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Poll: Are you angry with Jim Irsay for arguably marring Peyton's return?

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Are you angry with Jim Irsay?  

135 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you angry with Jim Irsay for arguably marring Peyton's return?

    • Yes - he knew what he was saying and intended to cause a media storm.
    • No - the media have taken his comments out of context and blown them out of proportion.
    • Yes and no - he didn't mean any harm but, ultimately, has compromised the integrity of the situation.

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Whether he meant it to happen or not, Jim Irsay's comments have caused a media storm surrounding Peyton Manning's return to Lucas Oil Stadium.


I know there has been a lot of discussion on the boards regarding this issue over the past couple of days but it can be hard to gauge the general consensus simply by reading posts. For this reason, I thought it might be interesting to start a poll on the subject. 


Feel free to post in the thread but the votes are really what I'm interested in seeing.

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Whether he meant it to happen or not, Jim Irsay's comments have caused a media storm surrounding Peyton Manning's return to Lucas Oil Stadium.

See this is what makes no sense. Irsay's comments did not cause a media storm, the people that failed reading comprehension or were too lazy to read the entire story in its context are the ones that caused the storm. But, instead of pointing a finger of blame, disgust or whatever at the people that are in an uproar over Irsay's comments many are pointing at Irsay who said nothing wrong. Certainly nothing that was derogatory towards Manning.

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No, I blame the media. But in all reality that's their job. That's what gets ratings. Oh, and smack yard fans don't help either.

I gotta say this again. Do you know why the media wasn't able to twist Peyton's words regarding Irsay and the Colts?


Because Manning didn't say anything about Irsay and the Colts. 


Don't give 'em material and they have nothing to twist. Jim knows better, or at least he should. 

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I voted yes and no. His comments have been twisted, blown out of proportion, overly dissected and so on. But his wording was poorly chosen.

To be honest, I'm not upset at all. I just don't think he choose his words well.

Exactly, which as colts fan we should know by now. He says some crazy stuff to say the least, lol.

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I gotta say this again. Do you know why the media wasn't able to twist Peyton's words regarding Irsay and the Colts?

Because Manning didn't say anything about Irsay and the Colts.

Don't give 'em material and they have nothing to twist. Jim knows better, or at least he should.

Yeah, but when has Irsay not said something crazy? He's always tweeting crazy stuff. He could have worded it better to leave no doubt what he was talking about sure.

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Bill Polian got upset because Jim got too close to the truth.  If Polian had built a team that had a running game and a defense, as Manning now has in Denver, then the Colts would have won multiple Super Bowl rings.  It was Polian's team to build and he didn't build it properly.  He has admitted that he doesn't know how to draft O linemen and he proved it over the years.  He didn't know how to build a defense and the Colts record shows it. 


Get upset with Jim if you want to, but it is Polian that should get all the credit for not building a winning combination.   

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And Tony.

And Bill.

And Adam Schefter who knew nothing about the article but still felt qualified to talk about it.

And the people who didn't actually read anything, but still got mad.

Irsay isn't the media like all the other fellas you name-dropped. 


It's the medias job to create a story where there is none. I certainly don't own an NFL team, and I would've known to keep my mouth shut about anything negative this week, regarding the Manning/Luck exchange. 


Do you honestly think Jim isn't regretting his words this afternoon? 

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Yeah, but when has Irsay not said something crazy? He's always tweeting crazy stuff. He could have worded it better to leave no doubt what he was talking about sure.

I like his wildcard persona, love it. Was just going on about how much I liked his blue mohawk pic last week. 


I just regret that he had to mention the Manning/Luck exchange. There's nothing but negativity there, and this is NOT the week for such negativity to resurface. It isn't 2012 anymore. Jim should've deflected the questions regarding the woes of the Manning era.


Jim got baited into this firestorm. 

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Nope, the guy said what he felt and I respect that. I think many would look at the postseason success here over the past decade plus and say we did not win as much as we should have. That doesn't mean it was all Manning, but we should have had more success when it came to January

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Jim can't run too good right now, so I don't think he'll be starting sunday. 


I honestly don't care. It did get twisted, but he should have laid low, that's not his style, but this week is different. 


Not one thing he said hasn't been demonstrated by action.

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Irsay isn't the media like all the other fellas you name-dropped.

It's the medias job to create a story where there is none. I certainly don't own an NFL team, and I would've known to keep my mouth shut about anything negative this week, regarding the Manning/Luck exchange.

Do you honestly think Jim isn't regretting his words this afternoon?

Honestly no. And he shouldn't. If people want to be collectively stupid, and if the media wants to distort what he said why should he apologize.

I don't apologize when people take my posts or words out of context or twist them. Why should he?

If you believe he's suppose to anticipate this reaction, from those innocuous comments. We're just going to have to agree to disagree. Because this is so far out of proportion it's embarrassing.

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Honestly no. And he shouldn't. If people want to be collectively stupid, and if the media wants to distort what he said why should he apologize.

I don't apologize when people take my posts or words out of context or twist them. Why should he?

If you believe he's suppose to anticipate this reaction, from those innocuous comments. We're just going to have to agree to disagree. Because this is so far out of proportion it's embarrassing.

Fair enough. Then allow me to ask another question; 


Do you think Jim Irsay really needs to continue to explain his decision, 18 months after the fact? Most of us Colts fans have made peace with the decision, and have seen that the decision hasn't rendered us into the bottom 5% of the league. 


Jim doesn't need to continue to explain his decision. Doing so is just more fodder for the cannon. 

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Fair enough. Then allow me to ask another question; 


Do you think Jim Irsay really needs to continue to explain his decision, 18 months after the fact? Most of us Colts fans have made peace with the decision, and have seen that the decision hasn't rendered us into the bottom 5% of the league. 


Jim doesn't need to continue to explain his decision. Doing so is just more fodder for the cannon. 

Now that I agree with,

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See this is what makes no sense. Irsay's comments did not cause a media storm, the people that failed reading comprehension or were too lazy to read the entire story in its context are the ones that caused the storm. But, instead of pointing a finger of blame, disgust or whatever at the people that are in an uproar over Irsay's comments many are pointing at Irsay who said nothing wrong. Certainly nothing that was derogatory towards Manning.


They did though didn't they?


No comments = nothing to write about.


I absolutely think it was inadvertent but he, ultimately, caused it by making the original comments. 

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They did though didn't they?


No comments = nothing to write about.


I absolutely think it was inadvertent but he, ultimately, caused it by making the original comments.

Again, no Irsay did not cause it. Those that took his comments out of context did. Point the finger of blame where it belongs.

Benign comments should = nothing to write about.

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Now that I agree with,

As far as I'm concerned, all Irsay need do to explain himself is point to our record after releasing Manning. Losing in the first round in Luck's rookie year, year 1 of the massive rebuild, well that's the same result we had the last time #18 took a snap for the Horseshoe. 


.....And that's no indictment of Manning. We could no longer support the GOAT. Those whom made that possible are now gone and are part of the media whom concocted Irsay's misspoken words into an all out circus. Trying to make sense of this reminds me much of an M.C. Esher painting. 

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Again, no Irsay did not cause it. Those that took his comments out of context did. Point the finger of blame where it belongs.

Benign comments should = nothing to write about.

His comments weren't benign. He essentially described the Manning era as a failure while flashing a SB ring earned by way of the Manning era. 



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I think IRSAY is a passionate owner who cares of course the MEDIA never blows anything out of proportion t he basically said I wish we had more help for MANNING if anyone should be to blame its POLIANS flawed plan GO JIM KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK  GO COLTS JUST WIN BABY

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Fair enough. Then allow me to ask another question;

Do you think Jim Irsay really needs to continue to explain his decision, 18 months after the fact? Most of us Colts fans have made peace with the decision, and have seen that the decision hasn't rendered us into the bottom 5% of the league.

Jim doesn't need to continue to explain his decision. Doing so is just more fodder for the cannon.

Absolutely not. This issue would never have come up with the ferocity it has if we never played each other for the rest of Peyton's career.

For whatever reason Jim is feeling like he didn't fulfill what the franchise could have with Peyton, and wants it verbally known he is doing things different now.

Personally I don't think this needs to be said. Just look at the changes we've made, and how the team is built currently. But Jim wants to say it, for whatever reason.

However, you are absolutely not wrong that the more you talk, the more ammo your dealing out. I just don't agree that this situation warrants the responses it's gotten from fans and the media.

Just my opinions though.

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His comments weren't benign. He essentially described the Manning era as a failure while flashing a SB ring earned by way of the Manning era. 




They were definitely benign with regard to Manning.  Polian is the only one that could possibly take exception to what Irsay said.  He did not say that Manning was the issue, he said that they did not give Manning enough support.

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Whether he meant it to happen or not, Jim Irsay's comments have caused a media storm surrounding Peyton Manning's return to Lucas Oil Stadium.


I know there has been a lot of discussion on the boards regarding this issue over the past couple of days but it can be hard to gauge the general consensus simply by reading posts. For this reason, I thought it might be interesting to start a poll on the subject. 


Feel free to post in the thread but the votes are really what I'm interested in seeing.

I voted "No". Arguably, Jim Irsay could have said nothing and the media would have dug SOMETHING up about this game. This is the biggest regular season game in a long time. This week is almost like Super Bowl media week. There's no taming this beast; just have to ride out the storm.


The long and short of it all is this-- there would have been a media storm regardless. All we as fans can do is support our Colts and welcome Peyton with open arms. He is, and always will be a huge role model and motivator for this franchise, no matter what the media tries to spin.

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They were definitely benign with regard to Manning.  Polian is the only one that could possibly take exception to what Irsay said.  He did not say that Manning was the issue, he said that they did not give Manning enough support.

Exactly. Eat it, Bill Polian.

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