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"@AdamSchefter At least 3 teams have contacted Browns about deal for WR Josh Gordon; 2 have standing offers of a high pick and a player

My guess would be 49ers and Patriots are 2 of those teams.

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My guess would be 49ers and Patriots are 2 of those teams.


Maybe but NE does not part well with draft picks.....they hoard them like crazy.


Grigson loves to hand draft picks out like beads on Mardi Gras. Then again it does not truly bug me since I am not a big draft person every year. It can bore me.

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Maybe but NE does not part well with draft picks.....they hoard them like crazy.


Grigson loves to hand draft picks out like beads on Mardi Gras. Then again it does not truly bug me since I am not a big draft person every year. It can bore me.


That's something that bothers me about Grigs.  Traditionally you want to build a team through the draft.  Grigs seems like he would rather build a team by wheeling and dealing.  

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That's something that bothers me about Grigs.  Traditionally you want to build a team through the draft.  Grigs seems like he would rather build a team by wheeling and dealing.  


The trades that Grigson has made (with high draft picks anyway) have been for young, up and coming players who still have a lot of years left so they can be critical parts to the rebuilding process. I don't see what the problem is.  Now if he were to trade away a 1st or 2nd round pick for a player like Larry Fitzgerald (since a thread was recently started about him) who is 33 then I could see the problem.   That, however, has not been the case.  So in trading away a 2nd round pick for the very young Vontae Davis and the first round pick for the still very young Trent Richardson is essentially the same thing as building through the draft but with players who already have some NFL experience.

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I heard Gordan is one test away from being suspended for a long time. Don't want to waste a draft pick on him. Watch Nicks last night and I was focusing on him more then anybody else and he seems to be like DHB and it was against a rookie DB with no safety help. I think we need to just keep the mentality of next man up. Brazil will do good. We still have Whalen and Rodgers so let's just play it out. Sucks that it's week 8 and trade deadline etc... Plus we have a bye week so can't really judge out 3 wideouts it's gonna be a hard decision for Grigs and Pag.

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When did Eric Decker whine?  


He may not have super great hands but they are better then DHB and Avery's.

When? Every time he didn't catch the ball the guy went whining to the refs. I get that receivers ask for the the flag a lot, but that guy was annoying.

Not sure what having better hands than Avery an DHB has to do with anything. Not like I praised their pass catching ability.

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That's something that bothers me about Grigs.  Traditionally you want to build a team through the draft.  Grigs seems like he would rather build a team by wheeling and dealing.

I never did totally buy into that notion. If you get get young, talented players thru trades, free agency, from the CFL/AFL...just get them. Teams have failed in FA agency because they weren't good at it, just like some team fail in the draft..because they don't draft well.

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When? Every time he didn't catch the ball the guy went whining to the refs. I get that receivers ask for the the flag a lot, but that guy was annoying.

Not sure what having better hands than Avery an DHB has to do with anything. Not like I praised their pass catching ability.


Meh him asking for the flag is no worse IMO then Andrew Luck's flop after being chest bumped.  


I'm just saying that his hands would be better then either of the #2 receivers we've had here for the last 2 years. 

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Meh him asking for the flag is no worse IMO then Andrew Luck's flop after being chest bumped.


I'm just saying that his hands would be better then either of the #2 receivers we've had here for the last 2 years. 




I honestly don't know how anybody can believe that Luck flopped after this hit. Vickerson is 6'6" 340 lbs and Luck was off balance with his back to Vickerson. I don't know many people that wouldn't have fallen after getting ran into from behind by a giant of a man.

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I honestly don't know how anybody can believe that Luck flopped after this hit. Vickerson is 6'6" 340 lbs and Luck was off balance with his back to Vickerson. I don't know many people that wouldn't have fallen after getting ran into from behind by a giant of a man.

6-6 340 Pppffftt that's nothing. I'd body slam him. Now if he was 8-9 689 lbs that may, just may have really knocked Andrew Luck over.

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I honestly don't know how anybody can believe that Luck flopped after this hit. Vickerson is 6'6" 340 lbs and Luck was off balance with his back to Vickerson. I don't know many people that wouldn't have fallen after getting ran into from behind by a giant of a man.


He didn't really run into him.  He came up and put his chest into him.  Now I think he did that to intimidate him but let him know that he was there.


But the way Luck fell was just too over the top for the contact IMO.  Even with a guy that large, pushing your chest into his back shouldn't lead to that kind of a fall.  


I wouldn't mind seeing the video again if anyone has a link to it, but it looked to me like he flopped.

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I honestly don't know how anybody can believe that Luck flopped after this hit. Vickerson is 6'6" 340 lbs and Luck was off balance with his back to Vickerson. I don't know many people that wouldn't have fallen after getting ran into from behind by a giant of a man.


I plan on rewatching the game, probably tonight, but when I watched for the first time I definitely thought it was a flop.   t-h-u-d lol

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He didn't really run into him.  He came up and put his chest into him.  Now I think he did that to intimidate him but let him know that he was there.


But the way Luck fell was just too over the top for the contact IMO.  Even with a guy that large, pushing your chest into his back shouldn't lead to that kind of a fall.  


I wouldn't mind seeing the video again if anyone has a link to it, but it looked to me like he flopped.




This is hardly putting his chest into him. He came up from behind and chest rammed him while he was off balance with his back turned.




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No, Luck may have exaggerated, but Vickerson was an * for hitting Luck in the first place.


I agree about Vickerson and the exaggeration is what I mean when I said "flop".  He exaggerated the hit, which drew attention to it and got the penalty.  I don't see anything wrong with it but it was definitely exaggerated...ie. a flop.

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I agree about Vickerson and the exaggeration is what I mean when I said "flop".  He exaggerated the hit, which drew attention to it and got the penalty.  I don't see anything wrong with it but it was definitely exaggerated...ie. a flop.

With so many penalties uncalled, no one knew if the refs were going to call that. Luck had to make sure they did.

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That's something that bothers me about Grigs.  Traditionally you want to build a team through the draft.  Grigs seems like he would rather build a team by wheeling and dealing.  

Hard to tell what his "traditional" philosophy towards building a team are, as he was forced into a situation where the Colts were gutted from top to bottom, so he had a few pieces he could build around, after it was obvious that Luck was the real deal & that his team could be contenders out of the gate, he went & started adding pieces ala V.Davis & thus the wheeling & dealing began.


I would assume with the team he has created now for that wheeling & dealing to slow down a bit, maybe a few FA.s next offseason, but I doubt colts fans will see the amount of action we have seen to this point...

but I could be totally wrong & Grigs could keep hunting until he REALLY has a monster on his hands!!!

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With so many penalties uncalled, no one knew if the refs were going to call that. Luck had to make sure they did.


That's fine.  I already said by flopping like that, Luck drew attention to what was happening therefore helping to make sure there would be a penalty.  I didn't say he was wrong in doing it, that he shouldn't have done it or anything like that.

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Yeah he kind of just did plow him over there....




Yep he did. I would challenge anybody to stay on their feet from the same hit from a guy that big when you're not expecting it. It was not a flop by any stretch. Did Luck exaggerate it after he realized what was happening? Maybe, but definitely not a flop. 

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Yep he did. I would challenge anybody to stay on their feet from the same hit from a guy that big when you're not expecting it. It was not a flop by any stretch. Did Luck exaggerate it after he realized what was happening? Maybe, but definitely not a flop. 


I accept that challenge.  Besides, I think this is just a matter of semantics.  You said yourself he exaggerated.  An exaggerated fall is exactly what I think of when I hear the term "flop" used regarding an NFL player.  The "hit" by Vickerson was not a violent one by any means...he clearly pulled up.  I wouldn't call it anything more than an exaggerated bump but again...semantics.  :)

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Here's a short list of current free agent WRs, does anyone on here interest you guys?


Brandon Lloyd

Laurent Robinson

Devery Henderson

Braylon Edwards

Mohamed Massaquoi

Donte’ Stallworth

Steve Breaston

Michael Jenkins

Deion Branch

Early Doucet

Ben Obomanu

Ramses Barden

David Gettis

Anthony Armstrong

Devin Aromashodu

Courtney Roby (KR)

Chad Johnson

Jabar Gaffney

Derek Hagan

Roscoe Parrish (PR)

Patrick Crayton

Jordan Shipley

Greg Camarillo (PR)

Legedu Naanee

Mardy Gilyard (KR)

Michael Clayton

Terrance Copper

Quan Cosby (PR/KR)

Ramses Barden has always intrigued me.

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