be embarrassed if a Patriots player did what Tate did. 

I agree, Tate's example was extreme & I would've been glad to see those points come off the board too...


but like someone else pointed out as soon as the NFL actually applies this rule, if in does indeed go through, somewhere down the line a ref will make a taunting call on a player just juking a defender to actually make the play...

With that said, & with the other rules that currently exist, I wouldn't disagree with a taunting rule stopping forward progress at the point of the taunt, once the rule would come down once or twice maybe players would just go back to concentrating on making the play...

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